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We are Immortal Spiritual Parasites Occupying Homo Sapiens for a Short Period of Time!

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posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 12:45 AM
The difference between man and every other animal on the planet is not physical but rather who is in the driver seat. Every animal operates from survival and having relationships that are mutually beneficial. Each acts upon the here and now with no other motive than survival and pleasure. This does sound like man but the amount of preferences, thoughts, feelings, ideas, values or lack of and the things that they act on are unlike any other creature on the planet. Man is the most unnatural animal on the planet. We share organs, blood, bones and many things with other animals but they fit into nature. Man is out to dominate and control life changing things to fit ideas or to profit from. A simple motive to survive drives all the creatures on the planet except man. The drive is one of thoughts and ideas that come from somewhere other than this planet not fitting into a natural system and having no examples from this system to justify such a drive. Where did we get all these crazy ideas and desires that didn’t come from this world? Did we create them or are they an echo of an identity that is spiritual and trying to find itself in a strange land foreign to it’s true nature. If we are spirits in a human body only aware of the physical existence, the animal would create a conflict that an identity crisis would prevail. Never being satisfied and a feeling of not belonging is a sign of identity conflict. A dog is perfectly happy being a dog and every other animal is content being itself because there are no identity conflicts.

Humans are the most evolved creatures on the planet making them the most desirable host for a spirit. The next world we will become aware of comes after we loose our bodies or at death. This will be a spiritual world, one void of time, space, weight and measurement. A whole new set of rules and system unlike anything confined to weight and measurement. We ascend to a higher form of being. The choices made while driving the animal will either get you there or you will reject a spiritual identity and sadly be stuck in the animal one ascending to nowhere. There are higher reasons and purpose for our existence than pleasing ones self. There are higher powers and beings controlling our world that remain unseen and unnoticed making ones self all important. This is a breeding ground and we don’t even have a clue.

Other civilizations in the universe can very well be aware of this and connected to the ascended beings. Working for the life and world that comes after this one would be most beneficial to that race of beings. Knowing you will be with all your loved ones and the ones you help to ascend forever in peace, love and a place of perfect harmony. A race working for the good of all. Traveling from planet to planet they select the most advanced life form suitable for hosting a spirit and tweak them genetically to make them a host. Over the years watching over them adding knowledge and creating environments for the spirits to grow and develop. There will be those that develop enough to be part of a spiritual cooperative and those that fail never caring for anyone or anything past themselves. Free will dictates both gains and loses of spirits placed in the hosts. The breeding of the spirits comes to an end just before they become self aware bringing the power and abilities spirits have into a natural world. Without selflessness and love for all, such power would corrupt and lead to total destruction of the planet and all life on it.

Unfortunately, this breeding ground has produced more waste than ascended beings. There are those in the universe that will be allowed to do what they please with such and the selfless spirits will ascend to a higher level unable to help those who choose to only love and care about themselves. There are both the good and bad harvest of spirits and the beings tending to them. The breeding program is at it’s end. Before man becomes self aware, the harvest will occur. This is going to happen very soon and the true nature of the universe will be revealed. We will find out that not only we are not alone but rather have been planted and raised for a greater purpose than just being man.

Something wonderful and terrible is about to happen and your love for others and selflessness may be the only thing that you have control over and will ascend you.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 12:51 AM
Are you a Scientologist? Let me guess, your Thetan goes to a landing station on Venus when you die

edit on 3-3-2012 by daaskapital because: eta

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 12:52 AM
Wow.. that is about the most profound thing I have read on ATS after coming here for years.. thank you...

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 12:55 AM
May be true. I believe in a spirit or soul apart from the physical body. Parasite? Not sure I would go that far. Incarnation is voluntary on both the spiritual and physical sides, I would think.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 12:55 AM
well, that's one of the more crazy theories I've heard. I guess we will find out when the time comes.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 01:02 AM
didn't you all know? scientology is the greatest religion in the world! all the big movie stars are doing it!

please note my sarcasm

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by BulletShogun

Yep, the best religion ever, forcing children into hard labour

Keyboard hi 5 for the sarcasm

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

I have a feeling you didn't read the OP thoroughly.


To the OP, great thread. If i may add that the reason we survive is simply an energy issue. We must take in energy to put it out, and vice versa. And we can't remember anything before this life because it is far to traumatizing to our physical form to bring that kind of information into this world. Each life adds to our spirit. Life is all about productivity, to thrive and continue on in the evolutionary process... Thats a natural law of this world. Perhaps its the law of the "other world" as well. To live life's and each life you live are lessons and knowledge that add to the foundation of your soul. I feel like evolution of the soul may exist, but for now we have to prove that the soul exists to continue on with this theory. I enjoy threads like these, as metaphysics is my favorite section of ATS. We try to make sense of this existence.. and what could possibly be next. It gets my mind going at 100mph.

edit on 3-3-2012 by BruceEFury because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury

I was just screwing with hime. Wasn't it obvious

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 01:37 AM
Sure, we can be immortal spiritual parasites that float along and inhabit the earthly creatures of planet earth known as humans...

Or we can be a load of organic and chemical processes that over time has given us a complex brain with which we can communicate ideas and thoughts in a manner that no other known animal on earth can, and that requires nourishment in order to keep these processes going, and that over time will eventually fail to occur resulting in the expiration of the body and with it, the mind and consciousness - not to move on to another being, but instead to fade to black.

If it were the former, why have there been no noted cases of people suddenly being occupied by a less than well intended 'spirit' and why is it that they only inhabit new borns? is there some sort of Prime Directive that prohibits these spirits from committing acts against us?

