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My first Possible ET encounter!

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posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:32 PM
A few nights ago while i was in my garage smoking a cig i was thinking about how supposedly i had read from people whove had alien experiences that aliens can essentially communicate with u telepathically from wherever they are and that supposedly people can contact aliens simply by calling them mentally?

So just for #s and giggles i tried...idk...something to pass the time while i smoked?

so i commenced trying to contact these guys with my mind, i believe something along the lines of

"If anyone out there can hear me please respond! Please show yourselves, please make yourself known i know your out there ect ect ect."

Now honestly i expected there to be no response and i suppose i was right. nothing happened.
No voices responded in my head, no weird spacecraft landed in my backyard, nothing. which was exactly wat i was expecting.

We're not to the weird part yet, the weird parts coming up..

Anyway so later that night i went to bed, same way i always do , did my meditation with the aid of some binaural beats and fell asleep.

I had a very almost oddly vivid dream where i saw an alien spacecraft floating just above my house and was suddenly shocked awake by what kind of felt like a low powered tazer?

i opened my eyes and standing above me was a freaaaakinggg alien.

Dark grey skin, skinny, short, big black bug eyes...and he was just staring down at me.

i was still dazed and confused from being awakened so suddenly and mumbled something to him at which point he started talking, his talking though sounded like a bunch of different clicking noises, kinda like what you'd expect an alien to sound like on some movie. I couldnt make out what he was saying but almost instantly after that i could hear his voice in my head. He first said something along the lines of
"Dont expect things you have no experiance with?" idk wat it meant probably a response to what ever it was i mumbled to him after which i felt that zap sensation again like i was being tazed again. I made the connection that he was the one zapping me whenever i said something stupid or something he didnt like, he didnt want me to talk to him at all.

I laid there terrified for a few seconds after which i asked him if i could ask a question..

He clicked his mouth again which translated in my head to a simple "No"

Then i got zapped again, closed my eyes and when i opened them he was gone.

first time anything like that has happened to me.

Oh btw i couldnt move the whole time he was i was frozen..sleep paralysis of something i suppose...

Im not making this up.

I have taken into account that this could have been a dream, but it was so realistic and i know i was awake the whole time..crazy stuff...

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:33 PM
Sorry i didnt know how to change the Area the thread was in so

Plz mooove mods...idk where to ..

grey area? or maybe alien forum...heheh

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Whatwentwrong11001

Did the creation give you positive vibes or negative vibes from your experience???

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:39 PM
idk i was terrified for most of the experience hehe...

i felt like he was doing something to me the whole time but i couldnt tell what nd i couldnt feel anything.

all i know what i was super scared.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:39 PM
So you "think" you had a real encounter after all that?
Lucid dream maybe?

If you see them again, send them my way, southern New Hampshire. Plenty of us here will trade paralysis for a ride off this insane asylum. I'll even consider probes vs. a Monsanto slow death.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Whatwentwrong11001

Did the alien tell you that smoking is bad for your health?

I'll you what, if I'm putting a message out there to meet an alien that last alien I wanna meet is a grey, since they have an affinity to anally probe mankind.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Whatwentwrong11001

Thanks just wanted to see if you felt energy from it.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:48 PM
I have some recommendations on how to look into ufology a little more safely. I don't recommend anyone just seek for some sign or communication, there are many types of ETs and possible connections/contact/experiences/abductions.

Your meditating and working with binaurals? Are you also opening your heart chakra, and throat chakra, (ie, following in the footsteps of Christ and Buddha)? Reporting for duty to the Family above, of Love and Goodness to help this world and to your Higher Self, pouring out your faults and trying to raise your frequency?

If you're really doing that then these are the ones I would recommend:

The James Gilliland ones on this page:

He uses his words for the Higher Ups, and contacts he trusts. I would be very safe, and choose, your own Higher/Infinite Self/Soul, which his meditations connect you too, Father/Mother, the Family of Love and Goodness, the Highest Love and Goodness in existence, the Spirit of Peace and Love, your personal Family above, and those who serve only Goodness.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:49 PM
Why is this in fragile earth. You need to request the thread to be moved to personal experiences, which is the Gray section.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:50 PM
yea..sorry i dont know how.. hopefully a mod will just move it.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:00 PM
Greys make clicking sounds. But in your head, they have personality, ie one can make a very soft "female" gentle, patient voice. And be very gentle with you. Another literally sounds like what I can only call an angel, expansive, rich deep authorative, melodious male voice. You literally "hear" this inside, even if you were deaf.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:03 PM
So do you think you'll ever try that again? Lol I absolutely HATE alien dreams. They are just about the only ones that scare the bejesus out of me!

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posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

i laughed.

But anyways that sounds crazy i would have to have changed myself after that experience...geez..

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:06 PM
Yeaa def think imma try it again. and hopefully get better results

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:06 PM
Whether it's aliens or demons or something else, it's just not a good idea to invite them in! Best not to open that conduit, because based on similar experiences I've heard about for many years it's darned near impossible to close it again. Often they come in the form of a new "friend" or deceased love one and nurture a relationship only to turn violent later on. Personally I suspect they're all demons disguising themselves as whatever they think the individual wants to see.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Whatwentwrong11001

Sounds like you were abducted. Have you read books on abduction or anything like that..... meaning you are just thinking about it alot?

If not .....then I would be careful next time you invite "someone" into your head or house.

For the most part ....good things do NOT happen to abductee's.

paralysis and "them" staring down at you are classic signs of abduction
edit on 2-3-2012 by dplum517 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Whatwentwrong11001

my name is Mork nano nano

tell me how to call them just like you did, and I will try to expand my network from Ork.


posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:22 PM
I agree with SavedOne, especially after the experience you had. I don't know what it is about greys, but just looking at pictures of them, they are just so creepy and evil looking. I would never want to invite another to come by. I had a dream not too long ago about one coming in the room while me and my 2 kids were staying overnight at my moms house. The thing tried to take my daughter, she was being lifted off the bed by some force until i jumped up and kicked it in the head and told it never to touch my kids again. Horrible dream...

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posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Benoit84

Not every grey is negative. Its a universal, common body suit, ai, to get around in different gravity/magnetic fields. However, for all intents and purposes, currently, since there is so much specrum in polarity, the safest kind of connection or contact to seek is: Higher Self and Family of Goodness.

But I do write cautiously to show what I've learnt myself, in my experiences, and how the doors to negative things happening close, if you are really striving to try and solve the problems in your life, gain love and compassion, and raise frequency.

Because human nature is to be thrilled by the beauty and mystery of the universe. With the reality of sitings and experiences, many are seeking for contact or their own sitings.

In view of that, telling them to shut the door, walk away is not going to work, nor is it really the right thing to do either.

The dark side mocks human kindness and trust.. Trust and goodness, appreciation and gratitude, wonder over the universe are VIRTUES.

So, I don't recommend people stop seeking. Just change themselves, work on self so that seeking is a frequency match and you're wearing clean underwear. Because this doesnt give negatives permissions.

I learnt that first hand, and my only grey area thread, no one clicked into it. (I think its my only grey area one) But it was about permissions in my experiences, and how that knowledge changed them, and gained protection.
edit on 2-3-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:46 PM
Thank you Unity, I understand what you're saying. I dont believe my dreams have been actual experiences with them, but more about my fear of them and what they could be capable of. After reading your post I agree with you. If the OP does try this again, i would definitely like to read about it. This is a very fascinating topic to me anyway.

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