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The Case Against Repitilian ET's

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posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by EsotericaNow, let's say somebody says they watched a UFO land and take off. Go to the spot they said it landed, and you find a big burn mark with holes evenly spaced. Their testimony just got little more credible.

Have you heard of CSETI, Dr. Stephen Greer, and the Disclosure Project? >>

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by RATT
Do you Have a link to back that up?

I'll try to dig one up, for you. Not sure how long it might take, though.

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Grail_Hunter

Originally posted by RATT
Do you Have a link to back that up?

I'll try to dig one up, for you. Not sure how long it might take, though.

Okay You do that , But the only reptillians that live beneath us are these guys

At least this is believeable

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 01:29 PM
Having read the books you mention...

Originally posted by Grail_Hunter

Originally posted by SgtNFury
... credible historical, archaeological, or other evidence ... scientifically verifiable evidence ...

how would you classify texts such as the Sumerian Tablets, The Indian Vedas and British Eddas, or the ancient legends and traditions of the Hopi Indians, or the African tribal traditions of Credo Mutwa? In-"credible"?

None of the sources you cite talk about reptilitan aliens. And the Eddas aren't British; they're Norse. The Hopi traditions dealing with snakes and reptiles are not supportive of "reptilian aliens" or even intelligent reptiles in a non-mythic tradition and the "credo mutwa" is one of David Icke's pals and not a "tradition" at all.

He also promotes some dangerously stupid stuff:

[edit on 19-9-2004 by Byrd]

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by merka
I find the reptilian theories pretty interesting, but the fact they are living underground...

I cant even imagine it. NO intelligent species whatsoever with millions of years of evolutions and advanced technology would settle for living beneath a bunch of hairless monkeys that basicly only breed and kill themselves (and think up stupid conspiracy theories). Especially not one with as much hate towards us that the reptilians are theorized to have, being "evil" and all.

Well, l can see what you mean, but don't lizards like to find a nice rock to crawl under, to get away from the direct sunlight? Btw, I'm just wondering if you, or anyone else viewing this thread, have ever read any of the following books:-

01 ) Dead Men's Secrets: Tantalising Hints of a Lost Super Race

>> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

Having read the books you mention...

None of the sources you cite talk about reptilitan aliens. And the Eddas aren't British; they're Norse. The Hopi traditions dealing with snakes and reptiles are not supportive of "reptilian aliens" or even intelligent reptiles in a non-mythic tradition ...

This is the post I was replying to:-

Originally posted by SgtNFury
I'm not aware of ANY credible historical, archaeological, or other evidence for the visitation of alien reptiles (or reptilians, whatever the distinction might be) to our planet at any point in its history. For that matter, I'm not aware of any credible evidence for aliens of any sort, be they reptilian, mammalian, amphibian, or otherwise, ever paying us a visit.

Can you provide scientifically verifiable evidence of these visitations?

Hence, my question was not directly concerned with reptilians so much as with SgtNFury's view of the Vedas, and other similar ancient texts, like the Sumerian Tablets, for example; and whether or not he thought they were a "credible" source of information about ancient events and civilizations. As far as I know, the Sumerian Tablets claim that we were visited by aliens from another planet in our solar system. Do you deny that these Tablets claim this?

As far as the "British" Eddas are concerned, see L.A. Waddell's "British Edda" ( >>

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by merka
I find the reptilian theories pretty interesting, but the fact they are living underground ... I cant even imagine it. NO intelligent species whatsoever with millions of years of evolutions and advanced technology would ...

Here's an interesting article on a subterranean city beneath Tokyo ...


posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 06:48 PM
Grail most of does links lead to crap thats not relevent to the subject, Like I said before you stalling again...

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by RATT

Originally posted by Grail_Hunter

Originally posted by Zero Point
Sci-fi of their era? Good stories to pass the time, sitting around the fireplace? No Tv, no radio, no internet = gotta make your fun somehow. Oooh thunder and it Gods displeasure?....What about those streaks of light that shoot across the sky at night?

The ancient Indian Vedas speak of ufo's, advanced ancient civilization(s), destroyed by nuclear war; the advanced weaponry they possessed, the blinding bright light(s) in the sky that occurred with exchanges of nuclear fire, and its effects upon human victims.

