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You could be an alien hybrid if....

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posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 03:49 AM
Personally, I think we are all hybrids. But it all happened so long ago that, of course, some of us will demonstarte more or less those alien genes. The only criteria Idon't have is that I'm O+ blood type. My husband demonstrates all of them except he has bown eyes. The RH factor is an interesting the point of view that the neg RH is "new" and they don't know where it came from. My husband is RH neg.Our daughters are too and the births of our grand children are adventure stories.
Anyway, my personal idea (don't want to call it a belief yet) is that the story of human existence on this planet cannot be explained unless one includes the influence of aliens. And that this "influence " happened along time ago....LONG TIME AGO.....and so here we are wondering where our parents went and when they are coming back.
So .... in short.... those of us that "notice" differences are exhibiting the alien-ness in their genes, their make-up.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 04:06 AM
Ok puts tin foil hat on

I answer yes to all 4 of the questions you have put up OP.

I dream in colour and have the ability to control my dreams. I have dreamt of some places and since have be to some of the very places for the first time.

I am A rh negative blood type.

My eyes are hazel green.

I have some esp traits but can't seem to control them, there are times when things just seem to come to me, or I pick on up on someones thoughts. Have seen energies but again, it's not something I can seem to just turn on as I please.

And like another poster that said, they have a deep inner feeling that they don't belong here. I have the same feeling, but a feeling like on here for another purpose that will become clearer in time. I first started getting the stronger feelings about this back in 2008. An awaking if you like.

I can only say how I feel, some people out there reading this might think I'm mad.

Good thread OP.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by missvicky
Personally, I think we are all hybrids. But it all happened so long ago that, of course, some of us will demonstarte more or less those alien genes. The only criteria Idon't have is that I'm O+ blood type. My husband demonstrates all of them except he has bown eyes. The RH factor is an interesting the point of view that the neg RH is "new" and they don't know where it came from. My husband is RH neg.Our daughters are too and the births of our grand children are adventure stories.
Anyway, my personal idea (don't want to call it a belief yet) is that the story of human existence on this planet cannot be explained unless one includes the influence of aliens. And that this "influence " happened along time ago....LONG TIME AGO.....and so here we are wondering where our parents went and when they are coming back.
So .... in short.... those of us that "notice" differences are exhibiting the alien-ness in their genes, their make-up.

I often thought this, so a star for you.
I often think if we opened our mind to what the bible tells us with a healthy dose of science then some answer as strange as they might be, will come to light.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by colec156
Ok puts tin foil hat on

I answer yes to all 4 of the questions you have put up OP.

I dream in colour and have the ability to control my dreams. I have dreamt of some places and since have be to some of the very places for the first time.

I am A rh negative blood type.

My eyes are hazel green.

I have some esp traits but can't seem to control them, there are times when things just seem to come to me, or I pick on up on someones thoughts. Have seen energies but again, it's not something I can seem to just turn on as I please.

And like another poster that said, they have a deep inner feeling that they don't belong here. I have the same feeling, but a feeling like on here for another purpose that will become clearer in time. I first started getting the stronger feelings about this back in 2008. An awaking if you like.

I can only say how I feel, some people out there reading this might think I'm mad.

Good thread OP.

my brother... as if i wrote these words

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

The 4 traits mentioned in the OP are all human traits.

Rarer, but still just human.

I have all 4 but also am pretty sure I'm just Homo Sapiens.

The fact that I've gotten older and some parts are starting to wear (like pretty much everyone else my age) is an indicator that I'm actually fairly normal.

But spiritually, I'm not from 'round here.

edit on 1/3/2012 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 05:00 AM
Ok my alien hybrid friends,here is one test and here is another.It will tell you if you are hybrids or not.

Recently i met a person and we started talking.When he felt confortable enough he told me "i don't feel i belong here,all i want is to go home".He didn't say anything about alien hybrids(i don't believe he knows about them),but this is how one knows that something is "wrong" with them.It's not just the eye color or the rh,it's the feeling in your guts that you don't belong and of course the dreams.

