posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:06 PM
Sigh...this is the end product of decades long political building by the religious right. At first it seemed laughable, the GOP with help from the
"moral majority" electing a POTUS in 1980 who had an astrologer in the White House (while a truly Christian moral man and family were kicked out).
Then church goers were handed "voters guides" to tell them for whom to vote.
Now we have God telling political candidates (not just for POTUS) and their spouses to campaign for office. Now it's like God is some coach of a
Republican team, ordering players into the game and taking them out when they're injured. Crazy.
Karen, if I might so humbly give some advice to you and any aspiring candidate, and you, being RC, would be familiar with St. Teresa of Avila, here is
what she had to say about discernment:
"[I]n genuine locutions the soul seems to be hearing something, whereas in locutions invented by the imagination someone seems to be composing bit by
bit what the soul wishes to hear. "
Oh, and one more thing for all you potential candidates hearing God tell you to run, I think the phrase is "from my lips to God's ears" and not
"from God's lips to my ears."