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Has Anyone Had More Than One Type of Paranormal Experience?

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posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: Alessandra

I'm new to this forum.

I have had plenty of weird psychic things happen to me. I'm in my 40s One thing l cannot explain is seeing a crystal body? Almost like invisible/mirrors Does anyone know what it could be? It freaked me out! Once it notice me looking at disappeared.

To this day lm still perplexed about it.

Hi Alessandra,

I'm going to be 50 in a few days, so I've had a lot of stuff happen to me over the years too! I've seen something that may be like your "crystal body." I described it at the time as looking like the shimmer off a hot road in the summer, but it does have sort of a multicolored look to it.

It was a head and shoulders standing next to me (I was at work, and it was a crazy busy day. I'd had a weird feeling for a while when I noticed this). I saw it in my peripheral vision on my right, and did a doubletake. It was still there, so I stopped and watched it for a few seconds. At first I could see the head was turned funny, but I couldn't tell if it was looking at me or away from me, as there were no features, just this shimmery look.

As I watched, it turned its head back forward (at this point it appeared it had been looking at me), took a few steps, or should I say, floated away a few steps, and slowly faded as it went. I smiled, silently grateful for being able to see it, and went back to work. I didn't tell a soul, because I would have freaked people out bigtime.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 03:09 AM
Hello, Man I don't even know where too begin lol.. I'm new on this site btw, this is my first post.. I've witnessed a lot of crazy things throughout my life.. It all started when I was just a child around the age of five. It was me and my sister ( she's a couple years older than me) my mom and dad. The house I grew up in was about a hundred fifty years old. It caught fire in the nineteen hundreds , but was restored.. Me and my sister had a few friends, a little boy about my age and two little girls. The strange thing about our playmates is they always stayed in the shadows and they never wanted to talk to mom and dad.. I didn't know they were ghost, I was too young to understand.. I used to talk too the little boy in the closet and he would be in the bathroom while I was using it. We had a antique dresser droor with long legs across from the toilet. He would be sitting under it and all I could ever see was his face. I don't remember what we would talk about but I remember the way he whispered. The little ghost girls never said much too me but they played with my sister . (I need to go ahead and state that everything I write in this post is TRUE. I know what it sounds like, I've read plenty of post like this on here and I just took it with a grain of salt.. This is my life and I just need to put it out there. So I apologise if it's to lengthy) .. Okay back too it. Those children died in the fire along with there parents.. I didn't even find out about the fire till my mom told me when I was 13. That house was so freaking evil. The air even had a thickness to it. It was like the house itself was alive. I witnessed my dad lose his mind in that God forsaken place. Despite being a Vietnam veteran and losing his first wife to a car accident.. He was a bad alcoholic back then and he was also addicted to lottery and gambling. Him and mom fought all the time. Here I am about seven now, my dad comes running through the house screaming. . He's screaming his ex wife's name begging her to leave him alone , were all scared. .. He's six foot three, two hundred and fifty pounds of man and he's crying like a baby. Telling mom " she's trying to take me with her" .. anyhow Mom gets him calmed down. The next day my sister is looking for one of her shoes or something. She looks under my mom's bed, and there is my dad's ex laying under the bed with a big evil grin. Staring my sister in the face.. I'll never forget the way my sister screamed that day.. I got so much more to tell but my fingers are tired. I'll write more soon.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: tipsyk

Holy Moley!!!

Welcome to ATS and my thread. What a way to start your membership!
I appreciate you choosing my thread to begin your addictive journey here.

What a terrible experience for you and your sister! And your dad!

I bet that wasn't really his ex-wife; more likely a demon impersonating her. They know what really freaks us out the most, and that's how they appear to us, to cause the most fearful and upsetting experience we could have.

That's sad about the kids and their parents dying in the fire. I hope they have found their way to the light and crossed over by now.

Old houses have always freaked me out. With so much history, there's bound to be some ghosts lurking around. It wouldn't be that bad if they minded their own business, but they always have at least one evil spirit, or a demon, that loves to scare people, it seems.

Do you still have the ability to see and talk with ghosts/spirits?

I look forward to hearing more of your stories. Awesome!

