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WWIII Incoming: Could Andrew Breitbart Have Been Killed to Further the Goals of The New World Order?

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posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 07:26 PM
Who is Andrew Breitbart: Editor of the Drudge Report and helped launch The Huffington Post.

Breitbart was found dead OUTSIDE, at 12:30 AM (like after midnight). Breitbart was 43 yrs old. Within a hour and a half the media had already claimed natural causes. That means at 2 am the media said it was natural causes. Before a doctor had even conducted an autopsy, somehow the media knew it was natural. The speculation was instantly heart problems (and it will be heart problems, something as simple as a potassium injection makes it look like someone died naturally of heart probems), they didn't speculate a brain aneurysm or anything else.

Why would the NWO want Breitbart dead? Because he was about to release a video that would hurt Obama

Why is something that hurts Obama so bad now?
Because we are preparing for war. No, not Iran. World War. Our country is about to go through a very hard time and we must be united. If dissent towards Obama is to high then Civil War will break out during World War. High Officials and media know that this is true. I do not agree with much of what the Obama Administration is doing, and they are using the leverage they know they have right now. But many won't attack him as hard right now because they understand we are going to World War. Even people who don't want him in office at all, they understand if World War broke out in 3 months that we would lose if to many HATED Obama. This video would have made people HATE Obama. What group of people seem to really HATE Obama? Ron Paul supporters, which is one reason why Paul is sensored so much.
What is coming is The New World Order, but it won't be the only World Order. This third world war is unlike the previous two. In this World War, the U.S. has no choice. If there isn't a World War the U.S. will die and be in extreme poverty. This War is due to one thing: The Economics of Globalism.

True Capitalism, What the U.S. was in it's prime, is the best economic design....when there is no competing economic design. What this means is that in the mid 20th century (before globalism) China and the U.S. had independent economies. When both economies were compared to each other, the U.S. had a better system.
Post globalism the two economies are now entangled. China also revised its economic system in preparation for globalism. There is a reason that China, Russia etc use to think that Socialism/communism was far supreme to capitalism. It is because supreme it was in that region for all of history. Those economies were competing against each other because of their close proximity. In competition socialism would have won. China has since took what it knew about socialism and combined it with what we taught them about Capitalism. Their current economy is a Socialism/Capitalism hybrid. As globalism grows, more and more companies will move to China. Our economy dies. We will not accept socialism. And China won't change because it's winning. The U.S. only has two choices. 1st choice is to form an "Alliance" economy and all countries under it follow the same/similar rules and have absolutely no interaction with countries not in the "Alliance" economy. At this point there would generally be 2 world economies. The economy opposing the Alliance would eventually lose, therefore China would attack. 2nd choice is to attack China, while still forming a world economy. Here's what you need to know, we are going to World War. Prepare.
Why haven't you heard about China? Because you would have been freaking out 10 years ago and known that we were eventually going to war, and war would have broken out to soon. We had to prepare first. We have heard about a lot of little countries we have been invading. Look at their location. You're missing the Big Elephant in the room. Part of it is to be stationed closed to China, Part of it is resource control -gold/oil (Libya) . Oh I wonder why we haven't been drilling our own oil.....really?!?! Because it's close to us and we can get it when stuff gets bad.

You know the gov't is lying to you. Why? And why do so many in the know still go along with it and help with the cover up? What is being prepared for is massive. You already know to prepare, and hopefully have. There is one additional thing though, don't feel hopeless. Never forget what God given rights we all have. Remember what the Country was really about, remember our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, the message of a true statesmen; Ron Paul. Learn about the creation of our Constitution. Many opposed it. And those men are some of the most important men in history. These great men initially lost, the Constitution didn't have a Bill or Rights. They continued to fight, blood was shed. Eventually they won, and now we have a Bill of Rights. These men were few in number, but strong in their belief. That is your duty, to watch what they are planning, disagree with it, demand the most freedoms possible. Enjoy these days. Learn everything you can and inform others of what is coming. Now is the time to tell anyone. People won't think you are crazy, everyone is going to be waking up. It won't be long, be ALERT. We can't just throw all of a race in camps again, but we can throw terrorist in camps. Watch this closely, it's already infringing on our rights, don't let it get worse.

