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BREAKING NEWS! Anonymous hacks greek ministry! Threatens to whip away all citizen debt

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posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 08:06 PM
it is the INTEREST on the debt that is the problem

as the ratings agencies lower greeces rating they cause more INTEREST

this whole thing stops the minute that interest is taken out of the equation,

interest is being used as a weapond


-- Again could anyone tell me how it would be possible to wipe the debt?

SIMPLE no interest payments
this allows the original amount to be paid, ie the "principal"

when the level of debt drops the rating agencies rise the rating of a country.

extream yes but what else would work?


edit on 22-2-2012 by XPLodER because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by XPLodER
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

yea lets blame the people,
who never passed a law,
who never promised pay rises to get elected,
or banks that lent far in excess of what was reasonable,

no it was the little guy who decided to spend billiions on sports stadiums?

com on man think,

do you tell your govenment how to spend its money?

well you blame the greeks (the people)
while ignoring the fact that the previous govenments and banks caused this

blame the right people,

there is a law that says if a debt is too odious it should never have been loaned in the first place and is therefore repudiated.

if i loan a billion dollars that you have to pay back to my friends and we waste it how is that your fault,

you are being confused by MSM


Im afraid that the Greek people need to take their share of the blame. I went to greece a LOT on holiday in the 90's and very very rarely did i get a receipt for anything i bought.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

I do see your point, but I don't see anybody preparing to revamp MERS nor shut it down.
If something doesn't happen to bring it the attention it deserves, you will see the laws being changed to favor the banksters' beast and the people will once again be kicked in the head.

I wish things were being done properly, but if, say, an X flare came along and all computers were rendered useless, I have a sneaking suspicion that about 78% of physical mortgage documents and ownership papers wouldn't be found anyways because they'd all been placed into the MERS system. The residents of the homes could at least walk into court with a bill with their address on it to prove that they live in the home, but what would the bank be able to provide to show that they have any claims to the property?

But, since this discussion is going off topic, this is the last I'll address of this.
At least we both are aware that MERS is a problem.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 08:19 PM
they are starting to look exactly like wiki,,,,,,,,,,,a distraction

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by XPLodER
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

yea lets blame the people,
who never passed a law,
who never promised pay rises to get elected,
or banks that lent far in excess of what was reasonable,

no it was the little guy who decided to spend billiions on sports stadiums?

com on man think,

do you tell your govenment how to spend its money?

Every 3 years we do.

The Greeks people weer complicit in this - they elected the governments, they got the employment, they got the bonus months pay, they got the inflated pensions.

In short they got the benefit of the excessive borrowing, which was done by the legally elected government that they elected.

And now they don't want to have to deal with the consequences.

Well sorry - the world doesn't work that way.

well you blame the greeks (the people)

Only to hte extent that they went along with it.

while ignoring the fact that the previous govenments and banks caused this

blame the right people,

who kept electing the governments? Who kept insisting on having a higher standard of living than they could afford??

there is a law that says if a debt is too odious it should never have been loaned in the first place and is therefore repudiated.

no - they get paid back without the interest geting paid.

Greece cant' even afford to do that - that is why 100 billion Euros is getting written off!!

if i loan a billion dollars that you have to pay back to my friends and we waste it how is that your fault,

Would you like to write that so that it makes sense please??

you are being confused by MSM

You are confused by your own thining!

If you borrow a billion dollars on behalf of your company, then your company has to pay it back, and if you can't tehn it will probably shut down - even thought he workers did not borrow the money.
edit on 22-2-2012 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 08:47 PM
Yeah, Anon. If you can wipe everyones debts in America wed all be very appreciative. Thanks!

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by trust_no_one

Maybe they could hack into the US Dept of Edu and whipe away all our student loans. Heck, why not the IRS and make it a two-fer?!!

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 09:01 PM
I'm sorry if you disagree.

I just really love these Anonymous folks.

Some of their ideas just blow me away.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 09:01 PM
If Anon was able to wipe out all citizens debt I am gonna get screwed! I have no debt. I would prefer Anon wipes out all of the interest owed on our existing debt as a Nation. I don't mind paying my bills but at some point the interest becomes pure usury. I think we have hit that point.

