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Has Anyone Had More Than One Type of Paranormal Experience?

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posted on Jun, 30 2016 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: orionthehunter

Glad to see you are still with us, OrionTH.

What made you fall asleep at the wheel? If you are working too hard, please stop. I speak from experience when I say working yourself to death while you're young can cause severe harm when you get older.

Yes, things... weird things, do seem to be happening more and more.

I came back to add this video that I think you might find interesting, Orion.

ETA: video
edit on 6/30/2016 by sled735 because: Add video

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 09:39 PM
Interesting video. Thanks for posting. It's also kind of scary with the last prediction that within 15 years, computers will exist that can outpace humans in every aspect. Sounds like a terminator world. However I do not believe the machines will terminate us. We seem to provide input to the machines so in that aspect, we serve the computers or machines already.

Interesting that quantum computers may use the computing power within computers in parallel universes in identical computers to achieve superior computing ability. Sounds like a Tower of Babel of information technology spanning thousands of parallel universes.

However how do the computers know that humans are not already coexisting on quadrillions of parallel universes and that our minds are constantly processing data among the universes? No one knows for sure. We could all be shifting our consciousness in and out of parallel universes and not even realize it unless we accidentally experience a big shift. However if we do, our mind wants to reject the possibility that we shifted and think instead, we must not have noticed something before because there is no way things can suddenly change overnight unless our minds shifted into parallel bodies in a parallel universe.

Thanks for the link.

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: orionthehunter

yeah atoms could be very small alien super computers. That would make us all machines.

posted on Jul, 3 2016 @ 10:40 AM
I felt like I was in the twilight zone last night. To top it off before I got home I must have fallen asleep or only been semi conscious. I didn't realize I could drive around, make turns etc and not be fully conscious. I have no memory of my last few minutes last night but suddenly remember waking up a few blocks past a turn for my house. My whole night was a little bit odd but it worked in my favor. Maybe a quantum computer was playing around with me altering my reality just to let me know that our realities can be altered.

I really want to avoid falling asleep while driving so if I stay out that late again, I will drink a soda with some caffeine. I don't want to suddenly change into another parallel universe and have my relatives think that was the end for me.

As far as earlier in the night when I had a very hot girl all over me, I don't mind if she keeps coming back at me.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 12:23 PM
I have no memories of anything beyond 10/11 except two things that still haunt me today, though I am a grown woman. I remember clearly as a toddler seeing a white cloud-like mist hovering above my bedroom door. As a grew older I would have a reoccurring dream of skeletons (the leader was black with red eyes) chasing me to the train station and telling me to leave this place and the walls burned through and turned to ash. I thought it was just a dream but I felt like a stranger in my own home. By 11 we moved and my dreams stopped at first then began anew with the same skeletons chasing me this time to the elevator and when they touched me I woke up in horrible pain. I noticed when I developed my ESP at 13/14 it finally stopped.

When my grandparents died I swear they came to me in my sleep to tell me they were alright. My mother also remembers my grandpa's feet shuffling down the hall the night after he died. He had a special walk because of a fake hip and he always dragged his slippers. When my cat died I heard her purring next to me before she left for good. When I was mourning a death one night I felt a cold breeze caress my face and saw a see-through hem of a white dress walk passed me. I felt calmer.

Before my grandparents died I kept seeing a shadow of a man in a cape with a hat. He would appear behind me and then someone would die. I got angry after the 3rd death and said to stop scaring me by showing up behind me and give me another sign. By the 4th death I think he had a sense of humor and decided to knock a painting off the wall instead.

I have had 4 deaths total and each time weird stuff happened before and after, but it's been calm in the past 10 years now and I am sure we have something friendly in our apartment, but nothing related to me. The last one I remember was I was washing my hair and forgot the towel. The water was in my eyes and it hurt because I had some shampoo in still. Suddenly the towel hanging on the shower poll 3 feet away flew to my feet. I thanked whoever and left smiling.

Everything else odd I chalk up to reading scary stuff and letting my mind get to me lol

I still don't know why most of my childhood feels like it was erased from my head. I know I had a happy childhood and was loved by my family and I was a straight A student also and pretty spoiled, but it's only in pictures and papers I can confirm it. I remember hardly anything until we moved in 1992 and I was born in 1983.

edit on 5-7-2016 by summerdaze because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: summerdaze

Welcome to the thread, Summerdaze.

I remember clearly as a toddler seeing a white cloud-like mist hovering above my bedroom door. As a grew older I would have a reoccurring dream of skeletons (the leader was black with red eyes) chasing me to the train station and telling me to leave this place and the walls burned through and turned to ash. I thought it was just a dream but I felt like a stranger in my own home. By 11 we moved and my dreams stopped at first then began anew with the same skeletons chasing me this time to the elevator and when they touched me I woke up in horrible pain. I noticed when I developed my ESP at 13/14 it finally stopped.