P.S. If you haven't bought precious metals yet, hopefully the direction they are going is making even more sense to you now. New economies = new currencies. This can't be known to much though (why media downplays gold). Everyone would buy commodities and keep cash on hand instead of in banks. They would like to merge economies w/o a bank run. Which means the new currency will just happen one day, it won't be a thing that's talked about by the gov. ahead of time.

edit on 1-3-2012 by cbvh27 because: edit

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 07:31 PM
I think he just died from health issues, that would just be a guess though. I certainly would not put it past the gooberment to silence someone they consider a threat, but people do die early...

I do think he was a heck of a journalist though. I was a bit confused why they had someone from ACORN giving reactions to his death and other things, but meh they have to be fair I suppose.

Comparing him to Abe Lincoln may be a bit over board, if you watch TYT tonight. He was a good journalist, and brought a lot of important issues up, but I think that just stops at being a damn good journalist.

If the videos had substance, which they may, then I would say conspiracy.. but we may never know, I certainly hope they are released.

S+F for you.

edit on 1-3-2012 by sicksonezer0 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-3-2012 by sicksonezer0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 07:40 PM
I really do believe wholeheartedly that EVERYTHING going on right now all ties in together as the master plan...

If you look at the big picture with everything that is going on, how can you deny yourself that very ugly times really are indeed coming to the us and indeed the world soon.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 07:50 PM
Why is it that as soon the the North American economy goes south that the rest of the world is supposed to follow? Guess what guys? The connection between the two was severed a decade ago. YOU are ALL now reaping the harvest of living well beyond your means for half a century. It is called CREDIT WITHDRAWAL syndrome and unfortunately (as always) the working and middle classes in your country have to pay the price. I would get out of North America as the lot is going to (and in some parts already has) gone to the dogs. Australia, Denmark, Canada (probably you best choice as it is closest) all have much higher standards of living so GET MOVING!

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by cbvh27


This was the first thing I thought of when I heard the news this morning.

Breitbart was going to expose Obama, America’s latest NWO figurehead, and he was ‘removed’.

Scary times…I think everyone paying attention (REALLY paying attention) right now knows something is going down. Too many things have been going on that point in the same general direction. It’s impossible to make sense of it all because every good plan is fluid and constantly evolving, so you can’t point to one specific thing (smoking gun). But one thing is certain…we’re headed for something BIG very soon!

9/11, Patriot Act, Obama, SOPA, NDAA, OWS, actions around the middle-east, media manipulation at the highest levels in history, extreme censorship, usurpation of power, etc, etc. These things are all ‘tiny’ smoking guns which together form a distinct pattern…a plan…a clue as to what is going on.

You don't have to wear a tin foil hat to see the tyranny and posturing going on around the globe. EVERYTHING happens for a reason...there is no such thing as a coincidence.

Great Post!!
edit on 1-3-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by koder

Yes and there are many many more ties I could make. Try looking at most things while knowing the people who made the decisions understood that we have been preparing for this World War for a LONG time. And everyone is worried about who has an interested position. The ones who have benefited (contracts, money etc) all have close ties to the gov't. Whoever gets those contracts suddenly has tons of intelligence. But then who within the company is also benefiting and trying benefit even more by furthering the other side.

Globalism has changed everything. Including the amount of spies / double-crosses. We're all so interconnected now. Why does someone double cross? MONEY. The gov's all have unlimited supplies. It takes just a second to communicate from China to the U.S., to make the offer, it's become slightly harder to bring the pay back into the states though.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 08:14 PM
Also, Healthcare. They don't really care if it passes. It could have been set up as a tax and been constitutional, end of story. They want the debate. They want people talking about and being comfortable with socialist ideas. We won't be socialist, but we will also be a capitalist/socialist hybrid. But more capitalist than China and retaining more freedoms. The NWO will include Healthcare.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 08:28 PM
You really think Brietbart was of any importance at all? He was on the same level as Michael Moore - a charlatan, a shill. Someone who ginned up stories - misleading stories at that - for personal gain.

