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What lies after "Ascension"?

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posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:15 AM
For lack of a better word, I will be using the terms "Ascension" and/or "Enlightenment" to describe the condition of becoming the natural true Self, becoming one with God, become one with everything, the Universe, reaching the highest energetic aura, awakening, becoming Godlike, reaching Heaven, etc, etc, etc. Please do not hold these words against me. Also, I am implying that soul = consciousness.

In all actuality, these are questions that I can not answer and I wouldn't believe many or any at all could actually answer but I would like some clearer pondering and so I ask for the help of my fellow philosophical-ATSers.

Some say that becoming Enlightened could be the highest form of consciousness, perhaps one of equality with God, because you become God. To me, this would imply that that would be the end-point of your conscious evolvement. Your soul would be at (or back to) its highest possible state.

However, let us take a look at other theories that claim there is much more after this world: Some say this is a very low dimension we live in and that when we evolve to the highest consciousness of this dimension we could get placed in a higher one where we would then have a higher standard to allow us to evolve even more. This would imply that you could continue to evolve until you reach the highest dimension. [If there is a limit. Some theoretical scientists claim that there is 10 or 11 total dimension]

Now, let's assume that.. instead of the idea of "God" being the total essence of the Universe that exists in all of us, there is a hierarchy of consciousness and God remains at the crown position. God would be the creator off all, the limitless, the decider of our fate and destiny. Would that mean that if there is a God, it would be at the highest level of consciousness? The highest dimension? Would this imply there there is, in fact, a limit to God because the consciousness has stopped evolving?

Say there is 10 dimensions, and once you evolve to it, you have reached the top. The limit of your conscious growth. This would be were God would be. Now you are on par with God. You have become equal to God and essentially God itself. However, I can't imagine God or "the Universe" would allow itself to be limited in this way.

So, if God/the Universe/your consciousness does not have a limit to its growth then we could technically say that we could ascend for an unlimited amount of time. We would have no stopping point. There would be no such thing as technical fate for the soul as there would be no technical end point.

In my eyes, our souls have two fates: The first would be that we have a stopping point with nothing to "look forward to" afterwards. The second would be that we have no stopping point and that we would get no closure to our evolvement nor a "rest".

Those sound a little dreadful to me at the moment. However, I understand that if one were to become so-called "enlightened" that one probably would not care about things such as "achievements" and "advancement" and thus it really wouldn't matter.

There is the old saying:

Before Enlightenment,
chop wood, carry water.
After Enlightenment,
chop wood, carry water.

That makes it seem pointless, however. Who knows, maybe it is.

Questions in a nutshell

If God is a separate entity, does it have a limit to its conscious growth? If not, is it not at the top position of a hierarchy of consciousness?

Is our conscious growth unlimited or does it have a stopping point?

If there is a stopping point, what lies after it? Do we simply bask in the enjoyment of being "one with everything"?

If there is not a stopping point, are our efforts futile? Are we doomed to never have an absolute end-result?

Am I silly for asking these questions?

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:19 AM
My theory is that after enlightenment you no longer need to incarnate to learn lessons and you can spend you time in the spirit world teaching souls lessons you have already learned.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:29 AM
What happens?... True Love my friend

And much Love

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by NoLoveInFear46and2

No if truth love then freedom would be hate for sure

that is why love do not exist in true existence terms, only logics for absolute freedom

while after absolute freedom is real then indirect ways of free realisations could mean smthg like that through objective constancies

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by ErroneousDylan

There is no self. We are already enlightened, we are already at one with everything.. there is only awakening to this truth. God or consciousness isn't relevant, as we already are.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:30 AM
Interesting. I had the same questions, just in a different way. But, the terms you used, you indicated that you were Enlightened, Illuminated, if you will, which proves that there's a level of Conciousness beyond what you previously knew. Whats even more interesting is that mere hours ago, I was talking about this same subject with a friend. The way I see it; you learned it, use it how you shall.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by ErroneousDylan

Hi ED,

I just want to run through your list before tackling an answer to the main question.

