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Schumann Resonances, Electro Magnetism, and the Brain.

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posted on May, 12 2012 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

The Egyptians did not use the Golden Ratio -- I pointed this out on the Devil's Chord thread. It's also in my book -- the free pdf download.

People are really mind-controlled by the Freemasonic New Age CIA propaganda.

Abstract The Fibonacci series and the Golden Section have often been used to explain the proportions of ancient Egyptian art and architecture. All such theories, however, are based on our modern mathematical system. They have never been examined in the realm of ancient Egyptian mathematics as we understand it from studying the surviving mathematical sources. This article analyses the compatibility of the Fibonacci series with ancient Egyptian mathematics and suggests how an ancient scribe could have handled it. The conclusion is that concepts such as φ and the convergence to φ have little in common with the surviving ancient Egyptian mathematical documents and that they are quite far from the ancient Egyptian mentality. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).

Were the Fibonacci Series and the Golden Section Known in Ancient Egypt? Corinna Rossi, Christopher A. Tout Churchill College, Cambridge, CB3 0DS, United Kingdom Available online 2 May 2002.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

Macroquantum reality is proven now as the Vedral research shows but it can not be reproduced with technology.

As for experiencing macroquantum reality directly the only way is through a philosophy based on not containing infinity through geometry so Western science can not do this.

Western science therefore is not completely and never will be -- science works but at the expense of genocide and ecological crisis which gets ignored by physics and mathematics, etc.

The end result of science is no different than if a supervolcano erupts or a comet or massive asteroid hits earth -- wiping out most of life on Earth. So Jupiter protects Earth from comets and asteroids but the resonance of Jupiter and Saturn will send asteroids and comets to Earth, wiping out all life with three dimensional bifocal vision. The resonance of Saturn and Jupiter can not be predicted by science -- since the resonance is chaotic but that's why time is also consciousness in nonwestern cultures -- Saturn as Kronos or Chronos and Kala as time and Kali as consciousness.

So consciousness exists beyond the destruction of life on Earth by Western science.

Whether people agree with me or not is silly as I continue to point out that qigong master Chunyi Lin demonstrates the truth of reality beyond mind control -- anyone can just get a phone healing to feel the laser holographic energy called "shen" or "shakti." This is very rare and not to be found among all the conspiracy New Age paranormal conferences, etc. -- so people have no idea what they are missing. haha. You can also try Effie P. Chow, the qigong master in San Francisco.
edit on 12-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Qigong is just a word -- actually created by the Communists of China since they needed a materialist label for traditional nonwestern shamanic energy training. Tao yin is the traditional term -- meaning by going into the "spirit of the valley" as it's called in the Tao Te Ching -- what I call the "female formless awareness" -- the Emptiness -- then is true energy revealed to free the mind.

The modern mind is controlled by left brain dominance linked to right hand technology while the true Self is activated by the pineal gland connection to the heart so you should be able to "flex" your pineal gland at will and feel a magnetic bliss in the center of your brain. This is the original human culture from the Bushmen people representing 90% of human history but ignored due to Western racism and genocial colonialism.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

The point was that you are an advocate for qigong and seem to interpret all matters related to EM and sound only through the eyes of your particular interest, as if that's all there is.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Sorry, there are lots of ways various pyramids use the golden ratio, and the egyptian priesthood has used lots of objects with the golden ratio as hidden knowledge in plain sight... a tradition that was learned from egypt then used in mystery cults and later the masons. This has been known and used way back into prehistory.

And I'll answer your second post here.

You seem to state wester society/science leads to genocide... and eastern does not... if I understand you right. If this is so, that is a mass misread of history. Easter societies have quite a history of genocide also. Forgive me if I misunderstand your assertions.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 07:47 PM
1 more Persinger publication

Neuroscience Letters

Volume 516, Issue 1, 10 May 2012, Pages 54–56

Experimental simulation of the effects of sudden increases in geomagnetic activity upon quantitative measures of human brain activity: Validation of correlational studies

* Bryce P. Mulligan a, 1,
* Michael A. Persinger a, b, c

* a Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada P3E 2C6
* b Department of Biology, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada P3E 2C6
* c Biomolecular Sciences Program, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada P3E 2C6

* Received 2 December 2011. Revised 16 March 2012. Accepted 19 March 2012. Available online 28 March 2012.


