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'It's a sin': Iran calls on treaty to ban nuclear weapons

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posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:14 AM

'It's a sin': Iran calls on treaty to ban nuclear weapons

Iran, who is suspected by many western nations of secretly developing weapons of mass destruction, has proposed a ban on nuclear weapons, calling their production or possession as “a great sin.”
“The production, possession, use or threat of use of nuclear weapons are illegitimate, futile, harmful, dangerous and prohibited as a great sin,” said Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi in a speech to the UN-hosted Conference on Disarmament in Geneva on Tuesday.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related Discussion Threads:
Don't Be Hasty. Could Iran be Disclosing Free Energy Technology to the World.
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posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:14 AM
I have stated many times before here for us all not to be too hasty in regards to Iran. I created a couple of threads on the subject. I believe that the facts surrounding Iran are being twisted somewhat before it reaches us all.
Our haste has led us into many wars and we are all guilty because we allowed it. Iran clearly states that its for peaceful reasons. I also happened to state that i believe that free clean energy technology could be on the cards and that is why there is a desperate attempt to shut them up and dress this up as something else. Energy giants will be really impressed???? where else would they be able to fleece the global populations on such a scale as they have with energy profits??
The introduction of free clean energy you realize what this changes? and its significance?
End of the world for those of the system of things but end of the world as we know it for the rest.
The winning card?
This is based on my assumption and what i feel will happen here. Iran disclosing a new technology that could devastate those that have monopolized and profited to such an extent that we as a species have reached a point where what we waste could actually mean survival for another.

Free Clean Energy Technology is what i believe Iran possesses, call it a hunch or what you will but in my humble opinion, the winning card. If it doesnt come from Iran it will come soon.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:18 AM
So is this a bluff?

Or is Iran really not developing a nuclear weapon?

Many have been lead to believe that Iran is the new enemy, that they're the new ones with WMD's.

I'm on the side of the people that believe Iran would create such a weapon if they could, but that they can't and they aren't. And that this is all propaganda to get the American people amped up for yet another NO WIN WAR.

+18 more 
posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:22 AM
If anything, USA is the ONLY country that has used Atomic/Nukes upon another country (and TWICE!)

so each and every time USA play whistleblower against nukes, it's the one bluffing.

Iran is not the pot calling the kettle black. USA propaganda is just so contagious/engrained in the Merican sheeple

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by jazz10

yes its pure hypocrisy that the countries that have the nuclear technology want to suppress other countries from developing the same , just because they believe they may use it to defend themselves .

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:30 AM
regardless of what MIGHT be brewing in anyone's backyard... people still need to see this.

it at least means that these talks are not as threatening on the nuclear level as some sources are making them out to be.

that reveals a lot about the intention of some media and that is a huge thing people need to realize.

assuming this is genuine...

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by BiggerPicture
If anything, USA is the ONLY country that has used Atomic/Nukes upon another country (and TWICE!)

so each and every time USA play whistleblower against nukes, it's the one bluffing.

Iran is not the pot calling the kettle black. USA propaganda is just so contagious/engrained in the Merican sheeple

Completely agree. If there ever was some kind of ban on having nuclear weapons, the United States would not support it. The U.S. has them and always will, which is sad because as you pointed out, we not only have weapons of mass destruction, we have actually USED them...multiple times. I've had this argument before with some people I work with..and it always comes down to "but we are the good guys" basically.

Weird how Iran is such a threat because they 'MIGHT' have one of these weapons, when we are much more positive that North Korea has better nuclear capabilities. Not only does North Korea have these capabilities, they are much more threatening to the United States than Iran will be any time soon. So here we are, on our way to Iran, yet another nation in the middle east that we don't need to be in.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:54 AM
The Iran situation in the media just reminds me of Cuba (not the missile crisis) a few years back except Cuba probably had far better human rights for its people and wasnt a religious nation, But its the same old bs in the media.
Talk of their leader being crazy, the regime being dangerous for world peace etc etc... But all the time Cuba was getting cia endorsed terrorist attacks and sanctions, they were in South America and Africa helping out "wanted terrorists" like Nelson Mandela fight against inhumane regimes and facist corrupt heads of state.

