posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by anon72
I don't think the thousands of worker desktop PCs have any sensitive links to any sensitive corporate intellectual property, our company sure
doesn't, I'd expect since it is government contractual protocol that we don't, they don't either. They hacked simple workstations. Big deal.
The average Joe has no idea of the restrictions, audits, and security involved in as much as simple government contractual awards, and working with
them. There is no way the military or even the DOT is going to use 'out of the box' Asian chips with no authoring involved, except for internet
access crap. That's what all this simply is.
The most advanced world manufacturers of silicone technology is south of San Francisco, look em up on Google maps, you will also find Google corporate
headquarters there right next to a NASA Ames, and a myriad of other related corporate headquarters.
They assemble the chips, we program them, simple..