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Lets Start With Al Jazeera

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posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by RATT
Is it just me or is Al Jazeera supporting terrorist?

I'd say its just you. Americans view the tapes of the beheadings and such, they just download them rather than get them from their news media. Also, al jazeera doesn't give terrorists money and other real types of support. Sure, their reporting can be classified as "yellow journalism", but at least its a free press. If there are going to be any reforms amoung their audience then a free press is well worth the 'support' that they give by slanted reporting.

If you ask me Al Jazeera is nothing but a sublimnal messaging station brain washing young islamics to die for the cause. This station is the cause to the entire middle eastern up roar against the US,

How much al jazeera do you actually watch?

Some people have said 'well fox is biased' and I'll agree with that, but, still, al jazeera is -really- biased. Not as biased as the state run tv over there tho.

On it not being available in english, the televised programming isn't, but the website, I think it does have an english site as part of it.

there is no such thing as terrorismas far as my life is conscerned

Guess you don't live in NY or DC. Guess that 'evil federal gubment' you refered to should'nt've been around to stop the millenial bombing of LAX either.

top stories on US networks is Britney Spears' wedding. Meanwhile two clerics were killed

Excellent observation.

u give someone the freedom to protray wrongful acts then so beit

What in particular are you objecting to? What footage has been broadcast on Al jazeera that is so terrible that hasn't been broadcast on western news networks? Since when can't a news service report on something?

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 03:17 AM
I object to militant footage being broadcast.........hostage taking, free speech to these groups, material unfit for children etc

Perhaps i am being misunderstood, Al Jazeera is an extremely important news network that serves the whole of the middle east.

because of this fact, they have a responsibility to its audience.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by aprojay
they have a responsibility to its audience.

And they are not living up to this responsibility how exactly? How much al jazeera do you watch?

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
[And they are not living up to this responsibility how exactly? How much al jazeera do you watch?

exactly my point? in the UK you can get it on Sky but it is a subscription channel, so I assume it is probably the same in the US. Therefore are these people subscribing to it? if so according to them they are supporting terrorism if they are paying money to it.

It is in arabic as said before but I believe that they are launching an english language version shortly.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 08:13 AM
i subscribe to it on sky for my international politics course.

I guess i watch around 10 hours a week for the past year! I think that qualifies me as a viewer.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 08:31 AM
I like Fox. I watch a little of everything and read to kind of sew it all up. I like Fox because they do represent different viewpoints and even the anchors/hosts don't agree with each other all the time. I enjoy watching people who I don't agree with because it gives me wider perspective and considerations to keep in mind when I'm mining news from all these sources. I've only seen Al Jazeera a few times and don't recall it as being remarkable. My old satellite system had that and Link and other International News which I watched. You get more information to work with from them, it seems. Al Jazeera has an obligation to show what is of interest to the Middle Eastern world. I think maybe some Americans and other Westerners don't like it because they're showing and telling things that don't jibe with the view of the Middle East and the war that we've already been given. A certain scenario has been laid down wherein we are the liberators and we are the good guys trying to free an innocent people from an evil regime. A very different scenario has been laid down over there and that's what they're building on with their reporting.

I think it's crucial to keep these news organizations in place as there is always a need for another voice, even if it's not necessarily a friendly one.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 07:07 AM
Thanks Al Jazeera for giving us up to the minute inside knowledge of Ken Bigley's murder.

Once again proving that your glamourising another murder, really good news coverage!

Why don't they just change the name to 'Al we love terrorist Jazeera'

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 07:18 AM

You won't quash terrorists in one stroke by felling a media organisation.

Just look at CBS,NBC,CNN and the 80% of American Journalist. They try as they can to surpress the conservative truths. But as we all know. The truth at some point prevails.

Vote Bush Free Iraq

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 10:05 AM

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 11:45 AM
Vote Bush Free Iraq???????

stop being stupid, americans screwed, they have and had no right over there.

There was never any direct threat, iraq was never connected to 9/11 but yes let be shallow on the matter shall we.........!

bush has sent in his army of non-educated troops from no hope towns in the U.S. these young arrogant pumped idiot have caused even more hatred not to just the americans but to all of the western world

so i thank you bush for creating even more world disorder.

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