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Travels Through The Deepweb

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posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 12:54 PM
mods: if this isnt the right forum please move it

so i recently heard about the "Deepweb" here on ATS and decided to have a little peek at it. For those of you not familiar with the term, read this:

i didnt venture too far in as i still dont know much about it but within a few minutes of getting into, i discovered it has its own currency as well as other "unsavoury" things which im not sure i can mention on here (if someone could clue me in on that) basically im just wondering what ATS members have found through it, anything bizarre like alleged alien corpses or something lol have at it ATS

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 12:59 PM
Who knows what lies beneath.
I'm happy to stick to shallow waters.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:01 PM
The deepweb doesn't have their own currency, they use BTC = Bitcoin.
I'll tell you this now in all seriousness; there is nothing in deepweb but illegal markets=drugs, and child pornography.
There isn't any ''Classified UFO information'' or anything likely.
The deepweb is easily accessible and in other words like a second /b/, and a paradise for pedophiles with anonymity
edit on 20-2-2012 by Will955 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Will955
The deepweb doesn't have their own currency, they use BTC = Bitcoin.
I'll tell you this now in all seriousness; there is nothing in deepweb but illegal markets=drugs, and child pornography.
There isn't any ''Classified UFO information'' or anything likely.
The deepweb is easily accessible and in other words like a second /b/, and a paradise for pedophiles with anonymity
edit on 20-2-2012 by Will955 because: (no reason given)

Ah man i was all smiles until I read the peado bit

So f i lurk this area, im lurking with peado's? or is that a scare tactic, brrr worked for me
edit on 20-2-2012 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:09 PM
There are lots of things on the deepweb, not just illegal things. You have to look for yourself, i've never been on it myself. But There is a lot of hidden info there, worth a look, just dont venture into the darkerside of the darknet

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:11 PM
Please always remember DO NOT confuse anonymity with security.

security is paramount.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by n00bUK

I'm not trying to scare you. Get TOR and see for yourself.
I find it ridiculous when people bring deepweb up like ''What's down there?!''.
There is nothing ''down'' there but CP and drug markets, and a few hacking communities, and people tend to say assassin sites. Let's say there isn't anything down there you can not find without being down there (Except for CP and that disgusting #).
But mate, give it a try and see for yourself. I was very excited at first as well, but now I've been there and there is nothing special.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by AzureSky
There are lots of things on the deepweb, not just illegal things. You have to look for yourself, i've never been on it myself. But There is a lot of hidden info there, worth a look, just dont venture into the darkerside of the darknet

How would one access the darkside? Wow after the comment above about peado's and that, i dont think i'd want to venture.

Im going to read on it for a while, see where it takes me. Thanks for sharing this anyway this is something completely new to me

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by Will955

I don't think you actually know a thing about the deep web... maybe just inferred from the OP statements??

The deepweb consists of all sorts of dynamic sites and information that people didn't register with a standard search engines. Besides a lot of porn sites are in it for the money, you don't earn money being on the deep web.

Deep Web resources may be classified into one or more of the following categories:

* Dynamic content: dynamic pages which are returned in response to a submitted query or accessed only through a form, especially if open-domain input elements (such as text fields) are used; such fields are hard to navigate without domain knowledge.

* Unlinked content: pages which are not linked to by other pages, which may prevent Web crawling programs from accessing the content. This content is referred to as pages without backlinks (or inlinks).

* Private Web: sites that require registration and login (password-protected resources).

* Contextual Web: pages with content varying for different access contexts (e.g., ranges of client IP addresses or previous navigation sequence).

* Limited access content: sites that limit access to their pages in a technical way (e.g., using the Robots Exclusion Standard, CAPTCHAs, or no-cache Pragma HTTP headers which prohibit search engines from browsing them and creating cached copies[8]).

* Scripted content: pages that are only accessible through links produced by JavaScript as well as content dynamically downloaded from Web servers via Flash or Ajax solutions.

