reply to post by Xcathdra
Curious, so will play devil's advocate for a moment, my friend.
Why did we invade Iraq? Various excuses given - including:
1) supposed WMDs (which Israel is assumed by effectively all to possess in the hundreds),
2) being a threat to America (Israel has the 3rd most aggressive spying programs against the US of anyone in the world, only behind Russia and China),
3) abusing its citizens (the Gaza blockade has already been mentioned, there is constant political strife over the plight of the 'palestinians'
otherwise with the kill & injury counts for 'palestinians' consistently being much higher than those of the Israelis)
Additionally, Israel has:
1) according to fairly persuasive evidence after the fact - actively tried to sink US naval craft (granted, likely in collusion with Johnson),
2) is at least implied to have had & provided advance notice of the 9/11 attacks to various of their associates here in the US,
3) has been accused of international war crimes on multiple occasions (including use of white phosphorous against civilians, amongst other things),
4) occupied land not its own, acquired in a Six-Day way that Israel itself initiated under false pretenses and now-confirmed lies,
And likely a good many other points against it that I don't think to mention offhand.
If any predominately muslim nation had such a track record, based on our own recent history - would we not have long since ramped up all sorts of
rhetoric against it, if not having had already invaded and "liberated" it?
Why the special treatment? The disparity always strikes me as odd.
Granted, I have nothing against jews themselves - as Iran also appears not to, given the fact that they host the largest population of them in the
middle east outside Israel itself - and I love judaism...but I simply cannot fathom the preference we extend to Israel and the apparent enmity we do
to their enemies.
Thanks in advance,
edit on 2/29/2012 by Praetorius because: (no reason given)