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Turn Off Your TV and Wake Up Now - Before it's too late!

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posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:02 PM
This Video is from Aug 14th 2011 - but I really believe we need to take a look as a reminder of how we are being manipulated and in particular how evident it appears that the majority of Couch Potatoes are only able to answer fairly simple questions if it has been on the Television - sorry if the answer lies in the Soaps.

I am amazed at the lack of basic knowledge displayed here and the infinitive proof it provides - we really do have a dumbed down population but what astounds me even more is that - these Couch Potatoes who live in Fairy Land - actually don't mind being dumbed down.

No wonder the herders who are themselves dumbed down are so easily steered by those with the brains.!

I've tried to embed this Video but for some reason I can't - hope some one else can - It's a fantastic example.

edit on 26-2-2012 by quedup because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2012 by Gazrok because: adding embedding

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by quedup

I personally don't watch television, though I do download commercial free episodes of programs I may take an interest in.

It may also be notable to mention there are certain segments of societies everywhere that are just open and prone to easy influence by public media, persuasion, or whatever the most common consensus is.

It is, for instance, and for example, becoming more popular for people to get told what and how to think by Youtube videos, Twitter trending, or some other social media driven outlet than the old television standard.

I'm not dis'n your own youtube linking, but, I am just say'n.

If it's on Youtube, and you're told, what the probability you're going to believe it, and go spread the word?
Easily influenced people will always be easily influenced by whatever media or social outlets there are available.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:22 PM

But why are governments worldwide so anxious to help citizens experience a clearer and more highly defined television picture?

This is an extremely timely and important essay. It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. I first found out about the use of this technology from Al Bielek in a 1992 video he made with Vladimir Terziski. This technology was used against battle-hardened Iraqi troops fortified in deep underground bunkers in Kuwait and Iraq in the first Gulf War in January of 1991.

The physical, emotional, and psychological effects of this technology were so severe that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi troops surrended en masse without firing even a single shot against US led coalition forces. The numbers reported in the news were staggering: 75,000 and then another 125,000 (or more) Iraqi troops would come out of their deep desert bunkers waving white flags and falling to their knees before approaching US troops and literally kiss their captor’s boots or hands if given the opportunity.

Why would eight year veterans of Middle Eastern warfare (with Iran 1980-198 behave this way?
Simple. They were subjected to a technology that was so extreme and incomprehensible that they were suddenly reduced to the level of compliant children and felt grateful to still be alive in the wake of their mind-wrenching experience.

This technology is about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into ‘compliance’ with our New World order overlords. The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV (HD) that will enter your home via:
•those oh-so-easy-to-obtain “digital converter boxes” that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf
•But why is the government so anxious to help American citizens experience a clearer and more highly defined television picture?
•Does that make sense to you?
•Since when is the government so concerned about the visual quality of our televised entertainment that congress would pass an undebated statutory proclamation which mandated that the HD conversion take place on Feb. 17, 2009 and and then subsidize about 90% of the associated cost?
I’m only guessing, but if there are 200 million “regular” televisions in America to be converted into HD, then that $40 in government subsidy per TV × 200,000,000 = $8 billion.
•Why is the government so anxious to spend 8 billion dollars on her citizens to improve the clarity of a TV picture?
•Or is the recently touted “additional bandwidth” cover story that supposedly is to be gained with the HD technology the only and genuine reason for spending so much taxpayer dollars on HD conversion?
The second service that this author performs is to “out” two of our more deceptive CIA/Pentagon ‘assets’ masquerading under the rubric of natural health advocates.
Their names are Rima Laibow and her husband, “former” Major General Albert Stubblebine. If your e-mail Inbox has been filling with warnings and articles in recent months about the coming Codex regulations and the “wonderful” job that Rima and her retired Army husband have been doing to try and stem the tide, then you know who I’m talking about.....cont.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by nineix

I do see exactly where you're coming from and to a point you are correct however, you wouldn't sit and watch the same UTube video over and over again hour after hour or at least nearly as much as people watch TV.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by pshea38

Thanks for bringing that across for me and also your very interesting article some of which I have read about in a pretty disjointed way because this kind of information such as you have introduced here is usually derailed - they don't want the masses to be aware of the reality of the situation and how controlled they really are.

The best bit is - we pay over the odds for them to do it.

Great Contribution

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by quedup

You might could see though how a Youtube video skewed to vilify television might have just a slight agenda in favor of media outlets like Youtube.

I'm not disagreeing that there's manipulation actively being perpetuated through television, but, at the same time, it's going on at every level of consumption; music, books, news, advertising, fashion, movies, everywhere.

There aren't many places you can go anywhere where your'e not getting told what to think, buy, wear, do, consume.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by nineix

But you can at least switch off the ones that have a proven track record and most UTube vids are a pile of # but if you're not sitting in front of the TV all day you are much more able to learn how to discern between fact and fiction.