Just a little tip: when making your posts, put some spaces between every four or five sentences. It makes it easier to read, and you'll find that if you don't, people will skip over it without reading it.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 11:30 AM
My experiences have been mostly astral projecting and remote influencing. Both I can do with little to know effort. I have been told by others that I am like a beacon. I can talk, see, hear, and smell spirits good and bad. I have too many stories about those to get into on here. I have learned over the years how to tune them out when I don't want to be bothered.

But my most baffling experience has been with, well I'm not sure what to call it.

Let me give you some examples. I had twisted my knee and over the years it began to wear down and I needed surgery. Nothing major just a lateral release. After which I had a nice brace from my thigh to my ankle. A friend of mine was reading me about my leg. It was all in good fun. A couple of weeks later he was wearing a similar brace. I asked what happened and he said he had a lateral release but had no one knee problems before. We laughed and said it was a coincidence.

Another incident happened when I bit my lip badly. A female co-worker said I should contain my lip, like it was herpes or something. She made a big deal out of the situation but I went in with my day. A couple days later she had a lip fungus caused by sand flies. It was so bad that she kept her mouth completely covered for weeks lol.

Another incident is when I burned my tongue. I was telling a friend and they made sure I felt like a crazy person for doing so. It didn't bother me much. Within a few minutes they had burned themselves with a cigarette right in front of me. It looked looked like the cigarette flew in the air after being lit.

I have many many more. To include deaths and
Other things. Not sure what this is but it has been with me since I was a child. I can't remember my childhood at all until I hit age 15 or so. I thought might be remote influencing on some level.
edit on 5-12-2014 by remotev1 because: spell

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: remotev1

Welcome to the thread Remotev1.

That's interesting.

I have noticed myself that when someone does something to cause me harm, either mentally, or physically, something bad happens to them within a few days. This has happened for years!
I don't wish anyone bad "luck", it just seems to happen.

Is it the power of our mind at work in our sub-conscious, or do we have help "out there" from someone pulling some strings?

Thank you for sharing with us.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 06:53 PM

I thought I had a couple of new members that were coming back to share more experiences with us.
Where did you guys disappear to?

Yay! More flags! I only need 7 more to reach my goal! WooHoo!

edit on 12/8/2014 by sled735 because: add comment

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: sled735

Yea I still can see and hear things from other realms, but not as much as when I was a kid.. It's all about conditioning your mind and spirit and lowering and raising your vibrational output and receptor.. Not too get too deep into that lol but I can teach people how. Just drop me a line and ask or I'll write a future post about it.

I can see now that you are very wise my friend.. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that indeed it was a demon, they all were. I'm saying this because the activity in the house worsened afterwards. Not only that.. These things have been following me throughout life. I also do not beleave in ghost, being a Southern Baptist and a realist.. I think our souls are held in a different realm below the gates of heaven. They are not too enter heaven or be cast into the abiss until the day of judgment. ( this is just a theory of mine, I could be wrong)..

Corelating the above paragraph, I do however know that there are Cherubims or Angels.. and Demons and there are different ranks and jobs they have.. There is a global deception happening right now and the Lord has given Satan power too trick the world so that only his true faithful ones can enter his kingdom.. so too everyone who reads this take heed... look for the signs and listen too the world..Amen bless`ed be the Lord who is slow to anger.. full of love and great power.. Lord I prey that those who read this call on the name of your son Jesus Christ and ask him into there hearts, and Lord I prey that they have great understanding and wisdom when reading my story, that they will know my testimony is TRUE and be urged to call your name AMEN!!!

Alright guys lets start where I left off, when my sister seen the demon under the bed.. After this things got worse in the house and My mother and father also changed. This evil invited itself in I think because my dad lived a double life. He would get out of church on Sunday night. Monday morning he would get drunk, beat on my mother and us, and gamble away all the money we had. Which was very little. We were the poorest people in our neighborhood. So the evil found a flaw in our lives and it spread like a sickness..

One night while we were asleep dad stole the power bill money from my mom. It was money given to us by the church to keep our power on, and that was all she had... He was going to use it gambling at a dog track race and get him some beer. Needless to say he got his beer but he wrecked his truck on a dirt road he took so he could drink and avoid the law. The Lord didn't like what he had done. He used someone's phone and called my mother too come get him...