Previous correlations between geomagnetic activity and quantitative changes in electroencephalographic power revealed particular associations with the right parietal lobe for theta activity and the right frontal region for gamma activity. In the present experiment subjects were exposed to either no field (sham conditions) or to either 20 nT or 70 nT, 7 Hz, amplitude modulated (mHz range) magnetic fields for 30 min. Quantitative electroencephalographic (QEEG) measurements were completed before, during, and after the field exposures. After about 10 min of exposure theta power over the right parietal region was enhanced for the 20 nT exposure but suppressed for the 70 nT exposure relative to sham field exposures. The effect dissipated by the end of the exposure. These results support the contention that magnetic field fluctuations were primarily responsible for the significant geomagnetic–QEEG correlations reported in several studies.


► Simulates theta power changes shown by geomagnetic correlations. ► Experimental effect occurs over same brain region. ► Cerebral power shifts require 10 min thus minimizing artifact. ► Major effect in 20 nT range rather than higher intensity. ► Pattern of field designed to imitate a sudden magnetic commencement.


* Geomagnetic activity simulation;
* Heliobiology;
* Quantitative EEG;
* Theta activity;
* ELF magnetic fields;
* Nanotesla range

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by xecoybh

Do you care to explain how a 7Hz (whatever this means) magnetic field can be modulated in MHz range and still count as 7Hz?

Also, how does this all relate to "geomagnetic"? The Earth's magnetic field is not modulated either in 7Hz or MHz range.

At least judging from the abstract, that's one p!ss poor paper.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

By Western I mean logarithmic math. Eastern would be "divide and average" math which historically includes Western Asia also. The solution is "complementary opposites" resonance which is not math but nonwestern music, the secret origins of math. My book goes into all the details.

So Eastern did have genocidal war but I think you're actually referring to the Westernization of the East -- which includes Maoism from Marx and even Christian inspired wars earlier in the 19th C. in China.

Actually a good book on the ecological crisis from Westernization is Professor Alfred Crosby's Ecological Imperialism. Another good one is Dr. Vandana Shiva's Monocultures of the Mind. Essentially plow-based farming and monoculture farming/pastoralism spread as the ecological crisis but this goes back to about 10,000 BCE in Western Asia.

So I'm not saying Eastern is the answer but rather "complementary opposites" which is from the Bushmen culture of 100,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE in Africa and then this spread through secret societies in the East in Taoism, Tanta, Vedic yoga, Buddhism, Pythagoreanism, Sufism, and indigenous shamanism worldwide, etc.

But in the East the meditation practice relied on a secret elitism hidden behind the warrior castes -- so in China it was only after all the martial arts training did a person learn to become a qigong master because it requires a setting where there is no stress and no concern about being attacked. In India this is the Brahmin caste practicing nonviolence but only because they are protected by a warrior caste. But with genocidal colonialism the lineage of real energy masters is now very rare as India was conquered and then China went Communist.

There are just a handful of real energy masters alive on the planet -- one or two Bushmen healers, maybe a dozen Chinese real qigong masters and probably half a dozen Indian masters but they remain in hiding. So in the U.S. there is Chunyi Lin and Effie P. Chow -- there are tons of qigong teachers but if they're not real energy masters then the transmission is not nearly the same. The Indian teachers are even more rare. There were more in the 1980s even but they have died off.

edit on 12-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

Here's the pdf of Corrina Rossi's book on Egyptian mathematics -- she covers all of Egyptian math and again as I posted her abstract there is no Golden Ratio in Egyptian math

That's a google search pdf -- so just search the title to download the link.

