posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:08 PM
Do i believe my family needs help, i believe everyone "needs help". Do i believe my family was or is dysfunctional what is dysfunctional?
So i looked it up, its operating outside of the social norms. So no i dont believe anyone can be dysfunctional. I believe my family was and is a
byproduct of modern living. My father often spoke of my grandfather beating him badly as a child. I heard many many stories growing up of what my
grandfather did to my dad, and i cant even fathom what my father went through.
My dad loved my grandfather, but over time grew to despise him. I was not allowed to call him grandpa or grandfather, i grew up calling him by his 1st
name Ed. I cant imagine what my father went through and how that effected his adult life.
My dad said he started huffing gas around 10 and would do so till he passed out. Where were the social workers? Where was society to help my father.
Eventually he did a crime bad enough to warrant prison time. They offered him Vietnam.
What did that do to him. How many people did he murder? How many friends did he see die? He came back from war addicted to heroin much like the many
others who came back unable to cope with modern living. He then went to prison for man slaughter. What did that do to him after he was released.
Growing up i heard many stories about prison life. I knew how to make a prison shank by 7.
As far a help goes, maybe that was God's intent of putting me in that family. Maybe i was supposed to be that help. Anyone can use help at any time,
but you have to be able to recognize it. Recognize some one is reaching out to you. I believe my father failed to recognize the signs for help.
In that he need/ they needed an example. Something to see, something to strive to be. My father couldnt find that in my grandpa. He didnt need a nasa
pilot as an example or the next superbowl champ to show him the gentle way of life.
He couldnt turn to jesus because he didnt understand him. He lived 2,000 years ago, another time. In church he would tell me the priest had the entire
sermon in latin. How are you supposed to know Jesus if you cant understand the words.
My family is a victim of modern day living. We all see each other on the streets but do you stop to think what their thinking. That they may be in
need. Do you stop to think, does that person starve at night even though they look well off.
Off course you dont, we have all been told thats its none of our business. They choose their path. They choose to do drugs. Most people on drugs dont
want to harm others much less their family. But eventually they loose themselves, which is what the wanted to do in the 1st place. They all were
hurting so bad inside they thought they could find happiness in a pill or needle. Or hide or run away from what they where feeling because no one
taught them how to handle their emotions.
And why is that, why have we mostly forgotten our true selves. Because we have as a society lost ourselves in things. Cars, money, drugs, houses,
GOLD, the list goes on and on. But we choose to indulge in these things, my father choose to indulge in drugs because he was unable to cope with his
emotions. And it eventually changed him it morphed his beautiful being into something else. Something he couldnt stop.
And he tried so so hard to. Ive seen him go cold turkey many times, puking and throwing up blood. And my brother, what did not having a mom do to him.
It all effected us differently. As a child growing up all my friends had moms, sometimes they would ask where is your mom. I remember saying she was
dead for a while. Then she would come live with us for a few months and she would whisper to me. I will never leave you again only to find a empty
house one day when returning home from school.
What did this do to my brother? What did it do to me. Eventually my dad would tell me why my mom left. She was unhappy at our living conditions, she
wanted a house with a fence. She said she felt we (her children) were holding her back . She wanted to be in a higher class. What was sold to her as a
child. What America told her the perfect family life was. Thats why i grew up without a mother, my father without a wife. Because she wanted the high
life. Penthouse baby, all the way. She wanted a Leave it to beaver lifestyle, one my father could not give her. So she left to find it.
Where is she now, no where same place as she was before, but instead of finding the ideal existence she left much more behind.