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The List of Bank Resignations Keeps Growing! It's quadrupled, in fact!

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posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
reply to post by mretgis

Please quit while you're ahead.
Being snarky is not the right attitude to have especially when you're taking a swipe at a member's intelligence as your first sentence.

If you actually believe that powerful people eat at McD's, you're the one who is sorely mistaken and does not know which end is up.

Why don't you think about the reason why the CEOs of BOA, and other banks are attending Bohemian Grove for just a minute before you even attempt to reply to this post.

Edit to Add: Here's 2008's list just so you can get some idea.
edit on 23-2-2012 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

I'm certainly not taking a swipe at your intelligence, I greatly enjoy your well informed posts in threads we've interacted. I apologize for a poor choice of words.

What I am trying to infer is that looking for Bohemian attendees is a reverse approach. Because we already know the level of power of the attendees it would make perfect sense to see a large number of resigned being in attendance. We know this, and they know this. When we start looking at Bohemian Grove and saying "See! I knew something sinister was going on there!" we confirm a suspicion but we don't gain anything at all because it is confirming what we already know to be likely true. In the meantime Bohemian Grove distracts us from finding other connections that most certainly do exist. Those of us who do think critically will still eventually find those connections, but it is not about we the informed it is about those who need it spelled out for them. Bohemian Grove gained attention because it was allowed to or meant to have attention gained to it.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 07:03 PM
What I'm looking at here is the fiscal year. Different countries have different fiscal years in that they start at different points on the calendar. The U.S. for example starts theirs on Oct.1st while China starts theirs on Jan. 1st.

Regardless of what country it is though, March 31 starts/ends a fiscal quarter at some point on the regular calendar. Whether it's the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quarter. Does anyone other than me find it rather odd that 2 countires such as New Zealand and Japan, which are in different hemispheres, have the exact same fiscal year when the shopping habits of the people in those 2 countries are going to be vastly different because of the seasons? This of course would result in different amounts being poured into the ecomy at different times I would assume.

Could anyone riddle me as to why this is? (besides the obvious that March is the 3rd month of the year) Does anyone think there is a connection between this fact and all the resignations coming by that deadline? Something tells me that it's not some end of the world scenario. That it's something not as drastic as that. I think it may just be a case of people waking up on a large scale becasue of what's been happening in Greece lately, and it's starting to scare them. They want to start nipping all this curruption in the bud.

And besides all that, does anyone other than me find it rather odd that 2 countires such as New Zealand and Japan, which are in different hemispheres, have the exact same fiscal year when the shopping habits of the people in those 2 countries are going to be different becasue of the seasons? This of course would result in different amounts being poured into the ecomy at different times, yet their fiscal years, therefore quarters, are the same. It just doesn't make sense to me. Then again I don't know everything about how global finance works. I'm still learning.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by mretgis

I understand your point now and accept your apology.

You're right that we already do know that there is much corruption lying amongst the attendees, but I feel that we must work backwards in order to discern a pattern in all of this. We already know that other corporations attend the Grove, so are we going to see these folks resigning soon, too? Many US political reps are also resigning. So, what I'm seeing here is a premeditated wave that had to have started soemwhere. If it wasn't at the Grove, was it at the Bilderberg meeting?

Here's a list of some of the recent resignations:
Obama’s economic adviser resigning

Massive Wave Of Resignation From Top Level Bankers. The Elite Are Loosing Their Grip or/and SHTF

Kevin Rudd Resigns as Foreign Minister

Syrian government resigns

It appears that the resignation wave started in 2010 and we're seeing it ramping up now. There has to be a pattern somewhere.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

Some good points, need to see when these people first took their positions to see if it trends.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 07:19 PM
No matter what happens with all these resignations, the problem's still taking place.
I don't believe there is a time in history where so many senior officials just up and quit.

I'm almost positive I see a drastic change coming to fruition.
As if the world is going to go into a upheaval.
Maybe these people know a global currency is coming.
That currency will destroy every other form of money.
SO they are taking their collective losses and running.

Running like rats from a sinking ship.
Running like the rats they all are.

Remember this too, ATS members, you're average Joe doesn't subscribe to this site.
So, not everyone knows about this happening...the general population is very much unaware.
Still distracted with their iphones and entertainment.
They won't see it coming unless they are paying attention.

....and most people don't pay attention.
They weren't programmed to.

But...we do.

edit on 23-2-2012 by havok because: added clarity

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 07:31 PM
I think that it would be important to determine just where all these people are going and what exactly they are doing with their money.

The number of them is indicitave of something big going on. I would like to know just why they are all running away. Do they know something? Are they being forced out? Are they preparing for some event? Is there about to be some occurance that is about to take place? Hmmmm most puzzling.

edit on 2/23/2012 by lonegurkha because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by havok

Remember this too, ATS members, you're average Joe doesn't subscribe to this site.
So, not everyone knows about this happening...the general population is very much unaware.
Still distracted with their iphones and entertainment.
They won't see it coming unless they are paying attention.

This can't be stressed too much. Most people don't even know when a banker resigns in their own little town, let alone that it's happening worldwide. This can be said for much of what we discuss here.

