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The Yogi from the East speaks

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posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 09:27 AM
Dear Enlightened ones - Namaste!

I am from India. I have been following the neutral path of the Buddha for the last 12 years. In 2001, when these "end of age" noise was not present, I started on the path of spirituality.

I am 37 years old now, started on the spiritual path when just 25. Living in UK and US, was designing software and had a bright career too. Being a software engineer and working in US, I was living the best of times. Kid was small, wife was a homemaker, and there were no work related stresses. However, I was dissatisfied with the elusive nature of "happiness". The popular past-times - watching telly, music, movies, songs, beer, drinks, pizzas - would not entice me. Being a Computer software engineer, it gave me little satisfaction to design world class software either, or say, admire world class architecture.

Rather, I marvelled at the power which designed "us" - Who was our architect? What were the designs of the soul, brain, mind, and heart? I hungered to find out why there wasn't "constant happiness". All physical realm things that humanity dropped it's jaws at, would only impress me temporarily. My deepest passion lay somewhere else.

With ample time in hand, and reading being my hobby, I read and tried to understand different religious texts from all across the world, but could glean partial information only. Namely the Bible (Christianity), Gita (Hindu), Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh) and Buddhist scriptures. Though I was born a Hindu, I had made up my mind to relinquish and adopt any other practice that could lead me to the truth. The path of Buddha fascinated me - because in that path, one had to make no assumptions, no subscriptions etc. I loved it when the Great one said - "You must know for yourself, directly, the truth of yourself and you cannot realize it through another, however great." - Buddha". "There is no authority that can reveal it. You have to be your master and pupil. There is no master,no pupil,in the search for truth. -Buddha".

In this age, there is no dearth of gurus, chelas, media sessions, guides, sermons, lectures, role models that will overwhelm you. Overwhelmed, people take refuge in claiming that they don't believe in religion, & believe in "spirituality" rather. But where is the toil?

Being a hard worker I am, I chose Buddha's path of toil. It could have been easy for me to choose an established religion such as Hinduism and Christianity, and weekly listen to sermons by visiting the temple or the church, and read out established scriptures and adopt a textbook of that religion - but somewhere inside a fire told me that this was all fake and an eyewash. If a book has been written, or a sermon delivered thousands of years ago, the hard workers were the ones who wrote it at that time, not the ones who are using that hard work to earn money, fame and respect.

J Krishnamurti further added fuel to fire: "If you are very clear, if you are inwardly a light unto yourself, you will never follow anyone."

That was it. I will design it myself. If they could see the light thousands of years ago, I will attempt to do the same. That is the time when I vowed to follow the ten commandments, stay true to myself no matter what comes, and follow the practice of Vipassana ("looking inwards").

Unless "vairagya" (detachment) takes home into you for some reason, the asking is immense. Why reject so much sensory comfort available? So why pay the cost of strangling the senses in this age of plenty? Why stay hungry when variety of food is available at every nook and cranny?

I saw no lights, no visions, no hallucinations, no indescribable feelings of meeting the Lord in heaven etc -- I just felt silence. Pure silence. All I ever heard in this practice of 12 years is buzzing like a bee in the ears. That is the closest to any sounds.

After many years of hard work, I got into a position where I was "in the breath" all the time... work, home, sleep... I was always focussed on the breath, always calm, peaceful, energetic.

Well, many years down the line and years of practice, I understood the "real" reason why man has to his own master and pupil. It is so because if you were not your own master, you would try to reach the truth through some religion/guru's book or sermons.

This is the catch that most sheeple fall for. In following any established sect, you are trying to route the true light to descend into you through your "sense organs" - the eyes, ears, mind and brain - and trying to route it to the heart. The key to understand here tat "sensory organs" and "mental faculties" distort every such attempt to route the light of truth inside. They will leave no stone unturned to stop this light from coming in. It is the nature of the mind and senses to run outwards towards objects of pleasure; the mind and senses need to be turned inwards.