I remember mom waking us up. She took us to our aunt's to stay the night, and she was off to get him. The rest of this night was told to me by mom when I got older.

She said she stopped to get gas and found out the money was gone outta her purse. she instantly knew what was up. she got very upset and started crying saying "I can't believe he stole money from the church"

By the time she got there she was histericle. he had pushed the truck on a cut off so nobody would see it. She said she was so angry she didn't even ask if he was alright. she screamed and demanded the money and he yelled back saying that it was gone. He told her to slide over and let him drive but she refused due to him being drunk as a skunk. Needless to say he physically made her move ( without going into detail)

She told me with all the emotions running through her and after getting beat on that night she would never forget how wicked he looked. His eyes weren't the normal baby blue. His pupils were slits like a snake..He turned into the devil she said. They faught while going down the road and screamed at one another.. He blurted out YOU STUPID B@@CH I SHOULD JUST KILL YOU!! And slammed on the brakes. Reached for the dash to get the pistol they kept there and mom jumped out swiftly avoiding him.

He screamed where's my gun and hoped out running towards her.. and she yells stop or I'm gonna shoot you! so he did naturally. She said he looked angry and deformed at this point. His face was all twisted up and stuff was morphing under his skin. It was such pure evil she could feel it to the bone.. It wasn't my dad looking at her. she made him get in the driver's seat while she got in the back passenger seat. She said drive me home you devil pointing the gun at him. A black fog came pouring out of his nose and mouth and it went rite through the window with it rolled up. Dad looked back at her amazed to see her with a gun and asked what happened. She still wouldn't lower it and made him bring her back to my aunt's with us.

She had too beg my aunt not to call the police on him because she had a black eye when she got there. We went home the next day..

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: tipsyk

Fast forward till I was about 12 years old, My mom and dad got divorced. I shouldn't have to explain why. She got with a man named Danny. He was nice and he treated her well. He did drink but he seemed like a good guy then. My mom started to get sick about a year after being with him. So bad to where she couldn't walk and was bed ridden. She had ostheo porosus a bone deteriorating disease, a strictured esophagus and ulsers all the way down into her stomach.(She ultimately had to have a feeding tube too eat but not untill later on)

We still lived in that crazy house, one night I hear her scream stop and Jesus help me! We run in there and we thought she was having a bad dream but she was staring at the floor in front of her bed trying to get up. She said in the middle of the night she woke up hearing strange noises. She looked at the floor where the slithering sound was coming from and there was this thing crouched on all fours (I guess) it was all black and it came up her floorboards to her feet. It tried to pull me out of my body she said.

She said it somehow hooked into her feet and like a vaccume tried to snatch her sole. It ran whenever she asked jesus too help.. These are the ones I hate because I encounter them all the time. There energy vampires oftenly refered to as shadow people. I'll write about them later on.

I never really stayed home during my teenage years much, All I had on my mind is girls and partying lol.. I experienced a couple things. Like when me and a friend were walking down the road at night. I look over at something bright in the sky as soon as I did it flashed so bright it lit the whole sky up in that direction. I looked at him and his mouth was wide open in shock and he said man did you just see that? We knew it was a UFO..

I was about 21 when I started having frequent things happen. I stayed at another friends house for a while. He stayed out in the country and was a paranoid type individual. So he had cameras outside. He left the survailance screen on tv at night. one night we had allot of things happen on it.

I woke up late one night too go use the bathroom. My buddy was on the other couch adjacent from me asleep. I look at the tv and its raining outside. On the corner of his house I notice there is a small glowing dot roaming around in his tall grass. I hollar at Robert to wake up and look. He looks up and says man it's just an animal, the camera makes there eyes Shine. and starts to roll over when something wierd happens...

let me see how I can describe it... in the center of the view is a street lamp. To the left is his driveway and the right is the corner of the house...Anyhow the streetlamp gets really bright.. the light somehow disconnects from the pole and moves around the screen freely. It comes to a stop in the middle of the screen and floats up to the top of the screen. we're looking at eachother confused and suddenly a translucent face appears. The light is in the middle of her forehead and she is wearing a shall. Amazed he said what I was thinking .. It's Mother Mary.. Her eyes opened and brightness shined out of them. It looked like her lips were moving but we couldn't make anything out of it.

