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Has Anyone Had More Than One Type of Paranormal Experience?

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posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 01:14 PM
Hi, I am new to this forum. It won't let me create a thread because of my post count but I've been trying to find some information on this photo that was taken at my house in Pittsford, NY close to the Erie Canal with a cell phone camera. It's of a friend of the family and my dog. When she was going through pictures, we noticed a circular blue thing right above her shoulder. I loaded it on the computer and blew it up and it's this face clear as day. We had a paranormal investigator team come and they all said it was the clearest ghost picture they have ever seen. The girl (stupidly) deleted the main photograph but I still have the image of the hair, shoulder, face but slightly blown up. You could still kind of notice it in the regular pic.

I'm not here to fool anyone or get attention. I am genuinely curious. We've had a lot of things go on in that house. Your usual pictures falling, bangs on the walls, and some footsteps in the yard (it's wooded so there's a lot of foliage that u can hear go 'crunch') Well one day a tree fell on the house and shook the whole thing, okay it happens but the creepy part is that the last owners also had the same EXACT thing happen in the exact spot. There is something there without a doubt in my mind and this picture just reinforces it. I could go on and on about what happened here. Like I said I'd rather deal with somebody knowledgeable through email or AOL messenger if you have it. My email is [email protected]

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by jstellz88
Hi, I am new to this forum. It won't let me create a thread because of my post count but I've been trying to find some information on this photo that was taken at my house in Pittsford, NY close to the Erie Canal with a cell phone camera. It's of a friend of the family and my dog. When she was going through pictures, we noticed a circular blue thing right above her shoulder. I loaded it on the computer and blew it up and it's this face clear as day. We had a paranormal investigator team come and they all said it was the clearest ghost picture they have ever seen. The girl (stupidly) deleted the main photograph but I still have the image of the hair, shoulder, face but slightly blown up. You could still kind of notice it in the regular pic.

I'm not here to fool anyone or get attention. I am genuinely curious. We've had a lot of things go on in that house. Your usual pictures falling, bangs on the walls, and some footsteps in the yard (it's wooded so there's a lot of foliage that u can hear go 'crunch') Well one day a tree fell on the house and shook the whole thing, okay it happens but the creepy part is that the last owners also had the same EXACT thing happen in the exact spot. There is something there without a doubt in my mind and this picture just reinforces it. I could go on and on about what happened here. Like I said I'd rather deal with somebody knowledgeable through email or AOL messenger if you have it. My email is [email protected]

I have noticed a lot of people seeing these blue colored orbs recently. I don't have any personal experience to tell you what/who they are, but they don't seem to be bad. All I can tell you is the meaning of the blue aura of the orb.
Also, there is a thread going where the OP is helping people understand their paranormal experiences by Scribe611. She may be able to help you. Here is a link to her thread:

BLUE AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to the throat, thyroid. Cool, calm, and collected. Caring, loving, love to help others, sensitive, intuitive. Soft blue: Peacefulness, clarity and communication; truthful; intuitive Bright royal blue: Clairvoyant; highly spiritual nature; generous; on the right path; new opportunities are coming Dark or muddy blue: Fear of the future; fear of self-expression; fear of facing or speaking the truth INDIGO AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to the third eye, visual and pituitary gland. Intuitive, sensitive, deep feeling.

We would LOVE to hear some of your experiences in detail here, if you wouldn't mind sharing them.
Thanks for coming on the thread. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Anyone else out there seeing blue orbs that can help jstellz88?