Hmm... not sure what to make of this. I was going to say that maybe you were having a past-life memory until you said the dreams started up again, but, since the dreams continued, it sounds more like an evil entity that was trying to scare you, and feed on your fear.

When my grandparents died I swear they came to me in my sleep to tell me they were alright. My mother also remembers my grandpa's feet shuffling down the hall the night after he died. He had a special walk because of a fake hip and he always dragged his slippers. When my cat died I heard her purring next to me before she left for good. When I was mourning a death one night I felt a cold breeze caress my face and saw a see-through hem of a white dress walk passed me. I felt calmer.

Yes, often our loved ones will hang around a few days before crossing over, especially if they don't realize they have died.
I also had a cat to die that I loved dearly, and still sometimes when I think of him I'll feel something rub against my legs, although I have not heard him purr. He had such a low purr when he was alive though, I could barely hear it.
I find it comforting to know they are still with us whenever we think/call on them.

Before my grandparents died I kept seeing a shadow of a man in a cape with a hat. He would appear behind me and then someone would die. I got angry after the 3rd death and said to stop scaring me by showing up behind me and give me another sign. By the 4th death I think he had a sense of humor and decided to knock a painting off the wall instead.

The man with a cape and a hat seems to be seen by a lot of people. Don't ask me who he is, because I don't know.
Death doesn't always follow for everyone who sees him, but he is apparently a messenger of some kind.
As a matter of fact, I was watching a show on t.v. last night called, Paranormal Survivors, where this man with the cape and hat protected a girl from an evil demon by standing between her an the evil one, so he must not be all bad.

I have had 4 deaths total and each time weird stuff happened before and after, but it's been calm in the past 10 years now and I am sure we have something friendly in our apartment, but nothing related to me. The last one I remember was I was washing my hair and forgot the towel. The water was in my eyes and it hurt because I had some shampoo in still. Suddenly the towel hanging on the shower poll 3 feet away flew to my feet. I thanked whoever and left smiling.

I'm glad to hear this has stopped for you, and also happy to hear you have a more positive spirit with you now that likes to help you out.
That's really amazing about the towel.

I don't know how to explain your loss of memory before age 10, but something dramatic must have happened to make you put it into your sub-consciousness, where it wouldn't hurt you.
You might be interested in someday having hypnosis to uncover that part of your childhood.

Thanks for stopping in and sharing your stories with us.

edit on 7/5/2016 by sled735 because: Corrections

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: sled735

It's interesting about the past life thing. Sometimes I dream I am in Egypt and I swear it's not a dream but a memory. Not sure why Egypt though. I have been drawn to that place since I was a child. I'm a French Canadian woman with a Scottish and Greek background (and some Native American it seems), but Egypt just feels like it's calling to me sometimes.

I really want to see a hypnosis yet at the same time a part of me is afraid of what I will remember. Sometimes I feel like my memory was blocked to keep me safe.

Thank you for the welcome and I have a lot more to share

It's nice to find a place where I can truly speak out about things only my mother and best friend know about.
edit on 5-7-2016 by summerdaze because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 08:43 PM

Sometimes I dream I am in Egypt and I swear it's not a dream but a memory. Not sure why Egypt though. I have been drawn to that place since I was a child.
a reply to: summerdaze

There's your sign... you have been drawn to it since you were a child.

Sharing with like-minded people is great therapy; I'm so happy you found us.

I look forward to hearing more from you.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: sled735

Don't you have a thread on Dr Brian Wiess and past life meditations somewhere?
Perhaps SummerDaze might find the video of value.

I know I did.

And Hi!

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: Darkblade71

Well, hello Darkblade! So nice to see you.

Umm... I might be able to find it. I only have hundreds of threads on here. LOL

Thanks for the suggestion. Off to look for it.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: Darkblade71

ahh, yes, here it is:

SummerDaze, if you try this, please be sure to let me know your results.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: sled735

Sometimes I dream I am in Egypt and I swear it's not a dream but a memory. Not sure why Egypt though. I have been drawn to that place since I was a child.
a reply to: summerdaze

There's your sign... you have been drawn to it since you were a child.

Sharing with like-minded people is great therapy; I'm so happy you found us.

I look forward to hearing more from you.

You may be right! I always found it odd that though I love all kinds of exploration, history and mystery, anything with Egypt just feels right to me.

Yeah I have had an interesting life so far lol I guess being sensitive to things draws the odd to you and you see more of it too. Mostly it's visions that happen, and some are pretty big events I saw beforehand. Sometimes it's dreams (I tend to dream in colors so bright it's painful on my eyes in the dream. I see rainbows a lot and the color is just too intense to be real), but my most accurate visions are when I'm awake. I find myself most accurate during Summer Solstice and late Autumn.

