posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 12:42 PM
You know I've been following the 2012 subject for a few years now. I've watched documentaries, read articles, watched youtube videos, heard what
the supposed mayan elders say, and have gathered much info about what's going to happen.
I have to say that after all my amateur research I can't say that anything is really going to happen come Dec 21st.
No earth devastating events for sure. No shift in everyone's consciousness. No aliens coming down to say hi.
I think if anything maybe solar flares will be heavy and it might knock somethings out of whack. The absolute worst case would be that most of earth
would be left with much damaged tech stuff. Maybe house hold things to satellites, I can only guess.
It would however be very very cool if we do see more UFO's since I've always wanted to see one. It'd be awesome, but I don't bet on it.