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 06:01 PM
I know you've got your boot camp ghosts thread, but since this didn't happen in boot camp I figured I'd pop on over here. Anyhow, when I was over in Iraq we were at this place called H1, which was by this little village call medhiem (that's probably spelled wrong). According to our interpreter the place was used by Saddam as a prison for anyone who screwed up within his military. They'd be sent there and essentially "reeducated" and forced to work the oil refinery there. By the time we got there the place was pretty well shelled out and run down and we cleaned out and occupied some of the buildings. Adding to the atmosphere we had a policy of no lights at night because we kept getting mortared, so we had to use NVGs and IR helmet lights to get around at night. Needless to say we used to mess with each other and freak each other out so when I started hearing stories from the various watch posts about hearing/seeing things I didn't think too much into it. It's not that I disbelieved any of these stories or anything, I'd had odd encounters from my childhood (I'll post some of those later on), but up until a few weeks after people started talking about these things I hadn't personally experienced anything. Anyhow, one cold night I was on ECP (entry control point) duty and was up in the turret when I started hearing voices in Arabic coming from this building next to us, I mentioned this too my buddy who suggested we switch spots and I go check it out. So IR light on I went stumbling into the building to make sure it was clear. The whole time I could hear these hushed voices but I couldn't find anything. When I turned to leave and head towards the building I saw what I thought was a person's shadow in the room I had just come from, so I rushed in there and found nothing. Since I had NVGs on and they mess with vision pretty much I convinced myself my eyes were just messing with me(emphasis on convinced myself, I was pretty freaked at this point). Here's where things start to get even stranger. When our watch was over the SOG drove a humvee over to pick us up, but before we could head back we got a call from the tank platoon on the other end of the compound that they were hearing voices and seeing movement in one of the buildings near them, so we went to help them check it out, on the way there shooting started and we thought for sure somehow insurgents had breached the perimeter and were engaging in a firefight with the tankers. When we rolled up there was blood spattered all over the doorway, but no bodies, the tankers were freaked and said whatever was there didn't fire on them, but it took of into the building and they didn't have a clue what it was. Since I was an assaultman and had a shotgun I was told to go in with my buddy and check it out (we were under the assumption that it was some Iraqi hopped up on amphetamines or something) I was first one in and in the first room we didn't find anything except a single boot print. The building was like long corridor with rooms like prison cells on either side of this corridor and a big boiler looking thing at the end and we went slowly down this hall checking each room until we got to the boiler, checked behind it and found nothing. We turned to head back and right in front of me was this black figure and just like the tankers before I freaked and started pumping rounds into it and it just vanished. There was like this black blood like stuff sprayed everywhere. I don't know how to explain it but I've never ran so fast in my life, not even while being actually shot at (and frankly I was screaming like a 4 year old girl in the process and I won't sugar coat it, I'm pretty positive I had to change my drawers afterwards). The next day we had to go back and take pictures so we could write up a report, but all we found were the spots our rounds had impacted the walls, none of the blood or anything. Being the Marine Corps and the fact we had no body to show for all the shots fired our chief corpsman had to write up a bogus report about combat stress and fake recommendations for a week back at Al Asad to satisfy the top brass.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by dabs1903

What a terrifying experience!

Thanks for sharing that with us, dabs!
Shadow people..... they are showing up in threads all over ATS right now. Those things are friggin' freaky!
I look forward to more of your experiences.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 12:03 PM
Anyone who has been following this thread has seen postings by DarkBlade71 . I would like to direct your attention to his thread on how he became a medium, for those interested in this topic.
A fascinating compilation of his life story on how he acquired his abilities...

To DarkBlade71,
I am posting this link to your thread because I think it deserves more attention.
Maybe you should have started a brand new thread with these events so more people would see it instead of attaching to the old thread. It is just too awesome for people to miss it, IMO.

edit on 10/6/2012 by sled735 because: correction

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by sled735

Awww, thank you Sled, I am almost embarrassed.

A little paranormal thing happened yesterday, although it is a small thing, but one of a few psychic impulses I have gotten over the last week. Yesterday morning I was taking out some trash from the office and when I got to the back door someone had left a bag of garbage propping the security door open. When I grabbed it, I knew where it came from right away, and was kind of bummed, I hoped that I was wrong.
I took it back to the office and set it down and said that I think I know where it came from, but hope not, and the woman at the front desk said the exact apartment number I was thinking, we both kind of laughed a little and I started to dig through the bag, and sure enough, it was from where I thought.

Kind of a cool little psychic story
These people are new to the building, so I managed to get their infraction reduced to one instead of two because with three, you get a final warning and get booted out, and no one wants that.
When I met the guy before, I got a funny vibe off of him, wasn't sure what it was...
Still not, but I think it is starting to come into the light.

edit on 6-10-2012 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 10:33 PM
I'm glad to see your psychic skills aren't lying dormant, DarkBlade71.

You have an awesome gift that needs to be put to use. Keep up the practice!

I have a new thread up,

I wanted to share it here because I think maybe this particular dream could be prophetic. Only time will tell.
I didn't want to say that in my opening post in the other forum because it would surely bring out the trolls to ruin the thread from the beginning.
So, read it, and give me your thoughts.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by sled735

Originally posted by Saya13
reply to post by sled735

I've experienced things like ghosts/spirits/shadow people my entire life. The worst of it was when I was living in a haunted house. I'm convinced I've seen at least two possessions and I have had moments of other strange activity that I'm not sure how to explain. I do have a friend that is convinced I am a sensitive or an empath...and my family has a history of seeing/knowing random events/things that we shouldn't or before they happen.

Sounds like your friend is correct. We would love to hear some of your experiences in detail, if you don't mind sharing them?
Thanks for coming and contributing to the thread. I hope you enjoy all the other experiences being told here, too.

