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On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.
Hi Anya,
Thanks again for your help with respect to the Korean Peninsula situation. We are now looking at PETA and the potential for protests at the Vancouver Olympics and related events. (Please see the following questions below.) We'd like to schedule a time for a conference call with you and/or your analyst(s) on this topic.
How many PETA supporters are there in Canada? -- How many of these are inclined toward activism? -- To what extent will US-based PETA supporters travel to Canada to support activism? -- What is PETA's methodology for planning and executing activism? (Understanding this better would certainly help us to recognize indicators should they appear.) --
To what extent is PETA in Canada linked to PETA in the US or elsewhere? -- To what extent are the actions of PETA in one country controlled by an oversight board/governing body? -- To what extent could non-PETA hangers-on (such as anarchists or ALF supporters) get involved in any protest activity? Please let us know what works in terms of timing of the conference call.
Thanks again, Van
Hi Van,
I'm checking with our analysts to find out what information we already have on the subject. I'll get back to you soon with more information.
Best regards, Anya
We are now looking at PETA and the potential for protests at the Vancouver Olympics and related events.
-- How many PETA supporters are there in Canada?
-- How many of these are inclined toward activism?
-- To what extent will US-based PETA supporters travel to Canada to support activism?
-- What is PETA's methodology for planning and executing activism? (Understanding this better would certainly help us to recognize indicators should they appear.)
-- To what extent is PETA in Canada linked to PETA in the US or elsewhere?
-- To what extent are the actions of PETA in one country controlled by an oversight board/governing body?
-- To what extent could non-PETA hangers-on (such as anarchists or ALF supporters) get involved in any protest activity?
We'd like to schedule a time for a conference call with you and/or your analyst(s) on this topic.
Originally posted by clowdstalker
This brings so many questions to mind that i dont even know where to begin...
We are now looking at PETA and the potential for protests at the Vancouver Olympics and related events.
This for starters; what business is it of Coca Cola's to act as a police/security liaison for the olympics? Isn't this better suited for the actual police/security/government. They are a soft drink company...who sell refreshments...and, now, apparently, double as event security? What other pies do these big players have their fingers in I wonder? That is such a telling statement that is frightening..
-- How many PETA supporters are there in Canada?
-- How many of these are inclined toward activism?
-- To what extent will US-based PETA supporters travel to Canada to support activism?
-- What is PETA's methodology for planning and executing activism? (Understanding this better would certainly help us to recognize indicators should they appear.)
-- To what extent is PETA in Canada linked to PETA in the US or elsewhere?
-- To what extent are the actions of PETA in one country controlled by an oversight board/governing body?
-- To what extent could non-PETA hangers-on (such as anarchists or ALF supporters) get involved in any protest activity?
Then this!? They can get that information? Where? How? That is some serious CIA stuff there. Why does this company have these records, how did they get them, and again....what the snip business is it of Coca Cola's ...they sell soda. I smell a rat or at the very least some pretty illegal data mining here...
We'd like to schedule a time for a conference call with you and/or your analyst(s) on this topic.
What i wouldn't give to have been a fly on the wall during that conference call.
Jeeze, i think it is safe to say that the plot has just thickened...
Originally posted by clowdstalker
reply to post by Domo1
reply to post by MrSpad
OK OK guys I will concede my chicken-little-sky-is-falling assumptions and agree with you both, a little grounding from cohorts is a good thing once in awhile. It's probably not what it appears to be. And you are right, it is not my business what business their business is in doing business with this business about PETA's business...perhaps that is why info like this is best kept in the private sphere, to keep people like me from flipping out and looking for the bug under the lid of my coke bottle
These releases should come with a translator and a courtesy Valium to keep my blood pressure down. All the facts are clearly not there.
It just sounds fishy and I am inherently uncomfortable with corporations asking for wide sweep demographic information about this group or that when it occurs to me to be none of their business.edit on 28-2-2012 by clowdstalker because: (no reason given)