The ability to research is key and the type of books you read are also up to individual choice - the writers of many have proven track records that are easily checked.

If you lose the ability to discern - which is rapidly becoming the case and the very reasons for this thread - then there's no hope of you ever being able to find the truth of anything - The Truth really does set you free.
edit on 26-2-2012 by quedup because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:49 PM
The tv today is clearly a propaganda tool and great for planting ideas on how to think/behave/buy...but imo this is only effective on the less intelligent people...those who always have, and always will, follow along whatever other people tell them to follow.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by iamdavid
The tv today is clearly a propaganda tool and great for planting ideas on how to think/behave/buy...but imo this is only effective on the less intelligent people...those who always have, and always will, follow along whatever other people tell them to follow.

Yes sadly - you are right but if this world is ever to change these are the people, sites like this exist in hoping to wake people up - is it not?

The sheep are being steered right over the cliff.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by pshea38

What Governments? If they were so anxious to give us HD-TV with that transmitter thingies than why am i not seeing it? I'm pretty sure that 90% of all people here in Germany still use old CRT-TVs because except for some Pay-TV (which most people use for sport only anyway) the normal TV stations still don't send out HD-Signals. In fact our Government wanted to bring HD-TV to us in time for the World Cup 2006 and failed miserably because they didn't wanted to pay all the costs. And the same is true in most countries of this world (can easily be seen by all those "Will the Playstation 3/XBOX 360 still work on my CRT?" Question that can be found in every gaming forum, in every language). What countries do have HDTV and most people use it? USA? Japan? Maybe the UK? For such a conspiracy, that's a very small list of countries.
A conspiracy is only good, if it affects all countries, the "TPTB" can only work if they include all countries and Planet Earth doesn't consist of the USA, "that place called europe", "those countries that need to be bombed" and "this one asian country that last year had some nuclear accident"

Now i won't deny that a lot of TV Stations seem to have the mission of keeping people dumb. That certainly is true here in Germany, where we basically have about 4 TV Stations that are sophisticated, while the most watched one are basically showing the same daily soap, fake documentaries and US shows like American Idol in german versions here.

I don't watch TV, the last time i watched a german TV station was during the World Cup 2010.

The Question is: Would anything change, if the people who watch 5 hours stupid-TV per day, would just decide to stop this? Would they suddenly 'wake up' and realize what is going on around them? They won't. Because it isn't only TV, it's also Newspapers (our most-read Daily Newspaper in Germany is famous for fake news, sensationalism and other crap, it's worse than the british Sun) and the Internet.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by quedup

I don't disagree.

When it comes to books, yes, you can choose from certain writers with a proven track record. Some of that, however, is influenced at the publisher.
Getting published is a nightmare.
1. you can't really approach publishers directly anymore, so, Literary Agents are the gatekeeper overloads to publication, and securing representation with an agent is 90% more difficult than writing the novel, book, or whatever piece of work you've put together.
2. after securing a literary agent, then, maybe, possibly, hopefully, with fingers X'd your agent has connection and sway enough to get you through the door and on bookshelves.

That's just 2 of the sluice gates. There's editors to deal with, and it can turn into a big unsavory mess.

Point being, if what you have to say won't 'sell' or isn't in keeping with current 'standards' then, it won't get told through conventional means such are the hurdles and checksums in place.
Further, with that, you're essentially given a choice on book shelves of what passes the bar, spoon fed to some extent, instead of getting a true pick and run of the wild to choose from.

Control is everywhere. Influence is everywhere.
A push for convenience is everywhere.
Convenience is good. Everyone wants convenience. That's part of the message.
Convenience enables people to be lazy, to expect the gratification of more convenience, to be more tractable and easier to manipulate.

Nothing worth having should ever be expected to be easy or convenient. If it's easy or convenient, it's probably not as healthy for you as you might think, no matter how gratifying.

The control is everywhere. Buy, consume, eat, do, wear, listen, watch, think and say. It's pretty ridiculous.
Don't get hung up on just one interface like television.

Think about Convenience and how it applies to everything, and how it influences everything around you.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by ShadowAngel85

You forgot to add New Zealand oh and the UK has had it a long time (X Pat here) Perhaps it would be interesting to see just how many Countries do have HD. Oh and no people would not wake up straight away - yes it comes from all directions but God it would be a start. Why don't you watch it? You clearly see the impact it has!
And Manipulation and State Social Engineering has gone on for years and years and it doesn't happen all at once - it creeps up on us - this is how it works.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by nineix

"1. you can't really approach publishers directly anymore, so, Literary Agents are the gatekeeper overloads to publication, and securing representation with an agent is 90% more difficult than writing the novel, book, or whatever piece of work you've put together.
2. after securing a literary agent, then, maybe, possibly, hopefully, with fingers X'd your agent has connection and sway enough to get you through the door and on bookshelves.

