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posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 07:50 AM

I am new to this forum, however, I have been very interested in the UFO subject for many years. Attending several conferences wolrdwide and speaking to many 'specialists' on this subject.

I thought that some of you might like to know about my visist to the Cottesmore Airshow two years ago.

I am not really interested in Planes or Airshows, however, at this Airshow I new that a Stealth would be attending. With there being so much speculation regarding the propulsion system, and living only 4 miles from the planned site - I just had to go!!!

To cut a long story short I ended up working for The Rotary Club, taking money from people as they came in. I worked for two hours which gave me access to the site for the whole day!

At the first opportunity I made my way to where the Stealth was parked up and guarded by security. There was a Stealth Pilot about and I proceeded to ask him where the Stealth had come from, he told me that the aircraft flew from Groom Lake (Area 51).

I am still to this day amazed by how friendly he was and open about the subject. Bearing in mind that the US Government deny that this place even exists - never mind that the Stealth flys (flew)from there.

Anyway - I just thought I would share that with you. It really made my day!

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 08:07 AM
Did he not say it in a sarcastic way?

BTW welcome to ATS im sure you will enjoy your stay.

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 08:13 AM
Did any other officers hear him say it? If he wasnt being sarcastic then he must have been really foolish. A statement like that could have cost him his job or a trip to jail I would have thought.

[edit on 19-9-2004 by CheeseKnob]

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 08:26 AM

He didnt seem to say it in a sarcastic kind of way and I played dumb to the Groom Lake bit. He elaborated and said the rest.

Strange I know, but that is what he said!

More fuel for the fire I suppose. As I have said I have been interested in the subject for years. I have never seen anything or witnessed anything.

I have nothing to gain either by making it up.

He seemed like a real genuine bloke!!

Maybe he was winding me up.


posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 09:01 AM
I dont think at all that you are making it up as your right you have nothing to gain from it, so i doubt any of us is thinking this at all, its just the guy who says its flown from Area 51 this is really interesting and we just wanted to know if he was being sarcastic or not.

I wish i knew what i know now and was you at that point in time

Did you both talk about anything else?
What type of aircraft was it?( What type of stealth craft?)
How long ago was this?

Thanks for sharing your experience.

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 10:34 AM

The Aircraft was a Stealth Fighter and it was at the Cottesmore Aishow, two years ago.

The rest of the conversation was about aircraft speed etc, and I cant remember it word for word, but he quoted me a real low speed. Not at all as fast I expected.

That was it really.

Do you have anything to share regarding the Stealth etc? By the way it came in accompanied by two Jets!


posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 11:48 PM

and I proceeded to ask him where the Stealth had come from, he told me that the aircraft flew from Groom Lake (Area 51).

Sounds like he was pulling your leg....Don't they fly out of Holloman AFB when not stationed overseas?

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