posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 07:50 PM
very ignorant in anything related to US politics and elections, so consider the following question as a question by an uneducated
How is a win, in a county where 304 people (total) voted, actually means something other than a tiny morale boost?
I'm not a RP fan (nor am I a fan of anyone else in this election), but the RP fans seem to be really hyped up over this and I just can't see why.
"Landslide"? "Revolution"? "2-1 margin"? Seriously now.. why don't you simply state that RP beat Gingrich by a 33 to 1 ratio? I mean, it
true, but how meaningful is it when you're talking about 167 votes total?
I'd appreciate a serious reply because this is a serious question.
edit on 19-2-2012 by IsraeliGuy because: (no reason given)