(skip to the bold part below if you just want to see the main part)
NASA footage of unknown spacecrafts:
www.youtube.com... and original recordings from the Lunar surface stating "looks like we
had VISITORS again"... (somewhere in this vid)
Astronauts acknowledging the alien phenomena as real:
Credible and intelligent whistle blowers (too many to bother referencing) detailing alien life, cover ups (how many times are you going to fall for
"weather balloon" or "swamp gas trapped in a thermal pocket reflecting light from Venus"?), ET technology + reverse engineering, etc.
Countless possible ancient encounters depicted in artwork and literature:
Government acknowledgement of UFO's:
Vatican recently states acceptance of alien life:
World Business Leaders discussing UFOs and extraterrestrial impact on the economy/business last year:
www.gcftalk.com... (1 scene from
Latest scientific estimate putting "earth-like planets" in our 1 single galaxy at approximately 2,000,000,000:
Massive amounts of alien movies in theaters and alien/UFO documentary series recently (too many to bother listing) = a desensitization and education
The UK and several nations release "UFO files":
www.nationalarchives.gov.uk... and UFO sightings are increasing.
ETC. (I can go on for pages but I'm tired as hell). Even personally spoke with the Dalai Lama when he came here to Arkansas last year and he confirmed
to me he thinks aliens exist (in a manner which implied he "knows" they do).
Most mentioned above has occurred in just the last 1-4 years. It's all proof (to any rational mind imo) that aliens are here and what it appears like
is that it's all a prepping process revving up to a conclusion.... Full, public, unambiguous disclosure--and likely soon.
So the question is...what will you do when that day of disclosure comes? Will you change religion (if you have one)? Try to make an alien friend?
Attack one? Kill yourself upon realizing your inferiority? Apologize to those who you said were wrong? Basically, how will you change your way of life
or thinking...or would you do anything in specific?
Personally I know I'll rub it in the face of a few people, lol, then I'd try and see how to go about being introduced to an alien in order to learn. I
wouldn't have an inferiority complex because I've already accepted that we're not the most dominant life in the endless universe and I don't really
care about religion--I'm more of a spiritual individual.
edit on 29-2-2012 by TheLegend because: grammar