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Australia's Political Turmoil. Australia is being run by the "Faceless Men"

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posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:59 PM
Good thread - I don't know enough about Oz Political scene but living over the pond now, I'm getting into it slowly but surely.

I didn't like the way Rudd was Ousted in a Coup type scenario that would not have been tolerated in any other country. And as far as I can see he is at least allowing Gillard (who has always grated on me with her monotonous voice) to call a ballot - he himself didn't get that opportunity.

Gillard set off on the wrong foot re the Carbon Tax issue (Global warming has much scientific information and evidence to support the fact that it is NOT caused by the every day/mind your carbon footprint Human Factor) You only have to look at all the Uranium etc and bombs going off all over the planet along with heavy industry in China and India and elsewhere to know that - the little guy is being penalized for this and it's the little guy who it will bounce back on and they know it. Don't ALL taxes eventually end up being paid by the little guy.

Why don't they create a GLOBAL Fine system - as we all breath the same air and for every bomb that goes off the producer of that bomb has to pay a fine (determined by type and size) into a Global Fine Box which can be used to help clean up the planet and feed the world with healthier agriculture. Instead of calling it a Tax that only those signing up to the agreement pay - meaning those that don't don't pay - Hell they breath the same air.

No I think this needs a lot of thinking about and we shouldn't allow Corperate Government to dictate to the ordinary people who are not causing this contamination but will end up paying for it. Just to fill their pockets.

So I'm watching Oz and hope to see what example they set for a Huge Country/Continent. I've picked up quite a bit from your thread Thanks for some insight.


Watch out for those Faceless Ones!!!!
edit on 24-2-2012 by quedup because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by quedup

Global warming has much scientific information and evidence to support the fact that it is NOT caused by the every day/mind your carbon footprint Human Factor

I know this is a tough one to sort out the facts from the fiction, but it is not just CO2 at stake . With the fact that the corporate entity only makes decisions based on the bottom line, they do need to pull their socks up before they kill us all. With advances in solar and other technology getting shelved due to nation security is BS.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 11:56 PM
If Kevin remains on the backbench then this issue is not over. Australia will need some time to adjust.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by kwakakev

I'm with you. But getting back to the Main Topic - re Gillard/Rudd I think we have to face facts - Gillard stabs Rudd in the back - Also goes back on her word re Carbon Tax - Rud at least allows her a Ballot on this and doesn't do it the way she did. I really think if I was an Ozzie, I'd be saying better the devil you know than the one you don't know!!!

You will never know this SHE DEVIL who stabs a Colleague in the back and goes back on her word.

Rudd is in my view more like your guy on the street - we can all lose our temper and get frustrated - we can all try to control others - I think he's learned his lesson and hey what's the alternative?

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by quedup

Gillard stabs Rudd in the back

This is wrong, The labour party made the decision, Rudd was Gillards mentor, she was all ways meant to be next, it was just a matter of when.

Rudd tried to get the carbon tax through parliament twice. A third attempt would have meant an early election. The situation with Abbot getting to power showed the faceless man's cards.

In my assessment of Gillard, she is a negotiator. She listens to her government and international influences and keeps the waters calm, an important skill with politics. I do see Kevin supporting Paul when the SHTF, or do we continue to live blind?

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by kwakakev
reply to post by quedup

Gillard stabs Rudd in the back

This is wrong, The labour party made the decision, Rudd was Gillards mentor, she was all ways meant to be next, it was just a matter of when.

Rudd tried to get the carbon tax through parliament twice. A third attempt would have meant an early election. The situation with Abbot getting to power showed the faceless man's cards.

In my assessment of Gillard, she is a negotiator. She listens to her government and international influences and keeps the waters calm, an important skill with politics. I do see Kevin supporting Paul when the SHTF, or do we continue to live blind?

You may be right - I'm not in a position to argue and it's not my country either but one comment you made is the comments that would frighten the # out of me and something all Ozzies should stay well away from - though I think it's already infiltrated this huge nation.

TextShe listens to her government and international influences and keeps the waters calm,

She's not there to keep the waters calm - that's exactly what international faceless influence takes advantage of - she is their to run the country in the best interests of the people of that country.
edit on 25-2-2012 by quedup because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by quedup

She's not there to keep the waters calm - that's exactly what international faceless influence takes advantage of - she is their to run the country in the best interests of the people of that country.