Picture this - you have a throne inside you. Through certain past conditionings (samskaras), the mind/brain complex has overtaken this throne from the true king (the soul) and proclaimed itself the king. This mind/brain king is full of negativity, judgements, critical of everyone, cold, harsh, selfish and qualities of this sort. The true deserving king (soul) has been banished, subjugated, outlawed, prisoned, usurped, shackled into domination. This true king, the soul, is full of positivity, never judges, empathetic, equanimous, warm, caring, selfless and qualities of this sort.

And stuck between the two is you - the Jiva, the life force, the living being, the immortal essence of living organism ... who has to work hard and shackle the bull named mind. And then you start trying to dethrone them, the mind and sensory organs, the culprits who have dethroned the "soul" from the seat. How can they allow this coup to happen? But you must win, keep a strong will. It is as difficult as taming a raging bull singlehandedly, or trying to light a fire to soggy wood on a rainy day. You need strong will. If you do not quit, ultimately, you will connect with your soul. Vices will leave you, and virtues will develop. You will learn to live consciously 24x7.

The negative "samskaras" (imprints left on the subconscious mind by experience) of the mind will slowly burn away, and positive samskaras of the soul will develop. Creativity level will increase, and the cozy warmth of the soul will develop. You will be able to naturally shrug away the small stuff.

Below statement I make now originates from several years of rigorous practice. 10 years of practice distilled in one line. This is original, comes directly from my experience. Use this statement as a cornerstone if you plan to or are following this practice.

The true path of the light is the reverse". Meditate and light the flame in the heart. Route this pure light to your sensory organs and mind, and purify them from inside out. Organized religion always taught you the opposite.

However, in spite of all these achievements, and the mind and senses shackled, and the soul rethroned not "everything" has been achieved. Most people "fail" here.

At this stage of enlightenment, it's time to come face to face with the biggest and strongest enemy of humanity that resides "within".

The evil unsurpassable demon named EGO !!!

edit on 27-2-2012 by awakenedsoul because: Edit to Add

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 09:32 AM
Unless EGO is slayed, the final door of receiving esoteric knowledge of higher dimesions such as "vidya" and "maya" remains tightly CLOSED. In Hindu terminology, "Vidya" is right knowledge, and "Maya" is the veil of illusion keeps you away from receiving Vidya. Opposite of Vidya (right Knowledge) is Avidya (ignorance/wrong knowledge/misinformation/disinformation).

Killing the ego is an endeavour which is tricky and challenging. Kill the ego, and you kill your self and negate your very existence. Any way out?

This is where Hindu philosophy comes to help. Four paths are suggested for different personalities. Jnana, Bhakti, Karma and Raja yoga. (I am not sponsoring this religion, citing this because I was born in it and know it better).

Bhakti Yoga: Acceptance of "God" as being perfect in stature, and bowing, devotion, worship, dedication, surrender and being one with God.

An interesting thing about the path of Devotion. God is a debatable subject for the brain as it is the seat of the mind, but not for the heart, and heart is the seat of the soul.

Acceptance and surrender to God's existence strengthens the heart and soul. All actions, and fruits sweet or bitter are surrendered to God. Above all, Unconditional surrender and love towards God. No asking favors. In good times and bad, better or worse, whatever circumstances.

As soon as we surrender & bow our head before God, and keep him eternal witness in all deeds,something strange happens to the ego. It melts!!!

Devotion is a subject of drowning in depth of love, affection, and respect. Nothing remains yours - you virtually give up ownership of yourself and all you own to the chosen deity.

Choose any deity that you adore as God - any for that matter - the key is not the choice. The key is honesty and truthfulness, sticking to the relation in pain and pleasure.

Bhakti Yoga (devotion) kills your ego, strangles all vices such as "Kaam (lust)", "Krodh(anger)", "Lobh(greed)", "Moh(attachment)", "Mad(ego)", "Matsarya(envy)" and "Mamata(mineness)". It humbles you to core.

As people in the West understand it. The physical postures is NOT the only yoga available. Yoga means union with the higher self - some try to do it through physical postures, some devotion, some meditation.

Meditation coupled with devotion will bring "Samata" in life - equanimity, equilibrium, balance, choicelessness, both in pleasure and pain. Once this state matures, and ripens over time - with all it's tough trials and tests of time which you need to pass - the final door opens. The final door paves way for the esoteric knowledge which is known as "vidya". Vidya is the knowledge of "That" which is the truth.

