posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 06:57 PM
Glad to see you had a positive effect from carrying your stone OP, and if it works for you keep it up, but I do have a problem with you over looking
the Placebo effect, simply, because that is one of my pet peeves these days.
So many people mainly debunkers use the term placebo effect, as if it means that something doesn't work, when in fact it actually does work, it's
just mind over matter and if it didn't have a real effect for people, then scientists wouldn't bother to try to weed it's effect out of studies.
I am not trying to knock you or your thread, but it could still be placebo effect, but if it's working for you does it really matter? I say use the
placebo effect for your benefit and enjoy it. And really if you look at all mysticism, magic, metaphysics, energy work and the use of crystals and
stones in energy work; it is all mind over matter; or the placebo effect, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work either though; the placebo effect is
real and can be powerful.In fact all magic is focusing and using energy, will and the power of the mind, all the colors, candles, incantations and
rituals are just props to harness and direct those forces.
Anyway, cool thread and I am happy your stone is working for you.