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You could be an alien hybrid if....

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posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: Ploutonas
I have green emerald eyes, British called it : green ruby eyes and they also change colors from light green up to dark green, depends my mood. Also my blood type is O...

I didnt saw the rest,

1) All my dreams are in color and I feel the wind, heat, taste and smells. I see more colors in dreams, from what my human eyes can see when I am awake.

2) as for the sense, I am always a 100% accurate.

I am also dyslexic.
but are all humans aliens after all? (humanoids are not included).
edit on 2-2-2016 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 08:52 AM
My eldest daughter has eyes that turn from brown to yellow , she is turning 11 , when she is a sleep she speaks in other languages mainly indigenous to Australia , had esp until a few years ago but dreams of things that come true. My youngest daughter that is turning 7 has blue eyes that change to green when they are green she is happy and a joker , but can also have similar experiences to her older sister . They are both way above there IQ for there age , but are also very immature at the same time , There mothers last name is Dionysius ( Greek God ) And my last name is Norman I have my own gifts but they can turn bad so I just sit back now and try to aid and guide my children because I don't want for them what has happened to me ? I am in a chemical straight jacket , got put in a mental hospital for my gifts and after 3 months of tests they came up with that I had bi polar . what a crok of # , its hard for me to harness what is left but with that I can guide my daughters in the right direction , However in 2013 I was in hospital and wasn't aloud release for a few days at home for xmas , I was only given xmas eve and day , but this is were the hybrid thing comes in the hospital had me that much overacted that it was like I was on a super drug , could here every ones thoughts just not in the house but out side as well . Any how as it got dark I could here a man in distressed in my head , and when I realized it was a friend of mine getting bashed . I walked calmly from my house and headed towards his place , he lived about 700 meters away , I started to run but as I was running towards him i could feel a change my eyes changed , they went tunnel vision and my speed got faster , it was as though i was seeing inferred tracking down pray but it was all yellow , when i got there i ran straight through his wooden fence and as i approached his door the people who were attacking him fled , he said to me i was like an animal but the last thing i can remember is blacking out . whether we are hybrid ,human , gifted at the end of the day we all live on this marvelous planet. Just remember without the sun or moon our existence is doomed

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 08:55 PM
I would add increased intellect. And, possibly, slender features.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 01:15 AM
Perhaps - never never become sick like flu or common cold. Or what about faster healing rate? Vivid dreams that you can remember I can with. Increase memorization skills. Increased visualization skills for instance rotating a vanilla oreo and slicing the cookie inside your mind and zooming in cookie's surface visualizing. If you had poor visualization before and somehow improved that could be a sign; perhaps. Feeling out of touch with humans perhaps, getting frustrated with talking to people about your ideas or your dreams or your theories. Being put off by people's primitive behavior - like acting macho in front of girls that type of primitive behavior. Feeling like your brain is being squeezed by vice grips during "upgrades" or "evolutional upgrades" Extreme mood swings for no apparent reason then couple of days then able to conduct daily things better. Perhaps these would help - I'll think more later on. Oh perhaps feeling more energetic during the night than day - maybe that's for some people that not hybrids. Facial structure changes perhaps - depending on what the evolutional upgrade is. There is possibly a lot that could be true. Perhaps some hybrids don't know they're hybrids but question why feel different in every day life.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

The ability to retain memories from one life to the next could be a symptom of having exceptional DNA. And of course any time someone has exceptional DNA it could be alien in origin.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: Raxoxane

I have always had recurring dreams about a street in a small town. I live there, in the country. I also have a recurring dream about walking up and down the same inner city street with large buildings. They are very specific, I can remember every detail of the locations. I do dream in color.I also have...well, I wouldn't call it any kind of psychic ability, but I have strong anxious and dread feelings before something bad happens. However, I don't think it has anything to do with being a hybrid. It could be so many other things.
edit on 12-2-2016 by Moana because: adding details

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 01:58 AM
I honestly think that a lot of this stuff can be easily explained by psychosis involving delusions, paranoia, or even a desire to feel like one is different or special. A lot of the points of proof are simply common human traits, or are easily explainable by scientific facts. Sometimes, it worries me that so many people attribute normal traits to something paranormal, like they are grasping for any proof that it exists. Just a thought...