* Non-HTML/text content: textual content encoded in multimedia (image or video) files or specific file formats not
handled by search engines.
* Text content using the Gopher protocol and files hosted on FTP that are not indexed by most search engines. Engines such as Google do not index pages outside of the HTTP protocol.[9]

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:20 PM
an example of when someone might use deepweb is as follows:

Say researchers on different continents are looking to publish something together. The are building a website together, to be shared at some point, but don't want peoples' searches to be finding their info. They might use the deepweb to accomplish it.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

Please prove my statements wrong.
Tell me what I missed about the Deepweb? It's nothing dangerous since you're already using TOR. No need for another VPN or Proxy. If you read the news Anonymous listed a bunch of pedophiles from the deepweb in public. They got their information since they were owners of CP sub-sites by Onion.

It's a lot better if you go to the wikis yourself and see. I'm not saying that the deepweb is all CP, but the majority of it is. The deepweb is a treasury for pedophiles due to it's anonymity

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:27 PM
Aside from pointing out that I did NOT, I repeat did NOT access any of the cp, I can tell you that what's "down there" isn't down there for the money. It's too restricted and annonymous from the typical search engines and other types of linkage. Adsense doesn't exist in the deep web. People are down there because they only want to be found by a select population and they want to stay hidden. Their reasons are their own.

If you find what you're looking for down there, consider it the real deal.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Will955
Please prove my statements wrong.
Tell me what I missed about the Deepweb? It's nothing dangerous since you're already using TOR.

You've misunderstood.
The deepweb is more than TOR.
It can be as simple as a large database on the ordinary internet that doesnt get scanned by search engines, and whose contents are accesable only by visiting them and doing a database search.

Going by this and other threads on ATS, people seem to think the deepweb is just TOR.

Edit - a simple example of the deepweb...
You can view contents of old Australian newspapers at TROVE.
By actually going there and searching, I can see a scanned image of the Argus newspaper for Wednesday 7 January 1880, and reading it I can find that on page 4 there is information about what ships have set sail and to where.
you cannot find this scanned image from a google search or any other search engine.
it is "hidden" in the database.
It is part of the deepweb.

edit on 20-2-2012 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Taupin Desciple
Aside from pointing out that I did NOT, I repeat did NOT access any of the cp, I can tell you that what's "down there" isn't down there for the money. It's too restricted and annonymous from the typical search engines and other types of linkage. Adsense doesn't exist in the deep web. People are down there because they only want to be found by a select population and they want to stay hidden. Their reasons are their own.

If you find what you're looking for down there, consider it the real deal.

Wtf is cp? lol

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Will955
The deepweb doesn't have their own currency, they use BTC = Bitcoin.
I'll tell you this now in all seriousness; there is nothing in deepweb but illegal markets=drugs, and child pornography.
There isn't any ''Classified UFO information'' or anything likely.
The deepweb is easily accessible and in other words like a second /b/, and a paradise for pedophiles with anonymity
edit on 20-2-2012 by Will955 because: (no reason given)

At face value it is a paradise for paedo's as you say. But that is all, face value literally.
People share porn, whether it's obscene or not, that is what people do with it. However you won't come across CP if you aren't looking for it. Since 2009 of using Tor and i2p i haven't encountered anything of the likes.

On the other hand, people don't simply give out "top-secret ufo documents" unless they are made up, as an example.

The important stuff is hidden for a reason. There are many interesting .onion sites if you know how to find them, the only real way to find unique sites with important information on the deepweb is to get in contact with people who run one or know one. There is no search engine and most of the dark-dark websites are only accessible by some kind of login.

Most sites require some form of trust. Especially in the case of government doc's and illicit information exposing groups of businessmen around the world etc. It's more or less something you have to invest money in, as people aren't going to give away top secret information without asking for a payment or service you can offer.

