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Leaked video shows Rudd swearing

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posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 09:02 PM
Leaked video shows Rudd swearing

A video of Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd swearing in frustration has been leaked online, amid increasing speculation he is preparing for a tilt at his old job.

The video was uploaded to YouTube on Friday by a new member calling themselves HappyVegemiteKR.

It shows Kevin Rudd using strong language in frustration while recording a Chinese language message in Canberra several years ago as the Prime Minister.


I find it funny that this man, who is always so composed but has always been known for his temper, has been shown for what he is. This is just for having a wordy speech, in a language he has prided himself fluent in.

But it also makes me think, who'd best benefit from leaking this at this time? The youtube channel was created on the 17'th and this posted on the 18'th.

Some say it's the current PM, Julia Gillard's doing, to show poor ol' Kev in a bad light but if that is the case, then it seems to have backfired on the ALP.

Either way, this man wreaks of dummy spits and childish tantrums. Making a stewardess cry with one of his tirades because he didn't get what he wanted to eat on a plane, and then smiling to the camera as if his poop doesn't stink.

Ahh politics, what a load of baloney lol

(lol oops, warning, his swearing is not bleeped in this uncensored version direct from the youtube.. )

edit on 18-2-2012 by mainidh because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 09:34 PM
Dang, thought you were referring to actor Paul Rudd. Oh well, nevermind.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 09:37 PM
I'm sure he is a goob, but that video shouldn't be particularly damaging...except for informing more folk that he's a goob.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by mainidh
The chaser should have a ball with this one,material for free.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 10:18 PM
The guy could "leak" he eats baby's for all i care..

He was.. and still is my proffered choice for PM (over what we currently have.. urgh)

Now seriously, if he didn't drop the odd F bomb he wouldn't be a real aussie

childish tantrums aside old 'kev reminds me of another great PM that was also stabbed in the back by his underling. funny how this country's political history repeats itself.

It'll take far more than a blooper reel to taint Kevin's reputation in the eye's of those that never wanted to see him go, or are still scratching their heads as to why any of it went down at all..

Show me some uncensored/private footage of or current PM or the opp leader... i'll bet it's WAY more colorful than this, but then.. that serves no-one politically at this present time, im in agreeance the timing of this vid is shonky, latest "polls" show if he was to try to take back his job, over 80% of us would back the move.. must be a scary time to be a usurping, back stabbing PM

edit on 18-2-2012 by Xarian6 because: missed a word..

edit on 18-2-2012 by Xarian6 because: put that word in wrong place.. doh

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 11:08 PM
At least it confirms he isnt a robotic /human hybrid like the other options. More cred to krudd for showing that he knows how to get angry and swear instead of pussy footing around with the constant Political correctness and clean image. Now wheres the vid of him telling how he was shafted by the reptile?

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 11:20 PM
Made him just look more human imo.

After watching that ranga cow bare face lie to us on every interview and skirt around the real questions while bending the Australian populace over a barrel with her unwanted taxes, even with his temper I would have K-Rudd back anyday.

At least HE was the one voted in, not some installed dictator

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 11:57 PM
Whether he regains the leadership or not Labours alliance with the kooky greens has the party self destructing and Liberal isnt really a good alternative the 2 party scam has to end
Back on topic I couldnt give a rats @rse if he swears the bigger concern should be "Does he have the Australian peoples best interests as his priority or his own "

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by mainidh

OMG!!! An Australian knows the 'F' word and how to use it! What an earth shattering revelation!

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by rnaa
reply to post by mainidh

OMG!!! An Australian knows the 'F' word and how to use it! What an earth shattering revelation!

Yes, I'm sure mother theresa knew how to curse also, but then, she didn't curse at the people helping her, and those she was trying to help.

That's my take on it. This cretin of a man prides himself in his composure.

I rekon he leaked it himself, to cast a shady light on gillard, so he can boost his own ego/popularity.

Seems it worked a treat. All hail the new ex PM KR

ugh he was a wanker then and is now, god forbid you suckers vote him back in....

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by mainidh

Does anyone have a link to a complete and full video and not one that is spliced / cut / put together? Im curious as to the context the language was used in.