I have zero sympathy for people that have debt that they signed up for. You bought a house at a bad time and lost your shirt? That's what happens when you gamble. Whine about no jobs while shopping at Walmart? you reap what you sow.

I have zero doubt that the moment all Americans had a 700+ credit score the car, boat, toy and real estate will go ballistic. With more debt driven loans of course. Why? We have been taught to live way beyond our means. We forget that even the poorest Americans can take an hour long shower in hot drinking water, in a well lit bathroom.

Anon needs to focus on the true issues or fade away.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by XPLodER


Yes. This would be a grand step forward to get rid of interest, which was a creation of the Bank of England.
The part that burns me up is that the FED only handed out interest rates of 0.05% on all the bailout money they they gave to the banks and other entities. What a racket!

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by LightSpeedDriver

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by trust_no_one

They crossed the line. It's time for the handcuffs to come out. Now they presume themselves Dictators.

You mean crossing the line of acting illegally and selling their country out to foreign bankers, investors and vultures?

And by wiping out their debt, you make many other Europeans pay unfairly for it. Does Germany deserve to pay this debt more than Greece? I agree the heads of government need to be held responsible for their excess, but wiping debt will only isolate Greece, and rightfully so.

Much of Greeces debt was reckless spending that the average Greek could see with his own eyes. Pension and retirement at 55 when it's 65 in the most successful country in the world? More cost effective to be on welfare than minimum wage? Cmon.

And with this move, I turn completely against Annonymous. They have gone from righteous campaigner to self elected governors of the world.

edit on 22-2-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 09:07 PM
to those pleading that they take away american debts as well i would assume that they have a much stronger and more complicated security in america, as well eliminating the american debt would be like knocking down the opponents queen, not the first move you make

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by trust_no_one

I want to believe that Anon is working for us, but something tells me that it is a false flag to shut down the internet. If they were to start wiping out debt with their hacking skills...internet done....just a feeling, though I am sure a lot of those in Anon are working for the good, maybe??? the people in charge, making the videos and statements and this kind of threat??? just possibly for the undoing of our communication? Governments around the world are scared of what we can do with this medium....they are already doing their best to shut it down, all they need is a REALLY good reason to, protecting banks??? guess that would cause a huge backlash...hmmmm

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 09:12 PM
Text Teal
Although I am English, I live in Ireland, another nation bailed out by the EU/IMF. The Irish Govt has earned praise from the Unholy Alliance for their full and prompt payments of the loan installments...

And The People are being squeezed like oranges.

If Anonymous can cancel all the Greeks' personal debt The People there may just survive the massive increases to their annual outgoings and be able to survive... maybe?

It is heart-breaking to see a nation being turned into a Third World country which Ireland is rapidly becoming...

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 09:25 PM
I just wanna say.. as a former "member" of Anonymous, they're more than capable of following through with most of their threats, and they are certainly not any sort of government establishment. The real movement started with scientology, when Anonymous protested their churches, on the street, worldwide. Some people got the idea that they might be able to change some things, and it grew from there, on it's own. There isn't a centralization of any means. They get together in their various chat rooms and talk about things. Any and all ideas of merit that may get brought up are discussed, and further actions are split among people interested. Nothing more. What you are witnessing with the "hacking" is lots and lots of collaborative efforts, all running side by side, but no interaction between the two interests. Each "attack" has it's own "for the people" meaning behind it. They're not out to get you, they're on your side.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 09:26 PM

Every 3 years we do.

yes but every time you end up with banker buddy politicians, hows that work?

The Greeks people weer complicit in this - they elected the governments, they got the employment, they got the bonus months pay, they got the inflated pensions.

by your logic i can blame american civilians for the illegal wars of conquest?
carried out in your name around the world?
did you vote for the wars because you got them

In short they got the benefit of the excessive borrowing, which was done by the legally elected government that they elected.

look around the world,
in america they spend borrowed money like water,
can i blame american citizens for their elected officials?

And now they don't want to have to deal with the consequences.

the measures taken and in the 5 years of austerity it has not worked and only made things worse,
why take a medicine that kills the patient?

Only to hte extent that they went along with it.

HAD NO CHOICE the people didnt make the laws and the people didnt loan themselves more than could pay DID THEY?


who kept electing the governments? Who kept insisting on having a higher standard of living than they could afford??

lol you cant be serious,
is it your fault obama is president?
that he asks for laws to be passed,
your every threee years speach is hollow and inacurite,
stop thinking you have direct control over your politicians

no - they get paid back without the interest geting paid.