Is it not in the best interest of the nation to keep things stable? Australia is not the world so it must know its place. But then does the world want to sort this corruption issue out? Will our ten year WWIII come to an end or go up a gear?

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 03:08 AM
Not sure to make of all this... any publicity is good publicity and your not hearing much about the opposition while all this is going on.
It doesn't matter who's in the PM's seat at the end of the day, as it's all about drumming up support. All their policies are the same give or take 1% of tax.
Like I said, either Kevin or Julia will take the seat but at the end the party's poll ratings will climb.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by spearhead

Great attack, I see why you call yourself spearhead.

It is all BS, the banks have us by the balls so why care? Demoralisation is a tried and tested tacit and well done in your summary of it. At least with Kevin Rudd I know I have a good roof over my head, it does get hot and a few degrees may not sound like a lot to some, but it is all we have.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:09 AM
I think there is a 2 prong reason why this hit all of a sudden.
First of all, Gillard has been on the nose and looking a dead woman walking politically for a while now.
To have her look like a Winner, something drastic had to be arranged. Hence why they have wheeled out old Ruddy to do a dog and pony show of going through a challenge he knows he won't win.
Gillard will win the challenge and the media will spin Gillard as a Winner to help boost the public perception of her as being unpopular, a loser and political poison.
I'm sure Rudd has been given some kind of reward for his participation in the charade. I think the reward will be his next challenge that he will win at a time and place dictated by the "faceless ones".

Now following this challenge that Rudd will lose, there will be another one when it gets closer to election time OR if things hit breaking point in the Middle East. They'll want a male leader in place for when and if this happens. Someone who is strong and having a tough attitude to get us through it. Hence Rudd will be wheeled out again and the next time he'll win.

It's really to get Rudds "brand" out there as he's been very quiet since Gillard stabbed him in the back and he was ousted as PM.
He gets the chance to get his face back out there in prep for the next challenge and Gillard gets to prove that she is competent or why else would her party back her for a leadership challenge?

The second prong is that instead of crying out for Gillards head and the public turning to Abott and Liberal they are now turning to Rudd instead according to online polls. Rudd for PM polls are going bananas. Genius when you think about it.

Let the games begin......

edit on 25-2-2012 by Flighty because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by Flighty

It's really to get Rudds "brand" out there as he's been very quiet since Gillard stabbed him in the back and he was ousted as PM.

Rudd already one one round of elections and currently in a very high ministerial role, the media knows him well.

He gets the chance to get his face back out there in prep for the next challenge and Gillard gets to prove that she is competent or why else would her party back her for a leadership challenge?

This leadership challenge started in the media about 3 weeks ago. This is where I see the faceless man taking charge. If there is a round two after Monday we shall see.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by kwakakev

I meant the with the public he has gone quiet.
We've hardly heard his name mentioned in the media for a while now.
So for all intents and purposes he has been AWOL out of the media spotlight.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by Flighty

This is not uncommon for anyone involved with foreign affairs, apart from the occasional handshake and airport visit. With what is going on, the long term trends are more important than the short term ones.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by kwakakev

Yeah well I don't know so much about that.
I don't think the Labor party at this point in time have the luxury of worrying about long term trends as for all intents and purposes it looks like they'll be out next election unless they do something drastic in the short term. IMO.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Flighty

It is quite clear where the public support currently is, but does the labour party and greater government want to deal with it? The Labour caucus has been working with both leaders for some time and a a fair idea of what kind of manager they want. The next election is still a while off, but it is time to sort our the leadership issue so a cohesive campaign can be put together for who ever is steering the ship.

As a citizen thinking about the national interest, the main difference is that Gillard will keep the gears of the machine well oiled, Rudd will be better at removing any busted cogs.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Flighty

Gillard will win the challenge and the media will spin Gillard as a Winner to help boost the public perception of her as being unpopular, a loser and political poison.

Your prediction was right

Julia Gillard wins Labor leadership showdown against Kevin Rudd

Although the media can spin all they like - the public in general dislike and distrust her and this is going to do her no favours at all.

Let the games begin......

Death by a thousand cuts indeed

edit on 26/2/2012 by Netties Hermit because: to add link

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 02:08 AM
This thread is a joke -

I may as well be reading the nine m s n news[sic] or big pond news[sic] - or fo x news[sic] - or woman's day - or Dolly magazine for all the substance and real truth I see here - not

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