First, my apologies for the delay in my response...
Honestly, I would rather not go into detail about most of the stuff I mentioned, but I will talk a bit more about the empath/sensitive and family history stuffs.
I have difficulty being around people because what I feel becomes overwhelming. Now, I'm still not entirely convinced I'm an empath/sensitive...I'm more likely to believe there is just something mentally wrong or I am just socially awkward. Anyways...I seem to pick up on people's emotions when I am around them...their true emotions that is. I feel is kind of hard to explain.
The family history stuff...well females on my mother's side have a tendency to see/dream about/predict things before they happen. With me that usually shows itself by certain symbols and emotions that appears in my dreams and or a feeling a get that I often describe as being a feeling of overwhelming impending doom. I have seen people before meeting them or seeing them in the news and I have seen events taking place in the background of my dreams. (So for example...I'm dreaming a normal dream, walking along, and there might be a building on fire or something in the background that has nothing to do with the dream. Other members of my family have predicted family deaths months before they happened.
I guess I will go ahead and mention a bit more about the haunted house...if you have seen the original Amityville Horror...and I know this sounds cheesy...that's kinda of what it was like.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Saya13

Amityville Horror House?!
Oh my!! You must have had a very frightening childhood.

I can relate to that since I had a ghost with me from age 6 to my mid-teens, but it wasn't as bad as what happened at Amityville. I can also feel others' emotions, to an extent. I believe I'm a sensitive.
I feel for you... honest I do.
( No pun intended )

Thank you for coming back and responding, Saya13. I wish the best for you in the future.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:43 PM
Another psychic experience to report!

About 4 nights ago I had a strange dream where my wife and I were outside my x girlfriends house looking at a tree stump, we were trying to be quiet so the x gf wouldn't hear us and she pokes her head out the window and says HEY! What are you doing here?! All excited, and I was like oh no run!!
I had woke up and told my wife about the dream and she had gotten mad, wanting to know why I would dream about this lady.....

And today she shows up out of the blue ringing my apartment.I was like HEY! What are you doing here?!
I have not seen the lady in about 7 years, and really didn't want to as she kind of stalked me for a while after we broke up. I have never dreamed about her before. I introduced her to the wife trying to hopefully let her get the picture without hurting her feelings to bad. Before she kept stopping at my moms and asking her about me,and my mom finally flipped out on her and told her I was in Alaska, and married, this time she did that again, and my brother answered and told her where I live

This is the 2nd psychic experience within a week, so I know the gears are turning again, and it will only happen more and more......guess I better prepare for
edit on 9-10-2012 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
Another psychic experience to report!

About 4 nights ago I had a strange dream where my wife and I were outside my x girlfriends house looking at a tree stump, we were trying to be quiet so the x gf wouldn't hear us and she pokes her head out the window and says HEY! What are you doing here?! All excited, and I was like oh no run!!
I had woke up and told my wife about the dream and she had gotten mad, wanting to know why I would dream about this lady.....

And today she shows up out of the blue ringing my apartment.I was like HEY! What are you doing here?!
I have not seen the lady in about 7 years, and really didn't want to as she kind of stalked me for a while after we broke up. I have never dreamed about her before. I introduced her to the wife trying to hopefully let her get the picture without hurting her feelings to bad. Before she kept stopping at my moms and asking her about me,and my mom finally flipped out on her and told her I was in Alaska, and married, this time she did that again, and my brother answered and told her where I live

This is the 2nd psychic experience within a week, so I know the gears are turning again, and it will only happen more and more......guess I better prepare for
edit on 9-10-2012 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

Yeah, that kind of freaks a person out when that happens!

Do you think your abilities are "turning again" due to the veil being lifted? If so, you are correct. They will only increase as the year progresses.

A couple of years ago I thought of a co-worker (that had quit) that I hadn't seen or heard anything about for over a year. I thought it was strange that he would pop in my head like that. We weren't friends or anything. The next night when I went to work there he was... sitting at the smoking area as I walked up to the doors! He said he just decided to stop by and see everyone. I was dumbfounded! I knew there was a psychic connection with this, for sure! He probably was saying to himself, "What's her problem?", because I think I stood there with my mouth open for a few seconds when I saw him.

Is your wife okay now that she realizes this was a psychic dream?
Hopefully, this lady won't cause trouble for you.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by sled735

Actually this is my own doing.
I gave myself two months to kick the abilities back in,
and it has been exactly one month today.

For me, it is like throwing a switch in my mind and it slowly changes.
Like a diesel engine in winter, it has to re-awaken the parts I have kind of put to sleep.
It is a slow process at first, but as things start happening, they come more and more.
One month to go, and then, we shall see where I am at.

Well, I am glad I told her about the dream, because yeah, it is verification from an outside source other than myself.If I get some sort of flash I tell her so that if something does happen, someone other than me knows.
It helps to keep me from doubting myself, and also helps me to know that I am actually making progress.
As to the stalker, I am certain she will be back as that is what stalkers do. The building management is aware of it, and got her on camera so next time she will be asked to leave, and my wife will most likely be the one doing it.
edit on 10-10-2012 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
reply to post by sled735

The building management is aware of it, and got her on camera so next time she will be asked to leave, and my wife will most likely be the one doing it.
edit on 10-10-2012 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

Tell your wife I said, "You GO, Girl!!!"

