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Maybe ignorance IS bliss, diary of a madman

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posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 04:49 PM
"My soul must be iron, cause my fear is naked. I'm naked and fearless, and my fear is naked." -Henry Rollins, The Bottom, Tool

"You can sit this one out Vanna, Im only here for the 'Y's. -me, right now

Why indeed. This could be tricky to encapsulate, as fleeting ideas like this are impossible to catch. I share with you the tail I managed to clutch and hold on my trip back through the nexus.

First off, I know God is VERY real. If I lost you there, your loss. I just finished watchinhg a video in the thread titled something like 'subliminal messages show we are racist'. I cannot remember, because the title was horribly chosen for a thread with quite possibly the greatest video explaining our past I have ever seen. It's by Jason D, and goes on to explain Thoth's account of human (and otherwise
) history.

It tells of the merkaba, chakras, Christ conciousness and ley lines. Ive quite the past interacting with these concepts, although a couple points bothered me.
Im getting to the question, relax. Get something to drink and take a seat . While Im taking a second, I should add, Im NOT a link warrior; if someone knows the RIGHT linx, by all means, please. The first would be aforementioned thread.

If you're familiar with what protestant actually means, you start to see more and more about the Vatican's penchant for hiding the truth, changing commandments, and swapping the Sabbath to Sunday. Bastards.

But WHY?? I KNOW they have hidden texts, revealing what ancient scholars knew about chakras, etc. They 'allow' us to still read a taste about the Nephilim. Just enough to deduce that theyre NOT telling us everything about it. GENESIS 6 link

They give us Pauls expierience with astral travel. 2 CORINTHIANS 12 link

Just enough to generate a thirst. Y, VANNA?!
Pat Sajack: Yes, there PLENTY of 'whys'.
They cant expect people to be THAT daft...or are we.....I would have never probably cared, if I hadn't myself left this wonderfully attractive body of mine, on multiple occasions. Pauls account of 'tripping the rift' begins with a detailed concern with sounding braggy. For the record, it IS humbling. Ten years ago, an angel woke me up from sleep. This happened during my 'possessed' phase-WHOLE NOTHA THREAD-and revealed to me that our human existence is like an ant colony compared to everything else....out there. Also, that among God's countless creations, His favourite. And we wonder why Lucifer radiated a green glow of envy comparable to every recorded aurora borealis, crammed into a coke bottle.
I never saw her, but her voice was a chord. So warm...auditory heroin. She said to relax, ran her..hand(?) across the top of my head, and leaned in to whisper in my ear. She whispered, loudy, some Hebrew sentence in my ear. This instantly triggered a 'gong' like sound, and I immediately went flat on my back. Fast, though. My
bewildered soul, tail in hand, lept out of my body, and rose like ethereal smoke up out of my house. She led
me, by my hand, up a mountain larger than earth. By the way, yes, I tried to see her. I couldnt. She wasnt was like I couldnt process her phantom image. Like those 3d magic eye boox, except I wasn't
equipped to convert the collage into form.
Now, paul mentions seeing things 'man could not utter'.
I dont FEEL like Im restricted from saying what I saw, but I cant really...explain. Ill try. There was an altar on the mountains capstone. On a table in the center were two pictures, in frames, next to each other. Both had the same the traditional zeus/santa face, but one was cast in a golden sun-like light, and the other, a cold blue. Both had white eyes :p

I have no idea why...was I supposed to choose?? IDK. Moving on.

Its clear to me man is kept from knowing things. Some things are just too much, and when you run 1000 volts through a flashlight, it's not good for much after that. We all want that 'wow' feeling from initially seeing a hidden truth, but we forget that if we understood it right, this knowledge forever bends the light around everything ELSE we know. For example, when I figured out chakras, I looked back and realized how unrelated life instances led to each being systematically damaged or broken. But...drumroll please..WHY?!?