So I have to ask myself, how's it possible for them to dream all this stuff up, let alone conceive of weapons of mass destruction, way back then, having never seen a "sci-fi" movie, or anything close to what they were attempting to communicate in writing?

Do you Have a link to back that up?

I'd like to help with this...

Within the ancient India epics called The Mahabharata and the Drona Parva there is mention of a conflict between the Atlantean Empire and India which entailed the use of high-tech weapons that bear a close resemblance to our current understanding of nuclear devices. Atlantean weapons were known to be able to destroy an entire city.

The Evidence For Ancient Atomic Warfare

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 07:32 PM

Piute legends tell of a city beneath Death Valley that they call Shin-au-av. Tom Wilson, an Indian guide in the 1920s, claimed that his grandfather had rediscovered the place by wandering into a miles-long labyrinth of caves beneath the valley floor.

Eventually the Indian came to an underworld city where the people spoke an incomprehensible language and wore clothing made of leather.

Wilson told this story after a prospector named White claimed he had fallen through the floor of an abandoned mine at Wingate Pass and into an unknown tunnel. White followed this into a series of rooms, where he found hundreds of leather-clad humanoid mummies. Gold bars were stacked like bricks and piled in bins.

White claimed he had explored the caverns on three occasions. On one, his wife accompanied him; and on another, his partner, Fred Thomason. However, none of them [was] able to relocate the opening to the cavern when they tried to take a group of archaeologists on a tour of the place

This is a pretty intresting piece of the link you posted, I wonder why no one has tried to relocate this city?

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 07:41 PM
What do UFOs, ETs, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Demons, Ghosts, Dwarves, Gnomes, Nymphs, and Elvis sightings all have in common?

They are all seen by credible witnesses, have peripheral effects that leave evidence of their passing, can be filmed and photographed, and have never actually been captured or conclusively proven to be real.

They are products of the human mind - biology affects reality.

They will never be 'proven' to exist conclusively and forever exist in the fringes of reality.

We will see these things as long as humans exist.

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 07:55 PM
In 1954 President Eisenhower signed a treaty with the Grey aliens. He met them at Edwards Airforce Base. That this treaty was'nt the first, to have been signed with the aliens. President Roosevelt signed one in 1933 However Eisenhower was the one that inspired the movie Close Encounters of the Third kind. The last treaty was signed in feburary of this year Is our government in collusion with aliens, Yes! The treaties call for our governments to cover up and offically deny the existence of aliens in exchange for high technology , and the are allowed to abduct a certain number of American citizens as long as they provide a list of abductees names and ages. They are used in breeding experiments, chip implantation and for FOOD These Aliens are carnivores although they do not have digestive tract being clones, they must absorb the nutrients through their skin Human and animal organics are processed and mixed with hydrogen peroxide this liquified mush is then spread on their skin. they also expell waste through skin giving them an unpleasant smell , I am told it is like sulfur .
unfortunatley for our government obfuscation outright lies about the number of abducties and the very slow release of technology has become a real problem are they (Greys ) the only ones Nope If you want proff look you will find it .

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by pantheria
In 1954 President Eisenhower signed a treaty with the Grey aliens. He met them at Edwards Airforce Base. That this treaty was'nt the first, to have been signed with the aliens. President Roosevelt signed one in 1933 However Eisenhower was the one that inspired the movie Close Encounters of the Third kind. The last treaty was signed in feburary of this year Is our government in collusion with aliens, Yes! The treaties call for our governments to cover up and offically deny the existence of aliens in exchange for high technology , and the are allowed to abduct a certain number of American citizens as long as they provide a list of abductees names and ages. They are used in breeding experiments, chip implantation and for FOOD These Aliens are carnivores although they do not have digestive tract being clones, they must absorb the nutrients through their skin Human and animal organics are processed and mixed with hydrogen peroxide this liquified mush is then spread on their skin. they also expell waste through skin giving them an unpleasant smell , I am told it is like sulfur .
unfortunatley for our government obfuscation outright lies about the number of abducties and the very slow release of technology has become a real problem are they (Greys ) the only ones Nope If you want proff look you will find it .

Why Even bother posting that.....with out a link, Please Post evidence along with your damn posts people!!!