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: Moana
such as? The dreams in color and taste, etc... ? Is it paranoid to watch dreams in color? (LoL) Or the green eyes.

Well if its normal for you to watch black and white dreams and paranoid if you watch them in color.. I prefer to be in you understanding as a paranoid. I would feel less human if my dreams was black and white lol
I cant imagine a world without color. But in my research, animals watch dreams or when they are awake in black and white...

I dont understand the "hybrid" definition as well. Hybrid is something between. If I am a human with lots of senses, that doesnt make me hybrid, but more human instead. If there is humans with less than what I feel, maybe those are the hybrids lol. And because some people minds the earth is the center of the universe, they consider earth as something apart from cosmos. So in their mind, we are something between the distant cosmos and earth thing.

In my definition hybrid is something else, not that.

In schools they teach that humans are animals once, they see dreams in black and white and their brain decodes that as a color. I mean, we learn lots of craps from people who crafted all that and may be the real hybrids (if we read ancient books it reffers to an artificial hybrid race) creations from animal dna. And their reality, is forced into us as our reallity as well, in order for them to survive.
edit on 14-2-2016 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2016 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: SoymilkAlaska

When I get stabbed in my dreams I am always scared.. but I never feel it.

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 02:22 AM
I know this is an old post but I couldn't resist posting.

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
1. Various "ESP"-type traits. Things like telekinesis, knowing what others think or feel, knowing things before they happen, common, strong "hunches" about things, etc.

2. Rh-negative blood type. TONS of discussion on this one, all over the place, and some is pretty wild. Interesting thing to me, though, is the way a Rh-negative mother can reject a positive child, which otherwise happens ONLY in a cross-breeding of species as in horse/donkey crossing for mules. Science seems unable to explain why this happens with human mothers who are Rh-negative.

3. Uncommon eye colors. Green, amber, etc. Seen some truly bizarre discussions on green eyes, when simply looking to see how uncommon the color is (for clear personal reasons).

4. Unusual dreams. Dreaming in color, with physical sensation, smell, etc. Also dreams of unusual places, etc.

originally posted by: burntoast
i think theyres way more then jsut 4 things telling me im a hybrid alien....

5.feeling outta place on this planet, always thinking about the cosmos and the universe

1. I come from a family of intuitive / psychic people, especially the women in my family. My mom in particular often just "knows" things before they happen. She's especially good at predicting relationship break-ups. While I'm not all that gifted, I do have a strong ability at psychometry.

2. Not only Rh negative but also O blood type, so both of my parents had to be 0 negative too! Interestingly enough, O- people are the only people who can use their blood-type to trace their ancestry because of the way blood-type is inherited.

3. My eyes are blue-green. Sometimes they can look shockingly bright blue & sometimes they look green. Seems to change depending on what I'm wearing or maybe mood. Not really sure.

4. I always have the weirdest of dreams. Usually very complex, involved dreams with a lot going on. And yes, in color, with smells, sensations, etc. And oddly I dream of UFOs alot - often multiple UFOs flying around, like it's normal or something.

5. Yes, have always felt out of place in this life, like I'm not from here. I've even written poems about it. You can find them online (or I can post them somewhere on here) if you want to read them.

So, I guess I'm an alien hybrid too! LOL!

PS - I might be descended from royalty too, depending on which genealogical story you believe on geni.

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: Astartiel
I know this is an old post but I couldn't resist posting.

1. I come from a family of intuitive / psychic people, especially the women in my family. My mom in particular often just "knows" things before they happen. She's especially good at predicting relationship break-ups. While I'm not all that gifted, I do have a strong ability at psychometry.

2. Not only Rh negative but also O blood type, so both of my parents had to be 0 negative too! Interestingly enough, O- people are the only people who can use their blood-type to trace their ancestry because of the way blood-type is inherited.

3. My eyes are blue-green. Sometimes they can look shockingly bright blue & sometimes they look green. Seems to change depending on what I'm wearing or maybe mood. Not really sure.