That's just 2 of the sluice gates. There's editors to deal with, and it can turn into a big unsavory mess.

Point being, if what you have to say won't 'sell' or isn't in keeping with current 'standards' then, it won't get told through conventional means such are the hurdles and checksums in place. "

Re your above post:

Yes I'm fully aware of the restrictions re having a book published. Literary Agents are very often used and rightly so they are the gatekeepers - they stop a load of junk getting through.
Many Publishers do accept Manuscripts direct and one can find which of them do by referring to 'The Writers Handbook which is a complete guide for all writers, journalist, pubishers, editors, agents, screenwriters and broadcasters. It is updated every year.
This book makes clear which publisher accepts what and the standards (writing standards expected) along with the genre they deal in and publish - unfortunately many would be authors simply send off their manuscripts to "A Publisher" without doing any research as to which ones accept unsolicited manuscripts and in what format and genre they deal in. Then can't understand why they get rejections. These publishers handle thousands of manuscripts and will only publish well written, well researched ones - it's in their interest to do so and a book that speaks the truth and is aided by verifiable research, is well written is any publishers dream but unfortunately not many writers can come up with the goods.
The Gate Keepers should be there - otherwise we'd have more of the trype that comes from smaller publishing houses and those who self publish for pure self esteem and their own prestige.

I have lived in Germany and have close family there and one thing I will say about Germany is that they are hesitant to upset the population in case of unrest at least more so than many other Countries.

Yes I am also quite aware that there are other Countries apart from the USA.
edit on 26-2-2012 by quedup because: (no reason given)

It's the Major Journalistic Gate Keepers on MSN that are far more concerning.
edit on 26-2-2012 by quedup because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by quedup

And again, I don't disagree with your points.
I'm just expanding and illustrating other places where influence and control can and does take place.

Restrictions and standards with agents and publishers, as we've discussed, isn't always a bad thing due to the enormous rate of unsolicited submission, especially with ease and convenience of delivery over email being a factor and even an imperative.

From a conspiracy standpoint, however, these points of control offer purchase for agenda oriented bias.

Whether or not this is true, or how true it may be is up for debate, speculation, research, or whichever.
I'm just hoping to point out and illustrate that on all fronts, there's opportunity, systems in place, as well as motive even for near every 'choice' made by any consumer to be controlled, filtered, and regulated to the satisfaction and agenda of whatever powers that be may be regardless the local national government.

It's not just television. The recipe for the perfect murder using influence to control is pervasive.
You see paradigms explored in early research of applied behavioral psychology by John B. Watson every day as well as many other more complex models at work in application everywhere.
It's truly fascinating and a little scary to see how far Psychology as an applied science is used to influence popular culture, and individual mindsets through social manipulation.

Most people are extremely social. they are prone to influence especially by their social peers. Control what the general consensus thinks, wears, listens to, believes, and responds to stimuli, and you control individuals among that general consensus.
This is due mainly by the open susceptibility of most people to being easily influenced by whatever is popular, but, pushing vehicles like the concept of convenience grows core group of susceptibility.

The occupy movement is one such example of social influence and control in action. Its function serves to chip away at some of the foundations of banking which in turn will eventually lead, some time down the road, to a re-engineering of the exchange system for goods and services.
I'm sure you've heard the conspiracy rumors about one world government, one world currency, and other such.
Such groups, influenced and controlled by applied methodologies in behavioral psychology through social media seems counter-intuitive, to provoke a seeming social 'revolution' against so called powers that be, 1%, or whatever whatever label is convenient, but, these are just simple, nested, and some complex reverse psychologies at play.

With so called mind control, it's an easy play of simple reverse psychology to popularize the thought that certain media outlets are using 'mind control' where the very act of drawing attention, pointing fingers, and accusing mind control is a form of mind control in itself, planting a negative association with example A in favor of example B.

Back to convenience: if it's easy; easy to obtain, easy to believe, easy to find, easy to think about, easy to consume, and otherwise altogether convenient, I recommend holding it suspicious, especially so the more 'popular' it is.

All in all it's pretty futile to fight, or resist against unless one wants to live off the grid, unplugged, and disconnected from social influences. However, having one's eyes open a bit wider, knowing enough to make a more informed decision about who, what, when, where, and how you make a choice on or about, and whether that choice is influenced by social media gives individuals at least some empowerment so they're not total victims.