Of course there are cases of delusional people,but if one has this feeling all his/her life then there is definetely somethhing worth checking out.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 06:46 AM
Here is a little info on green eyes and where they are most prevalent.

Green eyes probably result from the interaction of multiple variants within the OCA2 and other genes. They were present in south Siberia during the Bronze Age.[51] They are most common in Northern and Central Europe.[52][53] They can also be found in Southern Europe[48] and parts of South Asia (Afghanistan, northern Pakistan and northwestern India), South America and North Africa. In Iceland, 89% of women and 87% of men have either blue or green eye color.[54] A study of Icelandic and Dutch adults found green eyes to be much more prevalent in women than in men. Among European Americans, green eyes are most common among those of recent Celtic and Germanic ancestry, about 16%.

Green Eyes

An interesting quote/theory about dreaming in color:

A well-known 1942 study in which most subjects reported dreaming in black and white could not be replicated last year by researchers at the University of California, who said, ''It appears that one or the other (or both) groups of respondents must be profoundly mistaken about a basic feature of their dream experiences.'' Only about 18 percent of the 2003 study's subjects said they rarely or never dreamed in color, against about 71 percent in 1942.


The study went from 71% dreaming in b/w to 18% dreaming in b/w in 61 years. Two thoughts on this...if the fact of color dreaming is because of alien hybrid, then does this mean there is a remarkable increase in hybrids? My second thought is the color TV which came out in 1953, I believe, could have a little to do with this. People today do not see a lot of b/w everyday, and may therefore dream in color more than years before.

I have green eyes which came directly from my German ancestry, such as the link suggests. I have always dreamed in color and often have reoccurring dreams that I can control. I usually can only control dreams I have had before because I realize I've had them before and know what is coming next. However, I do not have RH neg blood or any outstanding esp abilities.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by colec156
Ok puts tin foil hat on

I answer yes to all 4 of the questions you have put up OP.

I dream in colour and have the ability to control my dreams. I have dreamt of some places and since have be to some of the very places for the first time.

I am A rh negative blood type.

My eyes are hazel green.

I have some esp traits but can't seem to control them, there are times when things just seem to come to me, or I pick on up on someones thoughts. Have seen energies but again, it's not something I can seem to just turn on as I please.

And like another poster that said, they have a deep inner feeling that they don't belong here. I have the same feeling, but a feeling like on here for another purpose that will become clearer in time. I first started getting the stronger feelings about this back in 2008. An awaking if you like.

I can only say how I feel, some people out there reading this might think I'm mad.

Good thread OP.

Dito..... But my eyes are translucent and change from blue to grey to green from day to day... Mood? Body chemistry? IDK it just happens.
As for dreams..... it's in the name and It's proven but deciphering the prophetic to the mundane is a puzzle sometimes, Hybrid Neurons no doubt the ability to control Retarded/Advanced Electron Waves(My theory).

So far finding out the purpose of the mission, if any.... warning humanity. Then there's our survivability, stamina, focus, intelligence just a few traits there are more being tall, proportionally large cranium (see photo) but maybe it's just improving human evolution. Only time will tell.

edit on 1-3-2012 by DreamerOracle because: And the common hybrid trait.... Typos

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by colec156
Ok puts tin foil hat on

I answer yes to all 4 of the questions you have put up OP.

I dream in colour and have the ability to control my dreams. I have dreamt of some places and since have be to some of the very places for the first time.

I am A rh negative blood type.

My eyes are hazel green.

I have some esp traits but can't seem to control them, there are times when things just seem to come to me, or I pick on up on someones thoughts. Have seen energies but again, it's not something I can seem to just turn on as I please.

And like another poster that said, they have a deep inner feeling that they don't belong here. I have the same feeling, but a feeling like on here for another purpose that will become clearer in time. I first started getting the stronger feelings about this back in 2008. An awaking if you like.

I can only say how I feel, some people out there reading this might think I'm mad.

Good thread OP.

Colec156 You read my mind all that you said I wanted to say ...Who knows maybe we are just different but observing people around me I feel so different almost like I am from another planet .