.. not what we think it is. Traditionally the opening experience tears you apart until you are nothing and everything in the universe. But being Enlightened means to open up to more light, and with practice bring you to Remember the Soul you are. And when worked with can assist us to be the most effective version of humanity.

Chop wood, carry water is good. After the opening experience, nothing around you will change, but You will be changed and life goes on and you still have to do what needs doing each day.

..not what we think it is. An energetically-aware bubble-verse that diversifies itself into everything into existence. But there is also a history of "God's" as perceived by we humans, apparently two differing ones in Judeo-Christian faith, multitudes in other faiths, and the recordedhistory of physical visitors enjoying being Gods to we humans.

.. also not what we think it is. It is only waking from the dream of life we have Here.

We humans think ego-centrically.. meaning we place ourselves as Most Important in the Universe.. the Only ones in the universe and so superior to anything else. This of course creates Limitations to perception.

Once moving into the Light.. a real place.. the dead awaken. I know this because I take them there and observe them waking up. They have ascended back out of the limited physical experience.

And a portion of soul that is ready to finish off it's massive cycles of voluntary experiences Here, will again ascend out of the earthly existence, wake up a bit in the Light and then Move On to another Experience Offering in the Bubbleverse.

Which tells us that we are ancient, and aliens in a sense.. before we chose this experience offering of being a Human on Earth.

But.. there is too much emphasis on "Ascension" in the New Age Industry. Mainly because that Industry is also experiencing it's own Limitations with attaching to Beliefs. It's as if it is Believed that we HAVE TO ascend soon.. and we don't have to do anything, except be our selves.

The Industry as yet has not seen that Humanity still has a way to go yet before it follows into a natural demise as all life on earth does. It still does not recognise the importance of the next phase of humanity.. that of being Aware Souls inhabiting physical bodies in the earthly experience. After that comes the demise, unless we choose it earlier.. as it seems we may be doing.

The End Result
.. once again this is we think it is. It won't be all flowery, lovey-dovey sitting around God's throne worshipping Him. What an egotistic God that would be.

But, the reverse of diversification is Reunification. And eventually all Souls will wake up again into the next levels of higher awareness.. Oversoul levels, and once awakened past that.. then on into the next higher levels and so on until full reunification.. where You do not exist, only all the experiences contained within the portion of energetic awareness "you" were are absorbed.

Getting to that is the real journey for all souls.. and for some it starts with recognising we really are all the same stuff.

Sorry for rambling on, but I wanted to be as concise as possible with the information from my own experience.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by absolutely

Alright then you're right. Freedom is hate...

Sorry but logic as you said... Do you really know true logic? None of us does, we only know human logic which in my opinion is weak.

But yeah, you're right Love is not. So don't tell your mother you Love her cause by your means, you will be lying.

Love triumphs all. And that's the truth Love ( like you wrote )

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by NoLoveInFear46and2

i dont love my mother anyways nor my father anyways either im telling u love is a lie invention of evil ways

freedom is the true answer for anything and everything while freedom by definition is nothing at all totally while all to absolute superiority for what already exist

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 07:55 AM
what u refuse to admit, is there cant b positive when negative exist, then what is meant as absolute free superiority like loving is impossible of course

u dont respect superiority in concept nor invention

superiority is when meant only zero is the infinite negative to, u dont get what is beyond logics when actually it is all what is in truth

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 07:56 AM
No lies after ascension, just truth.
Before ascension/enlightenment the truth is not known so confusion is the state. After acsension/realization no confusion, which equals peace.
edit on 21-2-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

ascension as u mean it is evil thing, it is of what is pulling u down and force u to be fake in meaning up to free urself from fake realities,
it is what use superiority in abstract free sense to justify inferiority as exclusive fact

there is no ascension in truth, the more u r true the more u r u real positive same while more abstractly free too of as its source like source of urself reality constancy

it is simply what everyone look like but take it for granted and prefer smtg else to lie about

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by ErroneousDylan
If God is a separate entity, does it have a limit to its conscious growth? If not, is it not at the top position of a hierarchy of consciousness?

