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Penn Judge: Muslims Allowed to Attack People for Insulting Mohammad

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posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by Ironclad

The solution is simple... If you want to live under Islam, go live in an islamic counrty or abide by the laws and freedoms of the western country you live in. And stop trying to impose your laws on the rest of us, which is mainly what muslims do.

What do Muslims want?

Survey on what British Muslim students believe.

• 40% want Sharia law introduced into British Law for Muslims.

• 33% want the introduction of a worldwide Caliph, while 25% are opposed. 41% are not sure.

• 59% felt it was important that women wear the hijab but only 31% felt a women should be forced to wear one.

• 40% felt than men and women should not be allowed to associate freely together, while 12% were not sure.

• 32% felt it could be justifiable to kill in the name of religion.

• 57% fell that Muslims serving on the UK armed forces should have the right to opt out if the British army is fighting in a Muslim country.

• 16% felt the punishment that Gillian Gibbons received (the British teacher in Sudan who was sent to prison for 15 days after naming a teddy-bear ‘Mohammed’) was just right or not harsh enough. 19% were not sure.

YouGov Poll

40% felt than men and women should not be allowed to associate freely together, while 12% were not sure?

57% fell that Muslims serving on the UK armed forces should have the right to opt out if the British army is fighting in a Muslim country?

These Muslim students. In other words, the future 'secular' leaders of Islamic communities.

So a few British Muslims who answered a poll answer for all Muslims?
Does that then mean that I can go to Africa and base my view on Christians from the ones I see burning children alive to cure them of demon possession?

I do not understand how thinking people can look at one localized group of people and extrapolate that out to millions.

Who is screaming and crying the most? I actually have never once had a Muslims complain about the things I say but god forbid I say happy holidays to a right wing Christian.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 10:04 PM
Didn't really read the thread, figured I wouldn't miss much. But...

Wow for real?

So now this guy can just go and attack whoever he thinks in his mind insults the peace loving religion we all know and love? Is he now our physical violence and religious tolerance authority?

Usually don't people in a democracy elect those kinds of positions?

Also, now that this happened how is this guy going to save his own hide from being beat?
edit on 28-2-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Maslo
reply to post by ollncasino

More worrying statistics about British muslims:

That Muslim conversion should be forbidden and punishable by death: 31 % agree

That homosexuality is wrong and should be illegal: 61 % agree

Also, young muslims are more extremist.


edit on 26/2/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

Is this post supposed to make Muslims seem scary? I have to wonder why you would include the bit about homosexuality. Do Christians now approve of homosexuality? It has been illegal in the US thanks to Christians.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by joewalker

The Judge made an error when he disregarded state law concerning assaults, and instead state the man has a right as a Muslim to attack him for insulting Mohammed.

None of that happened!

Why do you all have to lie to keep this thread afloat? Is it just to foster hate against Muslims or judges? I honestly really wonder why any of you are bothering to sit at a computer and type up these complete lies.

Why is this not in the HOAX bin yet?
What do you feel making up stories like this is going to accomplish?

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by RSF77
Didn't really read the thread, figured I wouldn't miss much. But...

Wow for real?

No, not for real. You should actually read the thread. If you are not more disgusted by the pages and pages of lies than you are over the fake thing that never happened that you are upset about now something is seriously wrong.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
I must say I am impressed at the Muslim network of shills that is on the net, no matter what, you have someone defending any heinous act a Muslim does.

Simply put, the man had every right to insult Mohammad as he sees fit as long as he isn't harming anyone else.

edit on 26-2-2012 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

What are you talking about?
What heinous act are you referring to?
I want to see this heinous act or some proof that an act took place.

Have any?

More people are defending the fact that this thread is a lie and none of the title happened than are defending Muslims. Even more people are here pretending to be Christian all while just stopping by to write something angry, hateful, or a flat out lie such as the OP.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
You are missing the MAIN POINT

I was the one making the point so missing it would have been hard. I think you mean I am missing the point that was in your head but did not try to communicate or make until this post just now.

that what you label "Christian laws" have been passed by our legislatures.

I never missed that at all. What makes you think that I did?

Are laws against murder, theft and assault "Christian laws"?

That all depends on who you ask now doesn't it? According to Republicans yes. I fortunately know that those things were outlawed before the bible was dreamed up.

A perceived cultural obligation should supersede legislation by our elected bodies in Government?

Is that a question?
Did you make a point?
I honestly have no idea what the point of this post was.
To tell me laws are passed by lawmakers? Uh thanks.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by mhc_70

There is little doubt an asault took place.

I have some doubt.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by LErickson

I honestly have no idea what the point of this post was.
To tell me laws are passed by lawmakers? Uh thanks.

Uh, yes. You apparently don't understand the difference between our laws and "Muslim" law. We are subject to laws that we pass or allow to pass, not the laws of anything or anyone else.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by LErickson

Is this post supposed to make Muslims seem scary? I have to wonder why you would include the bit about homosexuality.


Do Christians now approve of homosexuality? It has been illegal in the US thanks to Christians.

I dont care whether they approve. I dont approve of many things, but that does not mean I want them illegal. I also dont care about what was in the past, we live in the present.

How big % of christians, in the present, want homosexuality to be outlawed? Answer this question, and then compare.
edit on 29/2/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Maslo

How big % of christians, in the present, want homosexuality to be outlawed? Answer this question, and then compare.
edit on 29/2/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

Every single one I have talked to about it.
Are you seriously not paying attention to all the outlawing gay marriage and sodomy laws?

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by LErickson
So a few British Muslims who answered a poll answer for all Muslims?

Apparently, the technique called 'polling' is quite widespread and has been used successfully for a number of years.

