a reply to:
Okay, to give you the short version (because I have told it here a couple of times already), I started hearing a couple of voices. One sounded like a
male, but with a very high-toned voice. Then the other voice took over, drowning out the other; it was very deep and ominous.
I asked it's name, and it said what sounded like "Saul". So, I repeated "Saul?"
And he said, "No, not Saul... Seoul!"
So I repeated the name again, which still sounded like Saul to me. LOL
It upset him that I wasn't getting it right, and he got very loud and angry and sort of screamed, "Sheol!"
I said okay, and brought myself out, and I haven't let myself go that deep into meditation since that day. His voice was like a growl and very
I Googled the names that "sounded" like what I heard, and the first thing I came to said he was "the Keeper of the Pit". Okay, that gave me chills
when I read that, for sure.
Another definition I found that sounds like it: Sheol is like a ravenous beast that swallows the living without being sated.
So, as I said, I haven't gone that deep into meditation again, but I have been ready and willing for a while now. It's just that every time I try, my
cat jumps in my lap, or someone knocks on the door, or something happens to bring me out of my "state".
After so many times of trying, and "the universe" telling me, "not today", I haven't tried lately. But, you can bet your bottom dollar that even when
I just "rest my mind", I ask my angels to protect me from evil.