From what's observed in the known 3rd dimensions it seems there are always RANKS going up to a point of unknown, so 1 would think the what are called GOD have levels also sort of like seraphim and cherubim= Angels ect. So 1 would think the CREATOR of ALL would be at the top of the ranks of the GODS*

Originally posted by ErroneousDylan
Is our conscious growth unlimited or does it have a stopping point?

From my perspective if the UNIVERSAL energies that have come to be called species are ETERNAL in spirit, then the creation cycles could be infinite so this would mean creations are created first then continuously cycled over and over in various dimensional forms 3d or other like LIGHT until some level of ADVANCEMENT IS REACHED TO ASCEND INTO A HIGHER STATE. Once these ETERNAL original UNIVERSAL energies ADVANCE they may be placed in locations (BY GOD OR GODS DEPENDING ON YOUR BELIEFS) where others my need to ASCEND also and may assist them LIKE WHAT HUMANS CALL ANGELS IN THEIR SPIRITUAL/SOUL/INTERNAL ENERGY PROGRESSION to help OTHERS who may be soon to cycle thru in their realm. The DARKS may also interfere or even assist here with the recycling of the LOWER density energies or those unhumble and who control ANY who they view as weak but may only be YOUNG in their UNIVERSAL development of their SPIRIT/SOUL/INTERNAL ENERGY and may not be as ancient as the RULERS.

Originally posted by ErroneousDylan
If there is a stopping point, what lies after it? Do we simply bask in the enjoyment of being "one with everything"?

OR you assist in the development of the REMAINING universal energies that may be having difficulties in spiritual/soul/ internal energy progression, LIKE AN ANGEL*

Originally posted by ErroneousDylan
If there is not a stopping point, are our efforts futile? Are we doomed to never have an absolute end-result?
Am I silly for asking these questions?

I think the stopping point is unimaginable from this dimension and other dimensions and those secrets may only remain with the who created us all* THE CREATOR. So with that if there ARE energies who control and rule then the JOB my not finish until ALL* universal energies REACH a certain level of ASCENSION or PEACE -LOVE -UNITY

I am not speaking from a point of VIEW as if I know for sure I am just adding what I feel is in progress with ALL internal energies of the created universe. ITS LIKE SCHOOL!!!


posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

i hate to sound opposed to all to that extent, but this is all wrong

evil is what is up that is why and how superiority is down

as long as u mean up entities running anything for all as much as u mean evil to be the exclusive absolute force

u dont get that truth is the only reference of constant rights, and truth is the superiority in abstract terms of what might exist as superior to all what is objectively present already
so the more small u r the more that freedom is able to perceive all freedom existence objectively from a true superior sense to realize

what matter is to free the truth when truth superiority is free then all is always right

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:17 AM
To whoever said love is hate Im sorry but love is love it is not hate... it is perception of love which may casue others to hate it. But true love is essence and is free. If one needs another's conditional love then that can be considered limitation, as in really needing it to be free (and its evil if others encorage belife that it is something nessesary to simply be content)...first seek freedom from attachments then you can love all you like. Divine love can be uncondittional and it can be personal/passionate. The non divine love is that which has jelousy and attachments of needing to be fulfilled and gratified egotistically... If you love some one simply for who they are and not what they are (watever that means for your own social position) then you are capable of divine love.

GOD, ok

God is not extrernal... god is all, permeative everywhere... each one is a part of the whole.. it is why oneness is the goal... After that we continue to bask in the infinite possibilities of bliss. And yes the physical is just a training ground... some abuse it and they will have to relearn many leassons... in some instances they will relearn lessons for others they abused, take for instance if someone comes to learn a specific lesson and others inhibit thier right to learn that then the one inhibited may remain in the limbo state whilst others learn the lessons (receive insights) which the limbo dweller then takes and moves on to higher states of reality.

