posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Corruptedstructure
So, let's say this happens. The dollar tanks. What would you pay let's say.. a mortgage with?
I often have thought about that as well. They could possibly require you to pay a certain percentage of the loan amount with the new One World
Currency. Meaning, Because of the de-valued dollar, You actually get a new Mortgage based on that decided universal percentage. Think about it, People
would be happy to have a lower loan amount which would keep all the sheople herded. Then, they could more easily complete their New World order plans.
I know this sounds crazy and I am just playing around with scenarios, but what the international banksters lose by such a policy, would mean nothing
compared to the gains they would make through a Global taxation of the entire planet, As well as the unimaginable future profits off of their one
World usury (rates).
I really don't know how this all would work, but I also thought about it when looking into the Amero (North American Union) theory. What about the
Euro? Did any of the European Nations lose any value to their Countries dollar when they converted to the Euro, Like maybe 70 cents to the dollar ect,
or was it all kept the same and just changed to a universal currency? I might have to look into that.
Or, They just declare all private property seized, or at the very least, all unpaid mortgaged properties seized by claim of default. Which would be
absolutely insane, because they caused the people to default to begin with. Nothing these lunatics would do though would suprise me. Does anyone
actually believe that these greedy monsters will just consider all loans void if the dollar does fail? Just thinking about this is confusing.
edit on 25-2-2012 by SheopleNation because: TypO