reply to post by TKDRL
A poster (apparently a marine) a while back said something along similar lines, basically painting Ron Paul's supporters as stoned college kids and
that some military folk regard them as hippies or something. Setting aside that drug addicts also exist in the military just as well (I saw quite a
few people get the boot for failing piss tests, some were die hard coke addicts) to say that about Ron Paul's supporters is just ignorant.
That is the number one ignorant thing happening on ATS, people just basically painting everyone with a broad brush despite having no knowledge on what
they are talking about at all. It's sad that people exist that believe the only possible thing that happens in college is smoking pot and drinking,
this only tells you that this is what they did or expected out of college, a testament to the lackluster state of youth in America or where ever. Many
people go to college for an education or a better lifestyle then even some people go to school in order to try and fix problems they see in the world.
I agree with you, I don't think its very fair to paint these people as drug addicted hippies, might end up working for them one day if some of these
folk here on ATS think college is all about pot, alcohol and sex.
In all the Ron Paul videos I've seen, I never see any rastafarians passing out doobies to the crowd like some of these Ron Paul attackers seem to be
implying. In all honesty I'd rather vote for a godfather of hippies before I'd vote for anyone in status quo any day of the week. I don't understand
how personal insults on random swaths of American citizens translates to something having to do with Ron Paul's credibility or policies anyway.
Originally posted by Blaine91555
Congratulation on the 80+ flags by simply posting a positive thread, no matter how trollish, on Paul.
Congratulations on constantly reminding us of your negative opinion about it. You've got to be some kind of naive to believe any part of this election
process if legitimate nowadays, yet people still bring up polls and opinion pieces over and over. I take it you don't want to talk about any polls
that were quickly taken down after Ron Paul did well in them? These videos of people praising Ron Paul are about as legitimate as it gets, the only
thing the polls show are that Ron Paul would be winning by a landslide had he been receiving equal coverage and bias.
Mitt Romney destroys peoples livelihoods and everyone shrugs it off, Ron Paul is remotely associated with something that could barely (and
subjectively) be considered racist and its beaten into everyone's head. Then comes the old hippy act, everyone who likes Ron Paul are potheads now
evidently, oh and sheep, lets not forget that one.
For me its only a question of motivation, what would make someone go out and support someone?
Now, on a similar note what would cause so many people to troll a forum with an anti-Ron Paul message? Couldn't have anything to do with why the MSM
is doing the same exact thing could it?
The only reason Ron Paul doesn't get overwhelming support is because of people with agendas and the fact that many don't even know about him because
they've lost all faith and interest in our "democracy". Probably 9/10 people I talk to about Ron Paul don't know who he is or anything about him,
other than the crap being spoon fed to them on TV. They assume hes just another Republican with Republesque values. On top of that only a small
percentage of Americans (3% I think) vote, so we are talking about a small minority that has some interest in keeping the current system in place,
probably so they can buy a new pool house. If America at large actually voted and cared, Ron would have a massive support base that would all but
cause an outright revolution in American business and politics. No one cares or tries because he is "unelectable", because our democracy is broken and
every suit either looks the same on TV or however TV wants that person to look.
This "unelectable" BS is made up, that isn't how a "democracy" is supposed to work. Last time I checked, Americans were supposed to be all high on
democracy and freedom. If we have that power to elect someone via democracy, no one is unelectable. Anyone who says anyone is unelectable is not
someone who loves their freedom of choice.
Let leaders choose themselves and we are no better than North Korea. All the crap this country went through for democracy was in vain and people will
suffer once again before things ever get better. The federal government doesn't just back off, they aren't one day just got to be content and stop
making new laws for money or not. This will continue until it changes or gets destroyed, it's been happening for all of human history.
edit on
28-2-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)