Some preffer to get the instant reward of physical desires without doing the spiritual work first, they take advantage of the potential that others are creating for themselves... ever sit in a circle of people and have some one say the exact same things that you were goin to say and gain the charisma that you would have otherwise... well these are those types they cant be bothered to work for thier own conciousness evolution before reaping reward so they get the gratifiying experiences first and then reap the unpleasant experience of repaying (learning lessons) afterward whereby they get to experience the frustration of having conciousness being hijaked except in their instance it helps them grow (pay spiritual debt).... in the instance whereby they abuse another however - who hasn't come for that experience (i.e. its not a karmic contract for their growth) then the seeker of instant reward via compromising others has oversteped that individuals free will and right to experience growth.

Its not as clean cut and simple as that tho everyone's entangled in many ways with one another so as a society most people are equaly learning and growing anyway... there is a perecentage of extreme instances tho
edit on 21-2-2012 by Spiratio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:46 AM
i believe we go back to "heaven" or the place we can be with god like you can a human here instead of continuing the loop of reincarnation to which i believe anywhere you are that you are not one with yourself is "hell".

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Tayesin
reply to post by ErroneousDylan

Hi ED,

I just want to run through your list before tackling an answer to the main question.

.. not what we think it is. Traditionally the opening experience tears you apart until you are nothing and everything in the universe. But being Enlightened means to open up to more light, and with practice bring you to Remember the Soul you are. And when worked with can assist us to be the most effective version of humanity.

Chop wood, carry water is good. After the opening experience, nothing around you will change, but You will be changed and life goes on and you still have to do what needs doing each day.

I agree but I will add a few more examples for those who have not experianced it, so they might get a notion of what it is like.

It is the moment you open yourself and connect and can start to recive light (chi or mana depending on your way of calling it). You become enlightened, reciever of light. Spiritual awakening is both before and after this event. This is a very physical thing and people who get this can feel things on their body. You might feel more and taste more and smell more.

Another example of someone who have experianced the moment Phil Collins Lyrics - In The Air Tonight Lyrics

Well I remember, I remember don't worry
How could I ever forget, it's the first time, the last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence up, no you don't fool me
The hurt doesn't show; but the pain still grows
It's no stranger to you or me

This is an example on how the body could work and for those who wanna belive this is only biological go ahead.
Some have long lasting work of mediation to get the enlightment and some experiance so much percieved bad things that their amygdala max out and can never be scared again because the brain is in bliss state. I went thru the depression/fear direction.

In blisstate you can be temporary angry and hate but the moment you slow down and do not think again the bliss state start again and you can feel the light on your head. The light or even be light might not come from above but the feeling you have in your brain is like something moving you lightly caressingly on your head.

Above are some explanations I have found so far. Im not sure they are right but the make sense from my experiance. Namaste
edit on 21-2-2012 by apushforenlightment because: spellchecking

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:56 PM
I'll take Ridicule for a $1000

What good is knowing the truth when %99.99 of the people on this planet believe the lies they are fed and then ridicule and belittle those that tell them the truth labeling them as racist or mentally ill because they dare question the false realty which you all reside in set up for you by your controllers.

And you love it. Its disheartening to say the least.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:02 PM
After enlightenment, dishes, laundry, and bills to pay, even still, although all the drivers and motivators will have changed, such that every action, and every "thing" no matter how insigificant it may appear, is sacred.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by SpiritWolfPup
i believe we go back to "heaven" or the place we can be with god like you can a human here instead of continuing the loop of reincarnation to which i believe anywhere you are that you are not one with yourself is "hell".

I agree but I will word it a bit differently:

I belive in reincarnation but sometimes you go where you fit in and sometimes you go where you are needed. Heaven will be nice but sometimes you are probably gonna wanna help some people who have not reach it yeet (after you have healed up). You can be in spiritual heaven in a dimension that are physicly/socialogicly like hell. You can be in spiritul hell in a place that is physicly/socialogicly like heaven. Being disconnected to group and universe (god) is hell and being connected to group and universe (god) is heaven. The trouble is that sometimes you have to choose between being with the group and doing the right thing depending on your concept of higher ideal. Namaste

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