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Iranian scientists wisdow: "'Sought Israel's Annihilation"

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posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:33 PM

The wife of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, an Iranian nuclear scientist who was assassinated in Tehran in January, said Tuesday that her husband "sought the annihilation of the Zionist regime wholeheartedly," according to Iran's semi-official Fars news agency.

"Mostafa's ultimate goal was the annihilation of Israel," the agency quoted Fatemeh Bolouri Kashani as saying Tuesday.

Bolouri Kashani also underlined that her spouse "loved any resistance figure in his life who was willing to fight the Zionist regime and supported the rights of the oppressed Palestinian nation."

The report belies attempts by Iran to claim that its nuclear program is not military in nature.

Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan is described as "a chemistry professor and a deputy director of commerce at Natanz uranium enrichment facility." Fars says he was killed by Mossad agents, who used a method of attack similar to that used against Iranian nuclear scientist Massoud Ali Mohammadi in January 2010, as well as scientists Fereidoun Abbassi Davani and Majid Shahriari. Abbasi Davani survived the attack, but Shahriari died. Yet another Iranian scientist, Dariush Rezaeinejad, was assassinated by the same method in July of 2011.


Well this sure does cripple the argument that Iran's nuclear program is for "peaceful purposes". If an Iranian scientists widow even claims that her husband worked for the destruction of the Zionist state, then that must then mean, beyond any doubt, that this subject matter is widely discussed amongst Iranians, particularly those involved in the nuclear program and the government. This also shouldn't be surprising, since in Iran, were dealing with an Islamic state, one naturally predisposed to opposing a Jewish state in a realm considered Islamic terrirtory. This should provide a clear rationale for why Iran's nuclear program probably doesn't have peaceful intentions in mind.

And since I know there will be those amongst you who will doubt the veracity of this article, here's the article from the FAR's website.Link

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:47 PM
Not saying that it isn't true, but I'd like to see more agencies reporting it. I don't think something that originally comes out of FNA is official.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by dontreally
OK, a few points here:

1) The source definitely seems prone to bias
2) I don't see any cited sources for the claims and statements in the article, just "this is what was said..."
3) Notice the focus on "zionist regime," "Israel," and "the rights of the oppressed Palestinian nation" - if you're going to take this as a claim for militaristic intent of Iran's nuclear program, you're also going to take it as Iran being willing to NUKE said Palestinians who live IN Israel?

I don't think anyone who's paying attention isn't already aware that most muslims have political grievances with the political state Israel and their perceived treatment of the arabs/muslims who live there - but to make a leap to them wanting to develop nuclear weapons to use against Israel continues to strike me as the epitome of silliness, seeing as how:
- they would obviously be targeting the palestinians the dispute is primarily based on in collateral fashion (a big no-no in Islam),
- at least some of Israel's own intelligence experts believe any possible desire for the nuke on Iran's part is for deterrent purposes (and that Iran IS acting rationally as they are *not* suicidal)
- a whole host of other sources continues to be unable to prove any desire or actual work toward a weaponized nuclear program anyway - including the IAEA (whom Iran continues to make overtures to for further inspections, including facilities previously off-limits), our own NIEs, our own Secretary of Defense, and others.

Yes, a good many muslims don't like the political state of Israel - but they also don't want to kill palestinians, destroy their own holy sites/land, or invite their own destruction...barring further provocation or threat from outside, anyway. Can we stop beating this horse now?
edit on 2/22/2012 by Praetorius because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:57 PM

according to Iran's semi-official Fars news agency.

Before the Hate Israel crowd shows up to say this is all Israeli propaganda.

Now we know for a fact that Iran wants a nuclear weapon and what they want it for.

I only hope God and the IDF crush Iran's nuclear program before its to late.

This coincides with Iran talking about preemptive strikes and telling the U.N. to go pound sand.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:57 PM
Hey! I'm an athiest and I'd wholeheartedly support the destruction of the Zionist regime as well.

It's no different to wanting regime change anywhere else really, something our own governments, along with the Zionist Israeli government, are guilty of many times over. Along with the mass destruction of human life they care little about creating in their aim for domination.
Bottom line is, Iran should be judged on it's actions, NOT words. If we used actions as a measure of a state's intentions, then the Israeli state would have been removed a long time ago for it's abuses and constant breaking of ingternational laws and UN resolutions, which other states must comply with.

So, all we have here then is another pointless hit piece. Just one of the many being written daily by those pushing for war, in which they want others to die, but are too cowardly to put their own lives on the line for their cause!