Architecture and Mathematics in Ancient Egypt by Corinna Rossi ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
by S Symons - Related articles
Architecture and Mathematics in Ancient Egypt by Corinna Rossi. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2004.Pp. xxii + 280. ISBN. 0--521--82954--2. Cloth £ .
edit on 12-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by xecoybh

xecoybh, good find!

Buddah, your such a shill, Persinger's work is not questioned by anyone, it's often cited by "debunkers" so your off the mark more than usual.

I found some more info on this here:link

The results of these studies strongly suggested that the sensed presence, a phenomenon that had been the subject matter of paranormal experiences and mystical elaborations for millennia, could be evoked experimentally. The predominance of the experience during or just following stimulation of the right hemisphere was considered strong support, but not proof, that the sensed presence was the experience of the awareness of the right hemispheric equivalent of the left hemispheric sense of self.R4465321 Other neuroscientists had frequently indicated that the sense of self is primarily a linguistic process (or from Buddhist perspectives, a social fiction) associated with functions classically attributed to the left hemisphere and is one of the reasons that cognitive therapies can have such powerful effects.

Although the sense of a presence could be evoked in most individuals,R4465322 it was more prominent in people who had elevated scores on inventories from which temporal lobe sensitivity (or lability) was inferred.R4465323 The experiences were most easily evoked if a frequency-modulated pattern (tailored after a "chirp" sequence from standard signal generators) was applied over the right hemisphere for 20 minutes and then a bilateral burst-firing pattern (designed after the discharge of amygdaloid neurons from an epileptic patient) was applied bilaterally over the temporal lobes for an additional 20 minutes. These experiences occurred with equal vigor in dozens of reporters accompanying television film crews who have visited the laboratory during the last 10 years. The sensitivity of the functions of the right hemisphere to complex magnetic fields even within the picotesla range has been shown repeatedly by Sandyk.R4465324

The experimental data also suggested that the sensed presence was the prototype for all of the other experiences that include spirit visitations: alien "abductions," the Greek Muses, incubi and succubi, and perhaps even the god experience itself. Many of these experiences occur during periods of rapid eye movements (dreaming), when cerebral processing shifts toward limbic sources and memory consolidation and when right hemispheric functions are more predominant.R4465325 During the day, these experiences are more likely to occur following periods of right hemispheric activity such as singing or chanting within large groups. Religious ceremonies are constructed to enhance these conditions. The label, such as the spirit of god or an alien encounter, that is applied to the sensed presence at the time of the experience strongly affects the details of this autobiographical memory when it is reconstructed minutes to hours later.R4465320

more on the site. Again good find.

edit on 12-5-2012 by pianopraze because: ...

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze
reply to post by xecoybh

xecoybh, good find!

Buddah, your such a shill, Persinger's work is not questioned by anyone, it's often cited by "debunkers" so your off the mark more than usual.

You call me a shill and in my opinion it's an insult but that's OK, you need your sandbox. I get it.

Honestly, I find your remark surpassing your usual hypocrisy quotient by a factor of 1,000. You are trying to instill onto me that I should care about some authority more than I care about my own common sense, knowledge and intelligence? Yeah right. You are one of the people who urge thinking of the box, sure. Clearly. Not.

Your claim that Persinger's work is not questioned by anyone is plain false, by the way. There are papers published to the opposite effect. I did invest some of my time in watching one of his presentations posted here and I can say with some certainty that he's at least part oil snake salesman. Lot sof hand waving and New Age-y talk. I already commented on absurdity of some of his pronouncements so I won't repeat myself. Just the fact that he's using the word "matrix" when describing how we are immersed in EM fields speaks volumes to his complete lack of integrity and scientific honesty. Yes, and that bluish flashy graphics that is supposed to illustrate it all, except it doesn't.

And back to your "comment" (or actual lack thereof outside of a really lame ad hom) -- you never answered how a 7Hz signal modulated in the MHz range can still be considered a 7 Hz signal. Anyone with basic education can tell you that's horsesh!t. Read up on Fourier transform and all. Persinger is just riding easy money given to him by gullible funding agencies. Needs to be fired as a bona fide charlatan. Having watched his video, I feel quite resentful towards that individual.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
Persinger is just riding easy money given to him by gullible funding agencies.