His passing, while tragic for his family, is insignificant

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by atlguy

You really think Brietbart was of any importance at all? He was on the same level as Michael Moore - a charlatan, a shill. Someone who ginned up stories - misleading stories at that - for personal gain.

His passing, while tragic for his family, is insignificant

Yes, I think he was important. Breitbart exposed ACORN and the MSM and was a rising conservative voice outside the MSM. He was also huge in exposing Obama...and he mysteriously died at 43 with no terminal illness.

Maybe this will shed some light...

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 09:20 PM

He was diagnosed with heart disease last year. His family are the ones who put the "natural causes" idea out there. He has a history of taking walks at night; see the recent video of him getting his heart rate quite raised by screaming at a bunch of OWS kids. If you doubt how many people in their 40's kick off due to heart disease every year, please consult the number one cause of death in Americans.

But yes, you're right.....add some video of a coked-out Obama in college, and it all spells the perfect conspiracy. After all, he wasn't the president who said "I inhaled; that was the point."


Originally posted by seabag
Yes, I think he was important. Breitbart exposed ACORN and the MSM and was a rising conservative voice outside the MSM. He was also huge in exposing Obama...and he mysteriously died at 43 with no terminal illness.

LOL, yeah, he exposed that ACORN had been hassled by a kid with better film editing skills than pimp-impersonating skills. Also, he exposed how well the editing scam works on USDA employees when people consider you a "journalist."

And what, exactly, did he expose about Obama?
edit on 1-3-2012 by 00nunya00 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by 00nunya00


He was diagnosed with heart disease last year. His family are the ones who put the "natural causes" idea out there. He has a history of taking walks at night; see the recent video of him getting his heart rate quite raised by screaming at a bunch of OWS kids. If you doubt how many people in their 40's kick off due to heart disease every year, please consult the number one cause of death in Americans.

But yes, you're right.....add some video of a coked-out Obama in college, and it all spells the perfect conspiracy. After all, he wasn't the president who said "I inhaled; that was the point."

I haven’t heard that. Do you have a Link? Any evidence to back up this claim? I’m not saying you’re wrong but I’d like to see it.

LOL, yeah, he exposed that ACORN had been hassled by a kid with better film editing skills than pimp-impersonating skills. Also, he exposed how well the editing scam works on USDA employees when people consider you a "journalist."

Why did ACORN lose funding if he was wrong then?

House Democrats on Thursday unexpectedly abandoned their longtime ally ACORN, joining Republicans in an overwhelming vote to end all federal funding for the embattled liberal activist group.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) watched its last bastion of support in Washington crumble a week after hidden-camera investigative videos surfaced that showed its workers advising a supposed underage prostitute on how to cheat on taxes and loan applications.

And what, exactly, did he expose about Obama?

What he was ABOUT to expose…

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by cbvh27

The first rule of the NWO fight club is you do not talk about the NWO fight club.

They will not play nice.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by 00nunya00

But yes, you're right.....add some video of a coked-out Obama in college, and it all spells the perfect conspiracy. After all, he wasn't the president who said "I inhaled; that was the point."

Something tells me the ‘college’ videos he was referring to wasn’t about coke snorting in the dorm. There is a LOT about Obama’s past that has yet to see the light of day.

Of course you likely won’t see a problem with much of it. I notice your avatar with the reference to Mao, the communist revolutionary. You might like the video above…after all, black liberation theology teaches revolution too; Mao and Che Guevara are big heroes to them.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by seabag

wow, I haven't seen that video before.
Had never seen some of those clips.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by atlguy

The US gov thought Julian Assange was one that could be shut down. Oh a staff seargent bradass was just a guy with a lady gaga cd. I believe in the conspiracy of the Kennedy's (except Ted) JFK/Bobby.....not part of the plan. There are many "nobodies" that constantly were in the face of the gov - on the soap box for transparency and have "unexpectedly passed or commited suicide." Breitbart MUST have been about to blow something up - like Michael Moore - he had access to money and had the ears of many. To all of a sudden collapse after midnight "walking" is strange and odd. He is a father...and was a warrior for the right. It is believed that someone saw him collapse. many people get shot and see nothing - are kidnapped and no one sees anything AND someone saw Breitbart collapse on A WALK after midnight (father of four happily married - I am sure he had a treadmill or a pool to burn off stress or steam.) AND within 2 hrs the coroner had stated he died of natural causes?"!?! We still don't know how Whitney Houston died, or at least I don't and I have rss feeds for every news platform worth tuning into as well as the platform where most news outlets pull there news. His death could be of a natural cause caused by something or someone. ..... maybe by the person who saw he physically collapse on the road. What are the chances???