4. I always have the weirdest of dreams. Usually very complex, involved dreams with a lot going on. And yes, in color, with smells, sensations, etc. And oddly I dream of UFOs alot - often multiple UFOs flying around, like it's normal or something.

5. Yes, have always felt out of place in this life, like I'm not from here. I've even written poems about it. You can find them online (or I can post them somewhere on here) if you want to read them.

So, I guess I'm an alien hybrid too! LOL!

PS - I might be descended from royalty too, depending on which genealogical story you believe on geni.

Hey, no worries! Kinda fun seeing a reply to a thread so old; at least I know it's a topic of interest!!

My mom was the same way. I know, sometimes, but not the same as she did. Tends to be with people, for me (was for her as well), and sometimes with some plan or other. Nothing I have noted from objects, though. Never really tried that.

A for me, and no idea on the parents.

Mine are a sort of mossy green, as opposed to emerald, and they change a bit as well. Usually stay green, and just lighter to darker, but once in a while, blueish or grey. My oldest and my brother both have (well, had, for my brother) eyes tat change a lot more, typically blue, but can be green or grey as well. Seems to run in families.

One thing I don't recall every dreaming of is a UFO. All sorts of weirdness, but not those. Flying is a normal dream thing for me, and very odd buildings.

Interesting about the royalty! Got some family tree data from a cousin I didn't know about, and there are connections to a lot of the European royalty there. Not direct, by any means, more passed down the female line, as I recall. But there. Way back when I had the data, I used a free trial on a website and hooked up with other family trees with shared ancestors, and found some of that is claimed to go WAY back. Nothing I could verify, but fascinating stuff! I wonder if there is a connection.

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 04:40 PM
Definitely an interesting topic. I came across a list recently of common personality traits of RH Negative people from the rhnegativeregistry website:

A few “fun” facts shared by many within the Rhesus negative groups:

• A feeling of not belonging
• Truth seekers
• Sense of a "Mission" in life
• Empathy & Compassion for Mankind
• An extra rib or vertebra.
• Higher than average IQ
• ESP Ability
• Love of Space & Science
• More sensitive vision & other senses.
• Increased of psychic/intuitive abilities
• Cannot be cloned
• Lower body temperature
• Higher blood pressure (some say lower either way one extreme to another never quite right)
• Predominance of green or hazel eyes that change color
• Red or reddish tint to hair color
• Increased sensitivity to heat & sunlight
• Unexplained Scars
• Piercing Eyes
• Tend to be Healers
• Empathetic Illnesses
• Ability to disrupt electrical devices
• Prone to Alien Abductions
• Experience unexplained phenomenon
• Physic Dreams and/or Ability

I'm O- & that entire list describes me except I don't know about extra ribs or vertebrae. And the jury is still out on the alien thing, lol.

I used to be really into psychometry but freaked myself out with it & haven't explored it for along time. But recently I realized I might as well explore my gifts because our lives are so very short compared to the infinite capacity of our minds.

I've dreamt of UFOs most of my life, starting in my teens. And sometimes my dreams are of indubitable "UFO highways" with dozens to hundreds of craft flying about. Sometimes these dreams are so "real" that I wake up & am shocked that they were just dreams. I also dream frequently of flying or levitating myself too. Often frustrating to wake up only to realize I can't float around anymore! LOL

Regarding the Royal descent thing - Found out via Ancestry & Geni websites. Of course, there are disputes on the validity of those connections but it's fun either way. The more I dig into my family tree, the more I find out that I'm possibly of Royal descent from several different lines via my mom's parents. You should really check out the Geni website. Lots of good info there!

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: Astartiel

I've seen that list. Some items fit for me, but not all. No idea on some, such as the extra rib, or the cloning. Poor vision, though god night vision, and excellent sense of smell! Blonde, though there can be reddish hints (more golden, I'd say). No unexplained scars or abduction issues. Can't really say on electronics.

posted on Jun, 19 2016 @ 11:09 PM
In regards to being psychic, etc. I have had a lot of premonitions in the past.. I also have an extraordinary memory. When studying in school, I never needed to re-read things when learning things in school. And my retention was extremely potent. I had a very good photographic memory as well.