Can you list them?

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 02:32 AM
I find this very interesting. Especially about the cats healing.
First of all you've got lonely women/ old women living with cats.

I used to have a cat when I was younger. She died unfortunately.
I had never wanted a cat since she had died until I had become bulimic.
Yes. Bulimic. I was making myself sick 3-6 times a day, every day.
And for some odd reason, during my (luckily only) 4 years of bulimia, I desperately wanted a cat again. DESPERATLEY.
so if this is true. Then it makes sense.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 02:34 AM
thanks fr the info man

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by buddhasystem
Persinger is just riding easy money given to him by gullible funding agencies.

Can you list them?

Why yes:

Michael Persinger – Conducted research on “neuron-impacts” of various EMFs and ELFs. Previously funded by Navy, is/was friend of C.B. Jones and other government signal propagation experts, and did research on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the brain for a Pentagon weapons project. Former Boss – Jack Verona. Informal advisor to SRI’s remote viewing program.


Special Consultant to the Committee on Biosphere Effects of ELF Radiation of the Assembly of Life
Sciences, Division of Medical Sciences, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. (1976-77)
- Technical Consultant in Psychology and Electromagnetic Field Effects for Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (A.P.R.O.), Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. (1975-77)
- Member of Scientific Advisory Board for Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained (1978-86) - Member of Scientific Advisory Panel for Evaluation of Potential Medical Hazards from Overhead 765
KV Transmission Lines for the State of New York (1980-1984)


I could go on and on and on... lots of big names he's done work for.... lots of "gullable" funding as Buddah says

Stanford is of course a hotbed of money from black and cia projects.

Theres more, but it's word of mouth, not directly linkable.

edit on 13-5-2012 by pianopraze because: ...

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Your link is to a very interesting article:

How the Physics of Electromagnetism can Generate Electricity

The earth regularly converts other forms of energy into electricity, so why aren't we?

nyone [sic] who has experimented with tuning forks is familiar with the transference of vibration between an active tuning fork to something that is tuned to the same frequency. It turns out that a similar phenomenon exists for electromagnetism. Tesla was familiar with this, as was Einstein who wrote on it in his Nobel prize winning paper on the photoelectric effect. This understanding led to the development of things like the wireless transmission of power, the remote control, photovoltaic devices, quantum physics and many other things. With this understanding, we arrived at a working theory for photosynthesis. So good is our understanding that a recent invention for low cost solar cells is based directly on photosynthesis. But we are going to look at something else that is based on all of the early theory to examine the possibility to tap power directly from the cosmos by using nothing more than a device that is tuned to resonance with a specific and active part of the electromagnetic spectrum to produce usable amounts of power without polluting anything. In many ways, this is already being done.

The basis of this possibility is founded on the humble crystal radio that used to be a simple child's toy that has gone on to become the focus of a lot of people who developed sophisticate [sic] crystal radio sets as a hobby. What is proposed is not to get free radio form [sic] analog signals that are propagated around us in profusion, but to tap into the abundant energy at various frequencies bathing the earth from deep space. We take as our jumping point, the simple crystal radio design and convert it to a power accumulator and generator that anyone can build with off the shelf technology.

