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Does negative thinking about someone else also effect our mind?

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posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 07:43 AM
Hi, this is my first thread, wasn't sure which catagory to put it in. I have thought for a while if we talk bad or think bad about someone else, whether our mind thinks we are talking/thinking about ourself. I'm finding it hard to explain so i'll try an example: Me thinking: ''Oh what an evil c**t ''.
I may sound stupid but does my mind think i'm talking about myself? Can it differenciate what we think/say about ourselves and others?
I would love to know this.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by goinglocodowninacapulco

hello,personally yrs i find that it bothers myself when i think about someone like that, If i let my ego think and act like that, one person can ruin my day, bad thoughts and vibes going threw my head all day! hence why yesterday was a bad day! some ppl i work with just cant even cook toast let alone food for a high turn over restaurant! but other days i forgive them, forgiveness is key to being happy inside! love and forgiveness, dont need religion to understand this! enjoy many more days to come!!
one love

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:47 AM
Many times karma doesn't come back on you as much as it never leaves.

I have always believed in karma and can supply more than enough if pressed.

The more negative thoughts you have, even if you don't harbor them for very long, will require more brain energy than most of us can spare.

It is by far easier to just forgive others for being stupid than to join them.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by goinglocodowninacapulco

Anything the mind says is just noise. That noise appears in you, you are not doing it, but you are hearing it. If you take the noise (words/thoughts) personally then they will attach and cling to you.
Be like space and allow everything to blow through.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by goinglocodowninacapulco
Hi, this is my first thread, wasn't sure which catagory to put it in. I have thought for a while if we talk bad or think bad about someone else, whether our mind thinks we are talking/thinking about ourself. I'm finding it hard to explain so i'll try an example: Me thinking: ''Oh what an evil c**t ''.
I may sound stupid but does my mind think i'm talking about myself? Can it differenciate what we think/say about ourselves and others?
I would love to know this.

The subject of a thought always exists before a thought. If the subject is outside of what you view as yourself, yes, your mind can tell the difference. This is of course if you identify with your self.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by goinglocodowninacapulco
Why clutter your mind with garbage.
The Christ said become as I am, do as I have done.
Love thy neighbor.
Get your mind out of gutter, if some one makes you mad or messes with you to much smite them with large stick, but don't dwell on it.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:45 PM
To think abstractly that torture is evil hitler an other desspots are evil wont afffect your phycie...However to hold negative thoughts or hate towards sombody you know in real life does affect your mental an spirtuall well being.Im not saying you have to love those that wrong you.But hate is a negative draining force an your letting them still harm you.Let negative thoughts an hate disssapate.An you are free .

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by goinglocodowninacapulco
Hi, this is my first thread, wasn't sure which catagory to put it in. I have thought for a while if we talk bad or think bad about someone else, whether our mind thinks we are talking/thinking about ourself. I'm finding it hard to explain so i'll try an example: Me thinking: ''Oh what an evil c**t ''.
I may sound stupid but does my mind think i'm talking about myself? Can it differenciate what we think/say about ourselves and others?
I would love to know this.

I believe this might help you answer your own question...

(1) WHO AM I ?

Dadashri: What is your name?

Questioner: My name is Chandulal.

Dadashri: Are you really Chandulal?

Questioner: Yes.

Dadashri: Chandulal is your name. Is Chandulal not your name? Are you yourself Chandulal or is your name Chandulal?

Questioner: It is my name.

Dadashri: Then who are you? If Chandulal is your name then who are you? Are you and your name not separate? If you are separate from your name, then who are you? Do you understand what I am trying to say? If you say, "These are my eye-glasses," then you and the glasses are separate, right? Similarly, do you not feel that you are separate from your name? In the same token there is nothing wrong with naming a shop ‘General Traders’. If we were to call out to the shop owner, "Hey! General Traders ...come here!” he would reply, "My name is Jayantilal, General Traders is the name of my shop". The owner, the shop and the merchandise inside the shop, are all separate entities. What do you think?

Questioner: That makes sense.

Dadashri: People insist, “No, I am Chandulal”. That means, ‘I am the owner of the shop and I am also the sign on the shop.’ ‘Chandulal’ is just a means for identification. From your very childhood, people kept calling you ‘Chandu’ and you have come to believe, ‘I am Chandu’. You believe this name to be you. In reality you are not that, but you insist that you are Chandulal because everyone tells you so. Since you do not know who you really are, you believe yourself to be the name that you have been given. This has had a very powerful psychological effect on you. This effect is so deeply ingrained within you, that you believe that you are Chandulal. This belief is wrong. As a result of this wrong belief, you have experienced countless lives ‘sleeping with your eyes open’.

Dadashri: Will you not have to investigate who you really are? How long can you go on being in the dark unaware of your Self? Do you not think it is ignorance to not investigate your true identity? Until you realize who you really are, everything proves to be wrong and incorrect.

This is a very long read, but for those who have the time, it might be worth your while

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Akragon

Thanks, that is a long read, seems interesting, i'll save it for later.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by goinglocodowninacapulco

Yes, I absolutely think we harm ourseleve's when we think negative thoughts about others.

One of my favorites says that "we bring about what we think about".

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. BUDDHA

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by goinglocodowninacapulco

Your ego can tell the difference. Your subconscious mind cannot.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 06:29 PM
University studies have been conducted with volunteers that were given different emotional and physical stimulus, and then the effects were recorded. And yes, having a negative connotation towards someone not only affects one physically and mentally but also spiritually. Unfortunately I can't remember exactly the name of the study conducted to link it up into the thread, but if I come across it I will certainly do so..

When I was involved in a small research group many many years ago, one of our presenters used to constantly describe the negative effects in our everyday life. His favorite saying was "Garbage In.. Garbage Out, Positive In.. Positive Out". Everything we see and say has an affect in some way right down to the miniscule atom. And what are we made up of?

I don't know exactly if this in any way, shape, or reason can be related. But I feel that we are born inherently with the conscious knowledge of Good and Evil, and are able to determine/understand such at a very young age. So I've always tried to adhere to this longtime adage; "Follow your Heart, but listen to your Brain".

*** EDIT TO ADD***
Congratulations on this being your first thread.. " WooHoo " !

edit on 2/26/2012 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)

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