Like last year my uncle was recording the moon because it was in a special phase and Summer Solstice had just happened. I saw something tiny flutter by like a moth then heard a playful "hi" whispered in my ear. It startled me and caught my uncle and mother's attention.

And hi Darkblade71 that sounds fascinating!

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: summerdaze

Fascinating! I've only had a few precognitive dreams, but I always dream in color.

They say the colors in the "real" world are much more vivid than they are here, so maybe you're having an OBE and going to a higher dimension.

I posted the link to the thread for you. I hope you try it sometime.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: sled735

Wow! Really? No one's ever told me that. They just said "oh you dream in vivid color? It means you're a genius!" let me tell you I may have been a straight A student but Math was my enemy lol no genius here!

Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are actually dreams. A few nights ago as I woke up I heard someone shouting my name. It was an echo and it faded as if I was moving away from the person really fast or falling and they were becoming more harder to hear as I awoke. They seemed to be trying to keep me where I was. Strange part is I was actually scared when I woke up. Frozen in fear. Never had that happen before. I have heard my name called by dead loved ones and in dreams, but they never scared me like that.

Also one time I was solving a mystery or something in a dream and had people with me I seemed to know. I woke up to go to the bathroom and when I went back to sleep I continued where I left off and everyone was waiting for me as if I took a break.

I will check it out right now! Thank you!
edit on 5-7-2016 by summerdaze because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: sled735

ATS really needs a bookmark of some kind because this thread is huge lol.

It's been a while since I popped into this thread, I always read a few pages and realise I've read it before, I'm not complaining though

Nearly 350 pages of gold if you ask me.

Anyways to the why I'm here, I bring another episode of extraordinariness.

When I was about 5-6 we, my family moved to a new house. It wasn't exactly old but certainly not new either about 50 years old so it had a few groans and bumps in the night. All would be fair with a little parential assurance it was just the house cooling at night. Though for me naturally my mind played wild as a child's mind would.

It's worth mentioning I shared a room back then with a brother who liked a light on at night, I didn't. It was settled that the landing light would be left on with the door slightly open... It had to be slightly open because I hated that landing, with good reason too. One dark night I woke up and noticed the door was wide open and low behold! ( I was top bunk) a balding old man walked up the stairs, looked at me and walked through what is a wall. I'll never forget the sadness I felt and saw in his face and I'll never forget the blood dripping from his wrists.

About ten years later I went into my loft/attic and at the back on a chimney breast is an etched date name and a hangmans noose, it's pretty much the dated around when this house was built, memories of my brother adamant he saw a man hanging in his room became all too real and I got out of there fast. A neighbour who believed she was haunted by a poltergiest was adamant she frequently saw a man walk through the upper walls of the house... As if it was the ghost of a builder.

Now my sister has a son, he is 2. I've seen him lose it on the landing and he is always screaming about the old man and how much he doesn't like him. It freaks me out at times... I've mentioned before in this thread about an "encounter" me a friend and my brother had where we asked for a sign and we all cried like all hope was lost.

Could we have felt that old man's pain?

I believe his name was Larry, that's the name in the loft... And no I didn't make that up no matter how good Larry the loft loafer sounds :p

I'll happily take pictures of the chimney breast if anyone likes... Not that I'm keen to.
edit on 5-7-2016 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 09:50 PM
Forgot to mention the wall he walked through is just a plaster board wall, it was covered before we moved in and to my knowledge was always there. It originally had a door to the loo with another to the bathroom. So the walking through the wall may have infact been a door.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: sled735

It's always a pleasure to see you.

I've been crazy busy with work. I forgot how busy summertime is here,
and since I have been back, I've been either working or sleeping.


It's good to be home and reconnect though.

I see this thread is still hopping!
That is awesome!

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

Could we have felt that old man's pain?

You most certainly could have.

When a spirit is "trapped" between worlds due to sorrow or trauma,
they will give off that feeling of what they feel so that those who witness them will hopefully understand why they are the way they are.

So you most certainly could have felt what they were feeling,

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

Wow that's scary! I would say you might have felt his pain. Maybe he wishes to pass on and is trapped and feels hopeless?

posted on Jul, 6 2016 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: summerdaze

Wow! Really? No one's ever told me that. They just said "oh you dream in vivid color? It means you're a genius!" let me tell you I may have been a straight A student but Math was my enemy lol no genius here! Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are actually dreams.

Yes, everyone goes to the astral plane (higher dimension) during their sleep; not always, but quite often. Same thing as an OBE. There we meet with our spirit guide(s) and others to discuss where we are on our life path, work out problems, and visit with loved ones.
Sounds like that is what you were doing, but I don't know why you were scared this time. Maybe they told you something that is coming up in your future that wasn't so pleasant? I hope that's not the case.

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