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Has Anyone Had More Than One Type of Paranormal Experience?

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posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
reply to post by sled735


Well, that wouldn't surprise me either...

You just never know what to expect anymore.

You've read my past posts on this topic, right?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by sled735
One time,the print i typed within a post suddenly,very unexpectedly and rather strangely appeared as highly stylized and slightly angled words (i dont think i could find it now,after making over 7,000 posts) and thats never happened before and has not since and i at first thought it was some sort of bonus offered to members for accumulating a lot of posts and then i thought that i might have accidently clicked on or pressed a button somewhere,but i dont think either one of those ideas explains why that happened, just once...

edit on 30-5-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Things that make you go "hummmmmmm"....... huh, Bolcula?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Alfred2012

I finally quit my old job following this impulse to help the spirits and also to help the bereaveds to overcome their sorrow. This lead me to the question how to realize that practically. So i've created a website informing interested people and i've begun to hold presentations. Based on this I had first clients which were very happy to get in contact with their decedants.

edit on 30/5/2012 by Alfred2012 because: syntax correction

edit on 30/5/2012 by Alfred2012 because: syntax correction

I think that is wonderful! AWESOME!

I have made mention of a t.v. show entitled Long Island Mediumthat comes on Sunday nights here in the U.S. on TLC (The Learning Channel). She does this type work. It is inspiring to see how relieved her clients are after hearing from their loved ones, and knowing they are okay.

John Edwards is another well-known medium that works in this field connecting people with their loved ones who have crossed over.

Who knows, you may be famous someday doing this type work!

Before you reach that point, can I have your autograph? Then I can tell my friends, "See this? I knew him 'back in the day'. We chatted everyday!"

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by sled735

Yeah, but I generally stay out of that field.
I've spoken to many abductee's (sp) over the years, and although I believe they experienced something,but it hasn't been my experience, yet. Like I said, I am open. It could happen. I don't know if you are familiar with James Gilliand, he has a spiritual ranch or retreat, whatever they call it, at Mt Hood, I think that was it. Pretty well documented stuff, anyways, I used to talk to him online a long time ago, and back then his story was interesting too. It is still going on up there I guess.
Very interesting stuff. He said they were paladiens (spelling) and that they were purely interested in spiritual growth and universal love. Lots of pictures around from up there, and I think paranormal state did a show on him.

I don't think he likes me very much though, after he got some fame under his belt, he didn't seem to want to talk much anymore. I did tell him he was going to be on Art Bell, which he swore would never happen because Art had a thing against him, but 8 months later he was on coast to
But I know he is totally into the whole spirit/alien thing.
And there is something to it, just what it is, I don't know.

I've only seen one ufo ever, and it was a psychic experience as well because I knew I was going to see it, that is why I went camping, but, other than that, so far it has way out of my experience so I don't comment much on it...

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Have you read the past posts from Alfred2012? He came here while you were busy with your own thread.
He has some interesting things to share. I think our discussions here will become increasingly interesting.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by sled735

Yeah, that is what reminded me of James Gilliand.
A lot of similarities.
I stay away from the ETs. I once had a vision of a preying mantis looking alien that was accompanied by a feeling of not wanting to know anymore, Like I shouldn't of been looking.
But visions are visions, and nothing else came out of that one, so it could of just been imagination with me. I always wait for a verifyer before I accept anything lol
edit on 30-5-2012 by Darkblade71 because: cause I can

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
reply to post by sled735

Yeah, that is what reminded me of James.
A lot of similarities.
I stay away from the ETs. I once had a vision of a preying mantis looking alien that was accompanied by a feeling of not wanting to know anymore, Like I shouldn't of been looking.
But visions are visions, and nothing else came out of that one, so it could of just been imagination with me. I always wait for a verifyer before I accept anything lol
edit on 30-5-2012 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

Okay..... I'm going to put this out there.

