If you take crystal clear water and mix it with murky muddy waters , what are you left with.?
if you are swimming in such water, beneath the surface, with your eyes open , it would be hard to see any thing , make any real distinction.even to
know what direction you are going in, you could soon become easily lost, every thing would just merge, blurr into the water , mixed in ,soon things
would look pretty much the same,
and you would just go with the flow, down stream, but its up stream you want to be going back to the garden, back to the source of life.
was there a great flood if so it would blow David ickes recent false statements his biggest claim right out of the water.
Thinking he is big enough now not only to fill wembly arena , but sweep The Lord Jesus Christ, aside under the carpet.
and trys to do so with lies and deception, he claims to be a researcher of the truth, a writer of books, and yet it took myself less than five minuets
to Google and find out he was using false information to support his claim, taking what was false a lie, but presenting it as truth,
dosnt get any more deceitful than this.
Jesus says what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul.
edit on 21-2-2012 by johnnymax because: Jesus says what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul.