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Schumann Resonances, Electro Magnetism, and the Brain.

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posted on May, 23 2012 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by sinohptik
Its not me alone thats claiming this elephant exists, it is the very bane of electronic devices worldwide (huge hint, by the way). I would suggest you look into it a bit more, with those who have more experience in the field.

I can bet my house that I built more electronic circuits than you and I studied and fixed innumerable others in the lab. And I find your concept of "bane of electronic devices" nonsensical enough to be readily ignored.

I was curious to see if you would simply deride, or read through and ask questions about what I was presenting

You had ample opportunities to present your thoughts, but you failed at that. And what I do deride is content-free, gratuitous posting. If you said "elephant is in the room", please have the honesty to explain what exactly you meant by that. All you said was that different ways to wind coils will result in different characteristics of said coils. Duh. Doesn't count as an elephant.

edit on 23-5-2012 by buddhasystem because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by sinohptik

Also, important to note is that it is only coherent systems are sensitive enough to be affected by the weak electromagnetic fields which are known to exist in the cellular realm. McFadden concludes the quantum/classical barrier exists at the sub-cellular level of biology, and that organisms are comprised of “quantum cells”.

This review on quantum biology by a professor who thinks consciousness is electromagnetic

So my take on this it that the electromagnetic model of consciousness has to be extended to quantum physics -- or inversely quantum physics is inherently the foundation of classical electromagnetic physics -- even though there is a statistical bridge of photons to electromagnetic frequency as quantum intensity.

O.k. so I'm not going to discuss Rodin -- although I defer to AlienScientist who built a Rodin coil after meeting Rodin and then tested Rodin's theory:

Rodin Coil Conclusions - I became interested in the Rodin Coil design after doing research on focusing coils and ways to focus magnetic fields. The vortex-shape of the Rodin coil is something I still find interesting, in that it focuses the fields in a spiral around an 'asymtote' at the center of the torus. After building several Rodin Coils and testing them myself, I found many of Marko's claims and his theory un-substantiated by experiment. The "Ghost Coil" which was supposed to be the magical number 9 and correspond to this alleged "in-flux" from the vacuum energy was not observed. I found that when I wound that 3rd ghost winding that the inductance of the coil was increased by the exact amount that I calculated using conventional electromagnetic theory. The coil did not produce over-unity or any such energy-output effects, nor did I discover the production of an Magnetic Monopoles. I did find that Jamie was not using a sensitive enough magnetometer and that the fields were more divergent on one end than the other. Overall I feel that vorticular wound coils are useful for certain applications, such as rotating a ferrofluid in a spiral around a torus. But as for magnetic free energy... Keep dreaming. Marko Rodin's "vortex based mathematics" Conclusions - Rodin's 'Mathematics' are modular arithmetic mixed with numerology, they have very little or no applicability in modeling real vortices or anything else physical for that matter. They are occassionally mixed with references to "scripture" and other religious fantasies as well. I gave Marko the benefit of the doubt and kept my mind as open as possible while I carefully examined his explanations and theories. After testing Marko's predictions against experiment I have concluded that they are false.

Alienscientist's critique of Rodin

On the other hand -- keep in mind that quantum biology is not reproducible with technology although quantum biology can be proven to exist.

So there's severe limits to technology yet the implications are that human consciousness has amazing macroquantum capabilities -- meaning that there is a "quantum relativity" at the foundation of these electromagnetic brain studies.

So I think that discussion of mini black holes and holographs, etc. are part of this Schumann Resonance brain discussion as well -- sure they do extend the research but considering Persinger has documented telepathy and telekinesis -- this does imply some macroquantum coherency of energy.

McFadden’s solution is that coherent quantum systems are coordinated by an electromagnetic field. Indeed, his model of the EM field as a solution to the binding problem can be decoupled from the quantum biology discussion.

Here's more discussion of this idea:

The theory seems incomplete to me. After all, the brain (and the rest of the body) is full of activity which generates electromagnetic fields. Why should only some of them, on this reading, be conscious? For that matter, why aren't ambient electromagnetic fields, like that of the Earth itself, conscious? Why don't television broadcasts have minds of their own, and given the strength of them, why don't they over-ride our conscious thoughts? At least Susan Pockett acknowledges that only certain kinds of patterns of activity can be conscious.