Thinking back on it I should've took this as a warning of what was to come.. Mother Mary's face faded into the black and white screen and the streetlight floated back down to where it was supposed to be.. We run outside and everything looks normal, but there is rustling in the woods and whisper and clicking sounds.

We go in to grab some flashlights and the screen stops us. On the corner of his house there is a translucent grey alien (another demon) with its back up against the house completely still. Another one fades into view, It's a full facial of one. It had an evil grin. The light started moving again and the clicking and whispering noises were all around us. I see something move out of the corner of my eye. It was a shadow demon. My first encounter with my everyday stalker. he was peeping around the bedroom door at me. He was the darkest black I've ever seen.

He didn't have red eyes or a top hat, but he had what appeared to be little balls of fire glistening around within him, and the black was like static bouncing around and about the area he was in. Even though it didn't have eyes I knew it was staring through me. I seen it for a split second and it was gone. It freaked me out and my buddy too. I was sure something was about to happen so I pulled my six inch buck knife out and clenched it tightly.

We sat there to afraid to speak for about what seemed like forever. Glancing around every corner and out Windows. Shadows were whooshing around us. light filaments were bouncing through the air. Robert frantically calls a buddy to come get us and he shows up within minutes. while going to get in his truck we shine our lights around the yard. I see something down in his horse pasture. I've got my light dead on it and I tell them to look. It was what looked like two beings crouched down beside one another. They were behind a tall weed patch. everytime I took the light off them they stood and inched closer up the hill.

then when I would shine it back on them. they would crouch back down and step back slowly. I did this for a couple minutes until Robert and his friend said they were gonna check it out. I stayed at the top of the hill while they jumped the gate. something crawled through the grass right in front of me. it was super fast and transparent but it had an outline. I jump backwards and look at Robert and them. They start running at the things in the pasture.

the things stumbled to there feet and I heard two loud thugs from Robert and his friends flashlights. I seen the two beings hit the ground and disappear. the scream for me to come look and I did. where the things fell the ground was burnt white. we ran to the truck and I've never been back there again.

I will write more later

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: tipsyk


I'm speechless!

First, allow me to say, I'm very happy your mom divorced your dad. She should have done it much sooner, IMO.
That is really freaky how she saw the demon coming out of him in the car. WOW!
I don't recall anyone posting that they have witnessed this on this thread.

You don't still live in that house, do you? Does she? If so, it's time to skedaddle! That place is pure E-V-I-L!!
Something terrible must have happened there in the past. Do you know the history of the place, other than the fire? I bet if you dig back further you'll find that people were murdered there, or it was the site of a war battle, or something terrible!

As for the UFO and grays, I do believe there is other life out there, and I believe we are being visited. There have been too many people with abduction stories experiencing the same thing in the craft for me to think they are all demons, although some may be demons impersonating them here on earth.

Absolutely incredible experiences!!! Wow... just wow!!!

Thank you so much for sharing with us. I look forward to the rest you have to tell.

I just came home from work and have to go to sleep soon. Wish me luck, after reading this!

edit on 12/9/2014 by sled735 because: add comment

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 10:08 AM
Na reply to: sled735

No we moved away from there when I was 14, My mom sold the house to a guy in our neighborhood.. He demolished it soon after lol.. Moms in a nursing home now, I don't think she has had anything paranormal happen since, and I'm glad because she's had a rough life..

What about you, have you had paranormal things happen in your life?

Good luck
I will write more soon

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: tipsyk

What about you, have you had paranormal things happen in your life?

Uh... You haven't read much of my thread have you?

Just, all my life; a little bit of most everything.
I have different experiences posted throughout the entire thread. Some I had forgotten about until a member here would post something to spark my memory.
Too many to post about again. If you ever get time, you can read through the tread. I know that would be a big challenge!
I have several toward the first of the thread though, so you should come across them early on.
Or, you can click on the little person under my avatar, then choose "posts in thread" to see only my posts.

Can't wait to see what else you post.

Glad the house has been torn down! But that only means the demons have been released to move in on someone else.

