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Anonymous Hackers: Police Arrest 25 In Four Countries

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posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 10:57 AM
They will never find all of Anonymous. Anonymous is everywhere, all the time.

In fact, Anonymous is like Hydra. When you chop off one head, four more pop up. Even if the first one wasn't a member.

The government is so desperate to put a stop to it...but when they resort to these kinds of tactics, they are only spread gasoline on the fire.
edit on CWednesdayam030358f58America/Chicago29 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Starchild23

I needed some time to wipe the tears from eyes from laughing my a** off regarding the recent so called anon arrests. Anyone with half a brain cell knows that the elite are not situated in S.Europe...the magnitude of stupidity within Interpol has reached biblical proportions and is expanding like the universe itself.
[insert double face palm here]

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 02:37 PM
its because of people like them, we get threatened with thing like SOPA. good riddance.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by this_is_who_we_are


Hacking is the act of stomping all over other peoples Rights. Anonymous is of zero importance and it's just a club of criminals who think they can be dictators.

No mature adult will ever buy that argument.

Do the same to an Anonymous member and watch them change sides immediately. Then they will scream for their Rights to privacy.

Like I said, Bull

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr
We can only hope some of those caught are real anonymous members and are prosecuted for their crimes.

After them threatening (and laughably so, they could never pull such a thing off) to wipe Greek citizens personal debt, Im not firmly against anything these spoiled children do.

Anon is an online democratic collective that has no members. Its prime objective is freedom of speech and anonymity on the internet. SO what makes you think its spoiled children.. Much has been done to defend a free internet. So that people like you have the right to say what you wish..

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by BellaSabre

Yes, maybe tomorrow they will get the rest of 'em.

lol good luck with that. There is an estimated 300,000 anon members worldwide...

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by reaxi0n

DDoS attacks are pointless. So what, you shut down a public website for 20 minutes? What's the big deal? What does that serve to do besides force the government to crack down harder on the internet, and give more reasons to censor us?

If you think a ddos attack is pointless dont participate. No one is asking you too. I guess you think the ddos attacks that where effective against acta were pointless too..
People have the right to protest be it in digital or analogue format. There is no difference from a few hundred people blocking the entrance to a bank or a ddos a banks front page. It should not be an arrestable offence.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
They will never find all of Anonymous. Anonymous is everywhere, all the time.

In fact, Anonymous is like Hydra. When you chop off one head, four more pop up. Even if the first one wasn't a member.

The government is so desperate to put a stop to it...but when they resort to these kinds of tactics, they are only spread gasoline on the fire.
edit on CWednesdayam030358f58America/Chicago29 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

Then the answer is to make the sentences for hacking so long that they quit.

After visiting the site where the hackers sell the personal information they gather to identity thieves, I don't think 20 to 50 years is too much. There is no doubt in my mind it's the same people doing both.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Then the answer is to make the sentences for hacking so long that they quit.

Maybe a better idea would be to lock up the politicans that have lied to us and caused the death of millions of people for money and oil. Or lock up some of the bankers that have conned trillions of pounds from the world and put nations on their knees.

No but you think its a better idea to lock up a few peeps for trying to expose the fraud. Its funny how some people will defend festering institutions to the death.. and dying it is... The house of cards is collapsing.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by Blaine91555

Then the answer is to make the sentences for hacking so long that they quit.

Maybe a better idea would be to lock up the politicans that have lied to us and caused the death of millions of people for money and oil. Or lock up some of the bankers that have conned trillions of pounds from the world and put nations on their knees.

No but you think its a better idea to lock up a few peeps for trying to expose the fraud. Its funny how some people will defend festering institutions to the death.. and dying it is... The house of cards is collapsing.

You really havent though this through, have you? Simply because we dont support anon means we support "festering institutions"? Is the world really that black and white to you?

Who is it you claim are "defending festering institutions"? No where in Blaines post does he defend any administration or institution. He simply and rightfully so is asking for the persecution of people who think they can take the law into their own hands. Do you claim everything anon does is proper and right? In my eyes, they are no better than the criminal bankers and government officials they target. Absolving all Greeks of personal debt? Do you not realize what that does to people, yes people and not banks that hold shares in that debt? Do they really want to screw over people around the world simply because they believe what they are doing is right?

Immature children, all of them. I did not ask for their interference and self-rightousness.

edit on 29-2-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 01:08 AM
I do not like what anonymous is doing,
but I hate to see them get arrested.

There going to get burnt at the stake.

Why would they not of covered their tracks better,
or is this not really anonymous members or rather
shall I say newbs* that really did not know what they
were doing..