Quantum Zeno effect explains magnetic-sensitive radical-ion-pair reactions I. K. Kominis* Department of Physics, University of Crete, Heraklion 71103, Greece and Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology, Heraklion 71110, Greece Received 19 February 2009;

new pdf study on quantum biology
edit on 23-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong

This review on quantum biology by a professor who thinks consciousness is electromagnetic

That's an interesting pointer. There is a lot of conjecture in this but it's somewhat interesting. Wiki provides a few starting links on the topic.

So my take on this it that the electromagnetic model of consciousness has to be extended to quantum physics -- or inversely quantum physics is inherently the foundation of classical electromagnetic physics -- even though there is a statistical bridge of photons to electromagnetic frequency as quantum intensity.

...but you couldn't beat your word soup habit! Bridge of photons to frequency as intensity. Bleh.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
...but you couldn't beat your word soup habit!

"Word soup" is not in the dictionary.

Did you make it up?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by buddhasystem
...but you couldn't beat your word soup habit!

"Word soup" is not in the dictionary.

Did you make it up?

I can't claim authorship to it, as it was used by a few members on ATS. And you know, it's a figure of speech. And I think it works well to describe the sloppy way of thinking and gratuitous abuse of common terms practiced by some. Like in quantum frequency and six-sided triangles.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
Like in quantum frequency and six-sided triangles.

Compare that to sentence structure such as:

Originally posted by buddhasystem
He doesn't even care that the 7Hz carrier or has tons of various harmonics (which it very likely does, based on the description of the signal source).

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

O.K. so the Quantum Zeno Effect is exactly what I've been talking about in regarding non-commutative time-frequency relations in quantum physics.

Through ingenious experimental techniques, the team showed that the tunnelling rate slowed down dramatically when they `measured' the system every millionth of a second (the QZE!) When they measured the system every five millionth of a second, the tunnelling rate increased (the quantum AntiZeno effect!

pdf on explanation of quantum zeno effect

The quantum Zeno effect immunizes the avian compass against the deleterious effects of exchange and dipolar interactions Abstract Magnetic-sensitive radical-ion-pair reactions are understood to underlie the biochemical magnetic compass used by avian species for navigation. Recent experiments have provided growing evidence for the radical-ion-pair magnetoreception mechanism, while recent theoretical advances have unravelled the quantum nature of radical-ion-pair reactions, which were shown to manifest a host of quantum-information-science concepts and effects, like quantum measurement, quantum jumps and the quantum Zeno effect. We here show that the quantum Zeno effect provides for the robustness of the avian compass mechanism, and immunizes its magnetic and angular sensitivity against the deleterious and molecule-specific exchange and dipolar interactions.

So this is the secret of bird migration -- the quantum entanglement as quantum brain biology.

pdf of quantum zeno effect avian compass paper published today

It was recently shown [10] that radical-ion-pair reactions form a biochemical system that exhibits the quantum Zeno effect [26]. We will here show that when the quantum Zeno effect is manifested (i.e. when the recombination rates are asymmetric), the reaction’s magnetic and angular sensitivity is practically independent of the presence or not of exchange and/or dipolar interactions. This realization has profound implications for the robustness of this biological sensor, i.e. a non-trivial quantum effect renders the sensor insensitive to moleculespecific parameters [25], such as donor-acceptor distance (affecting the exchange coupling and the long-range dipolar coupling) and the inter-radical medium and the particular electronic structure (affecting the exchange coupling).

my italics -- asymmetric. Non-commutative. This is exactly what I've been talking about.

U.S. military developing quantum zeno effect light switches for new computing

"In a 2005 paper published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (U.K.), physicist Henry Stapp and one of the authors of this article, Jeffrey Schwartz, linked the QZE with what happens when close attention is paid to a mental experience. Applied to neuroscience, the QZE states that the mental act of focusing attention stabilizes the associated brain circuits. Concentrating attention on your mental experience, whether a thought, an insight, a picture in your mind’s eye, or a fear, maintains the brain state arising in association with that experience. Over time, paying enough attention to any specific brain connection keeps the relevant circuitry open and dynamically alive. These circuits can then eventually become not just chemical links but stable, physical changes in the brain’s structure. Cognitive scientists have known for 20 years that the brain is capable of significant internal change in response to environmental changes, a dramatic finding when it was first made. We now also know that the brain changes as a function of where an individual puts his or her attention. The power is in the focus. Attention continually reshapes the patterns of the brain. Among the implications: People who practice a specialty every day literally think differently, through different sets of connections, than do people who don’t practice the specialty. In business, professionals in different functions — finance, operations, legal, research and development, marketing, design, and human resources — have physiological differences that prevent them from seeing the world the same way."