I dont know what the real story is in Iran but I do know the msm tells many lies as can be proved by the diversity of religious cultures that live there, and I am sure they are less of a threat than the coallition that is constantly at war of some kind or other.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 06:09 AM
Spoken by the same man that says Iran has the best human rights record in the Middle East.

TEHRAN – Iran has the most successful record in terms of human rights among Muslim countries in the contemporary world, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on Monday.

Salehi made the remarks during a speech at the 19th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which opened in Geneva on February 27 and closes on March 23. In his speech, Salehi said that Iran has made considerable achievements in the field of human rights, adding that the elections that have been held in the country prove the democratic nature of the Islamic system.

Commenting on Iran’s parliamentary election, which is scheduled to be held on March 2, Salehi said it is predicted that the people will turn out in large numbers for the election.

All of this recent rhetoric by Salehi and Khamenei is nothing more than political hype for Friday's election.

Salehi can say they're expecting a large turn out for the election, but that's not what everyone believes will truly happen.

In fact, Khamenei is so afraid that everyone's going to boycott the elections that he came out in the last two days to issue a "Fatwa" stating that everyone who's capable of voting, must vote, OR ELSE!

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 06:30 AM
Straighten me out here if I'm going wrong.

Iran wants the West and Israel to give up nuclear weapons. In exchange for that they will sign a paper to promise not to develop them. To ensure their compliance, Iran will promise to allow full inspections of all their nuclear sites, just like they did with the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

What am I missing? It must be something.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:01 AM
The problem with some if not many of these so called free clean energies is their ease at being weaponised
Not only that but as I've previously stated WHO DOES IRAN TRADE WITH
who have they already agreed to and started to trade nuclear tech with ?
Some very VERY unstable countries that's who
Countries that also happen to be in a place the western powers want to remain undeveloped
Its not just about Iran having nuclear power - or weapons for that matter - its nuclear CAPABILITIES !- that's the overarching theme

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by jazz10

'It's a sin': Iran calls on treaty to ban nuclear weapons

I agree. Humanity's inhumanity to mankind is a sin... and nuclear weapons is an even greater sin.

But that said, history shows that relying on trust in other humans is a fool's errand. It's easy to talk the way of peace but quite another to live it... and one doesn't set that particular example by promising genocide on another people/nation.

There are no good guys out there... no one or collection of leaders or nations that represent the concept of a kind of Camelot where honor and honesty is carried forth as a matter of official policy.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:32 AM
First Of All.... the Supreme Leader or even President Ahmadinejad even other Imams are allowed to lie and deceive in the case of declaring nuclear weapons as sinful

The Religion of Peace - Islam: Taqiyya and Lying -> Taqiyya
Lying is permitted when the end justifies the means. ...
Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers in order to defeat them

Repeat: From Islamic Law: ... Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers in order to defeat them

i have put some thought into what the Supreme Leader said back in 2005, about a fatwa on building nukes

but, Iran can possibly get ready built nukes from Pakistan which has already built many warheads
and they are supposed to be an Islamic nation... why doesn't the stigma fall on Pakistan as falling from the grace of Allah like the Iranian/Persian Supreme Leader says?

Maybe its because the Pakistani Nuclear bomb (AKA: Islamic Bomb) might be gifted to Iran who will in turn supply the fission material/enriched uranium...and everything will be alright under the Taqiyya ruling in Law

i say beware of wolves in sheep's costume
I really would like to believe that the Islamic Revolution in Iran was truly & flat-out against having Nukes (which are the also 'the powers of heaven' in a poetic/spiritual sense)..
.but i try to balance out my naiveté with stark cynicism

edit on 29-2-2012 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:38 AM
So those countries who develop and make nuclear weapons are sinful, therefore (supposedly) making them 'sinners' and potential targets in a 'Holy War'?

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:06 AM
And how exactly would Iran force US,Russia,China,India,Pakistan,France,UK,Israel and North Koreea to DISMANTLE their nukes ?

"Its a sin, OMG, lets destroy our nukes !" - yells Putin
"But will the US do the same?" - aske russian generals.