Someone else mentioned above that we are just humans and these are all human atributes and I would beg to differ on that one. Maybe some of us are more awaken and aware than others. I can tell you that I meet some humans that should not even be called by that name.
edit on 1-3-2012 by lisa2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 08:00 AM
Very interesting topic. Dreams! I dont know where to begin or if it is off subject as of now but my most memorable dreams are of complete loss of control of my body. I can feel everything in the dream. When i lose control i start spinning and bouncing around with no control. I get very dizzy and disoriented. And no no on drugs. Happens about once every couple of weeks. Theres a lot more to it than that but to keep it short. Also blue green eyes? I dont know any thoughts.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 08:02 AM
so, how very very special of us! i have green eyes, my blood is RH- and i dream clourful. Oh my, that means i am a hybrid! And now, what am i supposed to do,am i going to get that information and walk on the streets proudly??? How will it help me though still i am made up of dust, no matter what i dream or hope in my very fragile and very false thoughts, i am bound to the laws of god/nature whatever it is..

very funny, still hoping and still yearning for someone, somebody help us, whatever it is alien, guru, presidents, government, religions. The only truth is we are lost, i am perfectly lost, that's for sure.

wake up i say, wake up, a thousand times from the nightmares of this world, but there is no way outta here

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 08:38 AM
Some of them are. RH- . Everyone dreams in color. That one was always nonsense, and we even had a debate about that in school. The only ones who didn't know were the ones who thought they didn't dream because they couldn't remember this.

I think most hybrids would probably be quite similar.

The psi part, that relates to being a starseed. Everyone is a starseed, but the longer your in the lower frequency, reincarnated many times say, the more this atrophies, the more adapted you are to the lower frequency. Starseed doesnt just mean another planet, it can also mean coming in from Home/Beyond/Paradise, outside all the schools.

But everyone is really hybrid and starseed, the human race is, including plants and animals. Its more about how recent.
We're all Dandelions Dandelions are Free!

Back to the black and white dreams, if people dreamt in black and white, they would be so shocked it would wake them up.

Every cell in our body, and the penial, emits photons. Colored light.

I'll just take the easier to find links.
edit on 1-3-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 09:22 AM
Yes I currently even watch V from 1984, nice poster there but as far as dreams are concerned, there is nothing hybrid in dreaming strange things, I can link to my dreams again:

Originally posted by Imtor
I'm doing a research on dreams to see how much of them come true and I can use them. I call these Level 2 dreams, that deal with more serious issues. Level 1 dreams are things related to my daily life like completely minor things. This is a log from these Level 2 Dreams:

2007. I'm standing alone outside near the (.... in my city ) It's night and
very dark. What I see around is grounded buildings everywhere, some ruins are still on fire.
(....) mountain is an active volcano, lava is flowing down the peak. I feel fear.

2007. I'm on a sandy beach, it's daytime, I decide to enter the sea. The sea has no water,
just sand and dry/dead algae lying on the ground. I continue walking further from the beach
and there is no water, only slightly wet sand and algae. I look back at the beach to see how
far I am and I still see sand from the beach to me where water is supposed to be present.

2007. I'm at our villa in (... my city), daytime. What I see on the north where the
downtown and the city is supposed to be in the lower altitude, it is one big lake or sea,
all buildings are underwater. The water somehow reaches the altitude of our villa and we
hike upper in the mountain to avoid the rising water.

2007. I'm standing outside at a grassy square with buildings around very much like the
campus in (...). It's night. I'm watching the night sky and I see a very bright
white-yellow light coming from the sky. It later turns into a falling meteor. As it hits the
ground, a massive shockwave is released that causes strong wind and blows me away
from where I am standing. I see myself blown by the shockwave, about to collide with a
building. The feeling inside the dream is very real.

2008. I'm at home in (....). It is night. I hear some strange sound from outside.
I look at the window and I see green lights in the sky. Then I recognize something like a
a spaceship, more than one craft appears.

18.03.2011. I'm in my city, outside, it's dusk or early morning. I see a light orb in the sky.
I want to take the camera and record it but I miss it. Then during the day me, my family,
uncle, aunt, cousin are outside the city, hiking on some rocky mountain place. We all see
a light orb again, this time I record it and I have brought my binoculars too. Next we see
2-3 missiles (like the ones used for launching a shuttle in space) launched into the sky, like
against something flying in the sky.