Meditation and mind focus and the quantum zeno effect

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Looks interesting, Fulllotus. I have a new homework assignment!

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

The Six-Sided Triangle (1963) - IMDb Rating: 5.1/10 - 7 votes Directed by Christopher Miles. With Nicol Williamson, Bill Meilen. Directed by Christopher Miles. Starring Nicol Williamson, Bill Meilen. Figures and polygons Triangle. A three-sided polygon. The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. ... A triangle having all three sides of equal length. ... A six-sided polygon. Christopher Miles - Six Sided Triangle Six-Sided Triangle (1963). A theatrically released satirical short film which explores a favourite theme of the cinema - the eternal triangle. It shows how six ...

Yeah the Six-Sided Triangle rules

Triangle A three-sided polygon

Hexagon A six-sided polygon.

Nope just not the same as the six-sided triangle

Star of David, Jewish star, Magen David Jun 22, 2002 – This six-pointed star (hexagram), made of two interlocking triangles, can .... points and a six sided centre exaxtly the same as the Star of David. Hexagram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A hexagram (Greek) or sexagram (Latin) is a six-pointed geometric star figure, [6|2], 2[3], ... It is possible that as a simple geometric shape, like for example the triangle, circle, or square, the ... The Star of David in the oldest surviving complete copy of the Masoretic text, the Leningrad Codex, dated 1008. ..... 1–10 sides ... Six-Pointed Star: Mark of the Beast The six-pointed star is a hexagram - a curse mark - no matter what name it may have: the Star of David, Solomon's Seal, Double Triangle, Shield of David, etc. Is it possible to draw a 6 sided star of david without lifting your pen ... › Wiki Answers › Categories › Science Is it possible to draw a 6 sided star of david without lifting your pen off the paper? In: Science [Edit categories]. Answer: Yes, draw one triangle, then continue on ... Polygon Prefixes A six-sided polygon is called a hexagon. hexagram: a six-pointed star, also called the "Star of David"; hexad: a group of six; hexadecimal: base-16 number ... Starring the Circle How the Star of David is found in the heart of matter. ... The Star of David, a figure based on a six-sided polygon of straight lines, is inherent in a figure based on .

Hmm. So a hexagon is not a hexagram?

Dr. Math on Hexagram vs. Hexagon

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Q & A: quantum frequencies: photons, gravitons, etc. | Department of ... From Einsteins S(pecial)R(elativity) it follows that energy of a photon is proportional with the frequency of the E(lectro)M(agnetic)-field it carries. I.e.: E=h.f, with h ... Molecular vibration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A molecular vibration is excited when the molecule absorbs a quantum of energy, E, corresponding to the vibration's frequency, ν, according to the relation E ... Quantum Frequencies › Physics › Physics General 3 posts - 2 authors - Apr 21, 2007 Hello, and a warm welcome to all, It's friday night and I've had a few ales so please bear with me. The electromagnetic spectrum appears to ... Quantum Frequency by Terence Thomas - ElectronCafé.com Quantum Frequency. by Terence Thomas. In the world of computer research there is considerable effort being made to speed up the Internet and the speed at ... Quantum Frequency Standards - Encyclopedia - The Free Dictionary devices in which the quantum transitions of particles (such as atoms, molecules, and ions) from one energy state to another are used for precise measurement of ... Generation and characterization of multimode quantum frequency ... › quant-ph by O Pinel - 2011 - Cited by 1 - Related articles Mar 31, 2011 – Abstract: Multimode nonclassical states of light are an essential resource in quantum computation with continuous variables, for example in ... Optics InfoBase: Optics Express - Theory of quantum frequency ... › Optics Express › Volume 19 › Issue 19 by HJ McGuinness - 2011 - Cited by 2 - Related articles Sep 12, 2011 – We study quantum frequency translation and two-color photon interference enabled by the Bragg scattering four-wave mixing process in optical ... Quantum Frequency Conversion of Single Photons › CNST › Nanofabrication Research Group Mar 9, 2012 – Optical frequency conversion, in which the color of light is changed, is a process that has numerous applications in physics and technology.

