reply to post by merkej23
Youre not at all crazy
I have been having very very similar dreams since about 1995......The dreams were so realistic and left me dumbfounded upon
awakening from them because I knew nothing about all the conspiracies that we know of today......actually, I only even began realizing all about the
collapse and the NWO consp. and everything inbetween, about seven years ago!! I still have the dreams on opinion concerning BOTH of
us and anyone else having these types of "realistic" dreams involving armed, uniformed men chasing us......its going to happen exactly like youve
dreamed'll experience it like a dejavu style feeling, and youll immediately remember dreaming the experience as you experience do I know this?? Because I've had many of them exactly like this, just none with the uniformed soldiers chasing me......YET! And I stress
YET!! But I've had other dreams that I dreampt, awakened thinking "wow, that was strange and so realistic".....then half a year later or longer, I
would live out the experience I previously dreamed, and it always feels just like a dejavu feeling, and I ALWAYS remember dreaming the dream of the
experience I had just went through! Its wierd, and unexplainable to me......but i cannot deny the fact that this has happened to me many times
over.....I've accepted that I have the gift of "prophecy" in some form or another......I have also had many other dreams that involve other pople and
other circumstances that COULD ONLY OCCUR in a "post collapse environment".......and those dreams were horriffic!! I recently, the other night, had a
dream, that was so real, where I was with a woman, a man and a young child, we were coming back from somewhere on foot, through the woods, and as we
crossed railroad tracks we saw "german and scandinavian" men, soldiers, putting up some type of loading dock for people to load onto trains to go to
"camps".....I somehow knew this as soon as I saw it. Then the soldiers grabbed the man and the woman, who were the parents of the child and siezed
them! The child started crying and the soldier let him go as if he was doing the child a favor, and gave him to me. I didnt understand in the dream,
why the soldiers werent arresting me too?? But they let me pass........I then walked with the child back to his home and his grandfather walked out
of the basement door and spoke to me in German!! I was confused but suspected the man of having a hand in the childs parents arrest, as if he turned
them in for something, but not me?? I knew when I woke up, that this was a dream I was going to experience one day....hard to explain, I just
know.....When we have dreams like this, from my experience, you only see a snippit of what is actually happening, and not always the reasons behind
what is happening, but it will all make sense when you actually experience it. My advice, DO NOT ATTEMPT to presume too much about the scenario you
will face!! It will drive you madd!! And youll NEVER figure it out! You were given a glimpse into an event that you will encounter....only take the
raw facts from these types of dreams, such as, you were injured, so put a first aid kit in your car TODAY!! You met up with other people who you
trusted, which means you will not be alone, and you overpowered men to get provisions and you were successful!! Only take the facts bro.....Dreams
like these give me peace of mind for the most part
But remember, I dont consider every dream to be "prophetic"....thats nonsense and
foolish......rather I always have that "feeling" that is so deep within me upon awakening, that tells me......this is prophetic, and this is going to
happen someday....its an unexplainable instinctive feeling, and virtually impossible to explain.......NOW in the case that a smart ASS wants to
challenge what Ive just shared with you......YOU CANT!! How can ANYONE tell me what I have and havent experienced?? Only YOU can know.....Heres an
I actually know people who would argue with me, if I walked into a building soaking wet, and claimed it was pouring rain outside, based on the fact
that the forcast wasnt calling for rain!! Hey STUPID, I just came from outside! Dont insult my intelligence and try to convince me that I just didnt
get rained on!!
edit on 23/2/2012 by PROT3CTOR because: (no reason given)