7.04.2011. I record with a digital camera a greyish orb with light in the sky. The sky is
cloudy. Then I want to show the record to someone and see again what I have recorded.

24.04.2011. Someone I do not see gives me the ability to use other parts of my brain that
allow me to do things I generally cannot. I am able to fly without wings, or move to any
place I want, create fire out of my hand and even destroy a person by just using my mind.
In the dream I feel I have more power than others who don't have these abilities. The places
where I apply these abilities are in are in the forest, in the mountains.

4.05.2011. I just enter what appears to be the Denver Int. Airport and I immediately start looking
for the murals and time capsule that I am already aware of. I notice the mural with the masked
man holding the gun. I look around to see if someone has a camera or anything to take pictures.
I see my brother and my cousin, my brother having a camera with him. I don't find the capsule
or all of the objects on the first floor and I climb up the escalator that goes to the upper floor.
Then I find myself in a concert room with my grandmothers sitting at some chairs and I ask
them how are they here in America!? then my brother laughs over me thinking I'm in America.
I facepalm.

17.05.2011. While sleeping in my bed and the night sky can be seen from a part of the window
without a curtain, in my dream I see some strange pink-red lines in the sky like a text but they
are neither recognizable letters, nor any known symbols. They appear like many random lines.
When waking up I feel some tension or pressure in my brain.

19.10.2011. Someone, not seen who, tells me how to levitate myself using my mind and thinking
of something related to charges. I can then see myself levitating any time I want and with ease. I
feel the levitation as absolutely real. I state that at first it was hard, then it became easy to do.

Having slightly longer canine teeth and a mark that anyone may consider im marked, does that make me a hybrid?
edit on 1-3-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 09:25 AM

edit on 1-3-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 09:27 AM
I'm pretty sure that, if there are any alien hybrids at all, we are all an alien hybrid.

Those darn aliens have been around for years...

Wait, you're not talking about the border-jumpers? My bad.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 09:52 AM
5. You have narcissistic illusions of grandeur and specialness
6. You spend too much time on ATS and believe every single thing you read without questioning anything and everything
7. You do not ever leave your mom's basement
8. You watch too much Sci-fi channel and start to believe it is all real
9. When you see lights in the skies (IE planes) you think they are finally coming to take you home but first you gotta video it and upload to YT and tell everyone the mothership is coming!
10. You get mad when you start a thread claiming you are an alien hybrid and people ask you to prove it.

In all seriousness, I do not believe the list in the OP means a thing....I fit all but 1 on the list (wont tell which one)...and I know for sure im no alien hybrid
But it is fun to pretend

edit on March 1st 2012 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:02 AM
Stars and flags for this nice thread, "LadyGrenEyes"

I think there is a very good chance that we all are "Alien hybrids". Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA , and another thing is the about 1600 cases of "Starchildren" were parents world wide contact Mary Rodwell and tell her that their children are in contact with Extraterrestrials from outer space, they reportedly go at "ET high school", reportedly able to read other people's mind, telepathic skills, move objects through the air by using mind-power, reportedly also have healing skills. Some of these "Starchildren" claim that their real parents are Extraterrestrials.

Your origins are not of this world, but are extraterrestrial in nature, and are to be found on a planet that circles the star Vega in the Lyra constellation

Your origins are not of this world, but are extraterrestrial in nature, and are to be found on a planet that circles the star Vega in the Lyra constellation. Yet, you have achieved more than to travel a mere 26 Light Years to reach your present home. Many millions of years ago, you became part of a vast rebellion by the Light against the dark in this galaxy. The uprising began in Lyra, Cancer, Gemini and Orion, as well as in many other lesser-known star groupings ('constellations'). Eventually, this rebellion led to the formation of the Galactic Federation of Light, over 4 million years ago. At the very core of this battle were the Star League of the Pleiades, the Andromedan Confederation, the Lyra Light League and the Sirian star-nation. Of these, Sirius is most sacred and the place where the Great Blue Lodge of Creation has chosen to enter this galaxy. Originally, it was defended by a Lion people who decided to settle only on two planets in the Sirius A star system. Later, with their permission, Humans from Lyra were first to colonize Sirius B and, in time, Sirius C and D.

edit on 1-3-2012 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes

1. Various "ESP"-type traits. Things like telekinesis, knowing what others think or feel, knowing things before they happen, common, strong "hunches" about things, etc.

