Boleskine house was originally built in the late 18th century as a hunting retreat by, Archibald Fraser. The house resides on the south eastern shore
of Scotland's Loch Ness. The property was owned by Aleister Crowley, between 1899-1913.
Crowley purchased the home for the sole purpose of performing rituals from, "The book of sacred magick of Abra-Melin the mage." Crowley himself
One must have a house where proper precautions against disturbance can be taken; this being arranged, there is really nothing to do but to
aspire with increasing fervor and concentration, for six months, towards the obtaining of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian
The first essential is a house in a more or less secluded situation. There should be a door opening to the north from the room of which you
make your oratory. Outside this door, you construct a terrace covered with fine river sand. This ends in a "lodge" where the spirits may
From 'The confessions of Aleister Crowley.'
The Book Of Abra-Melin
The book tells the story of an Egyptian mage named Abra-Melin, who taught a system of Magick to Abraham von worms, a German Jew presumed to have lived
in the 14th century.
The book is written in an autobiographical way, whereby Abraham describes his journey from Germany to Egypt, and reveals to his son the secrets learnt
from an Egyptian mage named Abra-Melin.
Abraham was given two manuscripts to copy from. Abra-Melin had Abraham promise to live 'in the way and law of the lord.' When this had been done
Abra-Melin gave Abraham the 'define science' and 'true magick' contained within the two manuscripts, which was only to be given to those Abraham
The Operation Of The Manuscripts
The book contains a ritual to obtain the 'knowledge and conversation' of the performers 'Guardian Angel.' Much preparation is needed, and the
process is said to be extremely difficult. All German sources describe a duration of 18 months, just to complete the first stage of the process.
After the preparatory stage is completed, it is said the Holy Guardian Angel of the performer will be revealed and bring forth secrets of the
Unfortunately it becomes increasingly difficult. Once the Guardian Angel has been revealed, the 12 Kings and Dukes of Hell, (Amy, Asmodeus, Astaroth,
Azazel, Baal, Beezlebub, Belial, Beleth, Leviathan, Mephistopheles, Lucifer and Satan.) Are to be evoked my the performer, who must then bind them.
This gives the performer command of them, in his own mental universe.
Aleister Crowley performed the ritual, but It's thought that he never completed it. He is believed to have achieved the initial part of the process,
and said he found himself to be identical to the Beast from the book of Revelation, 666. Later in his life he describes that, what he percieved of the
Guardian Angel is not necessarily ones higher self, but an independent and discrete being. He even goes as far as saying, they may have been similar
to humans at one stage in their existence.
Now, on the other hand, there is an entirely different type of angel; and here we must be especially careful to remember that we include gods
and devils, for there are such beings who are not by any means dependent on one particular element for their existence. They are microcosms in exactly
the same sense as men and women are. They are individuals who have picked up the elements of their composition as possibility and convenience
dictates, exactly as we do ourselves... I believe that the Holy Guardian Angel is a Being of this order. He is something more than a man, possibly a
being who has already passed through the stage of humanity, and his peculiarly intimate relationship with his client is that of friendship, of
community, of brotherhood, or Fatherhood. He is not, let me say with emphasis, a mere abstraction from yourself; and that is why I have insisted
rather heavily that the term 'Higher Self' implies a damnable heresy and a dangerous delusion.
from Magic Without Tears.
Later the house was bought by Jimmy Page, who was an admirer of Crowley. He owned the house for 20 years, but he himself only spent 6 weeks in the
house. He let his friend Malcom Dent live there in a caretaking role. Malcolm was oblivious to the house's history when he first moved in, but
quickly learnt about it. There are interviews with Malcolm talking about the Boleskine house.
"Doors would be slamming all night, you'd go into a room and carpets and rugs would be piled up,” Malcolm added.
Another regular occurrence was that the back door, inside doors and kitchen doors would suddenly spring open as if someone was running through them,
even on calm days.
"We just used to say that was Aleister doing his thing,”
If the happenings were strange, so too were some of the visitors.
"I had them from every corner of the world,” he recalled. "A lot of them were nutters. A lot of them were downright dangerous lunatics. They will
still be turning up today. The house is on the map as an occult centre and you're not going to get rid of Crowley's legacy that easily."