I fear it is the latter. We simply die and turn to dust. Our spirits only live on in the memories of others. If there are in fact others to remember us by.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 01:38 AM
yeah, ive thought as much many times.

one problem i always have with it is that i cant help but imagine that "living in peace for all time" would be extremely boring.

also, i have the annoying belief that everything is God, and from that angle every "system" becomes nothing more than a game.. like the kind of "game" you have when youre having a really intense dream but youre about to wake up, and in the dream you have so many important things to do and your whole dream reality will just collapse and fall into a horrible disaster if you dont figure it all out.. but then you are waking up and you have a moment where you exist in both worlds and neither makes sense, so you just give up and go with the flow, and wake up into a new world where none of the life and death important matters you were just freaking out over matter at all.

so why bother with any of this nonsense? or at least, why bother figuring it out? its just another dream.

reply to post by daaskapital

This thread is not about scientology, nor your ego. please stop trying to derail it.
edit on 3-3-2012 by BohemianBrim because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by daaskapital
reply to post by BulletShogun

Yep, the best religion ever, forcing children into hard labour

Keyboard hi 5 for the sarcasm
didn't know bout that

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by BulletShogun

Originally posted by daaskapital
reply to post by BulletShogun

Yep, the best religion ever, forcing children into hard labour

Keyboard hi 5 for the sarcasm
didn't know bout that
The HQ in Australia is like a detention camp. They send children and adults there if they have been 'irresponsible'. They are forced to work for 40-50 hours a week with no pay. There's vids on Youtube

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by Avoiceinthewilderness

I also enjoyed your post. I don't have much to add other than my support, and a
No one knows the truth yet, even if they did no one would believe them anyway.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 04:55 AM

reply to post by daaskapital

This thread is not about scientology, nor your ego. please stop trying to derail it.
edit on 3-3-2012 by BohemianBrim because: (no reason given)

Mate, i fail to see how i have an ego. What's with everyone today? Lighten up will you.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by Avoiceinthewilderness

Interesting idea's Op Star and Flag for effort and for subject matter.

I believe in reincarnation also. There is a wide array of theories on how incarnation starts.

I find it interesting to hear other peoples thoughts on the issue.

HERE is an interesting read.
edit on 3-3-2012 by pez1975 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 07:06 AM
BohemianBrim I like this subject also.

Daas,I thought your joke was amusing.

BruceEFury your right on the money. But I've read some scientific papers from the early twentieth century that I feel proves the soul exist.

Originally posted by MidnightSunshine

No one knows the truth yet, even if they did no one would believe them anyway.
So true

Originally posted by mainidh

why have there been no noted cases of people suddenly being occupied by a less than well intended 'spirit'

Have you never read the papers about the exoticism's preformed by the Catholic church???

There is lots of documented cases.

edit on 3-3-2012 by pez1975 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by BruceEFury

Originally posted by BruceEFury
And we can't remember anything before this life because it is far to traumatizing to our physical form to bring that kind of information into this world.

What the heck are you talking about? What's supposed to be so "traumatizing" regarding knowledge about "before this life"...? Actually, some seem to pretty much enjoy such knowledge ...

Each life adds to our spirit. Life is all about productivity, to thrive and continue on in the evolutionary process... Thats a natural law of this world. Perhaps its the law of the "other world" as well. To live life's and each life you live are lessons and knowledge that add to the foundation of your soul."

Nice, but, question: Why don't the TPTB in the least care about all this? What is their "evolutionary process", what are THEIR "lessons"? Learning to steal and kill? And how does this TPTB behaviour fit into a world allegedly being "all about productivity, to thrive and continue on in the evolutionary process"...? Now something seems to be very wrong here.
edit on 3-3-2012 by giugliot because: spelling

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by giugliot
reply to post by BruceEFury

Originally posted by BruceEFury
And we can't remember anything before this life because it is far to traumatizing to our physical form to bring that kind of information into this world.

What the heck are you talking about? What's supposed to be so "traumatizing" regarding knowledge about "before this life"...? Actually, some seem to pretty much enjoy such knowledge ...

Each life adds to our spirit. Life is all about productivity, to thrive and continue on in the evolutionary process... Thats a natural law of this world. Perhaps its the law of the "other world" as well. To live life's and each life you live are lessons and knowledge that add to the foundation of your soul."

Nice, but, question: Why don't the TPTB in the least care about all this? What is their "evolutionary process", what are THEIR "lessons"? Learning to steal and kill? And how does this TPTB behaviour fit into a world allegedly being "all about productivity, to thrive and continue on in the evolutionary process"...? Now something seems to be very wrong here.
edit on 3-3-2012 by giugliot because: spelling

1st: Well I wouldn't say traumatizing. But in this physical life, the knowledge of the divine is to complex for our physical brains to handle.. Idk man its just a theory no need to get all hostile lol.. This is metaphysics and philosophy and any open minded and deep conversations shouldn't be taken as fact, but rather opinion, and speculation.

2nd: Violence is a natural part of evolution, natural selection, survival of the fittest etc. Murder and violence will always be a part of life, and evolution is pushing humans to overcome violence. Because the goal is to survive, to keep our species as long as possible. There will always be a flaw in a system that will slow the process down, if you catch my drift.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 03:16 PM
I try to be more of a symbiont than a parasite. There isn't much difference between the two except for their impact on the environment. Humans do seem largely parasitic, but I think it has more to do with the current stage of evolution in society, and in particular our tendency to kick responsibility down the road of time.

Also, while I was raised to make a huge (christian) distinction between humans and animals, that gap seems smaller to me now after witnessing various forms of animal intelligence (ie. dolphins, crows, cats, dogs). It's not black and white. Some animals seem more self-aware than others but I can't tell where the dividing line is.

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