Please don't start about missionaries.
When you stop defaming the Catholic Church with your one-sided, slanted opinions, I might relent. Just maybe.
"We'll give you food stuff if you accept our word that this mythology is true, and you dedicate your life to giving as much as you can to our
church...You will leave behind your own heritage, and the beliefs and wisdom you've been living under for thousands of years in order to swallow whole
stories that we stole from other religions." If you don't, you don't get the goodies. Preying on the weak in their time of need is unconscionable.
Give me a break. Patently ridiculous. Most people that go to soup kitchens don't convert. No one pressures them to join the Church. No one puts a
gun to their head. What a pathetic bunch of nonsense! Some convert out of the good actions of others, but never out of coercion or force. Your
examples and assumptions are patently ridiculous and utterly false.
In fact, if you look at the charitable activities of the Church, nearly all of the charitable activities are targeted towards non-Catholics and
non-believers. The Church actively provides food, shelter, clothing, and other necessities to non-Catholics without any form of religious coercion of
any kind. Not even handing out a Bible, or pressuring people to attend a Catholic Mass. Instead, it's pure charity with no expectation of reward.
You didn't address whether you agreed. You simply attacked me as a hater. That's a tried and trusted diversionary tactic. Attack the messenger and
ignore the message. Your church was responsible for some nasty things. Remember the policy of non-involvement with the third Reich's atrocities? Yep,
that was your lot. Plenty of power to stop it, but did nothing. Hitler being a "good" Catholic, and all that.
More falsehoods. Yawn. Your statements get more laughable my the minute, so it's hard to take you seriously. When you spread lies and falsehoods
about the Catholic Church, that is the classical definition of hate speech.
Hitler wasn't Catholic. If anything, he was a Satanist and an occultist. (He wasn't a Freemason either.) Second, he murdered thousands of
Catholics, especially nuns and priests. Frankly, your assertions aren't only historically inaccurate, but blatantly false as well.
According to a press release from Catholic League President, William A. Donohue (2/4/99): "Hitler was a neo-pagan terrorist whose conscience was not
informed by Christianity, but by pseudo-scientific racist philosophies. Hitler hated the Catholic Church, made plans to kill the Pope, authorized the
murder of thousands of priests and nuns, and did everything he could to suppress the influence of the Church."
During the war, many Church priests and nuns hid Jewish men, women, and children from the Nazis, sometimes even taking in Jewish children to Catholic
schools to avoid Nazi persecution. These sane nuns and priests even made an explicit point of not converting these Jewish children to Catholicism.
In fact, even now, many years later, many Catholics have been given high awards and honors for their activities in protecting the Jewish people from
Your assertions are pure make-believe nonsense.
The church doesn't do it all. Far from it.
Nonsense. The Church is by far the largest philanthropic and charitable religious institution in the world, and has been for centuries.
Why is your church tax exempt, yet others are not?
More nonsense. Plenty of religious denominations claim tax-exempt status in the United States besides just the Roman Catholic Church. Jewish,
Buddhist, Protestant, and other religious organizations all claim tax-exempt status. To suggest otherwise is simply not factual.
Why are religious organizations such as the Catholic Church tax-exempt? Because these are non-profit organizations, and are purposely designed to
help communities with combating hunger, poverty, sickness, etc., as well as providing for the community's spiritual needs. They do a lot of good for
the community, with prayer groups, soup kitchens, religious instruction, etc.
Priests and nuns give up secular living to devote their entire lives to serving God and others, including helping members of their community during
times of great turmoil, such as illness and death. The state recognizes that we shouldn't burden these institutions with taxes, as these
organizations are entirely designed for the purpose of helping the community, including the poorest of the poor.
Why do you want to tax a church that runs a soup kitchen, anyways? Or that has a prison ministry, catering to prisoners and the lowest rungs of
society? Seriously, are you that ignorant and avaricious that you want to attack those people that serve the poorest of the poor?
Priests and nuns live celibate lives and earn very little money. Most are practically destitute. They give their entire lives to helping others less
fortunate. And you want to tax them? Are you kidding me? What kind of vicious person are you?
edit on 8-3-2012 by CookieMonster09 because: (no reason given)