We propose a strategy to demonstrate the transition from the quantum Zeno effect (QZE) to the anti-Zeno effect (AZE) by modulating the central frequency of the cavity mode. Our results are obtained without using the rotating wave approximation (RWA), and the initial state (a dressed state) is easy to prepare. When the central frequency of the cavity mode is resonant with the qubit energy level spacing, the normalized decay rate of the qubit is lower than 1, which manifests the QZE. However, when the cavity frequency is detuned from resonance, the normalized decay rate becomes larger than 1, which corresponds to the AZE. The change from the QZE to the AZE, by just varying the central frequency of the cavity mode, should allow to distinguish these two different effects. Moreover, we find that in the presence of both qubit's intrinsic bath and the cavity bath, the emergence of the QZE and the AZE behaviors relies not only on the match between the qubit energy level spacing and the central frequency of the cavity mode, but also on the coupling strength between the qubit and the cavity mode.

Yeah so basically you increase the quantum frequency and decrease the time of the infinite potential -- so you get the antiZeno Effect which causes a more rapid docoherence or collapse of the infinite quantum potential into classical physics. That's the 5 million frequency measurements per second. So the quantum infinite potential has a probability of decaying from an entangled superposition of both states A and B into either A or B. If you make a measurement a 1 million frequencies a second then this probability of decay which is an amplitude squared value goes to zero -- so that the quantum infinite potential stays in just the state of A instead of collapsing or decaying into the state of B.

Wiki on Quantum Zeno Effect

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

At first I thought quantum "zeno" was a typo for "zero" (for God only knows what reason), but nope, it's quantum zeno.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Yeah....The Quantum Zeno Effect The quantum zeno effect is the ultimate evolution of the sentiment that ‘a watched pot never boils.’ The idea here is that the free evolution of a quantum system according to the laws of mechanics may be entirely halted by making repeated measurements of its state. Provided that the time between measurements is short, the evolution of the system away from its observed state can be kept negligibly small. In this way, the outcome of each measurement is identical, and the system retains its state, collapsed onto the quantum state representing the observation. PDF

An interesting question connected to the possibility of using such an intriguing effect to inhibit the environment-induced loss of quantum properties is whether a similar procedure can be implemented to protect quantum entanglement. Using an exact analytical model for two-qubits in a common environment, we have demonstrated that it is indeed possible to protect entanglement by means of the quantum Zeno effect [6].

So basically quantum entanglement can be done in macroquantum systems -- classical systems

Why does measurement slow down motion in quantum theory, but not in classical physics? -- a great pdf here

If phase relations are lost, evolution is hindered. This leads nally to the Zeno freezing of motion. No coherence, no motion. The destruction of phase relations can be understood as phase de-localization arising from unitary quantum evolution, if the interaction of a system with its environment is taken into account. In this way, the Zeno e ect can be completely understood as a dynamical e ect. No collapse of the wave function is required, but only quantum nonlocality. Many-state systems can escape Zeno freezing. This is important for the properties of our experienced macroscopic world, but also for common quantum" features such as radioactive decay, which happens whether or not a counter is setup to observe the decay. (In fact, in most cases Nature herself provides the necessary counters".) Systems with only a few degrees of freedom are very sensitive to quantum entanglement and can therefore never escape the Zeno e ect, if they are interacting with other systems. Zeno freezing can thus be used to delineate the borderline between classical and quantum objects.

pdf - excellent discussion of the "dual slit" experiment -- the mystery of quantum physics

Although the photoelectric effect is held up as the archetypal proof of the particle nature of light, there is an alternative explanation. Several researchers, starting with David Bohm in 1952, have shown that the photoelectric effect could be accounted for by considering light as an electromagnetic field interacting with, say, a metal surface composed of discrete atoms. The observed characteristics of electron emission then result because the detector is made of atoms with discrete energy levels . So it is arguable that the photoelectric effect does not establish unambiguously the reality of photons.

So quantum entanglement of zero photons!

This seemingly nonsensical possibility is allowed because, in quantum-mechanical terms, the classical or semiclassical states of light do not correspond to definite photon numbers. Rather, they are 'superpositions' involving quantum averages of states with definite photon numbers. The average number of photons can be much less than one if many of the states that are averaged over actually contain zero photons.

Tunnelling is exclusively a wave phenomenon; it could never happen for a classical particle. Working with single-photon states, tunnelling can still occur, but any individual photon must either tunnel or be reflected, so there should be perfect anticoincidence between the two detectors.

