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A day in the life of ET

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posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 09:00 PM
There have been a lot of posts recently about alien agendas and all the evil things they plan to do to us. In all of these abductions, has anyone ever gotten a glimpse of what an alien's home life is like? What do they do when they aren't implanting in humans, or mutilating cows?

I'm not trying to sound cynical. I very strongly believe there is life out there, and I could believe that we have been visited (although having 90+ species observing us while the greys suck our souls in and out of a 6 mile tower on our atmosphere clad moon is a little hard to swallow).

I'm sure all the government is interested in reverse engineering is their defense related technologies, but what about environmental engineering, such as our transportation system? They have GOT to have something better than what we currently have - and I don't just mean flying cars. And what about lawncare? I HATE HATE HATE mowing the lawn. Why can't we ask them how to engineer grass that grows to 3 inches tall and then stops growing? Maybe stop the aging process in humans? A cure for cancer?

I assume most of the answers will be along the lines of "they don't want us to know that". Come on, with 90+ species our there, there has to be at least ONE group that isn't out to get us!

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 09:03 PM
Their is a humanoid race that supposedly warned us about the greys how their evil and such, and what did the government do? Not listen to them. I believe their the blue skinned race of humanoids.

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 09:05 PM
But to answer your question, Were probally not the only "Inferior" race that the greys are studying their could be thousands of lesser races aswell. Just think about it some day in the next...300 years we could be apart of a gigantic federation of planets with the lesser races of today.

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 10:11 PM
ok RATT, thats it, to much star trek for you.....

[edit on 19-9-2004 by Asclepius]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 01:22 AM
A Half a Day in the Life of E.T.

0700 Get up from sleeping
0705 Relieve bodily functions
0710 Get cleaned up in the Energy Shower
0730 Put on spacesuit ... or not
0740 Eat Reeses Pieces
0800 Take ship for a cruise to earth
0830 Crash land ...

0835 Find a place to hide
0900 Get found by children
0910 Take children on skyride using bicycles
0945 Eat Reeses Pieces
1000 Hide in closet
1025 Get discovered by little girl
1030 Get covered in makeup by little girl
1045 act like doll when parental unit shows up
1100 Phone home
1145 Hide when guys in white trucks show up
1200 Escape using skyride trick to elude grownups
1230 find a nice quiet spot and eat Reeses Pieces
1235 Ponder the mysteries of the universe while on a Reeses Pieces high
1245 spaceship lands, time to go home
1250 E.T. Parents scold E.T. and he goes to his sleeping place

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Asclepius
ok RATT, thats it, to much star trek for you.....

[edit on 19-9-2004 by Asclepius]

lol what?

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 03:07 AM
Surely they would have an Alien Abductors forum where they discuss things like, "what do those humans do whilst not being abducted?"

If you believe some of the channeled messages, the Zetas (greys) spend all of their time studying this part of the Milky Way galaxy. I guess that might mean being abducted is not something unique to humans on Earth.

[edit on 20-9-2004 by electric]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 09:38 AM
I just find it funny how we take our worst features and assume that ETs have them. We have to realize that we are the most violent species on this planet, and it's just as possible that different species of ETs are more violent than us, and there are ones that are less violent than us.

We also have to remember that our primal emotion is fear. Fear can get us to do crazy things. It's an obsolete emotion. We have to learn first as a species to work together for a common good before we can ever establish any form of contact with extra terrestrials as well as diplomatic relations with them.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 11:47 AM
I'm not so sure we'd want diplomatic relations with someone who...

1. kidnaps innocent civilians without their permission
2. sexually and mentally violate said civillians
3. invade restricted airspace repeatedly
4. does not state their intentions openly

Their is a humanoid race that supposedly warned us about the greys how their evil and such, and what did the government do? Not listen to them. I believe their the blue skinned race of humanoids.

You are refering to the Nordic race (though not blue), at least as far as the folklore goes. Not so sure I believe that one though...very few references to the Nordics, and all in the early years of the big craze....

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 12:19 PM

TextWe also have to remember that our primal emotion is fear. Fear can get us to do crazy things. It's an obsolete emotion. We have to learn first as a species to work together for a common good before we can ever establish any form of contact with extra terrestrials as well as diplomatic relations with them.

Yup,good point.

im sure on their own worlds it could be something similar like a load of greys sat round their computers on their version of ATS saying stuff like

"heh-does anybody here believe are goverments have been to this supposed EARTH planet abd stolen some of their race to do tests on"

what if even their own species dont know that their goverments have the ability to leave their atmosphere and travel to other systems.?

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 12:28 PM

im sure on their own worlds it could be something similar like a load of greys sat round their computers on their version of ATS saying stuff like

Or they could actually be on OUR ATS!!!

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by Asclepius
ok RATT, thats it, to much star trek for you.....

[edit on 19-9-2004 by Asclepius]

Star Trek may not be all that far off though. Maybe we are getting closer to 'warp' travel and thats the reason there are more sighting cause an alien race is keeping more of an eye on us to find out when the best time is to start getting involved with all races on Earth.
I am a little surprised that there hasn't been a race on Star Trek that would remind me of the greys.

It fairly safe to assume that if there is another being from other then Earth that it could be assumed there is more then just another one and some of them have to be more warlike/'evil'.
I am sure there is another being out there that has a daily life not all that much different from our own. Sure that they wake up, do there morning routine, go to work, come home to a family. I bet many of them have sporting events, plays/shows, games of some sort, may have some sort of government, crime, different races and languages, religion.

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 04:16 AM
Give it a rest. If ETs found had the technology to come and go as they pleased, they could perfectly observe the planet and take whoever they want without humans or their governments ever knowing they exist.

How's a vehicle capable of traveling mutiple light years per second going to crash and come apart thanks to an electric storm in New Mexico.

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