Greece cant' even afford to do that - that is why 100 billion Euros is getting written off!!

you proove my point,
why was so much lent?
why was so much credit made available,

if i loan a billion dollars that you have to pay back to my friends and we waste it how is that your fault,

trying to make it really simple for ya


posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by XPLodER

Every 3 years we do.

yes but every time you end up with banker buddy politicians, hows that work?

Not here - half the time we get nutcase socialist lunatics who want to give my money to no hopers!

The Greeks people weer complicit in this - they elected the governments, they got the employment, they got the bonus months pay, they got the inflated pensions.

by your logic i can blame american civilians for the illegal wars of conquest?
carried out in your name around the world?
did you vote for the wars because you got them

I'm not American, so no I didn't' vote for them, and yes, I do blame the people for electing Bush and then keeping him elected.

In short they got the benefit of the excessive borrowing, which was done by the legally elected government that they elected.

look around the world,
in america they spend borrowed money like water,
can i blame american citizens for their elected officials?

well WTF else do you blame for the elected officials if not the electors??


Yes every country borrows..except maybe china...but not every county lies about how much it is borrowing

And now they don't want to have to deal with the consequences.

the measures taken and in the 5 years of austerity it has not worked and only made things worse,
why take a medicine that kills the patient?

they haven't had 5 years of austerity yet, and it may well take another 10!

Not taking the medicine will be a great deal worse - all you "oh the poor greeks have been done in by the IMF" whiners have no idea of how lucky the Greeks are to be getting this!!

Only to the extent that they went along with it.

HAD NO CHOICE the people didnt make the laws and the people didnt loan themselves more than could pay DID THEY?

the people elected the Govt to act on their behalf, kept electing the governments that did theis, and were happy with the benefits, so yes, the people DID borrow more than they could afford.

who kept electing the governments? Who kept insisting on having a higher standard of living than they could afford??

lol you cant be serious,
is it your fault obama is president?
that he asks for laws to be passed,
your every threee years speach is hollow and inacurite,
stop thinking you have direct control over your politicians

You have direct control over your vote, and collectively the voters in a country DO have the choice of politicians.

And 3 years is completely accurate - you should try denying ignorance instead of displaying it!!

no - they get paid back without the interest geting paid.

Greece cant' even afford to do that - that is why 100 billion Euros is getting written off!!

you proove my point,
why was so much lent?
why was so much credit made available,

Because hte Grek government reneged on the Euro agreement about how much was allowed to be borrowed and hid the truth by lying, with the complicity of goldman Sachs.

Sure GS helped - but they couldn't do it on their own - they couldn't force Greece to lie and borrow too much - the Greeks made that decision all themselves.

if i loan a billion dollars that you have to pay back to my friends and we waste it how is that your fault,

trying to make it really simple for ya

failed at that then too
edit on 22-2-2012 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

I do blame the people for electing Bush and then keeping him elected.

This was a huge conspiracy. Many people believe that he shouldn't have had a second term because the votes were miscounted.
This particular election, Virginia was using electronic polls. Many of the booths had to be reset because the people were voting for Kerry, but it placed a vote for Bush.

Michael Tsarion states that officials are selected and not elected.
I believe there is much truth to this as we are now seeing much fraud going on with the voting process.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

ok i think i understand,

Not here - half the time we get nutcase socialist lunatics who want to give my money to no hopers!

your still convinced of the seperation of left right politics,

you should be looking at the cosy connections between GS and the greek govenment,
you will find GS profiting heavily from all this.

weather i can afford the time to explain it to you or not,

the PEOPLE of greece did not hide debt,
the greek gov and GS did,

there is a difference between a nation, its people, and its govenment,

you need to make that distinction fast.


posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by HIWATT


This all feels a lot like the whole Wikileaks episode. Lots and lots of publicity before any actual revelation.

You wanna wipe out an entire countries debt? Great. Do it. THEN stake claim. All this publicity stunting is so self-masturbatory... either just do it, or stfu

edit on 22-2-2012 by HIWATT because: (no reason given)

You are right on target with that statement.

They sound like a group of adolescents going around the school yard just acting all tough.

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