To begin from the, proven, the established and known; a crystal radio receives programs broadcast from radio stations. Radio stations convert sound into radio waves, part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and send out the waves in every direction at the speed of light. Radio waves travel across and through the crystal radio antenna all the times, causing a process similar to the photoelectric effect. Radio waves interacting with the antenna, cause radio wave generated electricity flow-vibrate between the antenna wire and the ground wire. This electricity is captured and connected to the crystal radio between the antenna and ground wire. The crystal radio itself is connected to and uses a tuner to tune the electricity to receive just one station that itself outputs signals at a fixed frequency. The tuner can be as simple as an adjustable one-slider tuning coil, similar in design to a tunable Tesla coil that resonates with the antenna because the antenna also acts like a capacitor. Contained in the crystal radio itself is a crystal detector that is used to convert this radio wave electricity back to sound electricity. The detector can be made from a special rock of galena in a holder. To this is connected a set of earphones to convert the “sound” electricity to sound you can hear in the earphones. The “sound” electricity is actually a fixed frequency of electrical impulse that is modulated to emulate sound vibrations and it is this variation in electrical modulation that actually causes the magnets in the earphones to vibrate to produce sound that we can hear.

Let's put aside the sound reproduction for a moment and concentrate on gathering power. We know that we can hear the sound because there is an energy input. Recall, primitive crystal radios have no battery, being completely dependent on the energy output of its source. We can amplify the input a number of ways. One: parallel connect more than one receiving antenna. Two: design an antenna that can capture a wide part of the electromagnetic spectrum to gather more energy. Three: combine both methods to boost energy accumulation further. We can store this energy for later use or just use the power produced directly. However, since we are not collecting a collimated narrow band of a single frequency, there are some problems. We either have to weed it out to very specific frequencies such as in the photoelectric effect or a radio tuner, or we have to design something that will accept all frequencies and store them as they can't be used all at once. There are ways to do both. The single frequency method has already been described in the literature.

To gather a broad band of frequencies, you are going to need an antenna that combines all of theses [sic] frequencies and fortunately, we have just such a device. . . .

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

So envision a crystal radio in your head with the pineal gland as the tuning fork and the Schumann resonance as the field in which these signals are transmitted through.

I have a problem with this analogy. A crystal radio needs a bit more than a tuning circuit. Among other things it needs an antenna (composed of an electrical conducting material). An antenna, to be effective (especially to convert an extremely low powered signal) should have a length related to the desired wavelength. Schuman frequencies have very long wavelengths. For example the 20.8Hz frequency has a wavelength of 14,423 km. A quarter wave antenna (the minimal optimized length) would have to be 3,605 km long.

While a high impedance receiver can get away with shorter antennas than that I just don't see what part of the human body can act as an antenna for the pineal gland.

The frequency in question I believe is 7.83Hz.

The electromagnetic spectrum has many wavelengths but only a very small portion is visible to the human eye. I find it curious that you would pick 20.8Hz.

And in regards to your antenna the human nervous system would suffice.

1 neuron = 10 microns wide 10 neurons = 100 microns wide 100 neurons = 1000 microns wide = 1 mm wide 1,000 neurons = 10 mm wide = 1 cm wide 100,000 neurons = 100 cm wide = 1 m wide 100,000,000 neurons = 1000 m = 1 km 10,000,000,000 neurons = 100 km 100,000,000,000 neurons = 1000 km (approximately 600 miles)

This last argument is so ridiculous it's hard to believe. You take ALL neurons that are present in the human body and combine their lengths? Why? They do not a linear structure that would approximate any antenna.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze
I could go on and on and on... lots of big names he's done work for.... lots of "gullable" funding as Buddah says

Day in and day out TPTB are bashed in threads like this for distorting and hiding truth, whatever. Now, when it's convenient, they are used as some kind of argument, to prove veracity of some wacko's claims.

Again, I call hypocrisy on that.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

You had to work hard to come up with that twisted logic, didn't you?

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
reply to post by buddhasystem

You had to work hard to come up with that twisted logic, didn't you?

First off, I didn't have to work at all, because what I said was plain obvious. For one, you've been busy on ATS for a very long time accusing "mainstream science" of being plain evil because it supposedly hides and distorts some kind of lost ancient knowledge etc etc etc. However, when you do some cherry picking and somebody associated with "mainstream" does some fringe stuff, all of a sudden you are willing to use his mainstream credentials to make him look more legit. If that's not double standards and hypocrisy, I don't know what is.

So Mary, if anyone does "twisted" stuff here, that would be you.

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