Around 2006, five years into the practice, is when I restarted looking outside, to the world, to the happenings. And lo, I could see the veil of Maya.

What people at ATS call Illuminati, Aliens... It all was easily understood with the experience of the journey within. ATS did not exist at that time in all it's glory, but this understanding came to me back then that there was a veil, and someone was happy keeping the world as sheeple.

The world has been described beautifully in Hindu sanskrit texts as "Maya".. It is made up of 2 Sanskrit words "Ma" and "Ya".. (again, no sponsoring).

"Ma" means "not" and "Ya" means "this" i.e. a terse guidance to humanity that "This is Not"... "That which you see is not the truth..."

If "THIS" what you see is unreal and not the truth, then there must be a "THAT", which must be the truth. ("This" versus "That")

"THAT" is, and has always been, behind the veil all throughout. Since you are unaware of existence of "That", you believe "This" to be true.

Unawareness of "That" is termed as "ignorance" in spiritual texts. Ever heard the phrase "humanity mired in ignorance / darkness"? In ignorance, the sheeple deem ''This'' to be true; They have to - there is no other choice, as things seem.

"This" is the delusion, born out of "avidya (wrong knowledge/misinformation/disinformation)", and since the delusion is omnipresent in all, hence "This" unquestionably is accepted as true. You need to follow the flock.

In abstract terms, "This" relates to the materialistic world, the world of the outward senses, the egoistic "I" world, the world of duality. In the physical realm, "This" relates to ALL the subjects of the mind - to it's entire extent as far as your mind and brain can operate.

The "veil" of Maya has been at work for centuries, hiding behind it knowledge profound. Powerful enough to melt your solid world into fluid.

What you call Illuminati or Aliens are the veil holders of Maya.

Unless EGO is slayed, the final door of receiving esoteric knowledge of higher dimesions such as "vidya" and "maya" remains tightly CLOSED. In Hindu terminology, "Vidya" is right knowledge, and "Maya" is the veil of illusion keeps you away from receiving Vidya. Opposite of Vidya (right Knowledge) is Avidya (ignorance/wrong knowledge/misinformation/disinformation).

Killing the ego is an endeavour which is tricky and challenging. Kill the ego, and you kill your self and negate your very existence. Any way out?

This is where Hindu philosophy comes to help. Four paths are suggested for different personalities. Jnana, Bhakti, Karma and Raja yoga. (I am not sponsoring this religion, citing this because I was born in it and know it better).

Bhakti Yoga: Acceptance of "God" as being perfect in stature, and bowing, devotion, worship, dedication, surrender and being one with God.

An interesting thing about the path of Devotion. God is a debatable subject for the brain as it is the seat of the mind, but not for the heart, and heart is the seat of the soul.

Acceptance and surrender to God's existence strengthens the heart and soul. All actions, and fruits sweet or bitter are surrendered to God. Above all, Unconditional surrender and love towards God. No asking favors. In good times and bad, better or worse, whatever circumstances.

As soon as we surrender & bow our head before God, and keep him eternal witness in all deeds,something strange happens to the ego. It melts!!!

Devotion is a subject of drowning in depth of love, affection, and respect. Nothing remains yours - you virtually give up ownership of yourself and all you own to the chosen deity.

Choose any deity that you adore as God - any for that matter - the key is not the choice. The key is honesty and truthfulness, sticking to the relation in pain and pleasure.

Bhakti Yoga (devotion) kills your ego, strangles all vices such as "Kaam (lust)", "Krodh(anger)", "Lobh(greed)", "Moh(attachment)", "Mad(ego)", "Matsarya(envy)" and "Mamata(mineness)". It humbles you to core.

As people in the West understand it. The physical postures is NOT the only yoga available. Yoga means union with the higher self - some try to do it through physical postures, some devotion, some meditation.

Meditation coupled with devotion will bring "Samata" in life - equanimity, equilibrium, balance, choicelessness, both in pleasure and pain. Once this state matures, and ripens over time - with all it's tough trials and tests of time which you need to pass - the final door opens. The final door paves way for the esoteric knowledge which is known as "vidya". Vidya is the knowledge of "That" which is the truth.