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by nightbringr

From reading your statement I would say it is you that has not thought it through.. Through silence and non action you support these institutions through default.

What is wrong with taking the law into your own hands it is an act of political empowerment and an integral part of a democratic society. Where would the United State be if people had not take the law into their own hands.. It would not exist. Women in the UK would not have the right to vote had they not taken the law into their own hands...

So sit there with your weighted opinion that is wrong to take the law into your own hands. But remember if people had not in the past you would not be sitting there with the freedoms you have today..

When the law has no respect for humanity, humanity should have no respect for the law...Long live hactivism....

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by nightbringr

From reading your statement I would say it is you that has not thought it through.. Through silence and non action you support these institutions through default.

Silence? Im very politically active in my city and country. Im a member of a political lobby group, and contribute to causes i believe in. What do you do? Oh yeah, you pin your hopes and dreams on a faceless group of children and adults who by taking it upon themselves to do such things as taking down the internet in its entirety, absolving Greeks of debt and making others suffer, threatening to take down Facebook and other web sites people pay for. Spoiled and misguided does not begin to describe these criminals.

Originally posted by purplemer
What is wrong with taking the law into your own hands it is an act of political empowerment and an integral part of a democratic society. Where would the United State be if people had not take the law into their own hands.. It would not exist. Women in the UK would not have the right to vote had they not taken the law into their own hands...

Lets see, people in the South used to take the law into their hands all the time and hang blacks from trees for often imagined crimes. Is this the frontier justice you want? And women voting in the UK, you say? Lets take a little look at wikipedias entry on womens sufferage in the UK, shall we?'s_suffrage_in_the_United_Kingdom

After reading through it, it would appear that the women used political means to get to their end. Im not sure where it is you suggest they "took the law into their own hands", it would appear they used existing laws and rules of governance to acheive their ends. They did use hunger strikes to make their case heard, but these strikes only hurt themselves, dont they? Quite unlike anonymous who hurt or threaten to hurt those that have nothing to do with their agenda.

Originally posted by purplemer
So sit there with your weighted opinion that is wrong to take the law into your own hands. But remember if people had not in the past you would not be sitting there with the freedoms you have today..

And you would do well to remember the atrocities commited by those who take the law into their own hands in the past. Dont get me wrong, if something is wrong and needs to be changed, perhaps there is a time to act. But i disagree with their methods. Absolving Greek debt indeed. Do you not understand how wrong that would be and how it would hurt others?

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

Thank you for your reply. But I like many are loosing faith in our so called democratic system where politicians are payed off by banks and corporations. Do you really think a power system run by the rich is going to relinquish its power to the common voter without a fight..

You bought up racial issues regarding the south. What about Harriet Tubman's undeground railways and her endevours to free slaves. If she had been caught she would have been served harsh punishments in helping slaves to escape.

Yes women took the law into there own hands in their endevours to get the vote. Many took to the streets and suffered arrest for their principles.

Civil disobedience in a democratic society is a sign of a healthy democracy. Do you think the laws are always right . Do people not have the right to stand up and be counted if they think the laws are wrong or protecting the wrong people and institutions..

Here are a few more examples from the intraweb.

The Boston Tea Party -- citizens of the colony of Massachusetts trespassed on a British ship and threw its cargo (tea from England) overboard, rather than be forced to pay taxes without representation to Britain. This was one of the many acts of civil disobedience leading to the War for Independence, establishing the United States of America as a sovereign state.

Where would the great nation of America be if people had not stood up to the rule of law..

The Civil Rights Movement, led by Martin Luther King, Jr. and others, included sit-ins and illegal marches which weakened segregation in the south.


Anti-war movements have been a part of U.S. history since Thoreau went to jail for refusing to participate in the U.S. war against Mexico in 1849. More recent examples were the nationwide protests against the war in Viet Nam, U.S. involvement in Nicaragua and Central America, and the Gulf War. Actions have included refusal to pay for war, refusal to enlist in the military, occupation of draft centers, sit-ins, blockades, peace camps, and refusal to allow military recruiters on high school and college campuses.


Environmental and forest demonstrations, with acts of civil disobedience such as sit-ins, blockades, tree sits and forest occupations, have emerged in the last decade, prompted by the continuing mass clear cuts and destruction of the forest ecosystem and widespread environmental consequences.

THis is an issue close to my own heart. I have taken part in many such protests in the past and been arrested and gone to court for my actions. There is nothing wrong with standing up and being counted. I believe it to be an act of political empowerment and I am glad to see the movement spreding once again with the likes of the occupy movement or the Arab spring.