The aether -- consciousness -- emerges:

Physicists taking this viewpoint say that a quantum entity such as an electron is actually a localised particle, but that its behaviour is guided by a physically real field satisfying the basic quantum mechanical equations. John Bell, the quantum theorist, also remarked that this type of wave-particle synthesis 'seems to me so natural and simple . . . that it is a great mystery to me that it was so generally ignored'.

O.K. the most cited discussion of the Quantum Zeno Effect - pdf
edit on 24-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
I can bet my house that I built more electronic circuits than you and I studied and fixed innumerable others in the lab. And I find your concept of "bane of electronic devices" nonsensical enough to be readily ignored.

You really willing to bet your house? Where do you live?
I wouldnt mind a second home!

You had ample opportunities to present your thoughts, but you failed at that. And what I do deride is content-free, gratuitous posting. If you said "elephant is in the room", please have the honesty to explain what exactly you meant by that. All you said was that different ways to wind coils will result in different characteristics of said coils. Duh. Doesn't count as an elephant.

Your speaking of opportunities wasted is heavily ironic to me.. To state the same thing, yet again, what I speak of is not related to coil windings specifically but a different behavior. You know, you could really be a boon to conversations like these. Keeping things grounded while those who spout what you ascertain to be word soup would give you substance to work into application.

Given that its obvious you have no desire to actually cooperatively look into it.. and that others reading are probably curious.. What I speak of are transient spikes. They are annoying, destructive, and MUST be considered in the design of most powered electronic devices. Usually in the power supply. However, the mechanics behind such behavior still elude us. Another associated item is ripple/transients in general when delivering clean power.

And.. if we are speaking of six sided triangles, it shouldnt be too hard to find two triangles that add up to six sides! (tongue in cheek comment)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Thank you for posting that, Ill look through it a bit later today and tell ya what I think. I also have some similar studies I know of that I will try to find. They are out of date, but still of interest! The methods used were pretty well controlled too, which is obviously imperative. Trick is going to be actually finding them in electronic form.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by sinohptik
What I speak of are transient spikes. They are annoying, destructive, and MUST be considered in the design of most powered electronic devices. Usually in the power supply. However, the mechanics behind such behavior still elude us.

And how exactly do they "elude" us? And why is supposedly due to "mechanics"?

It's true that transients can be found in many circuits, and I discovered this early in life, when trying to measure the resistance of a transformer coil, and getting a decent electric shock from it (since the multimeter injects current into the coil, which can then result in a spike when I disconnect).

What's totally missing from this is any kind of mystery or paradox. It's not more "elusive" than the normal operation of the transformer itself, and I dare say engineers got that down cold.

So again, sorry but no elephant.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by sinohptik
reply to post by pianopraze

Interestingly, threads like these may indicate a connection between the three stated topics in the OP.

Ill expand! I feel the most reasonable explanation for migration patterns, etc. is that they are based on the magnetic fields of the Earth. If we are seeing an increase in the Schumann Resonance* then such behavior in animals would be readily explained. Hard to say what its like from a different beings perspective, but it may be akin to being drunk. or.. "directionally challenged"

The curious part, however, is that something would likely cause this effect (because, well, thats how we understand things work, neh?). If indeed true, then I would be quite interested in learning about the cause.

*The Schumann Resonance (the "main" one, ~7hz) is according to the approximate standing wave of the circumference of the Earth. I havent looked into it much, but I would be curious as to how such a wave can actually change its frequency dramatically without also changing the parameters of what the wave is "standing" in. Piano, do you perhaps have any links you have found that point towards an explanation? I suppose it could be used to support the expanding Earth hypothesis, but I am not so sure about its validity. I have to admit, if it is shown to be increasing to ~12hz or so as claimed on the interwebs, it might be an error in data acquisition. If it isnt, I am curious as to the mechanics of such a change. It would seem more reasonable that if it is indeed increasing, it is a derivative of a different process. It would certainly be a convenient explanation for some of the "weird" things that we can observe, such as the linked thread, all the strange sounds, feelings, etc. Though, it is more probable such things are the result of the human condition, that are more easily communicated through technology. That could just be my flawed interpretation of something more complex though.

Actually you have hit on what me think and researching this years ago.