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 01:00 PM
Well i'd take this with a huge pinch of salt.

One opinion of a wife of a worker for a factory does not a nation make. (ok, he was a scientist but he was still a worker)

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Praetorius
reply to post by dontreally
OK, a few points here:

you're also going to take it as Iran being willing to NUKE said Palestinians who live IN Israel?

The Arabs and Persians have never given two craps about the Arabs in Israel and that is a fact. If they did they would give them money to help them and not only if they keep attacking Israel.

They also have more land than the Arabs in Israel will ever need but they will not take them in to keep the problem active. Your so called Palestinians are locked in camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

The Arabs in Iran think its their destiny to wipe out Israel, one way or the other. Arabs see it as a victory if half of the Arab world is sacrificed to wipe out Israel.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Your post and it's source is beyond misleading. It insinuates that this guy admitted to his wife he was working on nukes to destroy israel.

What it ACTUALLY says is this guy (who I happen to agree with) didn't like this israeli govt. (no different than those who want Obama out of office). Big deal. Nor does it say that he was working on nuclear weapons.

Nice try.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

3) Notice the focus on "zionist regime," "Israel," and "the rights of the oppressed Palestinian nation" - if you're going to take this as a claim for militaristic intent of Iran's nuclear program, you're also going to take it as Iran being willing to NUKE said Palestinians who live IN Israel?

Here's the pertinent points of the article (or revelation, rather): A nuclear scientists wife says her husband worked to see the annihilation of Israel. Since he was a nuclear scientist, these two points are brought together - nukes, and israel's demise. Therefore, Israel is PERFECTLY justified in perceiving an existential threat in Iran's nuclear program.

And BTW, bombing Tel Aviv, Haifa or Jaffah, would just kill Jews. Those cities have scant Arab populations.

- they would obviously be targeting the palestinians the dispute is primarily based on in collateral fashion (a big no-no in Islam),

What on earth are you talking about? The cities threatened aren't in the west Bank or Jerusalem, but those predominantly and chiefly Jewish cities: Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beersheva, Ashkelon, Natanya etc. One nuke isn't going to blow up the entire state, nor would they be interested in that. They could wipe out Israel by blowing to smithereens it's economic center i.e. the Tel Aviv-Haifa region. And that would be the end of it.

at least some of Israel's own intelligence experts believe any possible desire for the nuke on Iran's part is for deterrent purposes (and that Iran IS acting rationally as they are *not* suicidal)

Which is why the Nuclear scientist believed he was building a bomb for the purpose of "annihilating the Jewish state"?

You people will find an excuse for anything it appears.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Patriotsrevenge

The Arabs in Iran think its their destiny to wipe out Israel, one way or the other. Arabs see it as a victory if half of the Arab world is sacrificed to wipe out Israel.

Fair enough claims, but I'd like some explanation and substantiation for them.

First off, if they don't care about the palestinians, why worry about Israel? It's obviously not a problem just with jews, since the political issues didn't really start arising until the last century when jews started immigrating back to that area - prior to that, it's been a less tense relationship than many others, and Iran still holds the 3rd-largest jewish population of any country in the world, which gets along fairly well.

Secondly, if that's that and it's as simple and plain as you say, then why is Israel so often the primary aggressor against the palestinians, and other arab nations in general? Feel free to check out the injury and death totals from Cast Lead and just in a general historical sense, as well as the beginning of the Six Day War. Israel may seek to play the victim, but their actions and the numbers seem to suggest otherwise (additionally, their very aggressive spying against the US itself, 3rd only behind China and Russia, doesn't speak well as to their peaceful desires).

I'm not going to say I've got a clear view of the situation - but I think most others I interact with on the topic need to confess the same. It is not a cut-and-dried situation with the muslims being the bad guys.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Patriotsrevenge

according to Iran's semi-official Fars news agency.

Before the Hate Israel crowd shows up to say this is all Israeli propaganda.

Now we know for a fact that Iran wants a nuclear weapon and what they want it for.

I only hope God and the IDF crush Iran's nuclear program before its to late.

This coincides with Iran talking about preemptive strikes and telling the U.N. to go pound sand.

I'm failing to see any "facts" here. Maybe you should show us these facts. I see a lot of heresay, and supposition, but no actual facts.