In each of these movements, the protesters were compelled by deep moral convictions. Their distress was strong enough to motivate them to go against the grain, to sacrifice personal comfort, to face unknown danger, to give up their freedom and risk going to jail. Their love of truth and justice drove them to action. Many, but not all, of those committing civil disobedience in the last two decades have been trained in Gandhian nonviolence philosophy and tactics.

Anon is just another such movement. When thousands of attacks occur on the net in a matter of days for political retribution it is an act of civil disobedience.

So yes challenge the system. We are all aware on here that the system has inherent flaws. If we keep doing things the same way. We will keep getting the same results.

As for being concerned about people taking the law into there own hands. I would be far more concerned about the governments and institutions of the world doing it.. Do you think it is correct that the US moves war convicts half way around the world. Holds and tortures them without trial in direct contention to the Geneva convention. Do you think it correct that between 1-2 million are now dead in illegal wars never ratified by the UN. Do you think it correct that the US thinks itself above international law. Do you think it correct that the bankers can bankrupt countries and bring them to their knees. Really I have a problem with the big fish not the small ones trying to protect the internet and expose the crimes of the fourth estate.

So I shall bow down to those with convictions strong enough to put them in contention with the law. Activism and hacktivism are helping to keep some of the negative powers in the world in check..

Long may it continue...

edit on 1-3-2012 by purplemer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 12:56 PM
Keep increasing the penalty for hacking. Jail terms and 1000s of hours of community service. No phones or computers allowed. Make these idiots be around real people doing manual labor OUTDOORS.

Maybe give them a different perspective on life.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by nightbringr

Thank you for your reply. But I like many are loosing faith in our so called democratic system where politicians are payed off by banks and corporations. Do you really think a power system run by the rich is going to relinquish its power to the common voter without a fight..

Im not saying they will, nor am i saying we should be complacent and take it. I simply disagree with anonymous's tactics.

My life here in Canada is pretty good. I have a great job i enjoy, a wonderful house and family. We take at least two family trips a year and im very active in the community and provincial and federal politics. I dont want someone screwing with my life. When i look back in history, i see things being a lot harder and more difficult than they are today. Revolution often brings dictators into power, i prefer democracy. My solution is to fix what we have, not tear it all down and hope our "saviours" will not turn into our masters.

Originally posted by purplemer
You bought up racial issues regarding the south. What about Harriet Tubman's undeground railways and her endevours to free slaves. If she had been caught she would have been served harsh punishments in helping slaves to escape.

What she did was good and right. There is no denying that in any way, shape or form. Anonymous have named themselves our overlords in no different manner than the government however by taking matters into their own hands without asking the citizens of the world if they are wanted. When did we vote for anonymous's interference? I would stake my life on the fact if a public vote was taken, less than half of the worlds people would want them.

Originally posted by purplemer
Anon is just another such movement. When thousands of attacks occur on the net in a matter of days for political retribution it is an act of civil disobedience.

Yes, and these thousands of attacks can effect honest, hard working people who use the internet for making their daily bread. This is the main reason i despise anon. They care only about their agenda and not the innocents they hurt or inconvienence.

Originally posted by purplemer
Do you think it is correct that the US moves war convicts half way around the world. Holds and tortures them without trial in direct contention to the Geneva convention. Do you think it correct that between 1-2 million are now dead in illegal wars never ratified by the UN. Do you think it correct that the US thinks itself above international law. Do you think it correct that the bankers can bankrupt countries and bring them to their knees. Really I have a problem with the big fish not the small ones trying to protect the internet and expose the crimes of the fourth estate.

And i have a problem with the big AND the small guy screwing me. I honestly fear people like anon just as much as the government. If they came into power, they would be no better. Why? Because they feel they are right, and they can thus impose their will on us. I never once said i agree with the US government, as you seem to imply. I hate their warmongering and self-rightousness. I also hate anons self-rightousness. And, as i said earlier, what is to stop one of these spoiled brats from hacking the pentagon, kremlin or anything else and perhaps starting a war? This is a real, valid point. Cyber warfare is a real concern in this day and age, and i dont want the Russians thinking the US is hacking their defense network and initiating a pre-emptive strike. Didnt anon hack the pentagon or threaten to? This is the height of stupidity and carelessness.

You go on to list a bunch of cases of civil disobedience cases being a good thing, and i agree with the ones that did not interfere with innocent peoples lives, and had positive social changes. Anon is not one of these cases.
edit on 1-3-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

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