Migratory patterns have been proven to be based on EM in sharks which use their ampiels of lorenzeni (sp?). Birds also have been proven to use them. So EM as a "sixth sense* in animals used for navigation is a proven reality.

Some of the science papers I have listed in here show we have some of the same systems for EM detection. I think that "psychic" is in some aspects just use of this pattern. Of course each person to a different degree and with a different ability to interpret what they are receiving.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by buddhasystem
...but you couldn't beat your word soup habit!

"Word soup" is not in the dictionary.

Did you make it up?

I think Campbell's did...

Thank you all for all the wonderful new posts. I'm having a lot of things going on in real life that are keeping me away and occupying my time.

Just starred all those wonderful posts.

Thank you!

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

Yeah it's ampullae of Lorenzi -- it's proven to work by "quantum chaos" and called telepathy or quasi telepathy.

This was written up by Ian Stewart so I responded that I had done the qigong training so I already had telepathy. Oh I think I mentioned that already in this thread.

Anyway so if it's originally quantum that also explains precognition and levitation and astral travel -- and telekinesis. I've had precognition once that came true three years later -- a dream I wrote down in detail and the dream was more real than being awake and I wrote that I thought it would come true.

So I know for sure that our waking state is just a watered-down version of true reality - which is the spirit realm where all our senses are more vivid and we exist as beings as holographic light energy -- macroquantum holography like David Bohm describes.

There is the use of quaternions in Maxwell's equation enabling reverse time -- so this is used by some to explain quantum effects also without using quantum theory. But quantum relativity remains unsolved -- although de Broglie's model is being renewed and it's based on consciousness as a real aether beyond spacetime - the frequency of no frequency.

Long live the six-sided triangle. Stuart Kauffman's pdf on quantum chaos consciousness
edit on 24-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze
I think Campbell's did...

You wish. What's posted in this thread is mostly THIS

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

Interesting that you use the words "sixth sense." I also feel that many of these things like psychic, hauntings, etc are reasonably attributable to EM interaction. I would include very low frequency sound as well, as the effects are so similar. Posted something similar to this a few pages back, but it bears repeating. It such an interesting area of exploration.

Beyond that, I feel that our freely chosen perspective has an effect on these things too, physically (bit more on that later in the post). This start to ties into "enlightenment" and ascending duality. Perhaps a different discussion though. This is not referring to these things as anything other than strictly physical processes, though I personally feel the universe is more in-depth.

Anyway, I looked into those papers I was talking about and am not able to find them. Not a huge surprise, it was a few years ago. Though, I did find some great links. Given how much information is already in this thread, I have little doubt some (or maybe even all) of these links have been posted. I do apologize if that is the case. I just cant remember them all!

The first link deals with cardiac arrhythmias and EMF fields in canines. Rough tests to be a subject, it looks like, but interesting results. The second link pertains to EMF sensitivity. This is still an area of study, IMO, but the results of this study seem to pretty clearly correlate a relationship between certain frequencies physically affecting certain people (sorry, thats for buddhasystem
). There seemed to be a consistent relationship. We also, as you have said, see a pretty clear relationship between magnetic fields and animal navigation. Seeing as how we developed in the same environment, it points to us being very much the same in regards to our perspective and its reliance on stable electromagnetic fields.

I would say that biological life is strongly linked with the ambient frequencies in the environment. I use that term generally here. It seems when we mess with frequencies at the boundary of our perspective, it messes with the foundation of the perspective itself. Whether that is through anomalous psychology or cardiac arryhtyhmia seems to be dependent on the type of wave and the system that perceives it. The link between sound and magnetism, in this case, may be simply that we are experiencing frequencies that are at the edge of the perceivable ranges. I wouldnt doubt "strangeness" with such a process, as it is basically taking us to the edge of our being.

Studies such as this one indicate that there is a cause and effect relationship between "strange happenings" and infrasound. However, relating back to my point about how we choose to base our free will perspective affecting things physically, suggestibility played a huge role in the effects perceived. With that being said, there was still a substantial consistency in results of infrasound induced "paranormal" experiences. We also see this same correlation with something like a local electromagnetic field. I would also suspect that prolonged exposure to said frequencies would start to induce effects, regardless of suggestibility.

What would happen if the base frequency (Schumann of ~7Hz in this case) starts to change dramatically and consistently? It is possible the effect would be actually changing the physical parameters (boundaries) of our perception.

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