Around 2006, five years into the practice, is when I restarted looking outside, to the world, to the happenings. And lo, I could see the veil of Maya.

What people at ATS call Illuminati, Aliens... It all was easily understood with the experience of the journey within. ATS did not exist at that time in all it's glory, but this understanding came to me back then that there was a veil, and someone was happy keeping the world as sheeple.

The world has been described beautifully in Hindu sanskrit texts as "Maya".. It is made up of 2 Sanskrit words "Ma" and "Ya".. (again, no sponsoring).

"Ma" means "not" and "Ya" means "this" i.e. a terse guidance to humanity that "This is Not"... "That which you see is not the truth..."

If "THIS" what you see is unreal and not the truth, then there must be a "THAT", which must be the truth. ("This" versus "That")

"THAT" is, and has always been, behind the veil all throughout. Since you are unaware of existence of "That", you believe "This" to be true.

Unawareness of "That" is termed as "ignorance" in spiritual texts. Ever heard the phrase "humanity mired in ignorance / darkness"? In ignorance, the sheeple deem ''This'' to be true; They have to - there is no other choice, as things seem.

"This" is the delusion, born out of "avidya (wrong knowledge/misinformation/disinformation)", and since the delusion is omnipresent in all, hence "This" unquestionably is accepted as true. You need to follow the flock.

In abstract terms, "This" relates to the materialistic world, the world of the outward senses, the egoistic "I" world, the world of duality. In the physical realm, "This" relates to ALL the subjects of the mind - to it's entire extent as far as your mind and brain can operate.

The "veil" of Maya has been at work for centuries, hiding behind it knowledge profound. Powerful enough to melt your solid world into fluid.

What you call Illuminati or Aliens are the veil holders of Maya.

It is a different understanding of things if you come here from a materialistic lifestyle, and read ATS threads without preparing spiritually. You will read and understand some things, but not everything.

If you come from a spiritual background, pure heart, with all the hard work put in, you will get to the truth. You will know what is right and what is wrong. For example, with so much content on ATS, do you know some of it is close to truth, and most of it will only confuse and mislead you.

e.g. Could it be that there is a conspiracy to put inside you a feeling that a conspiracy exists.

I have shared my spiritual experiences and what I have learnt over time. I am putting it down here in this forum in the hope that some portion of it could be of help to a true seeker.

I can help you get to the truth about what's in store for humanity over a period of next few years. I know the truth quite closely. I cannot provide you fish, but only teach you how to fish with some guidances. That too, only if you have toiled hard. What you see and read here or on other similar media may or may not be the truth. I have the wheat separated from the chaff.

I also have one important question - which only an enlightened being will understand and respond to.


I am on the lookout for such spiritually advanced individuals who understand the deep meaning of this statement above. Is there someone else in the world who is picking up alien signals clearly, or is it just me. I cannot explain what I mean by this - the one in the know will understand it clearly.



edit on 27-2-2012 by awakenedsoul because: Edit to Update

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 09:56 AM
Hello...again...still looking for a following I see.....ATS is a tough crowd for self appointed spiritual leaders.

Too many independent thinkers......


edit on 27-2-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 10:27 AM
I have one rule:
Pursue happiness so long as to the best of your abilities and sensibility that pursuit does not take away from any others pursuit of happiness.

In other words; be happy, but not at the expense of others.

I recommend it. No teachers, or Buddhas, or books or Yogis or meditation taught me this rule.
I made it up.

It, however, works.

It encompasses everything.
Be happy.