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 06:44 PM
Has anyone else been having bad things happen in the past few days? Is something "brewing" in the air?

Yesterday was a complete disaster for my family, and then things were just as bad at work last night. It felt like some outside force took a hold of all the circumstances in my life, and just "shook all the good out"!!!

I was not thinking any negative thoughts to bring these things into my life... they just happened. My entire extended family has had their world "rattled" by something that happened, and then last night... Oh geeze... I don't want to even go into it.

What's going on?

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by sled735

Sometimes those negatives are lessons thrown at you to overcome

It has been a weird week here too, but thats not all that unusual for me. Nothing bad other than a stalker and someone trying to rip down a security camera
(which 3 of us discussed right under the camera the day before)
That happened yesterday btw, so another psychic experience

I noticed long ago that when I become more active, people around me start to too.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by sled735
Basketball-sized orbs? This is the first time I've heard of orbs that big. Did you get any specific feeling as to whether they were human spirits, or angelic beings, spirit guides, or something else? Did it scare you, or were you calm?
That is an awesome experience! I'm not sure how I would react.

Sled735, the place I work has several buildings in it, and one has a memorial to slain police officers in the State of Tennessee over the years. Someone who works in that building saw a basketball-sized black orb form in the hallway and shoot through the wall near his office one night. Shook him up pretty good from what I heard!

I've seen two beautiful cyan-blue orbs in pictures, but none so far with the naked eye.I blew these up quite a bit to see if I could get any interesting details, and saw no faces but I did isolate one tiny pure white pixel of light in the blue, and the tracks where it had circled several times in the amount of time it took for the flash to go off. Both pictures were taken by someone else, with one of those little disposable cameras. There wasn't any shiny places in the background for anythign to reflect back to the camera, either.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by Scribe611

Originally posted by sled735
Basketball-sized orbs? This is the first time I've heard of orbs that big. Did you get any specific feeling as to whether they were human spirits, or angelic beings, spirit guides, or something else? Did it scare you, or were you calm?
That is an awesome experience! I'm not sure how I would react.

Sled735, the place I work has several buildings in it, and one has a memorial to slain police officers in the State of Tennessee over the years. Someone who works in that building saw a basketball-sized black orb form in the hallway and shoot through the wall near his office one night. Shook him up pretty good from what I heard!

I've seen two beautiful cyan-blue orbs in pictures, but none so far with the naked eye.I blew these up quite a bit to see if I could get any interesting details, and saw no faces but I did isolate one tiny pure white pixel of light in the blue, and the tracks where it had circled several times in the amount of time it took for the flash to go off. Both pictures were taken by someone else, with one of those little disposable cameras. There wasn't any shiny places in the background for anythign to reflect back to the camera, either.

Really? WOW!
The color being black can't be good! That would freak me out!

Do you still have the pictures of the cyan-blue orbs? If so, do you think you could post them here? That would be interesting to see.

Good to see you back on the thread, Scribe611. Thanks for sharing that.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by sled735

Hi there, Sled. I haven't been around much lately because of the horrible things happening to my family. I can't go into details, but the sense of dread that came over my husband and me before recent events hasn't dissipated yet.

This is actually the first day I've spent a good amount of time on ATS in over a month. I hope you're doing well. But yes, I'm sure feeling that "brewing storm" and I don't care for it one bit. I've learned to never say things can't get any worse, because they sure as heck can.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by sled735
"Are there others who experience more than one type of paranormal phenomena, or am I just a paranormal magnet?"

There is recent talk in ghost hunting circles that some people who are experiencing hauntings are actually experiencing abduction. It is seen by some as demonic instead of alien.

UFO/abduction experience and haunting seem to run more frequently in family lines as well.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by imalitehaus
reply to post by sled735

Hi there, Sled. I haven't been around much lately because of the horrible things happening to my family. I can't go into details, but the sense of dread that came over my husband and me before recent events hasn't dissipated yet.

This is actually the first day I've spent a good amount of time on ATS in over a month. I hope you're doing well. But yes, I'm sure feeling that "brewing storm" and I don't care for it one bit. I've learned to never say things can't get any worse, because they sure as heck can.

It's so good to see back! I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing family problems too.

Things feel a little "lighter" right now for me, but something's still in the air!

My cousin said this happens to her every Oct. She is sensitive to feeling the changes. She says it is because of Halloween, and the evil spirits are reeking havoc on us. I don't know............ I have never felt it so strongly before now for myself.

I hope things improve for you/us. Maybe when October is over?

Thanks for stopping by.

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