We need to be on the lookout for "top dog" resignations in other professions as well. This may be just the beginning.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 09:19 PM
They sucked it dry? Why stay on?

It's going to be hard work rebuilding the system. They aren't going to be making tons of money and their actions will be looked at closely.

Unlike the worker bees, these guys kept getting huge salaries even when they were draining the bank. They all probably have 10-100 million each. Plenty of money to live a nice lifestyle.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by MRuss
excellent thread with ver good information..thanks

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 09:38 PM
Interesting list. Is it possible that after either internal or external audits of each individual bank they came up with bad numbers? Usually other departments report to the accounting department and then the accounting department reports to the CEO. Me thinks they may be heading out early knowing that the numbers are not sustainable and possibly everyone is looking at an other Enron fiasco. Numbers that are PFA - plucked from air...

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
reply to post by mretgis

Please quit while you're ahead.
Being snarky is not the right attitude to have especially when you're taking a swipe at a member's intelligence as your first sentence.

If you actually believe that powerful people eat at McD's, you're the one who is sorely mistaken and does not know which end is up.

You are quite mistaken. Wiley Brooks eats a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese Combo on occasion, and he has the power to not eat at all. He coined the term "Breatharian", and knows how to get energy from nature itself. Don't tell me that's not power. That is a greater power than any POTUS ever had.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 11:13 PM
It is indeed an interesting list but, I notice a very obvious void. On the entire list I only noticed one in the US.

Did I miss something?

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 11:46 PM
Alot of these resignations are probably due to this GGNews

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 12:04 AM
I went through a few names in the list. What I saw was:

People involved in scams or scandals. -Normal for resignations.
A fledgling global economy where people decided to enter a new sector -Normal for resignations.
People entering retirement at over 60 years old -Normal, baby boomer generation is near its retirement peak.
People jumping ship on companies that are under pressure -Normal for resignations.
People being forced out because of mismanagement -Normal for resignations.

Nothing really stands out through the list, certainly nothing to suggest anyone is making a mad dash for a bunker somewhere.

Did people think a global recession was just pie and ice cream for people in finance?

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by dreamreader
Interesting list. Is it possible that after either internal or external audits of each individual bank they came up with bad numbers? Usually other departments report to the accounting department and then the accounting department reports to the CEO. Me thinks they may be heading out early knowing that the numbers are not sustainable and possibly everyone is looking at an other Enron fiasco. Numbers that are PFA - plucked from air...

I imagine every bank in the world has numbers on the books they don't want anyone to see. It is probably just a matter of which numbers exactly might be targeted to make an enemy out of a certain few which might be selected as a pariah.

But it makes complete sense for people to be jumping ship at a time like this.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by lonegurkha

The only thing it's indicative of is the current times we're in. I suppose not as bad as the great depression though (yet):


3) 20,000 companies had gone bankrupt

4) 1616 banks had gone bankrupt

5) 1 farmer in 20 evicted

6) 23,000 people committed suicide in one year - the highest ever

edit on 24-2-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 01:46 AM
I know you guys hate the MSM.

I know ABC is prolly at the pinnacle of deceit.

I was watching Jimmy Kimmel tonight and his first guest mentioned something about him having a stockpile of supplies. Jimmy goes on to say that he hasn't seen his "storage room". He also says he visits Costco weekly and he needs a bigger truck for all the stuff he's buying. Then they joke about toilet paper and move on. This episode was aired February 23rd 2012.

The point of my post. Is Jimmy just a survival nut? Why was this allowed to air? Is the cat out of the bag? I know folks in California need to be prepared for earthquakes and whatnot but "every week we go to costco and we need a bigger truck"?

This begs another question, would a hollywood talk show host be pre warned? To that I would say no. If you ask if he might have connections to people that might know, I say yes.

Scary times.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 03:03 AM
Just wondering...anyone techy enough to plot this on a map to see a gobal perspective...also obviously any way to track where they are going either job wise or geographically would probably deliver a clearer picture. Any one know of anything like this ever happening in ever? Scary stuff indeed!

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
Looks like a lot of them are taking the money and running.

It would be interesting to track where they go.

Perhaps they know something that the rest of us don't.

Agreed! Anyone who has the means and is able, should keep an eye on these people! I for one, disagree with forgive and forget. If these people stole from the world, I say make them give everything they have to the people of the world as compensation, including real and personal property!

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 03:35 AM
I have not read the entire thread. But I have read enough of it to be alarmed. These guys don't "just resign"...they have contracts that allow for resignations, golden parachutes,perk-a-sauruses that would make the rest of us 1%r's puke. But they know that going in. What's alarming is that there are so many NOW. Do they really think that by resigning they are now immune to legal accountability? Or is that in their contract too? Do they have a sort of "PrePaid Legal Aid" clause if they resign? If these are therat abandoning ship, well I an't even finish my sentence.
edit on 24-2-2012 by missvicky because: Good Gawd it's for spelling already! well for typos, I'm a good speller, I just can't type so great. Damn the Merlot full speed ahead!

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