2. Rh-negative blood type. TONS of discussion on this one, all over the place, and some is pretty wild. Interesting thing to me, though, is the way a Rh-negative mother can reject a positive child, which otherwise happens ONLY in a cross-breeding of species as in horse/donkey crossing for mules. Science seems unable to explain why this happens with human mothers who are Rh-negative.

3. Uncommon eye colors. Green, amber, etc. Seen some truly bizarre discussions on green eyes, when simply looking to see how uncommon the color is (for clear personal reasons).

4. Unusual dreams. Dreaming in color, with physical sensation, smell, etc. Also dreams of unusual places, etc.

Those are pretty general categories, and I hope you can all add some details, and some things I might have missed. Seems a good list could be a handy thing. Once saw such a thing, regarding possible abduction, as in, if you checked over a certain percentage on that list, chances were you had been, and didn't realize it.

So, what do you all think?

1. Happening more often than usual.

2. Not sure.

3. Green/hazel eyes actually.

4. Very weird vivid dreams. At one point I couldn't tell which was reality. Thought my grandfather was alive and hiding.I can smell, taste, sense, ect in dreams. Once I even had a dream I was on drugs.

Am I an alien>? O_o

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:21 AM
Interesting. My eyes are green on the outside and fade to brown toward my pupil. When I was younger my eyes were blue, then changed when I was about 9 to brown then changed again to what I stated earlier.

I don't think im a hybrid, but it's interesting none the less.


posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Starchild23
I'm pretty sure that, if there are any alien hybrids at all, we are all an alien hybrid.

Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA , and Lady Gaga - "Bad romance" , "Alejandro" , "Telephone" , "The Night live performance 2011" really is a good example of a "Hybrid" , she also makes me think of "Pleidian women"

Dogon and the Sirius mystery , and Cherokee indians tells stories of Pleiadian star people coming to Atlantis in ancient times, intermingling with Earth inhabitants, and having children with the beginnings of higher consiousness.
The Pleiadians reportedly travel in a "Split Second" between the wast distances in space, for example from the Pleiades to this starsystem at a distance of about 420 light years, or much larger distances. Also Andromedans reportedly travel wast distances in space in a "Split Second" for example from one end of the galaxy to the other end of the galaxy, or from galaxy to another galaxy, and yes, still in a "Split Second".
In this conference Alex Collier explain that the quiet science of archeology has and will discover more and more of ancient history, including ancient Extraterrestrial civilizations, there is going to be aknowledgement of a temple complex that belong to ancient Lemuria that is apparently still intact lying approximately 150 miles southwest of Easter Island, Alex Collier is told it's huge, he's also been told that the Russians already know it's there, they have photographed it and exployed it in many submarines. And underwater structures near Okinawa have already been filmed/photographed by divers.

Boriska claim he lived his past life as Martian several thousands years ago, and that he visited his Lemurian friend. Boriska claim that in ancient times the Martians were about 7 meters tall while Lemurians were about 9 meters tall.
From about 8:12 in this 'conference', Randy Winthers mention that the ancient Lyrians who visited Earth in ancient time were from 7 meters to 9 meters tall.
So since other human looking star races reportedly are for example 7 to 9 meters tall may have a homeplanet in their starsystem that have a weaker gravitation force than that of Earth's gravitation force. It is speculated that the reason why the huge dinosaurs and huge insects like the ancient Dragonfly with a wingspan of 70 centimeters wide is that in ancient times the Earth's gravitation force was weaker and had higher oxygen atmospheric levels in the atmosphere, it's also speculated that planet Earth was smaller in ancient times, and grow bigger and bigger through time and the gravitation force get stronger and stronger.
edit on 1-3-2012 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

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