Give you mom a big hug from me next time you see her. Tell her she has a friend "out there" that sends her love.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: sled735

wow sled's thread is starting to get epic. Just wanted to stop by and say hello to most of the folks on the paranormal thread of ATS. Hope you all having a happy holiday.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: Nemox42

starting to get epic? My thread has been epic since page 1.

Got any stories of your own to share?

Thanks for dropping in to see us and wish us happy holidays. Same to you.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: sled735

Stories. I got many. Wanna talk about an interesting one? The world we believe we see, hear, feel and sense. Is actually a cover for what really is out there. Science itself is barely scratching the surface of what is the whole picture. Dimensions, planes of existence, parallel realities, etc. Our universe is one slice of bread in what is a bakery. What truly is out there we don't understand might be perceived as paranormal or supernatural but in reality, we just never understood it to begin with.

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: Nemox42

Absolutely! I agree. And with quantum physicists making so many "ground breaking" discoveries as of late, I don't think it will be much longer until they discover "proof" of the existence of the other dimensions/astral planes.
I've had experiences, and also witnessed others jumping from point "a" to point "b" with no visible time in between, in order to avoid a terrible, possible fatal, accident.

Yes, things beyond our earthly pea-brain understanding happens every day.

So... let's hear some of your stories.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: sled735

hmmm....ill rehash a story that happen to me awhile back ago.

Well I work part-time as a real estate agent. Recently, I took a client of mine to look at some homes out in southern California. I don't want to name the city or location of the house to keep the privacy of the owners. But anyways, me and my client arrive at the location. Now the house was already vacant, When we first entered the house, I made sure to walk around and call out to make sure no one was home. The place was vacant as all the furniture was gone, place was cleaned out. Now how the house is situated, its two-story, newly remodeled so the inside of the house was fairly new, but the outside of the house you could tell the house had some years on it maybe built back in the 60-70s. In the middle of the house is a short spiral staircase that leads directly to the master bedroom which is directly above the kitchen.

As me and client finish checking out the bottom floor and headed up the spiral case into the masterbed room. We both stood there talking to each other about the house in general, when we both distinctly heard the sound of the kitchen glass door open and someone walk in. The floor is carpet, and makes the distinctive carpet noise when you walk on it. I told my client to shush for a sec, as we both hear the glass door open down stairs and heavy foot steps walk into the house. Now at this point, I think it might be the owners or another set of clients looking at the property. It only took me less then 10 secs to run down the spiral stair onto the second floor and to face the kitchen. When I got down there, I was expecting to see someone down there, but there wasn't anyone there. The kitchen glass door was locked. I walked around in the house and rooms again to make sure someone hadn't slip in, and saw no one. I walked outside to check the drive way and yard to see the entire place empty except for me and the client. Now at this point, I started to get that heavy eerie feeling that we were being watched and we weren't alone so, the client and me took the cue and left.

At this point, the client and me haven't said anything about spooky experience, but after a word of silence, the client mention to me that something was definitely spooky about that place, both of believing it was haunted. I nodded my head and agreed, working as a real estate agent, I've come to realize that some people dead or alive, refuse to leave their homes sometimes.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 06:18 PM
What strange and intriguing accounts. I find them very hard to believe however!

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: Nemox42

Yes, they certainly do refuse to leave sometimes.
At one time I almost got involved in selling real estate, but then chose a different career path. I've often wondered if any of those houses they show on House Hunters on t.v. are haunted? Some of them certainly look like it!

I wouldn't want to run up on a ghost when showing a house like you did; that would be very scary.
I don't mind the ghost I have here because I know it's friendly, but you never know what you're dealing with at some strange house.

Thanks for sharing.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: SonoftheFuture
What strange and intriguing accounts. I find them very hard to believe however!

Welcome, SonoftheFuture.

Yes, some are about as "far out there" as one can stretch the imagination, but I have had such things to happen to me that I wouldn't believe otherwise, so, who are we to say it didn't happen to them?

I am here to offer support by giving people a place to be heard without ridicule, so I just do what I can do, and hopefully, if I can't help, someone else that sees their story can.
Sometimes it just helps to talk about it and realize we aren't alone, you know?

May I inquire which story(s) you were referring to?

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 11:12 PM
If any1 is predisposed to the paranormal, then it is quite common to have multiple and ongoing paranormal experiences

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