posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:24 AM
I am now finally a member, after a few months.
I've been lurking around ATS for some time now, and decided to join so I'd see the full action, and possibly join in some threads. What brought me
here was when I was looking up the internet about beings from another planets. I saw something along the line of "AboveTopSecret" and I thought that
was kinda comical name for a website. But, it has become one my most frequented sites.
I know that we are not alone. You might ask me how I know, and I'll answer simply with this: The fact that YOU exist. Because you exist, others exist
too. You can't exist without the others. I'm pretty sure it's the same thing with Earth, there are another planet with beings calling it a name
just like we call our planet, Earth.
I've been fascinated by few theories, such as the Pyramids of Giza and extraterrestrial bases on another celestial body. Lately, I've been wondering
about those "Fresno Stick Aliens," and wonder what they could have been. Extraterrestrials? I also saw how someone suggested it could have been
organic drones.
I have a theory.
Computers were programmed by humans. The simplest programs are made up of a few lines of codes. The most advanced programs are made up of complicated
codes and algorithms.
Now, just think about it. What if WE were programmed by something, or someone? Bacterias are made up of extremely simple DNA sequences, and I learned
from a good friend of mine who studies biology. She tells me how scientists are now able to program DNA into a bacteria and make it an entirely
different specie. Not Genetically Modified, but completely make it a different specie (please correct me if I'm wrong on this one). Now, animals,
including humans, have complicated DNA sequencing. It's just like a computer. Except, we're organically programmed.
If anyone can help me with my theory, I'd appreciate it.
I also take interest in the conspiracy theories, some of them appear to be intriguing. Like the Monsanto GMO incidents, Financial Tyranny, and
I am an American, and I see how ignorant and uneducated most people are. By ignorant and uneducated, I mean to say how most of them appear quite
close-minded. I fail to understand how they can have this condition. I like to frequent this site to educate myself further about how people would
look at things differently. I favor enlightenment, the search for "truth." In fact, I've had quite a few experiences myself and it lasts for only
so long.
I hope to hear from you ATSers soon! You all are an interesting bunch and it's always good to keep changing perspective. Nothing is ever-lasting, but
ever-changing. One of the constant of universe is change.