Still, due to the over all pervasiveness of the assault of programming on every level that's going on, once in a while you might just find yourself humming that popular tune mindlessly, craving a certain flavor of coffee served by a certain popular coffee chain, or even making what seems an intuitive decision about something that should really be weighed with a bit more consideration about who to vote for for instance.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by nineix

Well said with some many valid points - we will always be controlled to some degree even when all avenues of control are clearly understood by all - some people simply prefer to be controlled rather than make decisions for themselves - this is the way of life. But that in itself is making a decision a decision to allow control over oneself. At least it would be hopefully an informed decision.
We now live in a society that are only just waking up to just how much we have been controlled and this will lead to and already has planted the seeds for a mass awakening and rightly so.
However, even though we appear to agree in general - for most people the television is the major influence and all the other areas of influence fall by the wayside in comparison and are also relevant to time spent on same. Repetition also plays a major factor and as you also point out, it is subliminal repetition and extremely effective in it's influence. Especially to those among us who have minimal contact or access to all the other avenues apart from Parental influence that is our children.

People in general do not want to lose a convenience - in particular Television - let's face it - it can be fun and interesting dependent on what we are watching - even suggesting that it's bad for you is like suggesting same to a smoker or an alcoholic - they go into denial - they really don't wish to have this information - the level of interest in this thread is evidence of that and an interesting experiment in the choice of forum. (It's like a "don't threaten my TV scenario) Having said that it is also suggestive of attitudes in the host nation who are mainly US citizens so we still do not get a true picture of a level of denial as it's biased to that extent.

Anyway, I've enjoyed the chat - by the way ...............

I disagree on the voting - just a way of convincing the masses that they have some involvement and control - there is no such thing as fair voting - just another scam so that we believe it democracy.


posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by quedup

How can you turn off your tv and THEN wake up?

Wouldn't you need to be awake already or can you do it in your sleep?

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by quedup

Cheers back to you.

The subject, among many is fascinating, and I always love popping into anything that looks like it might be a mind-control thread.

I worked information systems consulting for quite a awhile, and part of that involved quite a degree of information security, planning, understanding and knowing about systems vulnerabilities.
Information systems are typically pretty complex offering up a menagerie of intrusion countermeasures and variable unpredictable difficulty levels.
Regardless the information security in place, tne component of every single information system that is always consistent, the most vulnerable and easiest to compromise are the people that use/interface with the information system.
People are much easier to 'hack' than computers, routers, or any of the intermediary hardware and software infrastructure between the 'hacker' and the information the 'hacker' wants.

For anyone interested with the proper know how, pushing one, or two or a few of the proper people-shaped buttons and there's not an information system on the planet that's 100% un-hackable secure.

Anyway, yes, mind control is easy. It's easier done with groups and crowds than targeting individuals. People are happy to be controlled, to follow along with the rest of the crowd. People like convenience, and if it's easier to play along, to go with what everyone else is doing, especially if it's 'cool', or trendy, well, hey, it's easy to fall into one of those traps.
Who doesn't want one of those fancy new gadgets that spies on you the whole time your using it, even when turned off? But, it can do all these other cool things!
It's easy to ignore the negatives to satisfy a 'need' or want, to make sacrifices, like with smoking, or drinking, as was mentioned, or a little too much sugar, or many other things.
It's interesting how so very much available is a poisoned pill, good on some aspects, but detrimental on others. Seems everything needs be examined to some degree on a level of informed consent.

I'm happy to see you taking an informed and intelligent approach. Too often, as I'm sure you're painfully aware, do we see topics taking the 'everybody panic!!!!' approach. It's refreshing to actually talk about this subject.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:32 PM
I love how a video is tellin' you not to watch tv. do you not see the irony. dumb dumb dumb

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 04:56 PM
Hogwash! There is propaganda and disinformation everywhere you look, it is not limited to television. If you are having to throw away your television to protect yourself, I advise you to also throw out your computer, your cell phone, your radio, and avoid all contact with other human beings!
Do not run from this stuff - just wise up! Learn the psychology of cognitive distortion, be skeptical to everything presented to you, do your own research, regularly examine what you know and what you believe. You don't have to hide from entertainment, it's only going to make you a dumber person if you let it!

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by MrAndy
Hogwash! There is propaganda and disinformation everywhere you look, it is not limited to television. If you are having to throw away your television to protect yourself, I advise you to also throw out your computer, your cell phone, your radio, and avoid all contact with other human beings!
Do not run from this stuff - just wise up! Learn the psychology of cognitive distortion, be skeptical to everything presented to you, do your own research, regularly examine what you know and what you believe. You don't have to hide from entertainment, it's only going to make you a dumber person if you let it!

You just repeated a good bit of what I've said through the numerous postings to this thread.

Yup. There is no escape. Mind Control is everywhere. East this, Listen to that, Watch this, Wear these, Use this gadget ... buy, consume, use, ... it never stops.
The best approach is education, and from there, informed self consent.

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