Some people ( from what I've read ) have been abducted and never remember the first thing about it until certain thoughts, or dreams keep happening much later in life, and they finally agree to hypnosis to see what's going on. This is where all the memories come to surface of when they were abducted as children.
The ETs keep an eye on their "catches" over the years to see how well they are doing in their on-going experiment with these people. They plant chips in them ( usually the nose ) to keep track of them, and as a way to communicate telepathically... sending certain thoughts to control their mind. They can make you black out for a short time so they can come and "adjust" something, if need be.
That's why I was concerned when you said you had a nose bleed and blacked out. Now you say you have had visions of the Mantis species. Are you so certain this isn't a "memory" creeping into your conscious state?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by sled735

I am fairly certain.
Who knows really.
One thing I have learned is that just when you think you have it, the program changes. Maybe they are making adjustments. If so, I am not worried. I have had many psychic experiences over the years, and have had what I believe to be astral travels, where I have talked to a few different beings. Mostly guides, and so far there has never been any hint of ET involvement, although I was fascinated with the whole ancient past/possible ET genetic manipulation idea.
Some of the visions were strange, but were of ley lines and symbols I never understood, like a giant black cube that we are all going to go into and then change, but that seemed very earthy really.

Anything is possible though,
perhaps they adjusted my frequency.

I should say any ET involvement besides the ufo and vision of the mantis....had to correct myself.
edit on 30-5-2012 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by Darkblade71

That is probably why Gilliand didn't like me much. I always told him that until they came and landed on my doorstep for coffee, I would always have my doubts.
But then, he also said that because according to him I was not coming from a place of love that they probably wouldn't want to talk to me anyways. *shrug*
That's what happens when your psychic abilities are coming from anxiety. It is not from a place of love but from a place of fear. I've been working on that over the years. Even though I want the best for my fellow human being, I tend to be an anxiety based sensitive, if that makes any sense.
Hard to come from a place of love when you have lots of anger inside.
But, like I said, I have been working on that for quite a few years now.
So who knows, maybe they changed their minds lol

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by sled735

Who knows, you may be famous someday doing this type work!

Before you reach that point, can I have your autograph? Then I can tell my friends, "See this? I knew him 'back in the day'. We chatted everyday!"

...but i would like to have your autograph first. I then will tell all my friends, that you're the great author who has written the screenplay for the movie block buster which has overtaken "Avatar"

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Alfred2012
reply to post by sled735

Who knows, you may be famous someday doing this type work!

Before you reach that point, can I have your autograph? Then I can tell my friends, "See this? I knew him 'back in the day'. We chatted everyday!"

...but i would like to have your autograph first. I then will tell all my friends, that you're the great author who has written the screenplay for the movie block buster which has overtaken "Avatar"

No, you have me confused with Scribe611. But, I did write a book about the life of my grandmother ( who was pretty well-known for what she did ) back in 1998. I'm still hoping it will fall into the "right" hands someday and be turned into a movie.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 11:06 AM
Timical, I know you are busy, but if you can get me another dream posted I can work on it tonight. I'll be out today running several errands, but when I get settled in later this evening I'll be free to work on it.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 11:52 AM
Last night I stepped out on the front porch around 4 a.m. The security light on the business across the road was off...... again. As soon as I stepped out it started flickering to come back on. As soon as it was on all the way it sounded like someone threw something and hit a piece of metal. I felt like "he" was trying to get my attention. I said hello, then turned my attention to the sky. There was a very bright light to the right of the big dipper that caught my eye. I looked down to flick my ashes in the ashtray, and when I looked back up the light was gone.... disappeared! I only looked down for a split second to make sure I was hitting the ashtray. No clouds in the sky to cover it, no plane noises. It did come back after a few minutes, but so faint I could barely see it. It was very far away. This "light" has done this to me numerous times in the past. It's like it doesn't want me to see it. ( I posted a pic of it a few pages back.) I came back inside after getting bored waiting for it to come back as bright as it was when I first saw it.

Two events at the same time! I'm getting good at this!

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 12:15 PM

sorry for being confused regarding the screenbook. But I'm sure you will be very successful with the book about your grandmother!

Mmh, I'm not sure whether I'm again confused but in one of the previous postings i think you've mentioned orbs which are souls. That reminds me to a very special event.

In March i gave a presentation on the topic "immortality". For this event i've invited a spirit (name is "Lisbeth") who contacted me in February during a dream. She asked me whether she may help in developing my spiritual skills. (I'm sure that this has been coordinated by my guide). I was happy about this offering and since this time i had many dialogs with her during waking state.

She has accepted the invitation to join the presentation event. We have taken some pictures. After scanning all the pictures for orbs afterwards we identfied two orbs showing "Lisbeth".