Same as for US, China, etc.The nuclear weapons ARE HERE, like it or not.And Iran knows VERY WELL that they NEED TO HAVE NUKES also, because the others will not give up on theirs.

Give me a break with Kamenei fatwa and "its a sin to have nuclear weapons".Empty words for empty brained peace lovers that beleives that pigs can fly and Iran is a peaceful nation.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Muslims lie to defeat their ememies and so are evil ?

To those who win the victory, who continue to the end to do what I want, I will give the same authority that I received from My Father: I will give them authority over the nations, to rule them with an iron rod and break them to pieces like clay pots"(Revelation 2:26-27)

But its OK for christians to lie to defeat thier ememies???...
Like NO WMDs!!!!
do you remember colin Powells lies? then he lied about lying...then admitted it

Ex-secretary of state Colin Powell called on the CIA and Pentagon to explain how he was given unreliable information which proved key to the US case for invading Iraq, the Guardian reported Wednesday.

Powell’s landmark speech to the United Nations on February 5, 2003, cited intelligence about Iraq leader Saddam Hussein’s bioweapons programme gained from a defector, codenamed Curveball.

But he has now admitted that he lied to topple the dictator, in an interview with the Guardian.

“It has been known for several years that the source called Curveball was totally unreliable,” Powell told the British newspaper.

“The question should be put to the CIA and the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) as to why this wasn’t known before the false information was put into the (report) sent to Congress, the president’s state of the union address and my 5 February presentation to the UN.”

The resulting conflict claimed more than 100,000 civilian lives and ruined the political standing of the then US president George W. Bush and his defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

this demonification of Muslims is getting hilarious if it tweren't so sceeeery

Fact is it IS a SIN
especially when you consider Fukushima type reactors were chosen over safer types just to make weapons

so on the face of it the statement is the face of the ENDLESS judeaochristian threats to annihilate the little country so that a luciferian central bank can be installed to enslave the peeps ...
like The US of old and Libya of late have been enslaved...

darn satanist christians LOL....ouchie

edit on 29-2-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-2-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by dannotz
So is this a bluff?

Or is Iran really not developing a nuclear weapon?

Many have been lead to believe that Iran is the new enemy, that they're the new ones with WMD's.

I'm on the side of the people that believe Iran would create such a weapon if they could, but that they can't and they aren't. And that this is all propaganda to get the American people amped up for yet another NO WIN WAR.

No. They are just pointing out American hypocrisy in how we are so eager to keep the world "safe" from nuclear weapons...while we possess more of them than anybody else on the planet. After all...nobody needs nukes if no one HAS nukes...right?

In the end it won't matter. I live in a region of the country which a lot of defense contractors produce military vehicles. The new armored transports, humvee's, and cargo trucks which were being stockpiled since 2005 are all en route to the Middle East as we speak....even as we have pulled out of Iraq and purportedly "scaled back" in Afghanistan.

So...where are those desert-camo vehicles going??

Don't believe the headlines for a minute. A bank expects a Mom & Pop plumbing contractor to have a five year business plan. You think the United States military doesn't have at least the same requirements? We decided to invade Iran sometime in the early 1990's. The rest has just been a buildup to get the American public used to the idea and convince about 50% of the population that we ought to be afraid of Muslims or whatever.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by charles1952

No...that's pretty much it.

I'm sure the U.S. and Israel will have no problems dismantling their nuclear arsenals and practicing what they preach...right?

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by jazz10

You have to be severely gullible to believe that lode of horse crap, just do what their Koran tells them is ok to lie to the infidels if it helps with Jihad and the eventual world dominance of Islam .

Of course the Muslim apologists of this site will jump all over this as see the leadership of this great country of Iran is peace loving and merciful like Allah teaches.

Next article .........Iran beheads Christian pastor for apostasy .

Next article ......Iran hangs more homo sexuals

Next article ......... Iran stones to death two woman accused of prostitution , the woman claim they were raped but oh well , we listen to the men here before the woman.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Azadok

Add to the list...

Next article (out of Iran)....

"Mossad blows up prison housing thousands of political prisoners right before Friday's election."
edit on 29-2-2012 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

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