If we are going to take what a few people say or do as representation of the whole country, well you had best look at the US. Take what the average joe says (like you are doing here), and paint the entire country with it. Let's use you as an example, you are not a fan of Arabs, so therefore the entire US hates arabs. That must mean the entire country will support a war against all arabs. We could policiticians. Rick Santorum seems to be a true blue bible thumper. So that must mean that the entire US is a theocracy and they all hate everything outside of Christian doctorine. Painting everyone with the same brush leads to dangerous ideas.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 01:21 PM
This is as factual as the reader wants to believe.
2nd line

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Here's the pertinent points of the article (or revelation, rather): A nuclear scientists wife says her husband worked to see the annihilation of Israel. Since he was a nuclear scientist, these two points are brought together - nukes, and israel's demise.

OK, I can grant you that much. Then the issue merely becomes proving that they're actually working toward nuclear weapons in the first place, they're willing to invite their own destruction, and that the assessments of various US and Israeli intelligence sources are incorrect...

Therefore, Israel is PERFECTLY justified in perceiving an existential threat in Iran's nuclear program.

If you say so, although Mossad chief Tamir Pardo has lamented the overly-free use of the term and stated that it ISN'T such, as well as other of their own current and former intelligence experts essentially saying everyone should just simmer down and look at this a bit more rationally than a good many americans and politicians on both sides want to - which strikes me as ironic.

And BTW, bombing Tel Aviv, Haifa or Jaffah, would just kill Jews. Those cities have scant Arab populations...

...What on earth are you talking about? The cities threatened aren't in the west Bank or Jerusalem, but those predominantly and chiefly Jewish cities: Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beersheva, Ashkelon, Natanya etc. One nuke isn't going to blow up the entire state, nor would they be interested in that. They could wipe out Israel by blowing to smithereens it's economic center i.e. the Tel Aviv-Haifa region. And that would be the end of it.

Thanks for that, granted I'm not too up to speed on some of the aspects here, beyond knowing that Iran attacking any of these sites as such would see them promptly blown back to the stone age.

Which is why the Nuclear scientist believed he was building a bomb for the purpose of "annihilating the Jewish state"?

Oh, I must have missed the part of the article that said he was working on the bomb. My apologies.

You people will find an excuse for anything it appears.

Yes, I'll often look for excuses to not pay so much attention to what *politicians* are saying and instead focus on the words of the intelligence and military experts themselves. Terrible, I know. I'll even admit trying to find excuses for us not to go into Iraq back in 2003. Stupid me...
edit on 2/22/2012 by Praetorius because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 01:31 PM
If I worked for Lockheed Martin on a special bomber, and after I die my wife is quoted as saying, "He really wished the Iranian Government was nuked!"

Does that implicate Lockheed, the Government,etc?

edit on 22-2-2012 by PaxVeritas because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

Thanks for that, granted I'm not too up to speed on some of the aspects here, beyond knowing that Iran attacking any of these sites as such would see them promptly blown back to the stone age.

If Iran were to nuke Tel-Aviv, Haifa etc, that would in effect destroy the Jewish/Zionist state. Muslims the world over would cheer in elation, that the dreaded 'zionist enemy', who apparently circumvents world peace (even though problems in middle east predate the creation of the Jewish state a few would be better guided to blame the problems in the middle east on a mixture of colonialist exploitation and Islamic ineptitude) was finally gone.

So while there would certainly be vociferous condemnation from the west, Israel would have been destroyed, and millions of Jews, killed. To many, this would be well worth the consequences. In addition, Islam believes (and Iran actively promulgates) that before the coming of the 12th and final Mahdi, the world will be flung into a state of chaos. So perhaps there's a sense of manifest destiny that Iran attack Israel (or Saudi Arabia, since this has also been considered as a means to permanently impair the world's economy, and the life-blood of the western world).

Oh, I must have missed the part of the article that said he was working on the bomb. My apologies.

Is this sarcasm? Mossad killed him for a reason. They don't just wipe out nuclear scientists for the hell of it.

Yes, I'll often look for excuses to not pay so much attention to what *politicians* are saying and instead focus on the words of the intelligence and military experts themselves. Terrible, I know.

Or, you're fixed in your views and you don't want to change them. This is pretty cogent evidence that Iran's nuclear program has weaponization in mind. And yet you still seek to extenuate their guilt.

