posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 03:47 PM
Originally posted by absolutely
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13
im sorry ophiuchus but u r clearly meaning loving the plus of a creation so unconsciously at least u enjoy the sense of being free from lies ways so u
end opposed to truth, im not judging but im just meaning existence that cant b but true
I appreciate your input it helps me understand. 1 really felt LOVE would assit in this universal containment device and thanks for the truth I know
what you mean its like I feel a way but there may be a more sinister plot in the air and thats fine. I tend to walk a seperate path from many
universal energies not ego related just the way I am, so I tend to feel different then many but I dont look down on what I am learning or feel its
impossible to consider its just something in ME feels this universe doesnt want non love force upon ALL* thats all absolutely. You seem to feel or
come off more like what is known is known and this is truth and the metaphysical is somewhat fake if not at all existent and I can understand. Thanks
for sharing with me.
edit on 2/22/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)