No wall of words or life story needed.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 12:02 PM
You are very close to the truth ,the truth which you are seeking coded in your ATS avatar itself,i would like to know what your ATS avatar means to you.
edit on 27-2-2012 by Arcot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by nineix

That's great that your philosophy works for you, but if you live in North America I can guarantee you your happiness comes at the expense of others.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by awakenedsoul


Your interpreting this and looking for the answer of,,,, it is god communicating,,, our our higher souls yearning for righteousness and truth.... a spiritual awakening with beginnings and ways beyond the "Maya" and beyond the understanding of most individuals..... synchronistic,,,, human history and the time we are living in is a beautiful and epic tapestry of chaos and order depicting an archaic and timeless struggle between the potential of energies, and the perspective of incarnate entities.....

you seem like a cool dude,,, i tried speaking to you in your other thread and you "assumed" i was mocking you or something,,,, my interest and words are sincere......

if my understanding of what you believe the aliens and such to be is correct..... have you questioned those beliefs and thought that maybe there is nothing but us the living people who can stop the evil actions of other people in this world? that it has been going on since life started,, and the modernity and civility of the world has if anything only increased the means and efficiency of evil,,,, and that maybe waiting for an external alien or god to save us is waiting for evil to continue bashing the spirit of good over the halo?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Arcot

Hi Arcot,

My avatar means the same that you have in your signature. It is a simple statement, but a cryptic one too.

As is the macrocosm, so is the microcosm. As is the man's eye, so is the planet's eye.

You are confirming that I am close to truth. That means that you are too!

Anyway, there's nothing great to claim to know the truth. The greatness lies in separating out the wheat from the chaff. 90% is chaff, only 10% is wheat.

If one reads most of the content of ATS, and claims he knows the truth, he's mistaken. When time comes, this information overload will take a toll on him.

Do you know the timeframe of the second coming? It is so easy, and so difficult, depending on your knowledge levels. I do, because I received coded signals.

Do you know the keys to the code? Do you understand how the aliens are subtly guiding humanity?



posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 10:42 PM
The axis mundi? The awakened pineal?

This was a very good thread, though I also feel that Christ actually taught similar in truth, to go within.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 03:09 AM
Many on ATS exclaim and spread this word like a forest fire, as if this is something really New ---

"New World Order or one world government is the goal of the globalists eager to be in power – to control the world in slave-like society in wich they would be slaveowners."

This is a conspiracy to make you feel there is a conspiracy.

Know that there has "always" been a one world government. The boundaries of nation, race, creed, color were all an illusion. At the top of the pyramid, they have been all one.

Know that globalists have "always" been in power. When were they not in power? What's new they wanna achieve?

Know that they have always been in control of the world. It is nothing new they want to achieve.

Know that humanity has always been slaves, and they, the masters, always have been slaveowners. Democracy and boundaries of nations was always an illusion. You voted ultimately ended up in a trash bin. It was an illusion to keep you happy and not feel slave-like.

Divide and Rule... Divide the world into contrasts and never let the two meet ... this ensures competition between the two halves, and let them compete... and then rule...

Chop it all up into dimensions and NEVER let them meet. West & East, Rich & Poor, White & Colored skin, Developed & Undeveloped world.

Then rule this system!

Seeker, This is Vidya... All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances.



edit on 28-2-2012 by awakenedsoul because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2012 by awakenedsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 05:07 AM
Great thread

Im a bit surprised it hasnt gotten more attention.

I fully feel what your saying, I know the ego is bad and to be truly happy I need to get away from it but at this stage Im just to hedonistic.

I think were all born knowing the truth of what your saying but it gets pummeled out of us almost from the second we take our first breaths.

Thanks for the interesting read dude

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 08:27 PM
I am responding, finally, as I have now read your other threads in much detail. I am captivated but yet still feel like an open sore,ready to be healed.

This is strange for me to react like this. Especially since the first thread I read of yours was cryptic messages that seem to warn of a coming tribulation. I wrote them down in my notebook and held them for a few days for more review. Then I happened upon another thread of yours and then another...

Many of the teachings you lay out in your threads speak volumes to me for some reason. I also would like to say that my EGO must be killed, murdered heinously for the things it has done. I have become the walking embodiment of "Pride" itself. I do not like living this way any longer and I am all out ready for the change. I don't mind a challenge, as I believe my strengths are fortitude and resilience.

I will respond back shortly but needed to make contact with you tonight.
Thank you for sharing your gifts.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by harlot7

your ego does not need to be killed and theres nothing wrong with some pride,,,, if your good your good,, if your bad and can live with being bad,, good for you,,,,,

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