If you are interested:
I've an image attached showing the room with some marks. One mark shows "Lisbeth's" orb.
The second picture shows the zoomed area with "Lisbeth's" face inside.

Possibly you also can identify her?

Orb LISBETH - Room
Orb LISBETH - Zoomed

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Alfred2012

Wow! That room was filled with orbs! The one of Lizabeth ( did I spell that right? ) on the zoomed pic was great!
Can definitely see a face in the orb. That's so cool! Great pictures!

Was that "wink" giving me a hint that my book will make it to the "big time"?

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Alfred2012
September last year I had an interesting dialog with my guide on this topic. I asked him: "What is the right religion?" looking to all the different beliefs which do exist.

The answer was remarkable. He conveyed me a picture and gave some explanation on this. If you like, I've summarized the dialog::Alfred2012 - Religion

edit on 30/5/2012 by Alfred2012 because: syntax correction

Wow, Alfred-- this reminds me of something that happened before I had a visit with Max, the Crystal Skull, cared for by JoAnn Parks. I'd read that sometimes psychics are able to connect with him over vast distances and glean information from or through him, so on a whim as I was getting into bed, I thought "Hey Max, you out there?" WHAM, it felt like I slammed into the bed and was so heavy I was afraid I would fall through the bottom. Next thing I knew I was zooming over treetops, dipping and bobbing so fast it almost made me sick. It was at night, and I passed over groups of people outside, all singing. First Tibetan monks chanting, then Native American, then old-timey hymns, then what sounded like the Muslim call to prayer, then Southern Gospel... I didn't slow down for any of these, just kept flying and the sounds morphed together as I went along. A knowing came to me that said "They are all the same... they all fit together." I thought, oh, like a rainbow! The knowing came back to me and said, "No, more like a vibration. They are all different, but they all fit together."

What's interesting is the first one being Tibetan monks chanting... Max was with a healer in Tibet before he was passed along to JoAnn Parks to be cared for. I think this is all so fascinating, here we all are on this thread, and we've been having so many similar experiences... and then my channeling said we should find each other, those of us chosen to help people who yet do not see... HELLO! Let's celebrate, even if just for a moment, all of us being here and being able to speak freely!!!

As you can probably tell, I'm feeling quite positive today!!!

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 04:40 PM
I just had a paranormal experience at the grocery store!

I think was must have traveled into the future about 5 years because the prices jumped to 1/4 more than they were last week for the same items!

Wonder if it will happen again next week? I think it probably will!

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 06:04 PM
Hey Sled735 -- here's a dream for you!

I dreamed this years ago, but as I got on an elevator today it reminded me, so I figured "somebody" out there wanted it posted on here. I have no idea why I was on this elevator (in my dream), but it was made like a huge corporate lobby, lots of stainless steel - other elevator doors, trash cans, trim on walls... and lots of lush green plants... but there was another room behind the main lobby and to the left. One big huge elevator suite, I guess. Anyway, I was in the back room keeping to myself, since I had many floors to go down. The elevator suite stopped and several men in dark suits got on - not men in black, exactly, but very impeccably dressed. As I halfway listened to what the men were saying, I recognized one of the voices - it was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He was the active president, and I wondered how he could be president now when he died in Texas all those years ago. They were discussing something important, and I felt weird listening but I wanted to let them know I was there in case they wanted to wait before going any further. Also I didn't want to hear something that could make me disappear, if you know what I mean. I still didn't really understand what they were talking about, but I walked into the main room and cleared my throat, just saying hello to everyone, and walked casually back into the smaller back room. They kept on discussing whatever they were talking about, but they kept their voices much lower so I couldn't really make out individual words.

I'm VERY curious as to what you can deduce from this Kennedy dream! I admire the man as a president, by the way - no negative associations with him, if that narrows it down. They gave my mother a shot meant for her hospital room partner one time, and she thought she was JFK, suit and all, and would visit the nurses station repeatedly until the shot wore off. She'd always wake up and realize what she was doing just as she got there, and by the fourth or fifth time the nurses' laughing would wake her up. More to that story, but I've always wondered why she thought she was JFK, and here I dream I'm on a two-room elevator with him...weird.