Read up about blog's were people tell their "Tor" stories. You'll understand straight away why it's so hard to find dark places.

EG; Walk into area-51's gates...
"Hello, i'd like to see your UFO's"
"Got any identification?"
"Nope!, how about 3 bitcoins?"
"Sure, here you go, while your at it you can have the plot for JFK's assassination added for free!"

Not gunna happen.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:39 PM
The deep web is just a bunch of dead links or "no links" for the most part.
It is the same web that is "the web", its just that you can't find it on purpose. Anyone who owns a website, like I do and I'm sure most of us do, contributes to the deep web.
I have 100's of files, which are actually "pages" on my site that I am not currently using. They are random jpgs or mov files or "page 5" from an older index setting that i might not be using anymore, etc. The deep web is just the rest on the internet that is not currently connected by anything and that you wouldn't be able to find unless you knew the exact address.
As far as illegal activities and such, I guess people lump that into the deep web because you cant find them in search engines. However, that is because they probably use jpgs and such to relay information, like http addresses to go to, I'm guessing. But since they most likely have activity to at least a homepage, they really aren't in a the deep web, just a secretive web site approach.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Will955

If the very definition of the deepweb is that it's not on typical search engines I assume neither of us can prove what's in it...

There are plenty of ways to use it and I'm sure trading illegal porn is one of them.

Nuf said

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Will955
reply to post by n00bUK

I'm not trying to scare you. Get TOR and see for yourself.
I find it ridiculous when people bring deepweb up like ''What's down there?!''.
There is nothing ''down'' there but CP and drug markets, and a few hacking communities, and people tend to say assassin sites. Let's say there isn't anything down there you can not find without being down there (Except for CP and that disgusting #).
But mate, give it a try and see for yourself. I was very excited at first as well, but now I've been there and there is nothing special.

Do you know about the hidden wiki?

It's not all terrible stuff in out there. Yes there's hackers, sicko's and illegal stuff - but there ARE large chunks of information (admittedly about how to cheat at things, hack popular products and various things of a dubious but not terrible nature) and otherwise forgotten information.

I don't know how you can claim there's nothing down there when it sounds like you've just scratched the surface.

Public information on the Deep Web is currently 400 to 550 times larger than the commonly defined World Wide Web. The Deep Web contains 7,500 terabytes of information, compared to 19 terabytes of information in the surface Web. The Deep Web contains nearly 550 billion individual documents compared to the 1 billion of the surface Web. More than an estimated 200,000 Deep Web sites presently exist. Sixty of the largest Deep Web sites collectively contain about 750 terabytes of information – sufficient by themselves to exceed the size of the surface Web by 40 times.

Also - The deepweb can be used for 'leaking' info from dangerous countries, lowering the risk of being imprisoned by hostile authorities or storing data, or any other 'normal internet use' but just with the mask of anonymity using proxies and such. Or it can be a way of accessing niche topics and such.

Basically - BE CAREFUL - but educate yourself first, do some research and protect yourself, don't do anything stupid or illegal and you'll be fine.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:59 PM
Although never having browsed the ''DeepWeb'' Like most things on the internet, you'll have to take it with some consideration.

And all this talk of CP makes me want to avoid it.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by n00bUK

Originally posted by Taupin Desciple
Aside from pointing out that I did NOT, I repeat did NOT access any of the cp, I can tell you that what's "down there" isn't down there for the money. It's too restricted and annonymous from the typical search engines and other types of linkage. Adsense doesn't exist in the deep web. People are down there because they only want to be found by a select population and they want to stay hidden. Their reasons are their own.

If you find what you're looking for down there, consider it the real deal.

Wtf is cp? lol

Child porn. Thanks, now I'm going to have to put "filler content" into my post so the keyword density of that phrase isn't picked up. I don't want to be associated with that at all except if I'm involved in a thread of that topic and I slam it from all angles. But still I will never come right out and say that phrase.

Filler content, your quote included, satisfied.

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