Ive barely scratched the surface of my intentions for this thread. Its getting long, so for your sake, I will close, for now, with the catalyst for a hopefully useful breeding ground of thought.
Oops first: I also know 100% that the Christ is/was real, and was what He said. (Yep, I just did that) .That doesnt mean I stop there, because its one thing to accept it, and be quiet like a good boy. Its another to feel as ALIVE as I do right now, knowing Him, and applying His truth to what Im finding out was hidden from the same book He stars in.
I just dont get it. |||||||Is God saving my feeble head from exploding by telling me to keep it simple, as all of this merkaba/chakra/psychic business is fully explored in His Kingdom, and justified by achievement (accepting grace and submiting my will the the MOST EPIC HOLY IMMORTAL ONENESS OF DIVINE LOVE) and attaining His
Son's elusive 'Christ-conciousness', or, did lucifer succeed in empowering the Catholic church insomuch as to hide gifts here on earth? Gifts that amplify our ability to fully grasp what it means when a God makes a part of Himself equal to His creation, to sacrifice it, just to show us the BEGINNING of how much He loves us.|||||||

The last time I checked, 90% of the enlightened minds I exchange light with think that the simplistic message of the gospel is feeble, or leaves much to be desired. I dont think this. On the contrary, as a calming, gentle, summer breeze is to love, as the dischord of banshees raping a three headed harpy is to mans inability to cope with simple harmony. In the words of my recruit division commander, K.I.S.S., or, keep it simple stupid.

Sidenotes: A couple of you wanted me to u2u when I finally posted a thread. Im sorry that I didnt...I cant
remember who/where you were. I remember your avvy pics though!

Also, my gram grams in and out of the hospital with cancer issues, so Im giving her this tablet to pass time; I cant respond for a few of 2moro I guess..anyway, she taught me how to pray, as no one else bothered to. If you do the prayer thing, please offer one for her. Her name is Jo, and she has lymphoma. She also read horror novels to me from around age8 and up, helping to shape my conustitution, fortifying my ability to defy the fear stopping most from pushing the env3lope. My gma pwns newbs.
edit on 19-2-2012 by threewhiteeyes because: tippity-typos

edit on 19-2-2012 by threewhiteeyes because: cause im bad as a wannabe

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

Just to put it out there...You have a Beautiful mind, & I love to hear you ramble. I do hope soon you will figure this all out and come to peace with the decision you come upon, faith wise. You have many great points. I will send a prayer in the air for your grandmother, family and time is precious. Hold onto it.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Katharos62191

Thank you; Youre right about time. Im not killing time, its killing me.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 07:41 PM
It is the Gospel and all religions that are ladders to get you from one location to another. 99.9% remain on the ladder thinking it is the destination. It is that .1% that step off the ladder into That which can no longer be switched off that requires astonishing bravery. Like I said, then there is no off switch. There is no way back. (and the things of this world fade away forever)
edit on 19-2-2012 by tkwasny because: Typo fix

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

Is it lame to bump my own thread so people will see it? *sheepish grin* I really want to know what people think. Ha ha Im such a whoren

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 11:15 PM
Wonderful thread, TWE! WOW! Brilliant, and well worth the time and energy you put into. Not at all a waste of time and energy. Good luck reading through all of these heartfelt replies... youll be here all week!

I do appreciate the above replies though. I find the dichotomy very thought provoking, and really wanted feedback, but sometimes the lesson IS the abscence of input.

Am I still talking to myself? Man, I should get a cat. Or a hobby. Or a cat with hobbies.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

Or a hobby shop where the cat can wander drawing your eye randomly pointing out different paths that you may stumble down on your painful journey towards enlightenment.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 05:41 PM
Yes,now put it together and you'll be able to use that here.Often when I try to convey some of my ideas to others they can't quite understand so I have to translate to them without symbolic embellishments of any kind so they get it.I may know references that are not known to others so I break it down to less complex speech.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by ThoughtIsMadness

ATS needs more of that. Is this hobby shop that you mentioned run by a talking rabbit and mentally unstable, retired hat-maker?

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by 7thcavtrooper

Agreed. I CAN refine my manner os speaking, and transl8 it for an easier read; Im often inclined to slap a bow on it before it gets away. Is that selfish or negligent I wonder..

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 01:29 PM

Now, paul mentions seeing things 'man could not utter'. I dont FEEL like Im restricted from saying what I saw, but I cant really...explain.

