Originally posted by Infi8nity
It will never happen, they would lose more then half of their military support. Why are you worried about a chip when you probably carry a cell phone
witch 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 more powerful then a little tiny RFID chip.
That is true when you think in a box and one dimensional, these things are not just for 1 purpose. They are a 'fix all' solution. I've heard all the
Propaganda regarding these things and they have all bases covered for acceptance.
Need to go see a Dr. a new Dr.? Well save the time of having your records faxed and have your chip scanned that will store your records. Traveling out
of town, need to go to the ER and get properly treated w/o long waits for records, well RFID will take care of that with just a scan and any ER Doc
will have vital access to you medical records in an instant.
Pulled over by the Cops, no worry just a simple scan w/o the hassle of pulling out that floppy ID card that always gets lost or misplaced costing you
$30-80 depending where you live to replace it. Just a simple scan and your good to go.
Paper money? Forget about it! Credit cards? A thing of the past, with the new RFID your just a scan away from paying for that item at the store, again
no need to pull out that silly wallet with those bulky cards and paper money just a reach over and in seconds transaction complete no more hassles
with the wallet!!
Average Joe terrorist wants to board a plane with his fake papers and ID, gets on board and blows your plane out of the sky, well guess what? With the
new RFID that's a quick fix since to get one of these awesome RFID you are required to prove who you are that way any known or suspected terrorists
can be stopped before pulling off that act that would kill you. Now he'll be unable to go past TSA w/o a RFID scan, making you safer!
That's just a few examples of the Propaganda campaign I've heard in favor of these things, most of which came from MSM sources. I just added my own
sarcasm of course so I'm pretty sure these things will be the norm, in fact I think it's in Florida or a Southern State a whole family has offered to
basically be test subjects and the mother interviewed used the 'safety from Terrorist' excuse for one of her major reasons for wanting it.
Thinking it won't happen is perhaps wishful ignorance? It is a fact that they as of now are optional BUT TPTB know us to be like sheep following the
herd so once more get them it will become the Norm and always when something goes out of style the people conform. I honestly think they will force
the hand especially with the Economic Collapse imminent this will probably be the stage for a new paperless plasticless currency system.
Think about it, no more chips in a passport, just eliminate the passport and put the chip in you. Same with the credit cards. As for the Military,
they'll go for it why? The family needs fed, a superior says jump most jump, they are trained not to ask questions just take orders. Those few that do
think if they have families to feed will conform. The small percentage with no families may resist if the brainwashing can be combated. I use to be in
the Army so I know how that works sorta.
Also not everyone has a cell phone, I don't and many of the people I know don't and a lot of people are giving up the cell phone from what I can tell
either due to the economy or all the privacy issues or health reasons that go with them if you in fact believe they come with health
edit on 26-2-2012 by mosheh24 because: (no reason given)
edit on 26-2-2012 by mosheh24 because: (no reason