And on another note; the fact this is even mentioned in Iranian media shows how little care or respect they have for those liberals shills who go out on the limb to defend their intentions as pure, and how sincere the Iranian desire is to obliterate the Jewish state from the annuls of time.
edit on 22-2-2012 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by dontreally

If Iran were to nuke Tel-Aviv, Haifa etc, that would in effect destroy the Jewish/Zionist state. Muslims the world over would cheer in elation, that the dreaded 'zionist enemy', who apparently circumvents world peace (even though problems in middle east predate the creation of the Jewish state a few would be better guided to blame the problems in the middle east on a mixture of colonialist exploitation and Islamic ineptitude) was finally gone.

So while there would certainly be vociferous condemnation from the west, Israel would have been destroyed, and millions of Jews, killed. To many, this would be well worth the consequences. In addition, Islam believes (and Iran actively promulgates) that before the coming of the 12th and final Mahdi, the world will be flung into a state of chaos. So perhaps there's a sense of manifest destiny that Iran attack Israel (or Saudi Arabia, since this has also been considered as a means to permanently impair the world's economy, and the life-blood of the western world).

Bear with me - I can definitely see any attack on these cities being a strong blow to Israel, but I don't see how it would destroy the political structure or 'regime' itself - I don't see the Knesset and whatnot yielding and packing up shop. That's like saying a nuclear strike on NYC would destroy the US (feel free to add in a few other financial/commercial centers as appropriate to make up for volume, etc.).

Agreed about the state of the middle east in general. As far as Iran's beliefs re: mahdi, it's easy enough to see fulfillment of that by our own doing, honestly, and even without it. I won't delve too far into islamic eschatology here as application to the current situation is basically supposition and hypothesizing on our part, not really having much to do with the actual intelligence consensus (and actually contradicting that of the Israeli experts).

Is this sarcasm? Mossad killed him for a reason. They don't just wipe out nuclear scientists for the hell of it.

Only a little bit, but I'll apologize. Been one of those days - I can agree with this, but then we just have to figure out why: just following orders? Some other incentive to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear energy? Various other possible reasons? As I've mentioned, Mossad and others are generally the ones advising to cool down and that Iran's not really doing anything crazy, isn't an existential threat, and is looking for deterrent capacity.

Or, you're fixed in your views and you don't want to change them. This is pretty cogent evidence that Iran's nuclear program has weaponization in mind. And yet you still seek to extenuate their guilt.

No, I'm more than willing to change my views as actual evidence drives me to - I've already done it with the Israel/palestine situation and muslims in general (having been raised in a fairly typical christian household believing the palestinians are just troublemakers and all muslims are terrorists, etc.).

As far as I can tell based on available info I've come across, anyway, this cogent evidence seems limited to some computer research Iran had previously been conducting as discovered by the IAEA - which stopped in 2003, if I recall correctly - and the statements of this woman.

On the other side, we have the rest of the info from the IAEA's investigations, our own National Intelligence Estimates, our nuclear energy analysts (re: the recent hype over the 20%-enriched rods), the statements of Leon Panetta, and Haaretz reporting on the 18th of last month that Israel sees nothing indicating Iran's decided to build the bomb/delivery system, and Barak stating that "It's certainly not urgent".

And on another note; the fact this is even mentioned in Iranian media shows how little care or respect they have for those liberals shills who go out on the limb to defend their intentions as pure, and how sincere the Iranian desire is to obliterate the Jewish state from the annuls of time.

I guess you could look at it that way, but the sincerity of the view has never been in question or hidden as far as I'm aware, so why would they bother? It's a political dispute between them and Israel (Israel being MORE than able to take care of itself, as they themselves often state), and doesn't really have much of anything to do with us beyond us needing to keep an eye on things to make sure we don't cause more problems than we're solving, and are ready to repel and respond to any actual threats accordingly.

I hate having to say it, but Iran's not the one with the bad track record in the region over the last few decades, and their transgressions have political explanations reaching directly back to their openly-stated issue with Israel.

Will I defend their known faults? Of course not, but I won't do such for us or Israel either

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 04:02 PM
Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan

Do we actually have any genuine proof that he was even killed ?

Or that he was even there in the first place ?

Or even that he was ever a nuclear scientist in the first place.

This could be another puppet illusion.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by dontreally

her husband "sought the annihilation of the Zionist regime wholeheartedly,"

Methinks she doth protest too much.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by dontreally

The wife of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, an Iranian nuclear scientist who was assassinated in Tehran in January, said Tuesday that her husband "sought the annihilation of the Zionist regime wholeheartedly," according to Iran's semi-official Fars news agency.

"Mostafa's ultimate goal was the annihilation of Israel," the agency quoted Fatemeh Bolouri Kashani as saying Tuesday.