If its just to show him cussing, why the hell would anyone care?

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by titzycronulla

The Footy Show is going to have a ball with this one this week

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

No and thats the whole idea.

If Gillard alleges she knew nothing about the release of the video she's lying like she did with the Aboriginal tent fiasco.

This WILL backfire on her, if not within the coming days but most certainly before the next elections in 2013.....but I don't think she will last out the year.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Xcathdra

but I don't think she will last out the year.

II"ll take those odds and raise you that she dosnt last till the end of the month,labour is desperate to get this issue behind them so I see it coming to a head probaly next Monday when parliment resumes and just like when Kevin got knifed the numbers can change overnight it just takes a couple who lose their nerve then the floodgates open

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:49 AM
Who cares if he swears, i don't know any Aussie or anyone who doesn't, miss prime minister thinks people will dislike him for it, it only makes him more Aussie because he is human and gets frustrated.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by camouflaged
Who cares if he swears, i don't know any Aussie or anyone who doesn't, miss prime minister thinks people will dislike him for it, it only makes him more Aussie because he is human and gets frustrated.

I don't think it's about liking him more or less for the fbomb.

It's that he's a prissy little tart and always hides behind his persona. Thats the real rudd.

So when you hear of him berating his staff, you know he's doing it.

Personally, I dislike the tosser, but .. no I don't think swearing makes him bad. sheetabrick (hi censors) we all do. But he makes himself such a prissy preened angel.

Always smiling, always preferring.. Hawke and keating at least said what they thought.

Rudd is a little boy in a big boys uniform, and if he gets back in due to this, I will scream bad words in his name from the roof tops.

Screw all the useless pollies here, none of them make any difference.

edit on 20-2-2012 by mainidh because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by mainidh

Does anyone have a link to a complete and full video and not one that is spliced / cut / put together? Im curious as to the context the language was used in.

If its just to show him cussing, why the hell would anyone care?

I guess the only one that does is the one who leaked the video in the first place.

He's already being investigated.

Other than the owner of the youtube link posted, everyone denies knowledge of having it.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by mainidh

Originally posted by camouflaged
Who cares if he swears, i don't know any Aussie or anyone who doesn't, miss prime minister thinks people will dislike him for it, it only makes him more Aussie because he is human and gets frustrated.

I don't think it's about liking him more or less for the fbomb.

It's that he's a prissy little tart and always hides behind his persona. Thats the real rudd.

So when you hear of him berating his staff, you know he's doing it.

Personally, I dislike the tosser, but .. no I don't think swearing makes him bad. sheetabrick (hi censors) we all do. But he makes himself such a prissy preened angel.

Always smiling, always preferring.. Hawke and keating at least said what they thought.

Rudd is a little boy in a big boys uniform, and if he gets back in due to this, I will scream bad words in his name from the roof tops.

Screw all the useless pollies here, none of them make any difference.

edit on 20-2-2012 by mainidh because: (no reason given)

You got the last bit right for sure...

Tony "GST" Abbott. Ju-LIAR Gillard. Bob "Carbon Tax" Brown. And now Kevin "Hissyfit" Rudd. Need I go on?

Geez we're boned...

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 04:07 AM
I personally do not like any of the pollies we have to choose from, particularly Rudd -- BUT, I believe he is a lot better than the one we have now, Juliar. Something like this only makes Rudd look more human, more like the rest of 'us'.

Juliar backstabbed Kevin to take leadership as Prime Minister of Australia (we peons didn't vote for her). He is now Foreign Minister. There is a big uproar at the moment here in Australia as to whether there will be a leadership challenge by Kevin or that Juliar will sack him within the next week or two (political party infighting - the usual, instead of working for a better country).

In effect, I think whoever mysteriously uploaded this in an attack against Kevin (hello Juliar) will actually work in his favor.

He's the lesser of two evils as Prime Minister imho, but what else do we have?


posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Also lying like the carbon tax fiasco...

"How do you know when a politician is lying?"

"When they open their mouth".

Politics is a joke, why do I even give a care about it -sighs-

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