The two premonitions that have impacted my life greatly and have held this in for some years now.

One night I had a very anxious feeling. I was in HS, my brother moved out for a year now (I still lived with mom and sister).
He left behind some sort of a metallic leg of a table and I never thought about taking it out of my room. It was moderately heavy (about the weight of a 10lbs bag of rice). Anyway, this night I decided to move the table leg closer to my bed. I had a gut feeling about something but wasn't sure what. So I went to sleep, later, I had a dream. Not sure for how long the dream lasted but what I had remembered, had me wake up in sweat. In my dream, I was in my room laying down, a figure entered my room but in my dream he was just a silhouette. Black in shape and I remember standing up and I immediately woke up. I was wondering what that was about and remembered my gut feeling earlier and slept with the lights on because I was so scared. The next day, I went to school normally and when I got home I was playing some video games. I was used to being home alone after school and then one moment someone had opened my room door slightly and closed it again immediately. There were no lights on outside of my room so I could not see anything. My heart started pounding super fast. Almost out my chest. My room doorknob was a bit messed up and only a few people knew how to work it without pulling the door knob out of the socket. However, this person knew how to do it without that happening. So, I assumed it was my sister and I thought nothing of it even though my gut instinct was telling me otherwise. About an hour later I left my room normally, made food, etc. Later that night my mom came home and screamed from her room asking me what happened to her room. As I walked inside, my stomach dropped and I saw a huge mess on her bed, indicative that a stranger indeed was in her room. In my house, almost in my room. I feel as though my dream gave me a vision of what would happen. In my dream, I stood up as to challenge the stranger.. But when it actually happened, I remained calm. I feel like I remained calm because I had already dreamt of one outcome and changed the path of what was going to happen by not standing up immediately when that door opened.. Not sure.

My second dream was a repeatedly occurring dream that I was having for years. I was always in a building falling. Very vivid, extremely detailed and in color. My subconsciousness always had thoughts of figuring out a way to survive a falling building. But every time, I would fail. During this time, my mother had come back from vacationing in another country and I spent a lot of time with a boyfriend away from home. After being gone for a week or so and coming back, my mother stated that Con Edison had come to the building because there was a gas leakage and had to shut it off. My heart pounded really hard before she even completed her sentence. We lived without gas for about 2 months, almost 3. After this happened, the dreams of being in a building that was falling had ended. And I truly wonder if they were at all connected. I wonder if I avoided the outcome by not being home at all..

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 09:54 AM
As previously suggested, I do believe we are all "alien hybrids" so to speak. There is a definite desire to feel "special" and I hope none fall too deep into this when contemplating their ancestral, current, and future self. If you have a gift, use it wisely.

I did not notice it coming up in this thread, but I wonder if any of these Rh- people found a connection with their ancestry being from the Scotland/Ireland area?

Furthermore- just food for thought: Do you wonder that the difficulty in "breeding" with Rh- types is an indication that you maybe shouldn't breed? And I don't mean that in the sense that the lineage is inferior and shouldn't be mixing - but I mean it in the sense that you should be focusing on other aspects of this life that aren't creating the family bond? Just a thought. Feel free to discuss, ignore, or hate as inclined. ;-)

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Have all the traits, even the extra rib.

Used to dream about underground military bases as a child. Haven't had those in a long time.

I've also had dreams that came true, and I was able to warn the people in advance of something bad happening.

Have lost a child to the RH- antibodies reaction. Lucky to have the one I do.

Still believe we are all Gods children

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 11:06 AM
I don't understand such fascination of being called a hydrid human or bragging about having a blood type, or being called anything else. Especially with the new age theology and all it proposed wisdom when it come to deflating the ego. Even I didn't fall for such claims when I got into new age poo doo.

No wonder they don't come down or say anything.
edit on 11-9-2016 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-9-2016 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 11:13 AM
this thread is dumb
first it is made by a man who is pprobaly a new age believer
second the traits arent so uncommon

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: humanoidlord

Did u know most people who hate new age where probably new ager themselves at one time.

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Specimen

except me

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