I came across another poll of Western Muslims' attitudes and the level of support for suicide bombings.

1 in 4 US Muslims aged 18-29 stated that suicide bombings of civilian targets in defence of Islam could be justifed. The number were higher in the UK & France.

Support for Suicide Bombing of Civilian Targets Among Younger Muslims (aged 18-29)

USA 26%
UK 35%
France 42%
Germany 22%
Spain 29%

Pew Research Poll (2007)

It is somewhat worrying that 42% of military age French Muslims feel that suicide bombings can be often, sometimes or rarely justified in the defence of Islam.

While the majority of young Muslims do not support suicide bombings of civilian targets, the surprisingly high level of support for them suggests that many young Muslims do not share the same revulsion for people blowing themselves and civilians up in defence of a religion as Western people as a whole do.

Is it so surprising that a 'zombie' Muhammad was apparently attacked if 1 in 4 young US Muslims feel that suicide bombings of civilian targets in defence of Islam can be justified?

This begs the question, what can we do to integrate young Muslims into Western society more effectively?

edit on 29-2-2012 by ollncasino because: formatting

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by LErickson
I have to wonder why you would include the bit about homosexuality.

When 500 British Muslims were interviewed, none believed that homosexual acts were acceptable.

It would be nice to be able to say that not all British Muslims believe homosexual acts are not acceptable, but in fact all 500 interviewed said they were not.

The penalty for homosexual acts is death, according to Muhammad in the hadith and, 100 lashes for sex outside of marriage according to Allah in the Koran.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by ollncasino

Opinion polls, dont ya just love em!:

46.6% cent of British Muslim respondents agreed with the statement: “I am proud of how Britain treats gay people.” This was similar to the Christian average of 46.5% and tallied broadly with the average level of support for the statement amongst all respondents, which stood at 46.1%. 34% of Muslims participating in the poll said that they neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement. 8.5% “tended” to disagree, and 10.6% “strongly” disagreed.
The Poll was commissioned by Demos in 2011, Im sure you'll be able to track it down Ollin. I liked Trevor Phillips remarks about Evengellical Christians...

edit on 29-2-2012 by joewalker because: replaced lied with liked.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by joewalker
reply to post by ollncasino

Opinion polls, dont ya just love em!:

I found your poll. Unfortunately, it was quite small. It asked 47 British Muslims.

YouGov Poll

In response to the statement 'I am proud of how Britain treats gay people'

7 strongly agreed.
15 tended to agree.
16 neither agreed or disagreed.
4 tended to disagree
5 strongly disagreed

This is of course great news, especially for gays.

On the other hand,

The findings contrast with the results of a 2009 Gallup poll in which 0% of British Muslim interviewees felt that homosexuality was morally acceptable.

I hope the YouGov poll of 47 Muslims is more representative of British Muslims than the Gallop Poll of 500 British Muslims in which 0% felt homosexuality was acceptable.

The Guardian

I do genuinely mean that.

edit on 29-2-2012 by ollncasino because: fix error

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by ollncasino

Not my Poll Olln...just added it to aid the suggestion that perhaps not ALL muslims think alike. I read earlier that quite a high percentage of Christians also believe that homosexuality is morally wrong, theres a big thread on here somewhere..

Me?, I dont care who falls in love with who.

I do genuinely mean that.


posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:18 PM
Another one for the hoax bin perhaps:

Taken the excerpt out, due to a copyright disclaimer at the bottom of the on-line article and can't get the link to work anyway.
Guess you'll have to go to and search for the article headed Magisterial district judge moved to Cumberland County Courthouse for safety, posted on Feb 29th @ 8:19 a.m and written by LaurenMcClaine.

Read more: 3f4.html#ixzz1nphFYdOX

So anyway, the Judge nor his wife are muslims, he made his ruling purely on the evidence, the 'Styrofoam' sign was intact and the state didnt bother to refile....

Seems to me the Judge did exactly what he is paid to do.

Seriously, despite what some folk tell ya, not everything is a muslamic plot to install creeping sharia. Click the link and make sure ya read all the way to the bottom...the two comments are interesting as well

edit on 29-2-2012 by joewalker because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-2-2012 by joewalker because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-2-2012 by joewalker because: tried to fix link,

edit on 29-2-2012 by joewalker because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-2-2012 by joewalker because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-2-2012 by joewalker because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by Chickensalad

This is just disgusting. It also claims that this judge is a muslim convert. looks like creeping sharia law and clear conflict of interest.

I also find it intersting that at the end of the article, they mention that there was a "zombie pope" walking with him also. But, nobody attacked him.

Now, Im not saying that Christians are any better, we all know their history. Heck, im not even christian. But, what does concern me is how this judge, biased or not, says that its "because of his culture", "he was obligated". REALLY!?
(visit the link for the full news article)

From what I read, the judge stated that he IS Muslim. Should that not be a conflict of interest? This has got to be appealed!

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

In the article I attempted to link, it is stated that the Judge is a Lutheran..theres also a reminder that the audio tape had been edited.

Further, the Judge restates the lack of evidence and makes the point that the P.A did not appeal/ refile although they could have done so within thirty days of the original decision in December 2011.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by be4ne1
If it is in Islam's "culture" to attack dissenters, then how on guard should Gentiles be in dodging the multiple OK's in the various books of laws and customs of Jews? Jeeze.....Jews are instructed to annihilate just about anyone who isn't Jewish, for the flimsiest of excuses.

How many times in your life have you been physically assaulted?
How many have been from a Muslim?
How many of those were because they were a Muslim?

So far I get a consistent X,0,0.

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