reply to post by xXxinfidelxXx
Great discussion going. Thanks all for your valuable inputs.
Don't want to debate it, but for the ones who do not know clearly, be very clear that 90% of population will go. There will be death, disease, ruins
everywhere few years from now. How I know for sure - because I have a connection with the higher source, the guiding light. Long before this noise
about end-times started, I was in communion with the higher self.
I have been a software professional all my life, have travelled the globe, have lived life in the comforts of a city life - air conditioning, cars,
gadgets, refrigerators, electric heaters. For the last 2 years, I quit the corporate prison, and practicing living off grid and trying to be self
reliant for almost everything.
I have a family, my wife and one daughter. We 3 live together in this new lifestyle because I believe practice makes a man perfect, and I believe it
is useless to start digging a well when you are thirsty.
We have learnt SO MUCH from the villagers, who are in the practice of living off themselves in a self sustaining manner.
With this experience of last 2 years in the country, I can reliably comment that living alone (or a family of 3) in a self sustaining lifestyle is as
tough as it gets.
1) Without electrically pumped water, there can be no meaningful crops. It is impractical to grow crops by drawing water out the well manually. I
agree that few veggies can be grown for home use, but not crops.
2) It simply ain't possible to plough land manually without animals and tractors.
3) Insecticides, Fertilizers
4) Without doctors, hospitals, and medicine - one cannot survive for long no matter how many in number you are.
5) Things of daily use - Clothes, Shoes, Repairs... all that paraphernalia.
For those who believe, there will be people and merchants flowing around freely, you are dead wrong. Post tribulation, what you are going to see is
Whatever remaining humanity will be concentrated into certain pre marked areas handful in number in each country...and we don't know where these
vortices are... the biggest migration of the history of mankind is upon us... You will see not only inter-country migration, but even intra-country
The only HOPE is to reach one of these Illuminati ruled "New Golden cities" post tribulation. That is possible if one gets communication of the
whereabouts of it, and there is means of transporting to that area which could be any number of hundred miles away.
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edit on 26-2-2012 by awakenedsoul because:
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