Bolouri Kashani also underlined that her spouse "loved any resistance figure in his life who was willing to fight the Zionist regime and supported the rights of the oppressed Palestinian nation."

The report belies attempts by Iran to claim that its nuclear program is not military in nature.

Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan is described as "a chemistry professor and a deputy director of commerce at Natanz uranium enrichment facility." Fars says he was killed by Mossad agents, who used a method of attack similar to that used against Iranian nuclear scientist Massoud Ali Mohammadi in January 2010, as well as scientists Fereidoun Abbassi Davani and Majid Shahriari. Abbasi Davani survived the attack, but Shahriari died. Yet another Iranian scientist, Dariush Rezaeinejad, was assassinated by the same method in July of 2011.


Well this sure does cripple the argument that Iran's nuclear program is for "peaceful purposes". If an Iranian scientists widow even claims that her husband worked for the destruction of the Zionist state, then that must then mean, beyond any doubt, that this subject matter is widely discussed amongst Iranians, particularly those involved in the nuclear program and the government. This also shouldn't be surprising, since in Iran, were dealing with an Islamic state, one naturally predisposed to opposing a Jewish state in a realm considered Islamic terrirtory. This should provide a clear rationale for why Iran's nuclear program probably doesn't have peaceful intentions in mind.

And since I know there will be those amongst you who will doubt the veracity of this article, here's the article from the FAR's website.Link

Well this sure does cripple the argument that Iran's nuclear program is for "peaceful purposes". If an Iranian scientists widow even claims that her husband worked for the destruction of the Zionist state, then that must then mean, beyond any doubt, that this subject matter is widely discussed amongst Iranians, particularly those involved in the nuclear program and the government. This also shouldn't be surprising, since in Iran, were dealing with an Islamic state, one naturally predisposed to opposing a Jewish state in a realm considered Islamic terrirtory. This should provide a clear rationale for why Iran's nuclear program probably doesn't have peaceful intentions in mind. And since I know there will be those amongst you who will doubt the veracity of this article, here's the article from the FAR's website.Link

Maybe, it does cripple the argument about Iran's nuclear program being for peaceful purposes, but frankly, what does it matter?

The fact is Iran is a sovereign nation and if they want to develop nuclear bombs so be it, it's their business, not the worlds. And, really it is hypocritical for the nations that are part of the nuke club, to keep their own nuclear arsenal, build it up and continue to develop and improve it, while telling other nations that are not part of the club, they can't have nukes.

Furthermore, if I was a leader of any small nation, I would be developing nukes myself, just to protect the sovereignty of my peoples nation. I mean the war in Afghanistan is a perfect example of the power of nuclear bombs to protect the sovereignty of a nation, after all the US had no problem rolling to Afghanistan like avenging angels, but when Bin laden hoped the border, the US army stopped like it hit a stone wall and began opening lines of diplomacy with Pakistan. What was that invisible wall, it was the nuke wall of course.

And as far as Iran getting nukes and threatening Israel, let them then those two nations can sit back and not openly fight, like Russia and the US during the cold war; MAD does work, and the fact is the leaders in Iran are like leaders all over the world, they love power and money more then God, so contrary to what a lot of people say they won't be nuking Israel, who will retaliate with their own nuclear arsenal full force. And if America is so worried about Israel getting nuked, then just give them the tech for a missile shield and other nuclear counter measures.

Edit* Of course if the US did just give Israel, nuclear countermeasures and missle shields, it wouldn't allow them to continue beating the drums of war and trying to turn the world on Iran and other middle east nations, allowing the US to continue to try to reshape the region in their image.

edit on 22-2-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typos

edit on 22-2-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: fixing a quote error

edit on 22-2-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typo

edit on 22-2-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: addition

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Patriotsrevenge

according to Iran's semi-official Fars news agency.

Before the Hate Israel crowd shows up to say this is all Israeli propaganda.

Now we know for a fact that Iran wants a nuclear weapon and what they want it for.

I only hope God and the IDF crush Iran's nuclear program before its to late.

This coincides with Iran talking about preemptive strikes and telling the U.N. to go pound sand.

While i do agree with you i must say one thing. The IDF ain't gonna do squat, if they were they woulda done it already instead of playing the part of the little kid trying to get his big brother to fight his battles for him. They can't even retake their temple mount and have some balls and rebuild their temple. Israel needs to find its cojones that it seems to have dropped or misplaced somewhere since 1967.

In a phrase...

edit on 22-2-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

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