This reminds me of many other dreams I've had about elevators... these were in hospitals, and they seemed to have totally different rides. Some were fast and smooth, others bumpy as all get out, and some took forever. Some the doors didn't want to close right, and I'd get off and walk around the corner to another set of doors. Sometimes I'd push a certain floor number, and it would either stop short or overshoot it, and there never was any way to return to that floor. Of course no steps were available either, so I'd have to hunt another elevator to try. This would go on for a long time before I would finally get to the floor I wanted. I'm thinking some of this could come from spending so much time in hospitals, visiting my mother when she would have to stay for a few days. That happened a lot over the last 14 years of her life, so maybe that dream comes from riding so many elevators over the years.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Scribe611

I'll do my best at interpreting your dream:

"I have no idea why I was on this elevator (in my dream), but it was made like a huge corporate lobby, lots of stainless steel - other elevator doors, trash cans, trim on walls... and lots of lush green plants... but there was another room behind the main lobby and to the left. One big huge elevator suite, I guess. Anyway, I was in the back room keeping to myself, since I had many floors to go down.

The lobby is symbolic for wanting to make something known.
Metal (stainless steel in this case) signifies strength and character. It may also symbolize the inhumane side of society.
Other elevator doors show more than one opportunity to make a choice which door you want to enter concerning something going on in your life. A door of any type signifies new opportunities that are presented to you.
The lush green plants indicate fertility, spiritual development, potential , and growth. But seeing these plants inside suggests that your growth is being hindered or slowed in some way. You are experiencing a lack of independence. Or, it could signify your desire to be closer to nature.
Being in the room to the left, and behind the main lobby tells me you are trying to stay "under the radar", or "unnoticed" by others. The room being on the "left" indicates you have made a wrong decision about something in your life.
The fact that you are descending in the elevator suggests that you are being grounded or coming back down to reality. It also signifies setbacks and misfortunes.

"The elevator suite stopped and several men in dark suits got on - not men in black, exactly, but very impeccably dressed. As I halfway listened to what the men were saying, I recognized one of the voices - it was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He was the active president, and I wondered how he could be president now when he died in Texas all those years ago. They were discussing something important, and I felt weird listening but I wanted to let them know I was there in case they wanted to wait before going any further. Also I didn't want to hear something that could make me disappear, if you know what I mean. I still didn't really understand what they were talking about, but I walked into the main room and cleared my throat, just saying hello to everyone, and walked casually back into the smaller back room. They kept on discussing whatever they were talking about, but they kept their voices much lower so I couldn't really make out individual words."

On one floor the evelator (your setbacks and misfortunes) stopped, and well-dressed men in dark suits stepped in. The suits indicate these men are acknowledged and recognized for their abilities and skills. So, I'm thinking they represent someone who came into your life at this point that could help you with these setbacks you were experiencing in real life.
To see the President symbolizes authority, power, and control. Your own personal views and opinions of the President and their actions will also play strongly in the significance of him showing up in your dream.
You introduced yourself to these people that could help you, but then you walked back to the smaller back room. This tells me that while (walking) on your life path, you chose to casually go back to the "smaller room". This sounds like maybe the "bigger room of possibilities" intimidated you for some reason, so you chose the smaller room where you were more comfortable and unnoticed by others. ( Rooms represent an area inside ourselves.)

Think back to what was going on in your life during the time you had this dream. See if any of these symbols represent anything that was happening in your life, or decision making at that time.

Hope this helped.

edit on 5/31/2012 by sled735 because: Change wording

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Scribe611

This reminds me of many other dreams I've had about elevators... these were in hospitals, and they seemed to have totally different rides. Some were fast and smooth, others bumpy as all get out, and some took forever. Some the doors didn't want to close right, and I'd get off and walk around the corner to another set of doors. Sometimes I'd push a certain floor number, and it would either stop short or overshoot it, and there never was any way to return to that floor. Of course no steps were available either, so I'd have to hunt another elevator to try.

Ascending in an elevator represents a rise to status and wealth. Descending implies setbacks and misfortunes, or coming back down to earth. Some went fast and smooth, and others were bumpy and took a long time. Sometimes you weren't able to "close the door" on a particular situation in your life, so you chose another door ( other possibility, or opportunity for your life). Stopping short or overshooting your floor shows you fell short of reaching your goal, or you went too far to turn back. Then you chose yet another door (opportunity or possibility).

Does this mean anything to what was going on in your life at the time of this dream?

Hopes this helps you make some sense of it.

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