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by pantheria
In 1954 President Eisenhower signed a treaty with the Grey aliens. He met them at Edwards Airforce Base. That this treaty was'nt the first, to have been signed with the aliens. President Roosevelt signed one in 1933 However Eisenhower was the one that inspired the movie Close Encounters of the Third kind. The last treaty was signed in feburary of this year Is our government in collusion with aliens, Yes! The treaties call for our governments to cover up and offically deny the existence of aliens in exchange for high technology , and the are allowed to abduct a certain number of American citizens as long as they provide a list of abductees names and ages. They are used in breeding experiments, chip implantation and for FOOD These Aliens are carnivores although they do not have digestive tract being clones, they must absorb the nutrients through their skin Human and animal organics are processed and mixed with hydrogen peroxide this liquified mush is then spread on their skin. they also expell waste through skin giving them an unpleasant smell , I am told it is like sulfur .
unfortunatley for our government obfuscation outright lies about the number of abducties and the very slow release of technology has become a real problem are they (Greys ) the only ones Nope If you want proff look you will find it .

I've heard about the one signed in '54, but I can't recall hearing any of the other things.. No disrespect, just intrigued, will you post links please?

Originally posted by SpockO_o
its just as stupid as thinkg their is a santa clause who crawls down chimneys and hands out presents.

Haha, what you got against the big red guy?

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 08:25 PM
Yes, the US government has been in collusion with the Zetan-Greys for decades in order to get advanced technology from them, while also not interfering with them in kidnapping common civilians for medical experiments, slavery, breeding, dissection, etc.

I'd like to add that in the vast majority of reports from abductees, the aliens that kidnapped them were Zetan-Greys. Nordics (genetically engineered Homo sapiens) have also been reported to serve as security to protect the weaker Greys against their Terran prisoners. The Zetan-Reptilian caste is reportedly the overlords of the Greys.

According to Dr. David Jacobs� research, they have a long-term breeding program in the works to produce a Hybrid army to use against us (apparently in addition to the Nordics). The idea being that they eventually plan to become more visible and "official" in their domination of this planet and its resources.


Zetan Breeding Program

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by RATT
Grail most of does links lead to crap thats not relevent to the subject, Like I said before you stalling again...

What's a little more of it, then? Try these on ...

01 ) Gods from the Stars
>> >

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 08:28 PM

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 08:32 PM
I'd just like to point out that despite all these fantastic stories, there isn't a single shred of proof anywhere in the world to support them. You might as well debate the validity of opium dreams.

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by taibunsuu
... there isn't a single shred of proof anywhere in the world to support them. You might as well debate the validity of opium dreams.

First off, the last group of links I put up were for Ratt, since he requested one to back up my claim that such stories were found in the ancient Indian Vedas. Just out of curiosity, though, how do you explain the existence of such ancient stories? How were the ancients able to dream this stuff up, if it never happened? I'd say that's where the rubber meets the road, imo ... btw, I think there is evidence, but I'll have to leave that till tomorrow, as the Mrs. is yelling at me to get my a** in bed ... ciao for now !!

[edit on 21-9-2004 by Grail_Hunter]

[edit on 21-9-2004 by Grail_Hunter]

[edit on 21-9-2004 by Grail_Hunter]

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by Grail_Hunter

Originally posted by taibunsuu
... there isn't a single shred of proof anywhere in the world to support them. You might as well debate the validity of opium dreams.

First off, the last group of links I put up were for Ratt, since he requested one to back up my claim that such stories were found in the ancient Indian Vedas. Just out of curiosity, though, how do you explain the existence of such ancient stories? How were the ancients able to dream this stuff up, if it never happened? I'd say that's where the rubber meets the road, imo ... btw, I think there is evidence, but I'll have to leave that till tomorrow, as the Mrs. is yelling at me to get my a** in bed ... ciao for now !!

[edit on 21-9-2004 by Grail_Hunter]

Why doesn't anyone debate the existance of gods influencing our lives from atop Mt. Olympus? Because we climbed Mt. Olympus and found nothing. So now we debate the existance of 70 types of ETs who use our the magic of technology to influence our lives. There's no more proof that ETs exist than there ever was that gods' existed.

The ancients dreamed up a lot of stuff. They didn't need example of ET to have imaginations.

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