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by 00nunya00


He was diagnosed with heart disease last year. His family are the ones who put the "natural causes" idea out there. He has a history of taking walks at night; see the recent video of him getting his heart rate quite raised by screaming at a bunch of OWS kids. If you doubt how many people in their 40's kick off due to heart disease every year, please consult the number one cause of death in Americans.

But yes, you're right.....add some video of a coked-out Obama in college, and it all spells the perfect conspiracy. After all, he wasn't the president who said "I inhaled; that was the point."

I haven’t heard that. Do you have a Link? Any evidence to back up this claim? I’m not saying you’re wrong but I’d like to see it.

Which part are you asking for a link for, the heart problems or Obama saying he inhaled? If it's the heart, here: His heart problems

LOL, yeah, he exposed that ACORN had been hassled by a kid with better film editing skills than pimp-impersonating skills. Also, he exposed how well the editing scam works on USDA employees when people consider you a "journalist."

Why did ACORN lose funding if he was wrong then?

Same reason Shirley Sherrod lost her USDA job. Because people like we meet here just believe whatever they're presented, and the entire congress freaked out about seeing as supporting pimps if they didn't defund ACORN. Too bad it was all legally over by the time they figured out the "pimp" had edited the videos so atrociously that you couldn't even recognize the original discussion that was taped. If you have no clue about this either, you really need to get off the righty websites more often.

House Democrats on Thursday unexpectedly abandoned their longtime ally ACORN, joining Republicans in an overwhelming vote to end all federal funding for the embattled liberal activist group.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) watched its last bastion of support in Washington crumble a week after hidden-camera investigative videos surfaced that showed its workers advising a supposed underage prostitute on how to cheat on taxes and loan applications.

And what, exactly, did he expose about Obama?

What he was ABOUT to expose…

LOLOLOL, yes, he was killed over some video that was already on YouTube and that is obviously very easy to get on the net without getting killed for it. Suuuuuuuure.

Dude, stop grasping for straws. The dude died, the end. It's not a frigging conspiracy. Obama may be underhanded, but do you really think you're special enough to have figured it out? You really think that of all the people in the world, YOU are the one who has put it all together, YOU know exactly what Brietbart was about to reveal and it's that OMFGOBAMAISAMUSLIM!!!!!

Seriously, dude? Meds. Lots of them.

And my avatar is funny----it's a frigging cat. Get it? Chairmain Meow? Of course you don't. You take it literally. Sigh.

edit on 2-3-2012 by 00nunya00 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 11:54 AM
Why is it going to take 2 week to release the video now. If the video is out there, then it is ready to be released. Breitbart was going to release it the day he died. We were being lied to before Obama, but now we are being lied to while being led into a VERY socialistic NWO. I'm starting to support a Ron Paul VP position. It's the only option to get Obama out and it gives Paul more power than he had before

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by 00nunya00

People have died mysteriously throughout American history. Why is this situation not plausible to you? Could it be because Breitbart never uttered a word you agree with?

The very DAY he was supposed to release info that would hurt Obama he died?? Not suspicious to you??

Is Obama Targeting Key Patriots on Enemies List? Could be!!

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 07:39 PM
didn't his friends and family make the "natural causes" claim first ?

the NWO needs to get their act together, they've had 60 years to work and not much to show for it

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by syrinx high priest


First off, let me ask you this…

If a guy was supposed to testify before the court as witness to a murder and he turned up dead the morning of the trial would that be suspicious to you?


NWO doesn’t have much to show for the last 60 years? All of the military actions we’ve had in the last 60 years fall in line with the NWO agenda. How about the usurpation in America? The constitution has been ignored for decades. How about the actions (and existence) of the UN? How about the trilateral commission or the assassination of JFK? Etc.

I’d say there is plenty of justification for concern about a NWO.

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