I have been saying those same words since last Wednesday (most recently) as to what I experienced. Thank you for posting your experience, I thought I was just going crazy or something when trying to explain it to others.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by ArrowsNV


Being new, I assumed this thread, like all, dissapeared completely sans flags.

It appears many are having profound expierences, recently. Something must be brewing..check my other vision threads, maybe more similarities may occur. Thank you for posting.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

lol at the sig.

twe, the face not seen must be common.i did not see the face that ushered me to the
manuscripts on the shelves in an old dark run down church type structure. the presence was
visible except the facial features.
all paths of learning will eventually converge although
outcomes will not be known till that time imho.

a good friend and i are in the middle of a long term discussion regarding the source.
he is of the opinion that the source is possibly ill/fragmented/something missing. i am running
with the discussion using an open mind (which hurts occasionally).
could it be the case that there was an intentional disconnection agenda put in place
by those that wish to keep a kind of quarantine for their benefit to control or
was this disconnection initiated by the source to reveal who would go the extra mile
by jumping out of the boat? my learned friend intends to connect in the near future
and probe the framework to find any possible friction. he is quite sincere about his
intention. i have met no-one else with this mind-set. energy and flow are strong in him.

regards fakedirt.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by fakedirt

Humm, tres' intriguing. Im tossing my chips into the latter. I fail miserably in finding our Source, as you call it, imperfect, or ill. Interesting idea for a killer book, however.

To me, that extra mile is denying self, or ego, as this simulation is brief compared to what we net as a result of our choices in it.

I can only surmise that my intended destination, and Path there, are not a mystery.
Im all for God, and Christ- just not in the way our modern world receives Him.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

regarding the source, i am going with the conversation on the possibility that the source is somehow missing a component or fractured in some way. my learned friend initiated this avenue of conversation last summer and due to the guys grasp of many facets of this existence, i decided to run with it initially against my gut feeling,
it is an interesting mindtwister, that perhaps in the words of my learned friend, ' there is a disconnection and it is affecting the source as much as it is affecting humanity as a whole'. similar to a jigsaw with pieces to be found and put into place. we both agree that all is connected (component within perhaps needing upgrade or mitigation)to the source on many levels and energy flow is a vital component in understanding how the processor operates.

about the ego, i have argued that it cannot be destroyed and is an important factor in ones personality. i will say in my opinion that the important issue regarding the ego is to identify it in all its manner and control/mitigate its effect as much as possible when dealing with these considerations. leash the dog so to speak.

another consideration that was discussed focused on perhaps an agency older than established records on planet dirt initiating/manipulating a process to hinder most from connecting with the source in order to keep control and that although the coat has changed a number of times, the same culprit/mindset is present.

it's all good and i am sure the source won't mind being probed to this extent. in fact i commend my learned friend 'humanbulldog' for thinking way, way out of the box.
regards fakedirt.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by fakedirt

Thinking out of the box is crucial to survival. If some of us weren't, surely, our conciousness, collectively, would tumble into a slumber of limited interaction with myriad possibilities around them.

You have lured me into entertaining this concept of 'trouble in paradise'. Surely I cannot leash the dog mid-endeavor; such is a cordial mannerism in embracing fractal thought.

Perhaps He, as pure light, adores us as reflecting pools in this celestial exchange. Without our reverence, said Light may stretch itself without end, filling void in a timeless quest for It's 'Polo'.

Bereft of our undivided response, said Light may grow lackluster in primordial agony and lonliness.

Such seem, however, to me, defining hallmarks of a fallen state, and are possibly traits of 'lucifer'. I cannot surmise perfection to be wanting.

On the other hand, the emptiness a parent feels after losing a child to death ( or absence, the precursor to empty nest syndrome) can incite no refreshing feeling. One stripped of their love's focus may wither to the drought of isolation. Imagine the amplitude of omniscience feeling 'down'. This could jeapordize the finely-woven fabric of time. It is no secret God's followers stray in number daily.

