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Re: OBL's corpse
Body is Dover bound, should be here by now.
On 5/2/2011 6:35 AM, George Friedman wrote:
Eichmann was seen alive for many months on trial before being sentenced
to death and executed. No one wanted a monument to him so they cremated
him. But i dont know anyone who claimed he wasnt eicjhman. No comparison
with suddenly burying him at sea without any chance to view him which i
doubt happened.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
From: Fred Burton
Sender: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 2 May 2011 06:26:07 -0500 (CDT)
ReplyTo: Analyst List
Subject: OBL's corpse
If body dumped at sea, which I doubt, the touch is very Adolph Eichman
like. The Tribe did the same thing with the Nazi's ashes.
We would want to photograph, DNA, fingerprint, etc.
His body is a crime scene and I don't see the FBI nor DOJ letting that
[alpha] Body bound for Dover, DE on CIA plane
Than onward to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Bethesda.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Originally posted by Maponos
This one is quite interesting, Re: Assange is off the hook... I only post a small section which interests me
Originally posted by plube
reply to post by arbiture
So part of your task at hand here on ATS is not mean that you are here monitoring trends for you own personal gains then....your here for business purposes...weeding out what is being said about stratfor and how it might affect your business in the future.....feeling out the responses so that you too can be prepare for the baklash if and when you might possibly get hacked again yourself.
Oh please.....can you jonestly tell me in the world of corporate espianage that you would not use such tactic to further advance your business market....or use information to further the goals of your reading all these hack emails and seeing if any of them apply to the clientele that your company has established.
I bet your sniffing through the emails yourself like a little rat in a warren trying to eek out any bits of data which might help you to head off say a merger...or a sour business deal that may affect one or several of your clients.
Please do not play the bleeding heart here as it will not wash.....the question is not the ethics behind the emails right is the content....and from what many have read about the internal workings of this should be against the law for them to the end of the day it is spying.....and no matter what we all know we are more and more spied on everyday is this world....and it really is disgusting.
people spy because theya re paranoid about their own self delusional paranoia ...they are so hung up on their self importance and the fact that they themselves are most likely doing something dirty they need to hire a third party company such as yours to delve into other peoles business.....and if your company just looks at say marketing trends then that is a little diffferent that spying for profits......I mean really where are the ethics when a company is trying to further the greed of a murdurous company such as DOW chemicals.
hope you sleep with a clear conscience.
Originally posted by miniatus
From __._
On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.
Sean, just to be clear Your point is that Anonymous hasn't mattered? Is your argument that hackers haven't mattered either? because if Anonymous is a mob of hackers as you argue, how haven't they mattered to their targets? what about all the money spent fighting them? and as Tristan just pointed out - how about HBGary Federal? He said the CEO's SSN and address were posted on Twitter. What about all the sensitive emails that were lost? We have no way of knowing what was in those emails, or how they are being used to make money at the expense of HBGary. I have always agreed that they haven't reached a level of threat to the US, but that surely doesn't mean they won't. And there are quite a few countries, organizations, and people below that rather high standard who could not withstand an attack, including an email purge of personal emails onto the web.
Originally posted by Biigs
The more i read and the less i find - Is starting to make me wonder about the sacraficial lamb for goverment internet domination.
Perhaps CIA finds crappy agents and employees, sets up a failure of a "inteligence agency" only to hack it themselves take out wikileaks indirectly with insanly restrictive internet bils.
Tin foils hats on people, this is gunna get all "9 eleveny" soon