I have to conclude at this point, however, that any perception of the Source of Life failing to define itself in fruition is an illusion. Perhaps it is WE who reflect less light, ergo, indicitive of a jading source. I imagine the accuser to delight in our self-worship, to see the origin receive dues less and less, stifling what could have lit the universe as a whole. An idea dies, when, after resting upon the mute, fails to continue its pilgrimage.
edit on 11-3-2012 by threewhiteeyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

many thanks for the reply.
i feel your sincerity on this subject and it is welcome.
a very strange thing occured as i posted yesterdays response to you. i received a phone call from a worried relative of a friend of mine in his sixties who is what i could only describe as a master of the knowledge of golden dawn/i ching i could go on. his family live round the country so i shoed up and drove round to check on him. i found him on the floor covered in blood with little response. he was hypothermic and a neighbour immediately phoned an ambulance. i covered him in a blanket and attempted to rouse him. ambulance arrived and he was taken to a and e. after collecting some belongings for him i went to the hospital to be informed that he had suffered a heart attack whilst a canula/line was being inserted. i was in bits due to the fact this guy is a very close friend of mine. they informed me he would not last the afternoon and that i should contact his relatives to attend.
the strange thing is both families were on their way north for weekend breaks so they both diverted and headed our way.
my friend was taken to icu and his sister expressed consent for me to be appraised on his condition. again they informed me he had a few hours at the most. a number of hours later i was informed that they had stabilised him.
full of pipes he give me a nod to my relief as well as his sisters families attending. the doctor informed me that another couple of hours in his house and he would have died due to his core temp being 26 when checked.
the guy was rattling and moving both arms which to me ruled out a stroke. he became agitated so they sedated him so as not to displace any of the pipes.
this situation left me quite rattled although i know they are doing their best for him. time will tell. i am still processing the events and one thing that has astounded me was both families empathy, intelligence and humanity that was apparent when sat in the icu relatives room. the energy that was present was most humbling.

regarding my learned friend humanbulldog, i will appraise you if and when he connects with source. part of his consideration is to understand the situation on connection with source and why in his opinion many cannot connect.
best wishes fakedirt.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by fakedirt

I find fate to usually carry a chilling irony. Clearly you played a role in preserving you enlightened friend, and I'm glad to hear he was stabilized. With strokes, paralysis of the periphrial limbs is not always present. I actually had one last year. To my embarassment, only a few facial muscles were paralyzed, leaving me with a broken smile. I'm slowly 'mastering' the art of smiling with my eyes alone, as my natural smile appears sardonic..almost contrived.

In trying to discover your location (curious), I noticed you mentioned the a & e. Is that U.K.?

Certainly your earthly master's brush with death was a reminder of many things. May among them you quantify the need to spend with him, that you may learn what you can before that 'source' of knowledge crosses the threshold into the soul's next chapter.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

i appreciate the reply.
his library would impress the most enlightened considerationists (new word?). yes, you are correct i am in the north of the uk.
for the past couple of months i have been working on three enlightened individuals to meet up. they are aware of each other through me yet with circumstance i have found it difficult to attain parity between them. its not an ego thing, more issues with health conditions and happenstance. quite a strange situation, however i am sure if and when they meet it will be in the correct conditions. a bit more effort required i feel now as one is quite poorly.
i met one of the others on saturday night and he presented me with a set of photos of himself at ground x in hiroshima just a week or two after the incident. he is suffering also with a chest infection. speedy recoveries all round i say.
best wishes for now fakedirt.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by fakedirt
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

i appreciate the reply.
his library would impress the most enlightened considerationists (new word?). yes, you are correct i am in the north of the uk.
for the past couple of months i have been working on three enlightened individuals to meet up. they are aware of each other through me yet with circumstance i have found it difficult to attain parity between them. its not an ego thing, more issues with health conditions and happenstance. quite a strange situation, however i am sure if and when they meet it will be in the correct conditions. a bit more effort required i feel now as one is quite poorly.
i met one of the others on saturday night and he presented me with a set of photos of himself at ground x in hiroshima just a week or two after the incident. he is suffering also with a chest infection. speedy recoveries all round i say.
best wishes for now fakedirt.

Japan gets direct beatings of reknown. We taste a slow degeneration of character here. It seems like everything is falling apart.

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